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NFL votes to move the St. Louis Rams to Los Angeles for the 2016 season

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I'm guessing Oakland stays and San Diego doesn't. San Diego owner feels like a complete shithead who isn't going try and keep the team there.
Rams will only be THE team if they're actually good. Kroenke is not a good owner, so that is unlikely to happen. The La Canfora tweet about giving Fisher an extension is funny but it actually has like an 80% chance of happening.


This is a pretty insane outcome. It was looking like the Chargers had all the support going in while the Raiders were bottom of the barrel. And it turns out that the Raiders might be the biggest winner here.

Good to have the Rams back although I'm a Broncos fan. Not sure I want the Chargers here but the 1 game a year would be nice.


as a seattle sports fan i fucking hate the rams

nevertheless, to all rams fans in st. louis: i'm sorry. i know how this feels, and it fucking sucks


Here's the problem: Dean has to think really long and hard whether he wants to dump $100M (I bet you anything he gets the whole pot if he refuses and the Raiders accept) AND dump the $550,000,000 relocation fee to move in with Stan's plan when Stan Kroenke has almost no incentive whatsoever to offer either the Raiders or the Chargers a good deal. He's going to give them literally a rental option where he makes all of the money.

Mostly right on with everything you've said, however apparently Kroenke will allow the Chargers (or Raiders if Spanos declines) to buy into partial ownership of the Inglewood stadium, along with profits from that partnership. The catch is that the partnership extends only to football games, so if Kroenke orchestrates leasing the stadium for, say, soccer games, then Spanos (or Davis) would get nothing:


Apparently Kroenke has already gone about buying up real estate around the stadium as well, so there are no slick real estate opportunities for Spanos/Davis either. Which is why Spanos was so set on the Carson city deal with Davis. He would have had full control of the stadium and real estate, unlike Inglewood.


Simply from a financial point of view, the Raiders/Oakland are the furthest away from getting a stadium deal done

I think a deal will be made in Oakland. The only other possibility for them is St. Louis, and since the Rams are leaving, I doubt they're going to want to bring in ANOTHER team to replace them. The Raiders are at the bottom of the pile here, so they have the least amount of leverage.


I'm a Rams fan but I live far enough away that going to games isn't really viable.

So I guess now I am still a Rams fan? What's the proper etiquette in these situations? I am a St. Louis fan because my family is from St. Louis. Does this give me a free pass to cheer for any team now?

I guess, it is hard to know if the new Rams are still my Rams. My inclination is that I now cheer on the LA Rams... But man fuck LA.
You'll know when you watch them play. I've tried cheering two teams and I can never get too invested in the second team. I'm a Broncos fan and will cheer the LA Rams, but I can't see myself becoming a diehard Rams fan.


Here's hoping eventually NFL owners and Americans also decide to move a team to Toronto. The 4th largest media and sports market in North America behind NY, LA, Chicago is Toronto.

You just know LA Rams would be THE team again. I think the Chargers should stay in San Diego, but I think the Oakland Raiders should move elsewhere.

For California residents, what kind of area is Inglewood these days? Traffic wise, community wise? Could you see a lot of people easily get to games? Tourists?

According to Dr.Dre , Inglewood is always up to no good.


So if the Raiders lease on the Coliseum is expired where are they gonna play next season? Doubt they will have any plans to relocate elsewhere by then.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mostly right on with everything you've said, however apparently Kroenke will allow the Chargers (or Raiders if Spanos declines) to buy into partial ownership of the Inglewood stadium, along with profits from that partnership. The catch is that the partnership extends only to football games, so if Kroenke orchestrates leasing the stadium for, say, soccer games, then Spanos (or Davis) would get nothing:


Apparently Kroenke has already gone about buying up real estate around the stadium as well, so there are no slick real estate opportunities for Spanos/Davis either. Which is why Spanos was so set on the Carson city deal with Davis. He would have had full control of the stadium and real estate, unlike Inglewood.

That's the problem: the extra valuation that makes moving worth it isn't there for the Chargers if they don't get anything other than football. This seems more like a way to threaten Oakland and San Diego into giving them sweetheart deals than a serious attempt to put the Chargers or Raiders into LA. There's no reason they wouldn't have negotiated all of this ahead of time if the end-game was Chargers + Rams in Kroenke's stadium.

The problem is that moving the team is mostly valuable because you increase your market valuation on the team itself and incomes, but you also have to eat a $550,000,000 fee which is totally worth it if you're the only team moving to that market. Losing $100,000,000 in home market stadium money PLUS paying $550,000,000.00 is steep as fuck. The Chargers are only worth $920,000,000.00. The reason the Rams can afford that is because they are instantly worth a fuckload more as the sole team in the LA market.


So if the Raiders lease on the Coliseum is expired where are they gonna play next season? Doubt they will have any plans to relocate elsewhere by then.

I'm expecting another 1-year lease for the Raiders to remain in Oakland in the meantime.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Move the Chargers to St. Louis and the Raiders to Las Vegas. BOOM, done. Pay me Goodell.

Clark County is a small market compared to San Diego.


That's the problem: the extra valuation that makes moving worth it isn't there for the Chargers if they don't get anything other than football. This seems more like a way to threaten Oakland and San Diego into giving them sweetheart deals than a serious attempt to put the Chargers or Raiders into LA. There's no reason they wouldn't have negotiated all of this ahead of time if the end-game was Chargers + Rams in Kroenke's stadium.

