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Nick Robinson (Polygon) involved in sexual harassment allegations [Suspended]

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Trust me, it's not all that aggressive. I live in the city, that's equivalent to a vase and flowers.

Regarding the "power relationship"... I'll buy that when she's underage. Or when Nick is famous. But Pewdie he is not and at that time he was only barely an internet personality. She was regularly communicating with a large group of anonymous followers about what she was into sexually, I really don't think she was going to hold anything back from him that she wasn't from literal strangers.

Trust you? Please stop acting like you speak for all women in this thread. I wouldn't even be comfortable if a boyfriend asked for nudes. Nudes can be weaponized, it's not a casual thing to ask for.
Is the soulspear thing the extent of this, or is there more? Cause I'm not seeing an issue with a grown ass woman sending sexy pics to this guy, solicited or not.

Asking for sexy pics of an adult woman that appears to be in to you is... crass, I woulkd consider it creepy, but its not sexual harassment. She sent him pics! Shge obviously don't think so either. She did not appear to have told him no, and correct me if I'm wrong, he did not violate her wishes in any way.

I haven't read the 60 plus Page thread though, is there more to this? Is this just an example of him being too forward, and there has been ACTUAL harassment going on?

you don't need to read the 60 page thread, read the OP. it almost immediately answers your question

and i'm very sorry this harassment isn't harassmenty enough for you
Sure, if you live in South Dakota. Among modern society, you ask the girl for a coffee when you're trying to get married and when you're only trying to fool around you ask for nudes.

I wonder what he was angling for among random strangers on the internet? Surely he wasn't sleeping around, that'd be uncouth.

I'm no longer sure this is serious, I think this account is just trying to rile people up

If serious
1 you are moving the goal posts from your previous comment
2 if he wants to sleep around he should probably not be targeting people he has a power dynamic advantage with

Take the damn shot, that's what your parents did.
Neogaf average age is like 60, most people here probably have grandchildren.
Trust me, it's not all that aggressive. I live in the city, that's equivalent to a vase and flowers.

Regarding the "power relationship"... I'll buy that when she's underage. Or when Nick is famous. But Pewdie he is not and at that time he was only barely an internet personality. She was regularly communicating with a large group of anonymous followers about what she was into sexually, I really don't think she was going to hold anything back from him that she wasn't from literal strangers.

As another person in his mid-twenties in a successful relationship, if non-consensual sexual advances is your case and flowers, you might want to re-evaluate your role in perpetuating these problems.
bruh. you just had a first hand account posted from one the women speaking up about it who had provided your oh-so-precious evidence earlier.

I honestly didn't know any first hand accounts had come out, since this blew up the other day. Like I said I think that's a good thing.

Also find it kind of funny where someone just waiting for evidence of claims before forming an opinion is met with snark. Imagine in a court case: Here's your oh-so-precious evidence.


Is the soulspear thing the extent of this, or is there more? Cause I'm not seeing an issue with a grown ass woman sending sexy pics to this guy, solicited or not.

Asking for sexy pics of an adult woman that appears to be in to you is... crass, I woulkd consider it creepy, but its not sexual harassment. She sent him pics! Shge obviously don't think so either. She did not appear to have told him no, and correct me if I'm wrong, he did not violate her wishes in any way.

I haven't read the 60 plus Page thread though, is there more to this? Is this just an example of him being too forward, and there has been ACTUAL harassment going on?

I'll ignore that the "extent of this" is bad enough as is.

So: well, given that (as far as I can tell) soulspear and the other person who shared their stories in public are fans, not in the industry... And this only came out because of the many people he did this to that are in the industry... No, that's not the extent of this.
I wonder if this is why guys are so shy nowadays. Men are so fearful of asking women out because they're afraid of being branded as harassers. How do people say "just try asking her out, what do you have to lose" in one voice and "leave women alone!" in another?

Take the damn shot, that's what your parents did.

He wasn't asking them out. This wasn't a "wanna get some coffee sometime" thing. This was a "come over and give me a blow job" thing. Allegedly he was asking for nudes and sex acts. Not dates. And even if he was asking for dates it still isn't appropriate because he was using his status in the industry to gain access to these women.


