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New The Witcher 3 information from Gamestar


Can we stop the downgrade talk in this thread?
We got a TON of new interesting information and still the downgrade is a hot topic, why?

I'm hyped as fuck after this new impressions and dev Q&A.


Sorry for the late responses.

I like the art but I'm not going to lie I think the tech behind is not "impressive". Unless the ultra settings bring back all the exciting effects. There are games which I found easy on the eyes in spite of their very limited tech such as Alice Madness Returns but the problem is that CDPR promised "the peak in games". I only want to see it.

I would not rank The Witcher 3's "downgrade" anywhere near as high as Watch Dogs or Dark Souls II but looking back at 2013 footage I see a difference in lighting and materials, reflections. It still looks incredible to this day, I'm aware promotional material is touched up but they should be careful enough not to promise something they can't possibly deliver either because the hardware is not there or because of budget.

I guess we will see once "ultra" footage appears but frankly why would they not showcase it ? It makes me think they have something to hide, maybe they are aware that they don't look much better.

But as I've said that's okay, I was never even remotely close of not supporting CDPR because of that. It's just that as a tech enthusiast I wanted more, specifically what was implicitly promised. I don't like being lied to.

2 years is a long time and sometimes things don't go as planned. I think "lie" is a bit of a strong word. It's not like they've been showing off footage of the quality of the reveal these past two years.


I am on my phone, but the second and third screen look new and stunning, where are they from?


2 years is a long time and sometimes things don't go as planned. I think "lie" is a bit of a strong word. It's not like they've been showing off footage of the quality of the reveal these past two years.
I understand it's almost impossible to lock down the visual quality of a game early on, but that just lends more credence to the fact that developers show their games, well... Too early. If they'd have kept the reveal/release timeline under one year, there would be no talk of a downgrade.

B-b-b-but marketing, bb-b-b-but preorders! And so the cycle begins again.


I understand it's almost impossible to lock down the visual quality of a game early on, but that just lends more credence to the fact that developers show their games, well... Too early. If they'd have kept the reveal/release timeline under one year, there would be no talk of a downgrade.

B-b-b-but marketing, bb-b-b-but preorders! And so the cycle begins again.

Actually, they specifically said they revealed early because they were hiring and had trouble finding enough people, it's also the reason Cyberpunk was unveiled when it was.


Please, discuss the new informations we have about the game.. and atleast here please stop with the downgrade talk

The VGX or SoD trailers have many problems too, like with textures, LOD, AF, etc. and they are showing gameplay segments for more than 7 months now, so if someone isn't happy how the game looks, he don't need to buy the game or if he/she pre-ordered the game, he/she can cancel it.. and it would really nice if all this downgrade talk would wait till the release date.. then you can write about it if the graphics aren't going to be how you would like to them to be or how the game looked in the first videos.. but right now, it's just a annoyance.. everyone can see for himself how the game looks in the newest gameplay videos, and writting about it now isn't going to change a thing

But for now, you can talk about the map size, the structure, the gameplay elements, that almost everythink in the game is hand-grafted, that the game is going to have maybe the biggest city/cities in any fully 3D RPG game to day, etc..

I am on my phone, but the second and third screen look new and stunning, where are they from?

They are from here: http://www.gamestop.com/ps4/games/the-witcher-iii-wild-hunt/113676
I would not rank The Witcher 3's "downgrade" anywhere near as high as Watch Dogs or Dark Souls II

I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as Dark Souls 2, but maybe on par with Watch Dogs. I didn't think Watch Dogs downgrade was THAT insane. That said, I think I'll end up enjoying TW3's visuals more simply due to the fantasy setting.

I am on my phone, but the second and third screen look new and stunning, where are they from?

A magazine for ants? I have no idea why we're seeing so many thumbnail "screenshots" lately.

