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Nintendo NX rumored to use Nvidia's Pascal GPU architecture

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Looks like you exposed some of the people you're talking about right in this thread ;P ;P
Looks like it :p
Anyone that thought the Gamepad was the console isn't that bright.
They said right before they showed the controller "this is the new controller for Wii U".
I guess I could see some thinking it was a controller for the Wii but they didn't say Wii.
They did a bad job of conveying what the system entailed but people really need more common sense at the same time.
Thank you for this.

Maybe people were in such denial at how bad the Wii U was that they tricked themselves into thinking it was an add on for Wii and the true beast of an HD nintendo console with a regular controller was gonna be announced.


Yeah the reveal was horrible but the Gaming Press was also complicit in driving the confusion.

They had been given access to the Wii U prior to the reveal. There was no wow this is the first time we saw it stuff yet what were most articles at E3 that year? Is it a Console or a Controller? etc.

There was a large amount of purposeful distortion on the subject

Must have been not so fun for game journalists then when Nintendo decided to host digital events/treehouse for E3 and Nintendo Championships to avoid this confusion of information given to the consumer.


I'm still remembering how bad that E3 2012 live conference was. A lot of time spent on Batman AC Wii U edition and hearing how there was digital audio for applause when they showed that Sing Party(?) game. (For what immediately comes to mind.)

Don't know why some people want a live conference for a farce like that to be presented again. We already hear enough about plants at various live conferences over the years.


Anyone that thought the Gamepad was the console isn't that bright.
They said right before they showed the controller "this is the new controller for Wii U".
I guess I could see some thinking it was a controller for the Wii but they didn't say Wii.
They did a bad job of conveying what the system entailed but people really need more common sense at the same time.

Or, hear me out. They market their system correctly so that next to anyone can understand it's a new system? It's just bad marketing if not everyone can understand that and it's Nintendo's fault.

Almost all marketing material that we got at GS near launch just showed the controller and not the system which lead to A LOT of confusion


I would actually argue the opposite. Nintendo right now has this brilliant strategy of marketing the NX, which is to say no strategy at all. And it works: People are talking about the "mysterious" ever elusive NX everyday. Especially Youtubers want their slice of the big juicy NX pie and it spreads awareness around left and right.

If the reveal is the kind of bomb everyone is envisioning it to be, then this approach will probably turn out successful in the end.

It's hard to gauge though - are joe and jane consumer talking about it, or just us who follow these threads for months for every hint of what's inside?
It's hard to gauge though - are joe and jane consumer talking about it, or just us who follow these threads for months for every hint of what's inside?

I agree that it's only us "hardcore" (vomits at that word) gamers who are tracking it so closely, but I think now is a great time for them to reveal it. Pokemon Go, while calmed down a bit, is still huge. I've also found people are incredibly jazzed about the NES Classic - a lot of non-gamers I work with. Even though those are only two things, they have definitely put Nintendo back in the zeitgeist.


The Wii U reveal was dreadful--the worst I've ever seen. Nintendo did a terrible job marketing the system through its entire lifespan from introduction to end. Just the worst.

"You might remember how the Wii name began to make perfect sense once you heard it pronounced "we". It was clear how much fun we all had together. But in creating a new Nintendo system, we new the thought was the game would be right for all of us, but could it be a perfect fit just for you? The answer to that is an emphatic absolutely. We're so convinced of it, we put that pronoun right in the name.

It's a system we will all enjoy together, but one that's tailor made for you. The other word associations are easy. Unique. Unifying. Maybe even utopian. The answer is yes, to all of this, and here's the reason why." -ramblings of a madman

...that said, the initial reveal video was a lot better in selling the idea of the gamepad. strangely, it was a better proof of concept than the stuff that they showcased a year later.
"You might remember how the Wii name began to make perfect sense once you heard it pronounced "we". It was clear how much fun we all had together. But in creating a new Nintendo system, we new the thought was the game would be right for all of us, but could it be a perfect fit just for you? The answer to that is absolutely. We're so convinced of it, we put that pronoun right in the name.

