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Nick Robinson (Polygon) involved in sexual harassment allegations [Suspended]

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never left the stone age
Oh. I saw this giant thread and thought he raped babies or something.

He just turned out to be a creep that must have his career destroyed I guess. Im a fan, but there will always be other personalities to enjoy.

What the fuck is this post. Like, it could serve to be a bit less edgy.


Oh. I saw this giant thread and thought he raped babies or something.

He just turned out to be a creep that must have his career destroyed I guess. Im a fan, but there will always be other personalities to enjoy.
Are you still a fan of his personality?




I genuinely can't tell what disgusts me more, this piece of shit's actions or how many sexual harassment apologists we have among us. This is all ridiculously disappointing and gross.

Sexual harassers by themselves are bad enough, but society not considering it an issue unless there's rape involved is a major problem as well.


I don't know about that, its more the preacher that hates gays ends up hooking up with some dude in an airport bath room thing.

Nah its more of a comment on mob behavior and the 2 faceness on the internet. Sorry if you took it that way.

what does that say about the person trying to call everyone else out then
Oh. I saw this giant thread and thought he raped babies or something.

He just turned out to be a creep that must have his career destroyed I guess. Im a fan, but there will always be other personalities to enjoy.

Your post is like going into a building thats on fire and yell that you love fire to the firefighters.


set aside your hate for Polygon for a second and try to be less naive

he is getting fired for sure and I seriously doubt he'll be able to find a job in this industry ever again, or at least for a very long time

I don't think skepticism (that his employer will do anything more than a suspension) is naive.

Yes. I'm also a Sonic fan and I feel like he was one of very few people who covers games for a major site that was a Sonic fan. Every other site just dunks on Sonic games and the Sonic community in an overly cruel fashion and Nick was a genuine fan of Sonic games but now I feel like this just adds to the deviant art stigma the Sonic community has. Having said all that, these are the acts of a desperate man who lacks any actual self confidence. It's sad and gross

Polygon never helped with that stigma.

Polygon: Sonic fan art expert rates the pornographic potential for Sonic Boom cast
Polygon: This Sonic and Cammy fan-film only gets weird after the S&M scene
One of the women whose screencaps have been discussed throughout the thread is trying to sign up for a GAF account - is there any way to get that fast tracked in situations like this, mods?
Damn this thread is massive. Ironically there's nothing Nick Robinson could've done in his actual profession that would ever create a GAF thread this large.


Unconfirmed Member
In a decent amount of cases it's worse

Depends. When I've played with gaf or joined a stream with gaf peeps it has been fun and harmless but that's with the community of an OT like SteamGAF. If you kick around in a couple community threads it seems like you learn the traits of regular posters decently well. Random pickup and play with an unknown gaf member isn't what I have experience with so I can't comment on that part, nor on voice chat with gaf.
I don't know about that, its more the preacher that hates gays ends up hooking up with some dude in an airport bath room thing.

Nah its more of a comment on mob behavior and the 2 faceness on the internet. Sorry if you took it that way.

My mistake! I apologize.


( ≖‿≖)
Damn this thread is massive. Ironically there's nothing Nick Robinson could've done in his actual profession that would ever create a GAF thread this large.

I don't know if that's ironic. These threads are often the most popular here aside from major game announcements.
Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.


Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

Oh, hmm. I'd tried to search to see earlier if anyone I was following was defending him (I follow a lot of people, so there's a chance I misjudged someone) but it was a bit hard to dig through everyone I follow who was talking about him. Looking at the people I follow who still follow him, though, it's only a few people who I've seen openly say stuff about him already and I'm guessing just don't realize they're still following or want to see what he says, if he says anything.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

a lot of people -- actually, scratch that, I'm talking about myself -- don't associate following or not following a person on social media with supporting someone. also, he hasn't posted yet, so many people haven't had that "oh shit, right, unfollow" moment. I know I'm following out of curiosity (ie what will he post next?), which is a bit voyeuristic I guess but it's twitter
Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.
Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

More likely than not, it's just not a thing they're thinking about, regarding the situation. They might still be coming to grips with it and not thinking about their Twitter account.

