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Ni no Kuni 2 announced for the PS4 - "PS4 Console Debut", Level-5 Pub/NB for West

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I didn't get NNK at release, and so missed out on that wonderful collector's edition book. I doubt something like that will release this time around, but I'm ready if it does.


the fuck? i've never even heard of this

What I remember is that there was a HUGE scandal about The Last Guardian's protagonist and why it couldn't be a girl. x_x; I guess the fact that Ueda wanted a girl originally got overshadowed in the long run.


In an interview with PSM3, Team ICO head Fumito Ueda said that he originally wanted the grace an elegance of a female main character to offset the brutish strength of the bird/dog creature in the game. Then when thinking more on the topic of gender, Ueda decided to go with a male character instead because of his belief that a male character would have greater gripping power. Worth noting is that fact that all of Team ICO’s games from Shadow of the Colossus to Ico have had some sort of climbing mechanic that required a tremendous amount of fingertip strength and all of their main characters have been male.

While the first deciding factor in changing the sex of the character was more of a product of function the second is more design oriented. In the game, players will be experiencing a wide array of camera orientations as they traverse the various landscapes of the game. If the main character had been a girl, Ueda feared that some camera angles would be inappropriate should the protagonist be wearing a skirt.


He seems pretty hung up on the Evan's gender not being immediately noticeable. But that isn't really uncommon for kids.
Yeah, I'm wondering if he's never seen old portraits of young princes because they look just as ambiguous as Evan with very similar hairstyles. I'm assuming that's what Evan's character design is based off of.


Yeah, I'm wondering if he's never seen old portraits of young princes because they look just as ambitious as Evan with very similar hairstyles. I'm assuming that's what Evan's character design is based off of.

Found one of a prince similar to Evan.



He seems pretty hung up on the Evan's gender not being immediately noticeable. But that isn't really uncommon for kids.

His argument is that Evan's gender may have been changed to a boy for sales reasons. If this were true, they would have changed the design as well to be more masculine. So I don't believe it for a second.

As has already been pointed out numerous times in this thread, there are many examples of historical royal children who have hair and dress similar to Evan's. So it's not without some precedent and it's not just some weird anime or japanese thing, as I can see a lot of commentators imagining.

And at what point are articles like this on the verge of being insensitive to gender issues when we live in an era where LGBTQ+ children, and in particular trans children or those with non gender conforming appearances, are finally starting to gain some widespread acknowledgement in our society and who are in need of understanding and support?

I feel like the author so confident that Evan should have been a girl is very dismissive of these issues.
I don't see anything wrong or inconsistent with Evan being for want of a better word a bit "Girly". It's refreshing it's not rescue the princess for a change and it's pretty obvious that Roland is being set up as a role model to help guide Evan to be a great king by the end of the game.


Yeah, I'm wondering if he's never seen old portraits of young princes because they look just as ambiguous as Evan with very similar hairstyles. I'm assuming that's what Evan's character design is based off of.
I immediately thought of Little Lord Fauntleroy when I saw the trailer. I dont understand the 'girl' comments considering its anime + young prince.



The Japanese title is even 'Little Prince'. I'm positive they used the movie for inspiration.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
He seems pretty hung up on the Evan's gender not being immediately noticeable. But that isn't really uncommon for kids.

Maybe he expected Evan to be a bald space marine.
The same thing actually crossed my mind when I watched the trailer and realized it was a boy. At the same time I also recognize that their reasoning might not be as stark as they assume: Evan is presented as a weak lead in need of protection. The way we would interpret such a female character in the West under the current climate would probably draw just as much if not more negative attention. Either way, I feel Ni no Kuni is far from lacking positive female representation even if those characters aren't technically the main lead in either game.
His argument is that Evan's gender may have been changed to a boy for sales reasons. If this were true, they would have changed the design as well to be more masculine. So I don't believe it for a second.

I'd also argue that if they were concerned about gender then they'd also be concerned about their being a child in the lead. In the west in particular there's much more of a hang up on that than in Japan. I really can't think of a recent AAA game from the west where you don't play as an adult. Whether they be male or female. I think Japan is much more open to not only that but female leads as well.

I get where he's coming from in the sense that it would suck if Evan was intended to be a girl but was changed to a boy for sales purposes. We've had situations like that before. Swery stated that the lead character in Dead Premonition was intended to be a woman, but he was given overseas input about how it would be a better idea to make the lead a man. And the original concept for True Crime: Hong Kong (which eventually turned into Sleeping Dogs) had a female lead, but Activision apparently straight up told the developer that they weren't publishing a game with a female lead. But in both of those cases the gender of the main character is unmistakable. As you said, if they changed his gender then i'd think that they'd do something to make it much more obvious that he's a boy. The type of person that would get upset over playing as a female character would probably have an issue with playing with a character whose gender on appearance is ambiguous.


Stop posting pictures of creepy ass kids, you're ruining the thread.

But really, there were a few people here saying they weren't getting the game due to the kids design, and here on out NnK2 threads will be filled with annoying Quiet=Chico type debates when its pretty clear what Level 5's intentions were. The whole conversation is annoying as hell.


In regards to the collectors edition debacle when NNK 1 dropped, I recall there being a lot of issues with Namco Bandi's store, or the E-commerce ordering system from what they were calling it, having a glitch the accepted too many orders over their actual stock and some other stuff. I luckily received my copy of the Wizards Edition and got a free copy of the magic book months later when I triple dipped to buy the greatest hits version since I wanted to own each copy available. I preorder get it day one and intend to do the same for this titles collectors edition whatever it may be. This is assuming they have one for NNK 2. I'm guessing they will but would more than likely take a few extra precautions to not have an ordering issue repeat.


I really loved this game. The only problem I had with the battle system is that your 2 team members were idiots. I'm topped off why the hell are you healing me you dumb broad!!! I pretty much just soloed everything with my Puss In Boats.


Junior Member
Honestly I would take a turn based system. I think they're going to improve on the first game's system though. How and in what way, I can't say.
I really loved this game. The only problem I had with the battle system is that your 2 team members were idiots. I'm topped off why the hell are you healing me you dumb broad!!! I pretty much just soloed everything with my Puss In Boats.

Puss in boats was with me to the end. Swarthy little cat bastard.


Puss is Boots, Naga, Dinoceros... all great attackers. That Monolith tank was neat too. Can't recall who I had as the third.

I hope the game has familiars again. I don't mind if the combat is turn based or action or hybrid, just make it good.


Since this game is set in the same world as NNK (given Ding Dong Dell), I wonder if the world map will be mostly the same, with some new locations/modified areas?


Since this game is set in the same world as NNK (given Ding Dong Dell), I wonder if the world map will be mostly the same, with some new locations/modified areas?

I don't mind the same world map as long as there are many new dungeons/towns on it. revisiting the same towns will be disappointing.
Since this game is set in the same world as NNK (given Ding Dong Dell), I wonder if the world map will be mostly the same, with some new locations/modified areas?

Hadn't thought of that. A big part of the joy of the first for me was exploring the map, so hope they mix it up somehow.
Since this game is set in the same world as NNK (given Ding Dong Dell), I wonder if the world map will be mostly the same, with some new locations/modified areas?

I think the world map will be the same shape but it will be radically different as seen with DDD being much bigger. Some random forest in the first one could be an important location ect, the volcano could be dead and a whole different kind of dungeon, maybe even city now.
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