It's a system we will all enjoy together, but one that's tailor made for you. The other word associations are easy. Unique. Unifying. Maybe even utopian. The answer is yes, to all of this, and here's the reason why." -ramblings of a madman

...that said, the initial reveal video was a lot better in selling the idea of the gamepad. strangely, it was a better proof of concept than the stuff that they showcased a year later.
*emphatic absolutely

What's wrong with you?


Don't think we can take anything interesting from that conversation on a technical level. Even if we assume its genuine.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can't believe people are defending Nintendo in here with that Wii U marketing disaster. If there is ANY question from ANY person whether or not your new system is an add-on to your previous console, you screwed up--period.


Actually, the max that can be supported is entirely dependent on the memory bus. The X1 can support up to 6GB currently, since that's the largest size of a single, 6GB, 64-bit LPDDR4 chip. If Nintendo uses a 64-bit bus in a Pascal chip, the limit is the same.


That when enter in scene the new Tegra chip that Nvidia is creating, with a new architecture: the pascal: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-pascal-gpu-gtc-2015/
- 4X the mixed precision performance
- 2X the performance per watt
- 2.7X memory capacity
- 3X the memory bandwidth of Maxwell.


I don't think this is necessarily true. Not sure about the specifics with lpDDR4 (Thraktor, you around, bud?), but other types of RAM do not impose this limitation. PS4 initially used a clamshell design w/ twice as many chips as its memory bus required. Also, think of DIMM modules, which are often loaded w/ many more RAM chips than required for a 64-bit I/O. Maybe lpDDR4 is different, though, I dunno. Regardless, more than 6 GB of RAM probably isn't happening anyway, because lpDDR4 is expensive and there's also limited room on the PCB.

As MuchoMalo said, it's a matter of using more memory chips, each with a lower interface width. There are LPDDR4 modules made with a 32-bit interface, but they only seem to be manufactured in lower capacities, so there wouldn't be much benefit compared to a single larger 64-bit chip.

For the PS4, as far as I'm aware 8Gb 32-bit I/O GDDR5 modules weren't available for launch, so they had to use 4Gb 16-bit I/O modules instead, requiring twice as many.


The Wii U reveal was dreadful--the worst I've ever seen. Nintendo did a terrible job marketing the system through its entire lifespan from introduction to end. Just the worst.
I wish it was just the reveal to have been dreadful.
Remember how Nintendo strong launch title was NSMBW, good game and guarantee to sell many million units, but totally unexciting to show off the system? (to add insult to injury NSMB2 was released a few months before).
Remember the brilliant idea to let third party games to sustain the new console at the beginning?
Sustain with what? Mostly late ports of games many had already played on Xbox 360/PS3/PC.
And what about Nintendo big guns? The first big quality game from them was Pikmin 3 which came out 7-8 months after the launch while the first big quality game that had good sales potential was Super Mario 3D World which came out 12 months after launch.
And the fabled asynchronous gameplay for which Nintendo Land was the premiere demonstration which should have convinced consumers of WiiU uniqueness and make them buy the system?
Fun game in multiplayer but it wasn't Wii Sports, mostly beacuse the concept was never so enticing and marketable as the wiimote + sports.

Oh almost forgot, waiting 1 hour and half to install the forced update on day one wasn't fun.


"You might remember how the Wii name began to make perfect sense once you heard it pronounced "we". It was clear how much fun we all had together. But in creating a new Nintendo system, we new the thought was the game would be right for all of us, but could it be a perfect fit just for you? The answer to that is absolutely. We're so convinced of it, we put that pronoun right in the name.

It's a system we will all enjoy together, but one that's tailor made for you. The other word associations are easy. Unique. Unifying. Maybe even utopian. The answer is yes, to all of this, and here's the reason why." -ramblings of a madman

...that said, the initial reveal video was a lot better in selling the idea of the gamepad. strangely, it was a better proof of concept than the stuff that they showcased a year later.




