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Nintendo Downloads - March 2013


Well, we'll see. It actually might still be $4.99 this week for us. NOA doesn't announce this stuff till the day of. I wouldn't mind that extra 50 cents off, but I play my 3DS way more than my Vita at the moment, so it'd just be a matter of convenience... I'll wait till Thursday. :p

Looks like you are in luck:

Nnooo is pleased to announce the price of our award-winning and critically acclaimed game escapeVektor™ will be reduced by 50% over the next 3 weeks. The game will be on sale on Nintendo 3DS™ and PlayStation®Vita across the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Nintendo 3DS: Europe, Australia & New Zealand - March 28th to April 11th; reduced from €10 to €5.
US - April 4th to April 18th; reduced from US$9.99 to US$4.99.


The EscapeVector sale is great and I'll be snapping it up the moment the reduction hits. But I still yearn for the six-week sale NA had recently. Mutant Mudds, Fractured Soul and Hana Samurai would all be in my collection instantly. Now they've had a discount in NA I have even less urge to ever pay full price.
So I got a bunch of old Wii points cards for really cheap, wondering what I should do with them.

The smart money is buying shit on the old VC (through Wii U) then waiting for the transfer thingy to occur right?

Safe to assume games like Mario 1 and Zelda 1 etc will be the first to transfer? I wonder if the Sega and TG16 and what-not stuff will get Wii U versions too.

They really should have figured out a way of doing this easier than WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM ALL AGAIN SO PLEASE WAIT.

Its gonna be waiting each week to see whats released all over again just so you can play the game 'again again' lol. :|


So I got a bunch of old Wii points cards for really cheap, wondering what I should do with them.

The smart money is buying shit on the old VC (through Wii U) then waiting for the transfer thingy to occur right?

Safe to assume games like Mario 1 and Zelda 1 etc will be the first to transfer? I wonder if the Sega and TG16 and what-not stuff will get Wii U versions too.

They really should have figured out a way of doing this easier than WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM ALL AGAIN SO PLEASE WAIT.

Its gonna be waiting each week to see whats released all over again just so you can play the game 'again again' lol. :|
What have you got so far (if anything), so I don't waste my time suggesting games you've already played.
So I got a bunch of old Wii points cards for really cheap, wondering what I should do with them.

The smart money is buying shit on the old VC (through Wii U) then waiting for the transfer thingy to occur right?

Safe to assume games like Mario 1 and Zelda 1 etc will be the first to transfer? I wonder if the Sega and TG16 and what-not stuff will get Wii U versions too.

They really should have figured out a way of doing this easier than WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM ALL AGAIN SO PLEASE WAIT.

Its gonna be waiting each week to see whats released all over again just so you can play the game 'again again' lol. :|

if you definitely want the eventual wii u versions your safest bet is to just go for nintendo's usual suspects impossible to know or trust if other systems and/or 3rd parties will appear especially as some may go the 'remastered' route on some games


So I got a bunch of old Wii points cards for really cheap, wondering what I should do with them.

The smart money is buying shit on the old VC (through Wii U) then waiting for the transfer thingy to occur right?

You could use them to buy DSiWare if you have an old DSi lying around somewhere.
I don't have anything on my Wii U already, I went from NTSC Wii ->PAL Wii U so I couldn't transfer any of my old Wii VC stuff.

I'm mainly just wondering what you guys think will be the 'safe bets' as to what will be transferable. I know we don't really know much about it, but yea.

I did boot up my old DSi as well to have a look on that store but I've already got most the stuff I'm interested from there.

If only I could use them on the new store I'd be goooold. :(


I'd probably buy EscapeVektor for one of the handhelds if there was a demo, but I don't want to buy it until I can try both versions out to see how they look, play, and perform compared to each other (and the Wii version).


Just wait. The extra screen space the bottom screen affords you is a godsend in later levels.

You can observe patterns and plan your run accordingly.

Interesting, I never thought of that. I should check out some footage/reviews of both versions, I really haven't bothered to compare them much, since I already knew it was a great game.


Eh, a 3DS update hit me when trying to open the eShop. When it's done out of the blue like this, it can't be anything big, can it? Adding support for the transfer tool, maybe?

Dear lord, it is going damn slow. My 3DS never took this long to update.


Eh, a 3DS update hit me when trying to open the eShop. When it's done out of the blue like this, it can't be anything big, can it? Adding support for the transfer tool, maybe?

Dear lord, it is going damn slow. My 3DS never took this long to update.

Hmm..... downloading it now.


Eh, a 3DS update hit me when trying to open the eShop. When it's done out of the blue like this, it can't be anything big, can it? Adding support for the transfer tool, maybe?

Dear lord, it is going damn slow. My 3DS never took this long to update.

Wheh, update? It hasn't had one of those for a while.


Version changed from 4.5.0-10 to 5.0.0-11, quite a big number jump.

Oh God, Miyamoto is on my Mii Plaza. I hope this wasn't the reason behind the update. I'm so going to abuse him in Find Mii 2.


Browser got some changes. Loading bar was moved to the top and it feels a bit faster, but it has been a while since I used it (it's basically a FE FAQ reader now).


I don't have anything on my Wii U already, I went from NTSC Wii ->PAL Wii U so I couldn't transfer any of my old Wii VC stuff.