I understand it's almost impossible to lock down the visual quality of a game early on, but that just lends more credence to the fact that developers show their games, well... Too early. If they'd have kept the reveal/release timeline under one year, there would be no talk of a downgrade.
I've said exactly that. It was the result of artists going a bit too crazy before they actually had to start optimizing for existing hardware, and they just HAD to show it off :p

Please, discuss the new informations we have about the game.. and atleast here please stop with the downgrade talk
It will take a while before every Witcher 3 thread stops discussing the downgrades. For now, it's a train you can't stop :p


I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as Dark Souls 2, but maybe on par with Watch Dogs. I didn't think Watch Dogs downgrade was THAT insane. That said, I think I'll end up enjoying TW3's visuals more simply due to the fantasy setting.

Watch Dogs had a massive decrease in lighting quality among other things. TW3 is in no way comparable to that.


Even downgraded this is still one of the best games I've ever seen, so, you know, props to CDPR.

I just wish they'd be a bit more honest about it. Instead of saying, "yeah we went nuts and then had to scale it back to give you guys a huge game", they've stuck to a "it's possible!" PR line that makes everyone scrutinize every goddamn screenshot.


I've not been following the news for this as closely as I should, but have they mentioned anything definitive about save transfers at all? With the 360 version of The Witcher 2 a generation behind and no PS3 versions of the games at all, I've been of the thought that they may not go to the effort of implementing anything into the PC. I loved the little benefits of that W1-W2 transfer, like keeping your previous equipment and such. At the same time, The Witcher 2 had lots of really important choices, things that I'd think would be hard to overlook in this new game. Regardless, have they hinted about any inclusion of a save transfer at all?


All this "Witcher 3 is downgraded, riot!" -talk in every Wither 3 related thread starts to hurt my head too. I mean shouldn't it be obvious that graphics loving? portion of community are hating the fact that W3 maybe isn't 1:1 with reveal now that it has been said tens of times in multiple threads?

Derailing is so real.

That said I was very impressed with that level designer Q&A, long answers to questions when possible giving nice insight into their design process and W3's world. I so hope world is like he made it out to be, sounds like wet dream for a player like me who likes to just wander and explore.


I've not been following the news for this as closely as I should, but have they mentioned anything definitive about save transfers at all? With the 360 version of The Witcher 2 a generation behind and no PS3 versions of the games at all, I've been of the thought that they may not go to the effort of implementing anything into the PC. I loved the little benefits of that W1-W2 transfer, like keeping your previous equipment and such. At the same time, The Witcher 2 had lots of really important choices, things that I'd think would be hard to overlook in this new game. Regardless, have they hinted about any inclusion of a save transfer at all?
PC gamers can import saves.
All platforms will have ingame option to import decisions through dialogue with npc.


Well, that's it... This is going to be my first Witcher game.
Couldn't get into oblivion and skyrim, but this just seems like an entirely different thing.


Even downgraded this is still one of the best games I've ever seen, so, you know, props to CDPR.

I just wish they'd be a bit more honest about it. Instead of saying, "yeah we went nuts and then had to scale it back to give you guys a huge game", they've stuck to a "it's possible!" PR line that makes everyone scrutinize every goddamn screenshot.

Maybe it is possible? The big thing that really seems "downgraded" is the lighting and Foliage. The author of this article claims that, along with character models, those are two elements that see the most improvement on ultra, so well have to see. I do think that the change in art direction also contributes to the game just looking different.

I've not been following the news for this as closely as I should, but have they mentioned anything definitive about save transfers at all? With the 360 version of The Witcher 2 a generation behind and no PS3 versions of the games at all, I've been of the thought that they may not go to the effort of implementing anything into the PC. I loved the little benefits of that W1-W2 transfer, like keeping your previous equipment and such. At the same time, The Witcher 2 had lots of really important choices, things that I'd think would be hard to overlook in this new game. Regardless, have they hinted about any inclusion of a save transfer at all?

You will be able to import a Witcher 2 save so that the game know what story choices you made previously. For PC people without a save or on consoles there will be a moment early in the game where an NPC and Geralt discuss previous events. No equipment will transfer.

