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NieR: Automata review thread

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Already more perfect scores than Metal Gear Rising.

In all serious my money's on this game ending up in the 87-90 range. It's not as if good Platinum games have never reviewed well before.
MGR has a ton of pRobles, especially in regards to literally everything but the combat.



big fake

I know Yoko taro games dont review well , but why do people expect this to drop so much? The game seems amazing.

Reviewers misunderstanding the story/multiple paths, misconception and pre-conceived notion this will be a Platinum all out action game + all Taro's good ole tropes.

This game will easily deserve higher than what it will get, especially like the first NieR.
I know Yoko taro games dont review well , but why do people expect this to drop so much? The game seems amazing.

Think people expect the direction of this game to not be for everyone. How's the music by the way. Haven't heard anything but the theme song and demo music and the original was amazing so it's got to reach high standards.


Think people expect the direction of this game to not be for everyone. How's the music by the way. Haven't heard anything but the theme song and demo music and the original was amazing so it's got to reach high standards.

Need some time to digest it and have not heard all of the songs, but for now it's up there with the original Nier OST.


Think people expect the direction of this game to not be for everyone. How's the music by the way. Haven't heard anything but the theme song and demo music and the original was amazing so it's got to reach high standards.

People in the OT thread are saying that by some miracle they actually think the sequel has the better OST, or at least is its equal.
Reviewers misunderstanding the story/multiple paths, misconception and pre-conceived notion this will be a Platinum all out action game + all Taro's good ole tropes.

This game will easily deserve higher than what it will get, especially like the first NieR.
Alright that makes sense, I was putting to much faith in games media I guess . Which is always asking to be dissapointed 😂😂


Saint Titanfall
Eh I'm not sure why people are so worried about the score. All Bayonetta games have a 90+ metacritic and plenty of reviewers didn't like the story and direction of those games but the majority loved the combat. If this is the same it should be fine.


Eh I'm not sure why people are so worried about the score. All Bayonetta games have a 90+ metacritic and plenty of reviewers didn't like the story and direction of those games but the majority loved the combat. If this is the same it should be fine.

Probably because they're looking at it as a Yoko Taro game first and foremost. Personally I anticipated it doing well, regardless of how poorly his past games were received. Everything about the game just seemed so amazing.
I know Yoko taro games dont review well , but why do people expect this to drop so much? The game seems amazing.

Based on my playtime with it, it has some gameplay flaws that you have to be willing to accept in order to have a good time with it.

  • Empty open world/uninteresting world structure
  • Lack of enemy variety
  • Repetitive sidequests (gameplay-wise)
  • Playing as 9S

Plus you have the less-than-stellar visuals and uneven performance (the second one is apparently more pronounced on base PS4, but I've had some issues on Pro as well).
As someone who has completed the game already, it absolutely deserves that score. It's an amazing, ambitious game that isn't held back by its flaws.

For fans of Yoko Taro, this is almost certainly his most densely packed game yet. There is so much to take in with the characterization, the plot, and the lore that you will find your appreciation for the game growing even after you finish it.
How is the OST? Nier's was seriously Godlike. Kaine's theme is still my favorite song.

Just missed those posts, lol.


Is this as high praise as I'm thinking, or are you not a fan of their output?

Their output is far from constant when it comes to excellence as they have some stinkers.
But consider this very high from me. As I like this entire package more than Transformers, Bayonetta, and their other good games.
Vanquish has a more over the top feeling and by no means is Nier perfect and can at times look bland, and be a bit repetitive. But god damn its a ride.
Based on my playtime with it, it has some gameplay flaws that you have to be willing to accept in order to have a good time with it.

  • Empty open world/uninteresting world structure
  • Lack of enemy variety
  • Repetitive sidequests (gameplay-wise)
  • Playing as 9S

Plus you have the less-than-stellar visuals and uneven performance (the second one is apparently more pronounced on base PS4, but I've had some issues on Pro as well).
Oh boy , thanks for the info . I haven't read too much into the OT, but this is good to know .


Their output is far from constant when it comes to excellence as they have some stinkers.
But consider this very high from me. As I like this entire package more than Transformers, Bayonetta, and their other good games.
Vanquish has a more over the top feeling and by no means is Nier perfect. But god damn its a ride.

I'm ok with that. I don't need perfect. I don't want perfect.

My GOTY 2016 was The Last Guardian.

Can't wait for all the flaws :')


I'm ok with that. I don't need perfect. I don't want perfect.

My GOTY 2016 was The Last Guardian.

Can't wait for all the flaws :')

Ya agreed. It always feels weird reminding folks something isn't perfect. But you have to these days.
The game, for me, rose above the issues completely.

Also the soundtrack. I mean come on. That is simply insanely good. Like better than the original amazing.


Never thought I would be interested in this but the reviews are making a compelling argument. I've never played a Platinum game so maybe this will be my first.
Wow this is an awesome year for games I was looking forward too. I'm trying to get my shit together in other parts of my life so hard so that I can actually play them.

What trailer is that playing on metacritic? I've never seen it before.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Surely he doesn't mean combat wise.

It should have easily better story than the other Platinum games tho.

It has one of the best stories of this generation, comparing it to Platinum's in house stories almost feels like an insult.

And yeah for those asking about the music, 11 out of 10. Seriously. At this point i have about 14 songs i've been cycling through on repeat for the past week. Its addicting, and i'm kind of scared i'm going to get sick of them from overplaying them so much, but for now i havent


Between this, Zelda, Horizon and Nioh, I have no idea how the hell I'm going to find time to play all of them.

2017 has been a fine year for gaming so far, that's for sure.
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