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NieR Automata PS4 demo available now


Gold Member
Played the demo yesterday and it was even better than I thought it would be. Was really happy that the soundtrack for this game is similar to the first Nier. Despite the shortcomings of the first game, I thought the soundtrack really stood out. The combat was excellent with silky smooth controls, something that the first Nier struggled with. Not going to be surprised if this game turns out to be a 4-5 hour game with multiple playthroughs required to unlock different endings. This demo had successfully put this game on my radar for 2017.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Played the demo yesterday and it was even better than I thought it would be. Was really happy that the soundtrack for this game is similar to the first Nier. Despite the shortcomings of the first game, I thought the soundtrack really stood out. The combat was excellent with silky smooth controls, something that the first Nier struggled with. Not going to be surprised if this game turns out to be a 4-5 hour game with multiple playthroughs required to unlock different endings. This demo had successfully put this game on my radar for 2017.

4-5 hours? Makes no sense for an action RPG. They already said they were aiming for a playtime close on par to the first Nier, which is far beyond most Platinum games, even not taking into account multiple playthroughs


That feeling when you play other games and keep hitting evade for sprinting...

Man, every other game just feels so sluggish after NieR.


Specifically talking about the demo, I feel normal is too easy and hard is annoying because of lack of lock-on. I don'y mind it too much on melee battle but I prefer having lockon with some bullet parts...


Specifically talking about the demo, I feel normal is too easy and hard is annoying because of lack of lock-on. I don'y mind it too much on melee battle but I prefer having lockon with some bullet parts...

The damage amounts per hit on hard with lock on would be a definite dream. No lock on is rather strange in my opinion.
Man, every other game just feels so sluggish after NieR.

I feel like if Automata was never a thing this would be the funniest damn sentence I'd ever read. But that platinum, it actually makes sense.

Played the demo yesterday and it was even better than I thought it would be. Was really happy that the soundtrack for this game is similar to the first Nier. Despite the shortcomings of the first game, I thought the soundtrack really stood out. The combat was excellent with silky smooth controls, something that the first Nier struggled with. Not going to be surprised if this game turns out to be a 4-5 hour game with multiple playthroughs required to unlock different endings. This demo had successfully put this game on my radar for 2017.

Even the original was like, 25 hours. And even if you are just talking first play through without doing the other endings it was like, 18 hours for me so I doubt it's a step backwords.


Specifically talking about the demo, I feel normal is too easy and hard is annoying because of lack of lock-on. I don'y mind it too much on melee battle but I prefer having lockon with some bullet parts...

Yeah, lock-on would also improve targeting of melee attacks, so overall, it's a real shame there is no lock-on in hard modes.


Here's a nice video, by Kage, showing the full basic movelist as well hidden and advanced moves. Hope this helps and you guys can use this as a reference for your testing.


Really looking forward to the full release after completing the demo on very hard a couple of times. It's important to set expectations that this is an arpg and not full on character-action. Having said that, hopefully we'll get more weapon types and, as a result, access to an expanded movelist in the retail release.


Gold Member
4-5 hours? Makes no sense for an action RPG. They already said they were aiming for a playtime close on par to the first Nier, which is far beyond most Platinum games, even not taking into account multiple playthroughs

I hope this is true, so much. I can't remember my playtime for the first playthrough of Nier, but I do remember that the subsequent playthroughs were significantly shorter than the first. but I also skipped out on max leveling weapons and such. The movement and action was so clunky that I played through quickly to get to the new story bits.

I'm basing my assumptions on previous Platinum games, where a complete playthrough wont take too long to complete but there's high replay value...mostly. Was Bayonetta that long though? My fondest memory of a Platinum game was Vanquish. Short game, but crazy fun to repeat over and over again.


I personally find the lock-on cumbersome to use, so I'm fine with it being gone in Hard mode.

Actually, I need to play normal mode a little more to see how good this lock-on actually is lol. With the one time I did try it, it felt like you needed to get quite close to enemies to activate it? Not sure.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
That's funny I was also thinking it sounded a lot like GitS.

Really? Well day one then!
Or is that 20+ for all playthroughs combined? :p
If so the first playthourghs might only be 7 or so hours.
Platinum doesn't normally make long games, so it's weird that it's such a long game.

You should throw out what platinum generally does, which is linear short setpiece games. This is an action RPG with an open world aspect to it. That means the game is going to be less setpiece and more journeying, questing and such with a storyline on top of it, the combat being apart of the experience but not the whole experience


Here's a nice video, by Kage, showing the full basic movelist as well hidden and advanced moves. Hope this helps and you guys can use this as a reference for your testing.