( ≖‿≖)
Like many of you have said earlier, I blame this on the fact that I was starstruck (one of my favorite youtubers DMs me out of the blue, I couldn't believe it). Yes, I did send him "lewds".

The fact that it seems relatively easy for "stars" to find fans willing to do this makes his secret optical illusion garbage all the more awkward.


I'm no longer sure this is serious, I think this account is just trying to rile people up

If serious
1 you are moving the goal posts from your previous comment
2 if he wants to sleep around he should probably not be targeting people he has a power dynamic advantage with

I also believe it's a burner account. Sounds like it belongs on r/asablackman except asawoman


I'm no longer sure this is serious, I think this account is just trying to rile people up

If serious
1 you are moving the goal posts from your previous comment
2 if he wants to sleep around he should probably not be targeting people he has a power dynamic advantage with

Sure, girls on the internet aren't real, right?

I don't even know what people expect out of this "power dynamic" argument. Nick is not Justin Bieber, he works at Polygon. How unimportant do you have to be before the internet is willing to accept your relationships as legitimate?
Sure, girls on the internet aren't real, right?

I don't even know what people expect out of this "power dynamic" argument. Nick is not Justin Bieber, he works at Polygon. How unimportant do you have to be before the internet is willing to accept your relationships as legitimate?

This entire comment makes literally zero sense. Please explain.


Deleted. I don't know why I even want to touch this.
No problem I'll reply anyway. You are only taking this one specific person in consideration and how she spoke about it. But there are others too. You think that Robinson's behaviour was brought into light because everyone was just having good time with each other?


Sure, girls on the internet aren't real, right?

I don't even know what people expect out of this "power dynamic" argument. Nick is not Justin Bieber, he works at Polygon. How unimportant do you have to be before the internet is willing to accept your relationships as legitimate?

A) thanks to the McElroy popularity skyrocketing he (was) actually getting quite popular especially with women and B) he was using fans. Period.


I honestly didn't know any first hand accounts had come out, since this blew up the other day. Like I said I think that's a good thing.

Also find it kind of funny where someone just waiting for evidence of claims before forming an opinion is met with snark. Imagine in a court case: Here's your oh-so-precious evidence.

feel free to look at all the posts of other users wondering where the evidence is earlier in this thread. you'll find a common connection between them all.


What exactly are you hoping for, nudes? I don't have to prove I'm a woman.

Lmao I'm an actual woman I don't need to see shit to know your perspective is completely off.

If indeed you are as you say I think you should educate yourself on harassment. If you think it has to be assault to be considered a problem you're wrong.

Edit: 50 posts since 2014, huh? Yea........

Nose Master

It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not? I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else? Comments on yt videos or anything?

Psa: this isn't an awkward defense, just curious.
I'm curious about what you guys think in the broader context of influencers. If a youtuber/popular personality uses their influence to obtain sexual favors, is that okay? Can they assume that any interaction they engage in is not affected by their status?

Obviously this situation is worse because of the age difference but I just wanted to ask because it seems to me that celebrity worship can lead to those types of situations.

I blame this on the fact that I was starstruck (one of my favorite youtubers DMs me out of the blue, I couldn't believe it)

This was my key take from her message, he basically has been using his YouTube fame as a way treat his female followers as groupies. I fear to think how deep this rabbit hole goes in the broader sense of YouTube "personalities" and their younger impressionable audience.


It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not? I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else? Comments on yt videos or anything?

Psa: this isn't an awkward defense, just curious.

Does it matter if only a *minority* of people care?
Trust me, it's not all that aggressive. I live in the city, that's equivalent to a vase and flowers.

Regarding the "power relationship"... I'll buy that when she's underage. Or when Nick is famous. But Pewdie he is not and at that time he was only barely an internet personality. She was regularly communicating with a large group of anonymous followers about what she was into sexually, I really don't think she was going to hold anything back from him that she wasn't from literal strangers.

Meh, his lack of massive popularity should make this easier to discern, not harder. Nobody walks up to George Clooney and tells him that they've heard of him, because duh. But most of the interactions with Nick would've been in a context that makes it clear that those people know who he is.

It's also not hard to be reassuring, and to understand context. If you're not on Tinder or something, you're not in a place to be bringing up sex. And if you're worried that you may be accidentally pressuring someone (which, I'll say shouldn't happen often if ever as long as you're a bit socially aware), then just be clear with people.

