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NieR Automata PS4 demo available now

I decided to give glitching the demo a try.

This game sure has some impressive atmosphere! The area outside of the demo, while empty, still managed to wow me. The scale/scope (dem buildings!) is really well done. So is the sense of isolation. I also managed to find what looked like a desert area with caves in the background. :D

TIP: Don't hold down R1 like it's been suggested to keep the camera from having a seizure. The bullet noises will drive you mad. Simply hold down L1 and let your robot buddy charge while you explore.


^ Nice tip. I think there might also be a way to turn off auto adjust from camera settings to avoid that recentering?

Just twiddling my thumbs at this point for February to come. I've lost like all interest in playing anything else until Nier comes out. Feels bad man.

Lol. KH 2.8 comes out in late Jan, so that should sate your gameplay needs until NieR.
^ Nice tip. I think there might also be a way to turn off auto adjust from camera settings to avoid that recentering?

I didn't check out the options for the camera, but I'm pretty sure you can slow the camera to a crawl to make it less annoying if you want. It's not really needed though. Just holding L1 is the way to go.


So, I played the demo a few days ago. Enjoyed the 15 hours or so that I played of Nier years ago, especially the amazing soundtrack and the atmosphere, so I wanted to check this out.

Least-liked aspect in the Automata demo honestly was the bullet hell stuff. Just wasn't fun to me and could unfortunately kill the rest of the game for me. Feels like it constantly interrupts the flow of the combat, the actual fun part. Combat felt tight as expected. Only Platinum game I played before is MGSR, which I loved.

I know FFXV is not supposed to be a Character Action game [EDIT: okay, Automata probably isn't either, to be fair], but I'm still curious: people here criticized FFXV for not telegraphing its enemies' attacks well enough and relying on the "Guard!" and "Parry!" prompts popping up in the middle of the screen plus the whole enemy glowing white before every big, parryable attack, but how is that much different to Automata where the enemies slowly raise their hands and their eyes clearly flash in a wide, red light for a few seconds with a loud sound playing before every attack? I was surprised how lenient the dodging was. How does it work in other Platinum games, like Bayonetta, or Character Action games in general?

EDIT: Maybe to make it clearer: Automata uses the big red flashes and sound, which to me somehow felt just as "unorganic" as FFXV's literal "Guard!" prompts. You could argue it's more organic because it's integrated in the game world, but then I would think "Why does my enemy make its attacks so obvious?". Maybe I'm misremembering MGSR, but I don't remember it being as unsubtle there. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Least-liked aspect in the Automata demo honestly was the bullet hell stuff. Just wasn't fun to me and could unfortunately kill the rest of the game for me. Feels like it constantly interrupts the flow of the combat, the actual fun part. Combat felt tight as expected. Only Platinum game I played before is MGSR, which I loved.

There's probably goign to be a lot of this stuff in the game tho, if that could kill the game for you, you#re certainly better off waiting for reviews.

EDIT: Maybe to make it clearer: Automata uses the big red flashes and sound, which to me somehow felt just as "unorganic" as FFXV's literal "Guard!" prompts. You could argue it's more organic because it's integrated in the game world, but then I would think "Why does my enemy make its attacks so obvious?". Maybe I'm misremembering MGSR, but I don't remember it being as unsubtle there. Correct me if I'm wrong.

MGR did it the same way tho, it's even from the same game designer.


There's probably goign to be a lot of this stuff in the game tho, if that could kill the game for you, you#re certainly better off waiting for reviews.

MGR did it the same way tho, it's even from the same game designer.
Oh, I see. Thanks. Hmm, I guess in the end it's the best way to telegraph in a fast, flashy Action game. You probably can't communicate everything without extra audiovisual cues and through animations alone when there are many enemies on-screen at the same time and some are obscured or so. What happens if an enemy attacks from behind in MGSR? Is there any visual indication of the incoming attack? I don't remember the details anymore.


EDIT: Maybe to make it clearer: Automata uses the big red flashes and sound, which to me somehow felt just as "unorganic" as FFXV's literal "Guard!" prompts. You could argue it's more organic because it's integrated in the game world, but then I would think "Why does my enemy make its attacks so obvious?". Maybe I'm misremembering MGSR, but I don't remember it being as unsubtle there. Correct me if I'm wrong.

FFXV enemies are not designed around telegraphing attacks. Some do, but the philosophy is to make enemy attacks as fast as a realistic monster in a world. Devs cared about stuff looking realistic (Tabata's poor philosophy), and not about how the player has to react to those attacks. Having a prompt flashing in the middle of the screen saying block is a crux coz their combat is a mess with 20 enemies all going at it together and with barely any telegraphing.

In Nier Automata, all enemies telegraph attacks very clearly. The red light suggesting they are attacking along with audio cues is an organic implementation in addition to telegraphed attacks. No ugly UI prompts getting in the way of a beautiful tight combat system.


^ Nice tip. I think there might also be a way to turn off auto adjust from camera settings to avoid that recentering?