I went through a very similar situation with a friend, and I didn't realize until like a week later that I didn't unfollow him on Twitter. If they still are after a week or so, I'd maybe ping them and give them a friendly message to see what they say. That worked for me when I saw some friends still following the guy.

a lot of people -- actually, scratch that, I'm talking about myself -- don't associate following or not following a person on social media with supporting someone. also, he hasn't posted yet, so many people haven't had that "oh shit, right, unfollow" moment. I know I'm following out of curiosity (ie what will he post next?), which is a bit voyeuristic I guess but it's twitter

Yup. I wouldn't associate those still following him with vile behavior yet. That light bulb moment may not have come yet.
Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.

Yeah, poor guy -- harassing women on the Internet, and getting criticized for it and facing repercussions for his harassment. He's definitely the person in this story we should all feel sorry for.


A couple of his targets posted the aforementioned DM's so we can see how quickly he went from "Oh cool, a fan" to "Send me nude pictures of yourself."

The accounts have since gone private.

how abrupt was this transition, out of curiosity? would you say the advances were one-sided, unrequited and/or relentless? nick's silence speaks volumes about his innocence, but i would personally like to have a broader understanding of the situation (that being said, i completely understand why receipts aren't being made publicly available)

anyways, i extend my sympathies to any of his victims, as well as to people like griffin who were blindsided by this


Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.

Those are some good priorities you got there.


never left the stone age
Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.

Meh. I'm glad these women finally got a chance to speak up about it, one bastard being out of his job as a public (as public you get in the games biz) profile isn't much to cry over.


Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.

Yes, he really is the victim here if you think about it.

Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.

I too sympathize with sexual harrasers. Who knew it was wrong to ask people for nudes completely out of the blue? It could happen to anyone.


Neo Member
how abrupt was this transition, out of curiosity? would you say the advances were one-sided, unrequited and/or relentless? nick's silence speaks volumes about his innocence, but i would personally like to have a broader understanding of the situation (that being said, i completely understand why receipts aren't being made publicly available)

anyways, i extend my sympathies to any of his victims, as well as to people like griffin who were blindsided by this
I mean the fact that the context they were shared under was "this is when this dude creeped on me" should illustrate how unwanted the interactions were and how predatory they were perceived


Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

According to SocialBlade, he lost over 10K followers.
Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.
Not sure getting angry at people that follow him is justified. I still haven't gotten around to it, doesn't mean I haven't been condemning it

Nose Master

Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

It's twitter, and it's fresh. I wouldn't condemn people cause they didn't immediately run to unfollow the dude. Social media isn't the end all be all. If you see someone actively defending, sure. Someone following to see what pathetic not apology he farts out in a week? Not worth cutting them off.


how abrupt was this transition, out of curiosity? would you say the advances were one-sided, unrequited and/or relentless? nick's silence speaks volumes about his innocence, but i would personally like to have a broader understanding of the situation (that being said, i completely understand why receipts aren't being made publicly available)

anyways, i extend my sympathies to any of his victims, as well as to people like griffin who were blindsided by this
They were without question one sided. None of the women in any of the chats said anything to even imply or illicit such a reponse. The initial messages from women were pretty G-Rated. Nick just jumped straight into slobbering "send me nudes!" mode almost immediately in each instance we have seen.
Oh, hmm. I'd tried to search to see earlier if anyone I was following was defending him (I follow a lot of people, so there's a chance I misjudged someone) but it was a bit hard to dig through everyone I follow who was talking about him. Looking at the people I follow who still follow him, though, it's only a few people who I've seen openly say stuff about him already and I'm guessing just don't realize they're still following or want to see what he says, if he says anything.

a lot of people -- actually, scratch that, I'm talking about myself -- don't associate following or not following a person on social media with supporting someone. also, he hasn't posted yet, so many people haven't had that "oh shit, right, unfollow" moment. I know I'm following out of curiosity (ie what will he post next?), which is a bit voyeuristic I guess but it's twitter
I'm definitely going to let it simmer to see how it pans out and will bring it up in conversation.