Certainly no one from work is up for a come-on. They're there to work, not to bang. And if someone is responding to you (as a very minor celebrity, relatively speaking) somewhere, assume they do in fact know who you are.
I honestly don't think he will lose his job. I'm thinking he'll be suspended for a while, send a long apology explaining what he learned from the situation, and lay low.

L Thammy

It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not?
I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else?

Uh, doesn't the second part answer the first? Not to mention that he got suspended and that people have been talking about how they or people they know have been approached by him before.

I honestly don't think he will lose his job. I'm thinking he'll be suspended for a while, send a long apology explaining what he learned from the situation, and lay low.

Say what you will about Polygon, but I'd be surprised if they tolerate this. They're too left-leaning.


Lmao I'm an actual woman I don't need to see shit to know your perspective is completely off.

If indeed you are as you say I think you should educate yourself on harassment. If you think it has to be assault to be considered a problem you're wrong.

A consensual romantic/sexual conversation is not harassment either. I think some women may know that and some women under a certain age may not.


Sure, girls on the internet aren't real, right?

I don't even know what people expect out of this "power dynamic" argument. Nick is not Justin Bieber, he works at Polygon. How unimportant do you have to be before the internet is willing to accept your relationships as legitimate?

Thing is, the concept of celebrity is evolving, younger generations are growing up with internet celebrities and micro-celebrities, probably due to the fact of them being more relatable and accessible through social media. Even if the guy in your eyes is just some unimportant game person, for fans of his content there is a following that can be comparable of the ones between singers/actors and their fans.

Which means that yes, there is a predatory motive/pattern through his actions, something that he was likely aware of. It's actually a behavior that exist a lot in alt music scenes for exemple, a bunch of popular musicians in smaller scenes also did act predatory towards their (often younger) fans, using their reputation to influence them.

It's probably dumb or nonsensical to older people that are not aware of the idea of micro-celebrity, which you know since it's more recent I can understand, but it's not a reason to dismiss said power dynamic, it's a real thing.


It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not? I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else? Comments on yt videos or anything?

Psa: this isn't an awkward defense, just curious.

This thread has gotten a substantial number of views from non-members.


It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not? I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else? Comments on yt videos or anything?

Psa: this isn't an awkward defense, just curious.

Before this thread opened and every so often during it I've been searching his name on Twitter.

Shitty defenders aside, the results are definitely a lot of people discovering this and being disappointed in him. That being said, I expect there are a lot of YouTube only fans (...there's a friend I probably have to break this to soon) that have no idea and are going to be blindsided eventually.
Sure, girls on the internet aren't real, right?
That was not at all what I was implying.
I don't even know what people expect out of this "power dynamic" argument. Nick is not Justin Bieber, he works at Polygon. How unimportant do you have to be before the internet is willing to accept your relationships as legitimate?
Power dynamic here is less so in my eyes about stardom.

There are like nine gaming journalists for every one job, or so I hear. This guy is position where he has a ton of influence in the industry and he's asking for nudes from the people who would specifically be susceptible to this.

Someone who knows anything about the this industry inform me if I'm wrong.
I honestly don't think he will lose his job. I'm thinking he'll be suspended for a while, send a long apology explaining what he learned from the situation, and lay low.

And if he does seem to have reformed his actions, I will be in the camp that can forgive him and move on. Problem is, by the time he's back on the roster will they have already rebuilt the dynamic without him?
I put the tweets back in the OP after talking to her; thanks, souIspear, for still being open to talk about this.

Just want to give a shoutout to both of you, because you've both been doing a bangup job regarding this whole situation. Making this thread to begin with, keeping it up-to-date with open honesty, and Soulspear for bravely coming forth with her story and similarly being a total class act.

Soulspear, really wishing all the best in your general direction if you see this. All the cheers in the world.


A consensual romantic/sexual conversation is not harassment either. I think some women may know that and some women under a certain age may not.

I'm 30 but thanks for the insinuation I'm too young to understand. I've been harassed multiple times and I was someone who was too afraid to report my supervisor's behavior. Other women acting like harassment isn't a big deal leads to women thinking this is just something we have to live and deal with. Stop acting like it's nbd when men manipulate women

But again, at 50 posts since 2014 I'm pretty sure talking to you is not going to change what you're here to say. I'm assuming this is your female account.
I honestly don't think he will lose his job. I'm thinking he'll be suspended for a while, send a long apology explaining what he learned from the situation, and lay low.