"You might remember how the Wii name began to make perfect sense once you heard it pronounced "we". It was clear how much fun we all had together. But in creating a new Nintendo system, we new the thought was the game would be right for all of us, but could it be a perfect fit just for you? The answer to that is an emphatic absolutely. We're so convinced of it, we put that pronoun right in the name.

It's a system we will all enjoy together, but one that's tailor made for you. The other word associations are easy. Unique. Unifying. Maybe even utopian. The answer is yes, to all of this, and here's the reason why." -ramblings of a madman

...that said, the initial reveal video was a lot better in selling the idea of the gamepad. strangely, it was a better proof of concept than the stuff that they showcased a year later.

"Maybe even utopian." L O Fuckin L. Thanks for posting this. Hilarious.

As MuchoMalo said, it's a matter of using more memory chips, each with a lower interface width. There are LPDDR4 modules made with a 32-bit interface, but they only seem to be manufactured in lower capacities, so there wouldn't be much benefit compared to a single larger 64-bit chip.

For the PS4, as far as I'm aware 8Gb 32-bit I/O GDDR5 modules weren't available for launch, so they had to use 4Gb 16-bit I/O modules instead, requiring twice as many.

Yeah, I was looking at what Samsung offers and the 32-bit I/O modules are 24 gigabits and lower. And the situation w/ the GDDR5 and PS4 is as I remember it as well, back when I was following that stuff. I don't think Nintendo would use more chips than their memory bus requires, but at the same time it's not a hard technological limitation (unless they really can't buy low I/O chips in the capacities they require).

Edit: I think what I actually wanted to ask was concerning something like the GDDR5 in PS4. I remember reading that GDDR5 chips have a x32 width and x16 in clamshell mode, implying that it's part of the spec. Is there something similar to these dual modes for lpDDR4? Could the I/O be limited via firmware even? This is just out of sheer curiosity, mind you. I don't see Nintendo going that route, but speculating on this architecture reset is a fun exercise.


I said it then and I'll say it now.

The people who clearly couldn't tell the Wii U was a new console and successor to Wii belonged in remedial school, away from functioning members of society.

The Wii U reveal was a good way to weed out the dumb people and enforce natural selection.

It was pretty clear to me what Wii U was and how it worked, but that's because I'm a big Nintendo fan and I was hanging on every word and devouring every detail of the reveal.

However, I knew too many observant and intelligent people who completely missed the important details to assume that Nintendo was doing an acceptable job of selling their product.


I said it then and I'll say it now.

The people who clearly couldn't tell the Wii U was a new console and successor to Wii belonged in remedial school, away from functioning members of society.

The Wii U reveal was a good way to weed out the dumb people and enforce natural selection.

in 2011 when they pulled it out i thought two things:

1. this is a shrunken down wii and the system is the controller (basically what the nx is!)
2. this is a peripheral to the wii to keep the system's lifespan going

and i had paid close attention to the wusts.

i mean, i was watching the presentation without sound (looking at it on my friend's ipad just outside the la convention center west hall), so it was confusing from that aspect, but the focus on the controller and the lack of console hardware made it understandably confusing if you hadn't been paying attention.


I said it then and I'll say it now.

The people who clearly couldn't tell the Wii U was a new console and successor to Wii belonged in remedial school, away from functioning members of society.

The Wii U reveal was a good way to weed out the dumb people and enforce natural selection.

The first time I saw them show it they had a wii sports thing in the back with baseball and held the wiipad up to the screen to catch a ball or something, I literally thought that was the gimmick, a new controller for wii that allowed different view points.


I said it then and I'll say it now.

The people who clearly couldn't tell the Wii U was a new console and successor to Wii belonged in remedial school, away from functioning members of society.