I agree, for the most part. Two NFL teams in one stadium makes no sense. Sports teams are about territory, media and merchandising. How do you have the Chargers and Rams playing in the same stadium, attempting to sell what is, fundamentally, a competing product to the same customer?

But it makes a lot of sense to incentivize the cities and franchises to come to, or at least try to come to, a stadium agreement.
I agree, for the most part. Two NFL teams in one stadium makes no sense. Sports teams are about territory, media and merchandising. How do you have the Chargers and Rams playing in the same stadium, attempting to sell what is, fundamentally, a competing product to the same customer?

It can work if the right terms are met, see the Jets/Giants whose partnership has worked out fine.
I agree, for the most part. Two NFL teams in one stadium makes no sense. Sports teams are about territory, media and merchandising. How do you have the Chargers and Rams playing in the same stadium, attempting to sell what is, fundamentally, a competing product to the same customer?

But it makes a lot of sense to incentivize the cities and franchises to come to, or at least try to come to, a stadium agreement.

The Giants/Jets and to some extent, Lakers and Clippers have had no problem doing it. You aren't really competing against each other. They are going to be in different conferences. And there each team has 8 home games and 8 away games, so really all it will mean is the stadium will get more use.


I like how $100 million dollars was such a deal breaker for the St. Louis plan, but $100 million each for San Diego and Oakland is A-OK. Corrupt as shit.

This. Two-faced. St. Louis is still paying on the original dome, offered another 400 million in public funding and got shot down because they asked for the NFL to kick in another 100 million. After letting Kroenke move, NFL immediately offers the 100 million to the Chargers and Raiders.

After using LA to extort money from cities around the nation then ignoring the league's own guidelines to pull the Rams from StL when they didn't need them anymore, we should be looking at all the special legal protections and tax breaks the NFL gets. When the A's left KC in the 60's, a Missouri senator threatened legislation to remove baseball's antitrust exemption. They were almost immediately granted an expansion team. Might be time to revisit that strategy.


It can work if the right terms are met, see the Jets/Giants whose partnership has worked out fine.
The Giants/Jets and to some extent, Lakers and Clippers have had no problem doing it. You aren't really competing against each other. They are going to be in different conferences. And there each team has 8 home games and 8 away games, so really all it will mean is the stadium will get more use.

I suppose, given one NFC one AFC team. Still seems weird to me. I guess I'm still not used to the Jets/Giants sharing a stadium.
I say be bold and use this golden opportunity to go international.

Send the Chargers to Tijuana, the Raiders to Vancouver, B.C., and while everyone is distracted, send the Jags to London.


What's the appropriate amount of time for a website to mourn before changing a field in a database?

I mean, if I was that guy I would've waited until after the last game of the season was played, but not to save anybody's feelings or anything.


What a day to be a football fan in Los Angeles!!

To everyone shedding tears for St. Louis, you shouldn't. They shouldn't have taken our team in the first place. I consider them lucky to have had a couple decades and a couple Super Bowl appearances along with a win.

Can't wait to get my season tickets!!


To everyone shedding tears for St. Louis, you shouldn't. They shouldn't have taken our team in the first place. I consider them lucky to have had a couple decades and a couple Super Bowl appearances along with a win.

L.A. did nothing to try keep the team. St. Louis offered to build a second stadium in 20 years, with a total of almost a billion dollar of public funding between the two. No market has put forth as much for the NFL. Also keep in mind that St. Louis already lost the Cardinals and got tricked into thinking they were getting an expansion team that ended up going to Jacksonville of all places.

St.louis has plenty of reason to complain.





L.A. did nothing to try keep the team. St. Louis offered to build a second stadium in 20 years, with a total of almost a billion dollar of public funding between the two. No market has put forth as much for the NFL. Also keep in mind that St. Louis already lost the Cardinals and got tricked into thinking they were getting an expansion team that ended up going to Jacksonville of all places.

St.louis has plenty of reason to complain.

This is why we need to get public money out of stadiums. The NFL is a business and goes wherever the fuck it wants, tax money being flushed down the toilet.


Here's hoping eventually NFL owners and Americans also decide to move a team to Toronto. The 4th largest media and sports market in North America behind NY, LA, Chicago is Toronto.

You just know LA Rams would be THE team again. I think the Chargers should stay in San Diego, but I think the Oakland Raiders should move elsewhere.

Raiders in Toronto? Three hours away... I would be a season ticket holder for sure.


Maxis Redwood
So, I see Steve Ross can't keep his buffoonery limited to his own franchise, he has to mouth off with stupid remarks about others as well. Shut the hell up you senile fool.




Love it

Then again, it feels like rooting for the multibillionaire megacorporate CEO. Then again, it's like rooting for the multibillionaire megacorporate CEO against the billionaire corporate CEO. Kind of screwed anyway you go.


Raiders in Toronto? Three hours away... I would be a season ticket holder for sure.

Exactly. Like I bet even some Americans would love to cross the border and catch a game sometimes. You just know a lot of Canadians would support their only team too. It's the 4th largest sports and media market. Toronto Raiders, make it happen lol.
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