Honestly though, I wouldn't expect anything significant from it. Itll probably be limited to cameos and some altered dialogue. They've called this a "stand alone adventure" and its set 6 months after the last game, probably to give them some space where TW2 choices dont have to have much impact on the current climate.


I've not been following the news for this as closely as I should, but have they mentioned anything definitive about save transfers at all? With the 360 version of The Witcher 2 a generation behind and no PS3 versions of the games at all, I've been of the thought that they may not go to the effort of implementing anything into the PC. I loved the little benefits of that W1-W2 transfer, like keeping your previous equipment and such. At the same time, The Witcher 2 had lots of really important choices, things that I'd think would be hard to overlook in this new game. Regardless, have they hinted about any inclusion of a save transfer at all?

Only on PC you can use your saves from W2.. if you don't have them, or you're planning to play the game on a console, you can choose your decisions from previous games in a conversation that take place in the tutorial segment

Edit: beaten by erawsd :)


Thanks for the answers, chaps. :)

It seems like the kind of solution that was to be expected. The real benefit for PC players transferring saves is that they don't have to regurgitate their choices, but that seems to be the only benefit. Perhaps we won't know until release, but I was also hoping that there might be some "Long-Term Loyalty Bonus™ ℠ ®" for transferring Witcher 2 data that imported Witcher 1 data. Even if it's just mad fan service, which I'm pleased with in small doses.


PC gamers can import saves.
All platforms will have ingame option to import decisions through dialogue with npc.

That's really good. I just lost my PC save (didn't back it up) after I specifically played W2 again in order for my save to carry over.


I don't need them to be huge, but they need to be better than what they had in TW1 and 2. That was a big concern of mine with the jump to open-world.

Reassuring to hear.

Directly from Q&A. Should give some kind idea about dungeon variety and design process.

thedeathrun asked:
When designing dungeons did you go for a "horror"'vibe?
Many turns and corners, etc, with areas made for monsters to take advantage of and ambush you.

With some we did, with some we didn't. Sometimes you want to go for more of a mystical vibe, for example. It helps that, much like in the previous games, dungeons and caves are very dark unless you come prepared though. Luckily this time around, Geralt has a torch. Comes in handy should you not have your cat potion or if you have it, but already find yourself at the edge of the toxicity threshold. You can even fight while wielding the torch in one hand, however, IIRC it renders Geralt unable to parry attacks.
Does look quite spectacular with the dynamic shadows, though.

C0bR asked:
How big is the biggest dungeon?

5 (Okay, seriously. it's 6.). There's some really large dungeons. I guess some of them offer 1+ game time, depending on how good you are with combat, how thoroughly you explore them (SECRETS!!!) and how well you cope with being in utter darkness for an extended period of time.

Daywalker30 asked:
How many dungeons/caves are in the game and how do you keep them different (design and structurewise) without making it (feel) copy & paste?

By not copy and pasting them. We have some more or less modular asset sets, that "speed up" the creation of a dungeon. Don't think of these as finished rooms however: it's more like small pieces of walls, bend in varying angles. Every cave/dungeon is built completely from scratch and decorated individually.
This results in every single cave having a unique layout.

broccolisoup asked:
Are there in game some super long and complicated dungeons?


eliharel asked:
What did you do to make sure the underground levels are still varied, in size, design and mood? It seems to me you have much more limited tools when crafting these maps, and I hope they won't feel copy-pasty.

Hand-Crafting everything and being aware of possible repetition you constantly go and challenge yourself to create something new. Let's take Elven Ruins as an example. We always try to think what purpose these ruins might've served at some point and how we can translate this to the player without additional dialogue. Ancient Aqueduct or Necropolis maybe? How can we take this function and make it understandable, elaborate on it? Maybe we can try and show the process of burial, the rituals, etc. Embalming Chambers, a grave that looks more important than others, etc. As with caves, there's a lot more room to play with, especially factoring in a degree of suspension of disbelief and an allowance for grounded, yet a bit more fantastical places. One motivator for us was to have caves always feel worth exploring and one factor for this is definitely by having it look different in ways that the player never knows what he will find.
C0bR asked:
How big is the biggest dungeon?