I'm mainly just wondering what you guys think will be the 'safe bets' as to what will be transferable. I know we don't really know much about it, but yea.

I did boot up my old DSi as well to have a look on that store but I've already got most the stuff I'm interested from there.

If only I could use them on the new store I'd be goooold. :(

LostWinds 1 + 2 (800 each)
World of Goo (1000)
Jett Rocket (1000)
Icarian: Kindred Spirits (1000)

VC is a bit harder because there are hundreds of titles so it really depends what genre your looking for.

They might have unlocked the second core!

Nintendo eShop improvements*

-Users will no longer need to close the Nintendo eShop application to ensure the "Download Later" feature works while the Nintendo 3DS is in Sleep Mode.
-Other improvements to usability have been made, including the ability to download software update data in the background.

Yeah, not that impressive, if that's all it is.


-Users will no longer need to close the Nintendo eShop application to ensure the "Download Later" feature works while the Nintendo 3DS is in Sleep Mode.

Good. Not a big deal, but didn't see why, if you closed it with the eShop enabled, that you couldn't get the items in Download Later.


Its been over a month, but I haven't checked whether I could bring Lost Winds 1 to Wii U side. It was the only digital title out of the many that I had which did not transfer over.


30% Failure Rate


Good. Not a big deal, but didn't see why, if you closed it with the eShop enabled, that you couldn't get the items in Download Later.

I think background download of title data was not allowed within apps that can download stuff themselves or that can manipulate installed content (like the system settings). Since even patches can now be downloaded in background, it seems they overhauled the title download and install code.
Okay, whoever decides what goes on Europe's Club Nintendo needs. To get. Fired. Not only do we not have downloadable games, but we don't even have store credit for the eShop, it's still Wii/DSiWare points. And the selection of physical stuff is absolutely terrible too. You can't get anything decent unless you buy about 30 Nintendo titles.

I have 1500 stars expiring at the end of March, and I can afford... some shoelaces, or a cleaning cloth with Yoshi on it. Customer incentive or what?
Okay, whoever decides what goes on Europe's Club Nintendo needs. To get. Fired. Not only do we not have downloadable games, but we don't even have store credit for the eShop, it's still Wii/DSiWare points. And the selection of physical stuff is absolutely terrible too. You can't get anything decent unless you buy about 30 Nintendo titles.

I have 1500 stars expiring at the end of March, and I can afford... some shoelaces, or a cleaning cloth with Yoshi on it. Customer incentive or what?

Can't use Club Nintendo in Switzerland at all! Maybe with Nintendo opening their Swiss HQ in a few days this'll change.

yea rite
My first sale and...I don't play the WiiWare version of EscapeVektor nearly enough. I'm sure like Pop the 3DS version has a few updates but I can't justify the cost...come on, be Denpa Men next week (
I'm buying it next Thursday anyway, I'm off on a trip so will be able to find lots of hotspots and thus Denpa men to catch, would prefer to minimise cost though

I almost wish they would, just to shut him up for a little while...
I could see Phil being being all like "They ruined my precious BABY" if that ever happened. In Indie Game: The Movie he did come across as too much of a perfectionist in the sort of vein that Fez was his perfect, bug free child (which probably makes it all the sadder how it came out).

Okay, whoever decides what goes on Europe's Club Nintendo needs. To get. Fired. Not only do we not have downloadable games, but we don't even have store credit for the eShop, it's still Wii/DSiWare points. And the selection of physical stuff is absolutely terrible too. You can't get anything decent unless you buy about 30 Nintendo titles.

I have 1500 stars expiring at the end of March, and I can afford... some shoelaces, or a cleaning cloth with Yoshi on it. Customer incentive or what?
The person who decides what goes on Club Nintendo is given a tiny budget so has to raid marketing or beg NOA/NCL for stuff nobody wanted to buy (in other words we're never getting Card Case 15). At least its better than the Nintendo VIP 24:7 days...stuff is actually in stock for more than minutes. Weirdly enough they seem to have gone to those days where goods are in those countries rather than all sent from Germany. It leads to Russia being the only place where you can get the 15,000 star Link statue (to be fair they only recently got Club Nintendo so I can see one or two being able to register a lot of stars) or the Kirby Frizbee.

I remember we used to get post play surveys for WiiWare purchased and said ages ago they would get DSiWare working too. Are they ever going to bring that back...I kind of didn't do them for like a game or...well more like a dozen or so :(

Speaking of all this anyone know if Thursday's retail downloads will also be double stars like the first party has been.
Okay, whoever decides what goes on Europe's Club Nintendo needs. To get. Fired. Not only do we not have downloadable games, but we don't even have store credit for the eShop, it's still Wii/DSiWare points. And the selection of physical stuff is absolutely terrible too. You can't get anything decent unless you buy about 30 Nintendo titles.

I have 1500 stars expiring at the end of March, and I can afford... some shoelaces, or a cleaning cloth with Yoshi on it. Customer incentive or what?

fcuk i never knew points expired. better check mine.

4500 to use up in a few days with nothing of any interest to reedem..


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Would probably buy the pokedex app if I knew that they would upgrade it for free the day X/Y gets released in October. But since its not clear ill just keep waiting.
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