Every time I see you post I'm like "WTF, I didn't post a thing".

Also I think if he doesn't get fired but apologizes and becomes a better person for it that will be just as well.
It's hard to separate from the gaf bubble. Do others care about this, industry or not? I know there's been a handful of people in the industry disowning him, but anything else? Comments on yt videos or anything?

Psa: this isn't an awkward defense, just curious.
He's lost like 10k followers on Twitter since this broke, it's definitely a big thing beyond just gaf. I have a friend who doesn't really follow video games and she was a big fan of his. Needless to say, she seemed pretty devastated by this. That's just one example that I've seen.


I think whether Nick keeps his job or not is really dependent on the severity of his actions. We know some stuff based on what people have shared, but we don't have a full picture and since Vox is now investigating it, they'll probably have a clearer picture of what harassment he did commit, timelines, etc.


Say what you will about Polygon, but I'd be surprised if they tolerate this. They're too left-leaning.

Left leaning has nothing to do with this.

In the eyes of a company, built to make money, an employee of theirs exposed them to fiduciary liability, and diminished their brand because of his public association with it.


A consensual romantic/sexual conversation is not harassment either. I think some women may know that and some women under a certain age may not.

A sexual conversation that only 1 party agrees to is certainly harassment.
This isn't a case of a regular relationship being blown out on internet, it's a minor celebrity using his status to get sex from his fans.
I think whether Nick keeps his job or not is really dependent on the severity of his actions. We know some stuff based on what people have shared, but we don't have a full picture and since Vox is now investigating it, they'll probably have a clearer picture of what harassment he did commit, timelines, etc.

Based on what's already been shared, he's been pursuing his fans. That isn't a good look from a Vox point of view now is it?


I think whether Nick keeps his job or not is really dependent on the severity of his actions. We know some stuff based on what people have shared, but we don't have a full picture and since Vox is now investigating it, they'll probably have a clearer picture of what harassment he did commit, timelines, etc.
The people we've gotten information from so far aren't even the ones this was originally about, so I'm guessing there's a lot more to this.

Regardless, what we already know is enough as long as you don't think "sexual harassment" begins at penetration like some people in this thread seem to.
A consensual romantic/sexual conversation is not harassment either. I think some women may know that and some women under a certain age may not.

You're missing the point so much that I have to assume you're doing it on purpose

This is not about the one conversation in which he solicited nudes and received them, its about the multiple, multiple times he did so to colleagues, industry professionals, and fans where they were not comfortable and did not reciprocate

Also the one instance we have of someone consenting is from a barely of age fan and the entire situation looks to be predatory and manipulative

This isn't Nick having romantic relationships with people, this is Nick specifically engaging women for no other reason than to use them sexually, women in and around games who may be impressed and/or intimidated by his position within it.

It's blatant harassment, and if you can't see that it's because you're choosing not to.


I'm 30 but thanks for the insinuation I'm too young to understand. I've been harassed multiple times and I was someone who someone was too afraid to report my supervisor's behavior. Other women acting like harassment isn't a big deal leads to women thinking this is just something we have to live and deal with. Stop acting like it's nbd when men manipulate women

But again, at 50 posts since 2014 I'm pretty sure talking to you is not going to change what you're here to say. I'm assuming this is your female account.

I'd send you a picture of my tits because I'm not as repressed but I think that, unlike the content of this thread, is actual sexual harassment.

Lately I'm so confused when I see a guy who's clearly interested but never makes a move. Making the first move is not harassment. Repeatedly badgering someone, sure, but a shitty pickup line or flirting with a girl who already sent you pictures is not harassment.

L Thammy

Left leaning has nothing to do with this.

In the eyes of a company, built to make money, an employee of theirs exposed them to fiduciary liability, and diminished their brand because of his public association with it.

There's that, but companies also have cultures and values. Do you think his coworkers will still feel comfortable with him around?

I'd send you a picture of my tits because I'm not as repressed

Again, why are you even bringing this up? No one asked you for this.
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