5 (Okay, seriously. it's 6.). There's some really large dungeons. I guess some of them offer 1+ game time, depending on how good you are with combat, how thoroughly you explore them (SECRETS!!!) and how well you cope with being in utter darkness for an extended period of time.

Can someone tell me what this means? I assume it's a translation issue, but I can't tell if he's saying something like number of hours to explore a dungeon or what.
Is this game a mixture between Oblivion and Mass Effect? First time playing the series, not sure what to expect.
On a very basic level I guess that's pretty accurate. 3rd person action rpg that's heavy on story but open world. Lotta decisions that effect things along the way, but they're all morally grey decisions rather than the paragon/renegade type. There's no measure of what sort of decisions you're making so you just make them on a case by case basis. And you often don't find out the result of those decisions until much later so you can't do one thing, than reload and change your mind.


I love Oblivion. It has some of the most ingenious quests and annoying NPCs I've ever encountered in a game. Plus for it's time, it was very ambitious.
It was ambitious if you look at it in isolation maybe. As a followup to Morrowind though? A step back in ambition in pretty much every regard.

Anyway, this is pretty OT. Witcher 3 clearly is not lacking in ambition compared to its predecessors!


The biggest difference between those two games and The Witcher series is that you're not playing as a blank-state avatar: You're playing as Geralt, who is a previously established character with his own set of motivations.

It's also not really an RPG where you're choosing your role. Sure, you can change the focus of your combat a bit, but it's not like you're going to be choosing between a mage and a soldier.

It's an open world game in a fantasy setting where you will have relationships with characters, can make choices, and embark on a variety of side-quests that are not necessarily related to the main story. This is about as far as the similarities go.


This site won't load for me (504 Gateway Timeout)

Anyone got a TL;DR version?

General theme is that they have hand crafted every inch of the world and made alterations to it in order to fit needs of story, written lore and books. Game has many dungeons and some of them are huge, all handmade to be different from each other.

LOD [e.g. grass popin etc.] is still being worked on and improved.

That site made article by using level designer Q&A, I picked some highlight questions to this post here.


Depends on what you like. I prefer both those games to either TW1 or TW2.

We'll see about TW3.

I actually enjoyed Oblivion too, as flawed as it was, in 2006 I was amazed by its nextgeny graphics and openness. At least until I realized the level scaling kills any motivation to continue.

And I love Mass Effect trilogy too (only played third with all DLCs and proper ending).

That said, I consider Witcher 2 much better than both anyway, the writing is just sogood.gif

This is one area I pray that Witcher 3 won't fail, writing, but I have a great faith in CDP's writer team.


I actually enjoyed Oblivion too, as flawed as it was, in 2006 I was amazed by its nextgeny graphics and openness. At least until I realized the level scaling kills any motivation to continue.

And I love Mass Effect trilogy too (only played third with all DLCs and proper ending).

That said, I consider Witcher 2 much better than both anyway, the writing is just sogood.gif

This is one area I pray that Witcher 3 won't fail, writing, but I have a great faith in CDP's writer team.

I just realized I have no idea who actually writes the Witcher games. I need to hit up google.


That said, I consider Witcher 2 much better than both anyway, the writing is just sogood.gif

This is one area I pray that Witcher 3 won't fail, writing, but I have a great faith in CDP's writer team.

Couldn't agree more. I highly doubt they'll fail, I have complete and utter faith in the writing team.
The lead writer (Marcin Blacha) occasionally posts on the forums and every time he does it's always very interesting and it's clear he has a ridiculously solid grasp on the world and especially characters. I honestly think he'll write a better Ciri than Sapkowski himself, although I don't know if he'll be able to top Sapkowski's Yennefer.
Every bit of Gameplay footage they've shown has had such on-point dialogue, and they've pretty much never even gone into the additional dialogue options! I just can't wait for the damn game.
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