The Wii U reveal was a good way to weed out the dumb people and enforce natural selection.

This is a very condescending post to the general public.

Do you honestly think everyone watches these gaming conventions/expos? Most of the people have absolutely no idea they exist nor do they care. They go about their daily lives (work-home-errands) and come Christmas season they go to the game shops and buy themselves/family a console.

E3 or whatever isn't exactly the Football World Cup. Not even a tiny percent of it. It's insignificant. It's mostly game shops who sell according to the buyer's needs/wants. Imagine conversations from store reps like "This has more and better games and is more popular" or "This is cheaper and better".


I said it then and I'll say it now.

The people who clearly couldn't tell the Wii U was a new console and successor to Wii belonged in remedial school, away from functioning members of society.

The Wii U reveal was a good way to weed out the dumb people and enforce natural selection.

They showed the controller and focused way too much on it, folks thought it was a Wii accessory. Then they show the console itself, which almost looks exactly like the Wii from the front but didn't show it from the top or sides. That only reinforced the first impression. Meanwhile everyone else's consoles look wildly different from each other so its easy to see at a glance its a different piece of hardware.


Neo Member
I knew it was a system and I was still baffled. They didn't very clearly show the system either. It was in the background, and I have to disagree with the notion it looks significantly different than the Wii. It looks marginally different, and even then mostly from the side or top.

About two years after that reveal I got the Wii U. My niece was surprised it was a new machine. One of my sisters was too. One of my other sisters agreed with people not understanding how people thought the Wii U was just a new controller.

The important factor here though is that it is completely irrelevant to make some call about intelligence or attention to excuse Nintendo's reveal. The only thing that mattered was how Nintendo was able to market it, and at this point I think it is safe to say Nintendo spectacularly failed to meet its goals. When it comes to a business, you cannot blame the potential customer for that. It is the job of the company to present its product in an appealing manner; not the job of the customer to buy it.

I jumped on the Project Café hype wagon. It's when I made this account even, if I recall. I'm being far more cautious at this point. It is fun to read rumors like this, but I take them as entertainment rather than news at this point. Before it was quite fun looking at new juicy tidbits for example from someone with a bunch of cute cactus avatars, but if there is one thing Nintendo has been to me it's unpredictable.


i obviously knew wii u was a new console but that doesn't mean it wasn't the worst unveiling of a console of all time

it was laughably bad. then they said nothing about it for a full calendar year as the wii died a painful death.


Didn't they show the Zelda tech demo during the presentation? l thought this alone would have made it clear it was a new system as the Wii couldn't output this kind of graphics.
I thought everyone was joking when they thought the wii u was a new accesory.. yall knew they said they was gon unveil before E3 with that statement. After awhile I found out people was serious and I couldnt believe it lol


At least from Gaffers I would have expected to know that Nintendo were going to unveil their new console at E3 2011. There was no doubt that Wii U was the successor to Wii, despite the lacking unveiling. We even knew rumors about the design of the new controller...
At least they're planning to announce it relatively close to release compared to before. I didn't pay attention to how the WiiU was, but announcing it E3 then saying nothing for a whole year? Ouch. I got my WiiU in 2014, which is arguably the best year for the system.

EDIT: I also want to mention the sudden clips for BoTW that suddenly spawned on Facebook. I wouldn't doubt we'll get at least something within the next 2 to 3 weeks or so. Someone posted a comparison gif on /r/Nintendo since there were differences between those builds with higher resolution textures, but it was still rendered in 720p.
I'm waiting for some more info from a contact but it seems like of there is a home console, it'll also be an Nvidia chip and amd involvement will be the SCD and cloud servers/networking.

So... AMD involved in SCD that adds GC/Wii/U BC?

Otherwise... what would be the point?
It'll also be an Nvidia chip and amd involvement will be the SCD and cloud servers/networking.

That doesn't make sense, really. It makes a lot more sense with Nvidia because they have vGPUs with GRID.