I get the ins and outs of the industry and thankfully I don't look to be a part of that side of things where I have to be buddy-buddy.

According to SocialBlade, he lost over 10K followers.

Not sure getting angry at people that follow him is justified. I still haven't gotten around to it, doesn't mean I haven't been condemning it
I'm just disappointed at the moment pending acknowledgement - I just like to keep distance. Rock and a hard place for close friends to be sure, though.
Warning, slightly OT but since I'm paying attention to others in the industry:

It's really weird seeing a few fellow developers I engage with still follow him. Mutual followers show up at the top of his list. I don't follow the guy but I am peeking to see how many mutuals fall off.

7 down, 3 more still up there. I understand that some of them are probably friends and maybe don't know all the fuss as all this is still very recent and some are out of the loop on this sort of thing but I am keeping an eye.

I have a few rules and this shit is one of them. A few of them have some clout and have been helpful when it comes to the development side of things but I have no problems cutting ties despite that being a bad move in terms of losing out on open doors. I'd rather burn those proverbial bridges than associate. Maybe that's just me being petty but I think this behaviour is vile. Sigh.

My friends follow some of the most vile people on twitter just to hear and respond to the insane shit they say. I'm not sure you can base too much on these guys still following Nick.


I really wonder at this... I've been subject to sexual harassment in the past, even when I was underage, in the matter-of-fact way that seems to be my reality as a female gamer. Guys who'd find out my age and suddenly try and become the Rolf to my Leisl.


I have the sense to distinguish sexual harassment and poor flirting. I don't think I've ever dated a man who didn't trip all over his dick in the pre-dating phase of interested texting.

Is turning "thrifty" into "thirsty" ham-handed? Yeah! So is the time I said my back hurt to see if I could get a guy to massage it. Have things advanced so poorly that sexual advances are now sexual harassment? Is this a collective pact to die as virgins?

Everyone in this thread is looking at him sending a "send nudes" thing like they've never heard of Tinder before. I've stood next to friends while they swiped on girls and send out inquiring texts. What do you think they're trying to do, set up a scrapbooking party?

Would I be embarrassed if I got that kind of text? Hell yeah! And then I'd decide between saying, "sorry, I'm not interested in you" or "I'll give you my Snapchat" on my own. As I said, I'd sure be scandalized if she was underage, but she was getting a lot of use out of her NSFW twitter in 2016 and by God I won't shame her for it.


Yeah reading anything into a follow or a fave is fraught. I follow Trump because he's relevant not because I like him. It's maybe worth following Nick right now to see how he handles it, if he does make a statement or whatever. I don't use the Fave feature to express support but to save off tweets I want to come back to later somewhere they're easily accessible.


Poor guy. Obviously following too much of the Tinder chat culture. I don't know what was in the messages and yes, "Send nudes" is in poor taste. Who knows how many times he's done this, but some people just don't know what's inappropriate and need to be told as such. One conversation with HR is enough to wake most people up. A warning with corrective action is fine, but I think a termination is over the top. The problem now is this got out to the public when this should have been a private matter between him, the women involved, and his employer. It's no one else's business, but now that people know, the employer will probably fire him because they don't want the bad publicity when in most other situations, it could have been handled quietly and no one would have heard about it.
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but across most if not, all companies this not kind of a "one conversation with HR" deal.

One accusation alone results in the immediate suspension, while an investigation takes place, then possibly firing of said person.