Really looking forward to the full release after completing the demo on very hard a couple of times. It's important to set expectations that this is an arpg and not full on character-action. Having said that, hopefully we'll get more weapon types and, as a result, access to an expanded movelist in the retail release.

Gotta get around to making my own videos of random stuff. Video editing isn't my forte, though.


Loved the demo. The combat is 100x better than the original Nier. Everything is so smooth.

I also like the soundtrack so far, felt very Nier.

Day 1.
I'm definitely gonna Day 1 this after playing the awesome demo. Smooth combat system, great music, and lovely art style. Games like Nier remind me why I love gaming.
Unknown yet, but someone ripped it to youtube


3:18 is where the chorus starts BTW, it goes from the normal song to the chorus version second
Sounds so good.



Let's hope it does well both critically and commercially. We need more Yoko Taro games, especially if it's handled by a good developer like platinum.

I think it's safe to say that this will probably be the most popular Drakengard/Nier game to date.


Unknown yet, but someone ripped it to youtube


3:18 is where the chorus starts BTW, it goes from the normal song to the chorus version second

I really like the part starting in 1:25

Yes, the chorus are obviously the highlight of the piece, but in that part, the xylophone-like tune reminds me of a mix between Beyond Good & Evil and Phantasy Star Online.
Also has a bit of Vagrant Story in it, too.


I have a stupid question that most dont even care about but bare with me cause, although it sounds silly, it has to do with my artistic side.

Are all weapons in this game appearing ridiculously huge? I mean I look at the demo and those 2 swords on my back look absolutely ridiculous and i really dont like it.


4-5 hours? Makes no sense for an action RPG. They already said they were aiming for a playtime close on par to the first Nier, which is far beyond most Platinum games, even not taking into account multiple playthroughs

And since completing the game will also entail upgrading every weapon to the max too completing it in a short time isn't really possible.Getting completion in Nier wasn't that awful once you got powerful enough. I don't believe they would leave out
ng+ story stuff and multiple endings
if we have drifitng boars in this game too.
I have a stupid question that most dont even care about but bare with me cause, although it sounds silly, it has to do with my artistic side.

Are all weapons in this game appearing ridiculously huge? I mean I look at the demo and those 2 swords on my back look absolutely ridiculous and i really dont like it.

Unequip weapons and rock just fists very hard mode imo
So I haven't played NieR or any other of this guy's games prior but have been really intrigued by the aesthetics, gameplay footage and so on I've seen and thought I'd share my thoughts as someone 100% new to the series and in the dark about it.

I really enjoy the art design and overall style however actually playing now I can see why some people find it rather barren and bland. I'm not really a big fan of the lack of any destructible items, no matter how small/insignificant, in the environment. It's not really a big deal but something that added to things feeling rather sterile sometimes especially considering I'm running through a gigantic factory setting, a haven for random junk/parts being strewn about. Overall, the setting and look reminded me of a less believable version of MGS2's oil rig.

Controls are definitely ace, smooth and tight and I enjoyed traversal quite a bit. I hope platforming on some more intricate levels will be a thing.

Combat seems pretty fun, responsive and tight, however without really sinking time into it, I feel like I'm not in a position to judge it properly yet. It feels a bit button mashy and doesn't have much weight to it, but I get the feeling that's because I haven't really delved into it yet and possibly due to the demo's restrictions. I do like it, but it's definitely not as hard-hitting as I had expected for some reason.

The level design seems to be aiming for interconnectivity and secrets which I'd really appreciate, but it doesn't really go anywhere in the demo so I can't judge that aspect. Solely based on the demo, the level design is pretty decent but nothing terribly exciting. The amount of invisible walls was kind of annoying however...let me fall to my death then?

My biggest gripe may be the sound mix actually. I've noticed that part of the combat not feeling very hard-hitting is the odd mix of combat noises. I'm no expert so I don't want to pretend I know exactly what I'm talking about, but hitting metal with your sword and various other impact noises and so on sound really weak and quiet to me while her evasion 'uhhhhs' and what not are really loud. I tried just turning the music down slightly but that wasn't the issue. The music, by the way, is really up my alley and reminded me quite strongly of the vibe in Aphex Twin's 15 Sekonda track, great stuff.


I'm only VERY SLIGHTLY underwhelmed, but will still be there Day 1. I did really enjoy it and played through it several times which is way more than I can say of 90% of most demos and games currently being released. While playing, I also seem to forget that this will actually be an RPG and not just a straight Action game while playing, so considering all that, it looks like a truly promising package despite some of my gripes.


So, i played the demo and loved it, but i never played the first nier (at least i dont think) or any of the other series its based on.

What am i going to miss?
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