SCD's could be physical virtual systems that link to the system that make rendering calculations, send them over the cloud and share those calculations with other SCD systems to relieve or add power to NX systems. So all the surrounding SCD systems could be a farm for GPU calculations on a grid.


But if that were the case, it would be expensive to implement.


So... AMD involved in SCD that adds GC/Wii/U BC?

Otherwise... what would be the point?

I don't think that would be the reason. It's just most likely that AMD were able to provide it at a cheaper cost.

Think carefully what you're saying, do you mean hardware BC? It would still need IBM's PPC CPU for hardware BC.

I doubt any hardware BC happening. Only expecting virtual console.


Looking at the SCD patent again. It seems as though the guys that want a RX 480 in there have merit because some particular features stood out for me.

- The SCD could connect to different devices besides home consoles and handhelds such as laptops and smartphones.

- Examples were made of the SCD's wireless capabilities, if you were in close proximity to one, it can improve the game's real-time graphics you are playing visually and aurally.
If you were too far, you'd only get CPU like enhancements like improving weather effects and AI. (CPU type improvements done on GPGPU)

- I read some memory storage features so maybe the SCD has memory other than RAM?

I'm guessing the NX would have to have AC type wifi or better(?) if we're talking about getting better graphics in portable mode. (No dock. lol)

Edit: Now I'm wondering if this really explains why there could be no change when docked. The SCD is the secret sauce. Still speculation though, wouldn't developers still need to know about this?


So what's the latest hot rumor being discussed here?

Before the thread changed to discussing about the Kingdom Hearts III listing.

I'm waiting for some more info from a contact but it seems like of there is a home console, it'll also be an Nvidia chip and amd involvement will be the SCD and cloud servers/networking.

Well it's my speculation because apparently amd is still involved somehow.

Nate heard this too.

Take it with a grain of salt until more info appears that this can be clarified.

Edit: Nate also addressed this a few pages back hence why I said having to wait on more info.


AMD and Nvidia will likely be trying to get the final contract. Remember Nvidia was lead on 3DS until they failed to meet specifications. So contradictory information is expected there.
What? A Nintendo Direct is overdue now, especially considering all these "surprise release announcements" from nowhere (NES Mini, PokeGO, etc.).

We're not getting one anytime soon. Certainly not before the NX is revealed. Whatever announcements they do have will just be through Facebook/Twitter/Youtube.


AMD and Nvidia will likely be trying to get the final contract. Remember Nvidia was lead on 3DS until they failed to meet specifications. So contradictory information is expected there.

If this is about the SCD, cloud services/networking that 10k stated. It's more likely a matter of cost than of specs.

Edit: Final contract? So you're saying there were provisional contracts?


Before the thread changed to discussing about the Kingdom Hearts III listing.

Take it with a grain of salt until more info appears that this can be clarified.

Edit: Nate also addressed this a few pages back hence why I said having to wait on more info.

But 10k said to wait on more info not you. Or is this your alt account. :p

AMD being involved sounds weird tbh. Nintendo needs to reveal this thing ASAP


But 10k said to wait on more info not you. Or is this your alt account. :p

AMD being involved sounds weird tbh. Nintendo needs to reveal this thing ASAP

I was saying to wait on more info because it definitely needs to be taken with a grain of salt with regards to 10k because he was very convinced before this that there was still an NX home console that would have an AMD GPU.

This is just clarifying things even though I noticed the emoticon.


I was saying to wait on more info because it definitely needs to be taken with a grain of salt with regards to 10k because he was very convinced only recently that there was still an NX home console that would have an AMD GPU.

This is just clarifying things even though I noticed the emoticon.

Haha. Yeah I was just joking. :)


First time I've heard this underdog comment.

They're providing the internals for the other two major consoles and their revisions. How are they the underdog in this scenario?

lol that is a good point. Nvidia may be doing better on high end PC but AMD has had a better track record on console contracts.
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