No company or HR division "just talks" with a part accused of sexually harassing someone, hoping it doesn't happen again.
I really wonder at this... I've been subject to sexual harassment in the past, even when I was underage, in the matter-of-fact way that seems to be my reality as a female gamer. Guys who'd find out my age and suddenly try and become the Rolf to my Leisl.


I have the sense to distinguish sexual harassment and poor flirting. I don't think I've ever dated a man who didn't trip all over his dick in the pre-dating phase of interested texting.

Is turning "thrifty" into "thirsty" ham-handed? Yeah! So is the time I said my back hurt to see if I could get a guy to massage it. Have things advanced so poorly that sexual advances are now sexual harassment? Is this a collective pact to die as virgins?

Everyone in this thread is looking at him sending a "send nudes" thing like they've never heard of Tinder before. I've stood next to friends while they swiped on girls and send out inquiring texts. What do you think they're trying to do, set up a scrapbooking party?

Would I be embarrassed if I got that kind of text? Hell yeah! And then I'd decide between saying, "sorry, I'm not interested in you" or "I'll give you my Snapchat" on my own. As I said, I'd sure be scandalized if she was underage, but she was getting a lot of use out of her NSFW twitter in 2016 and by God I won't shame her for it.

He's not on tinder though, also he's talking to people who he has a significant power dynamic relationship with.

This is my understanding of the scenario
Games journalism is a very difficult field to get work in. This guy has a stable position with potential influence and a lot of the people he was talking to were freelancers.

I'm not super knowledgeable about the goings on in the gaming business, but that seems unideal.


What she wanted to post on GAF "with her permission "
Hi, everyone. This is @souIspear from twitter. First off, let me say that I am so, so sorry for locking my account. The tweets got way more attention than I was expecting (silly on my part), and I panicked and locked and will most likely be switching accounts. I will be unlocking then, and I don't mind archives of my tweets being spread for discussion.

Anyways, I feel as though it'd be helpful to fully explain my story. I won't be including pictures and shit because to be quite honest I just made this account and I don't really know how. Regardless, there are a few things that I believe need some clearing up.

When I posted these screenshots, I did not intend for them to paint me as a witless girl who had no idea what happened to her. I was complicit in this, and I was stupid. Like many of you have said earlier, I blame this on the fact that I was starstruck (one of my favorite youtubers DMs me out of the blue, I couldn't believe it). Yes, I did send him "lewds". The definition of which (for me) are pictures of me in bras, panties, leotards, "sexy" clothing. I was never nude, although I honestly doubt that matters.

I don't consider myself a victim. I understand that I could have said no, and I'm not trying to say that I'm no way in the wrong. I am. However, there are things to learn from this.

A lot of you are saying that the age difference between us wasn't an issue. Let me provide some context. When we first started talking, I was only a month into my first year of college. I had been 18 for half a year, and I moved to San Francisco from the Midwest. He was 26. Yes, I was a legal adult, and I consented. The things that we exchanged are not the issue. The issue is that Nick used his influence on a random, barely legal fan who had sent him innocuous replies on his twitter feed. Eight years is a long time for a person to mature, and the difference between a green freshman in college and a grown man with taxes is staggering. Again, I do take responsibility for the things I have done. But I really just wanted to post this in order to give courage to the other women who I know are too afraid to speak. Looking through all your replies to try and find young women who sound "vaguely thirsty" to hit up... is a little pathetic. A lot pathetic. That's all I was trying to get across.

All in all, I'm lucky. I refused to meet him in person, and we stopped all communication in January. Other women have come to me in my DMs about personal experiences that they have gone through, and if I can give them hope then that's all the really matters.
Sorry for getting all preachy at the end, hahah. Thank you for being civil. Again, I'm sorry for locking my twitter account. You can post any screenshots of things I have tweeted in the past.

I don't really know how to end this. Please, ask me anything you'd like to know. My DMs are open on twitter as of now, but I'm genuinely asking... please be nice. I just got back from the airport and I'm tired as fuck hahahah.
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