Lol. KH 2.8 comes out in late Jan, so that should sate your gameplay needs until NieR.

You can, just dial down the auto adjust settings all the way to the left. It'll just make it stop auto adjusting altogether.

Fun fact: If you change the standard camera setting, it will freeze the demo sometimes. I'm assuming this is a bug and not intentional since I didn't encounter it in the Japanese demo.

I'm not all that invested in KH, though, especially story wise. Nier has me by the balls for gameplay and story which is why I find it hard to play anything else right now. It was a real chore getting myself to play FFXV yesterday.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I wonder what will have the better combat in the end, Nier Automata or KH3.

Nier has such a fluid dodging system and multiple ways of wielding weapons which makes it a joy. But KH3 has heavily borrowed from KH2 with stuff like block cancelling, counter guard and drive forms along with fluid manual lock and unlock...issue being is they threw in a lot of extra stuff like shotlocks and flowmotion attacks which i would argue are worse systems.


Is the problem people are reporting with the camera related to lock-on? I never had any issues with the camera.

I played 3 times on hard and died 3 times. At least I made it to the boss on the third try. The bullets were fucking me up. I didn't realize you could shoot them to clear them out. Anyway this game controls slick as hell, dodging between bullets looks like ice skating.


I wonder if 2B's butt will get Ubisoft'd.

Ubisoft'd like this?



FFXV enemies are not designed around telegraphing attacks. Some do, but the philosophy is to make enemy attacks as fast as a realistic monster in a world. Devs cared about stuff looking realistic (Tabata's poor philosophy), and not about how the player has to react to those attacks. Having a prompt flashing in the middle of the screen saying block is a crux coz their combat is a mess with 20 enemies all going at it together and with barely any telegraphing.

In Nier Automata, all enemies telegraph attacks very clearly. The red light suggesting they are attacking along with audio cues is an organic implementation in addition to telegraphed attacks. No ugly UI prompts getting in the way of a beautiful tight combat system.

Yep. Combat in ffxv has been really hard to read so far. I'm about 10 hours in. The enemies are really fast. The camera is rough. There is no good way to keep track of when an enemy is ready. The defending almost works like a turn based rpg where it's an anticipatory gamble but that is at odds with the action game like side of things were bad gambles feel unfair and good ones unsatisfying. I'm trying to like it but so far it's just serviceable and gets by on it's originality.

Nier Auto on the other hand.... masterful. If you play Metal Gear Rising, you can see that Platinum can shift gears with their action gameplay. MGR is simpler and more accessible than bayonetta but does not miss a beat. The combat in Nier Auto so far seems very well judged. The control is easy but there is much nuance to every move, which gives the gameplay some legs so you can continue refining your skill thru the relatively long haul of an rpg.
I don't have a problem with it. I'm just asking why and it doesn't sense for an android to have a butthole.

if you make a sexy robot, the first thing you're gonna wanna do is fuck it. That's rule number one all the way down to Ex Machina (2015) and Westworld (2016).


I haven't, myself. What's the story?

Fetishy stuff is everywhere in Taro games, the Main Character in DS3 fucks all four of her party members nightly, among other stuff she talks about all the time. That's not even getting into what the party members are like.

Not to mention the Nier short stories has Kaine getting a literal murder boner and jacking off explicitly.

LOL all these naive people just now checking him out, there not ready at all for Automata, no idea what there in for.


I don't have a problem with it. I'm just asking why and it doesn't sense for an android to have a butthole.
It doesn't make sense for an android to wear a black dress when it could be wearing body-armour instead. It doesn't even make sense to use 'androids' at all when a purpose-built robot could do the same thing far better. And why are they 'prohibited' from having emotions but have no actual programming preventing them from doing so? Why even include the capacity to feel at all? It all makes roughly as much sense as giving an android a butt.

You have to draw a line somewhere.


Membero Americo
It doesn't make sense for an android to wear a black dress when it could be wearing body-armour instead. It doesn't even make sense to use 'androids' at all when a purpose-built robot could do the same thing far better. And why are they 'prohibited' from having emotions but have no actual programming preventing them from doing so? Why even include the capacity to feel at all?

You have to draw a line somewhere.

Fair enough.
but for real if the androids are forbidden from showing emotions they probably shouldn't programmed them with the capacity to display or even know what they are, so gg on that one, android maker man


I don't have a problem with it. I'm just asking why and it doesn't sense for an android to have a butthole.

Funnily enough Battle Angel Alita covered this in a side comic. Some shit about it being a necessary human trait to have the need to expel waste without very much choice in the matter or when you can do it.

Androids, depending on what is fuelling them, would create waste too, so there needs to be a way to expel it.


Weird psychosexual themes in the storytelling are nothing new for Yoko Taro. I'm pretty confident the other shoe is going to drop on the hyper sexed-up character designs.

This is what I've read and what I'm expecting, yeah. The whole "she grabs the camera if you pan under her skirt" thing seems like foreshadowing in a sense.
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