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Nintendo of America says Metroid Prime 4 and "new Pokemon game" are 2018 titles




Explain this one? I want to hear what was so crazy out of the norm that would make you believe that a a new mainline game would come out next year.
For the first time in a while Nintendo is especially interested in flexing their power. They made a mistake, are doing everything to get past it, and that's where gamefreak comes in.

It's understandable, but people really look past how big a deal the first ever home console core Pokemon game actually is.


People think a new generation is coming next year! Lol.... Those that do clearly don't understand the history of Pokemon.

Also a Pokemon game doesn't come out every year, 2018 will be that year.


Mario Odyssey will be out in less than a year from first being shown n the Switch reveal montage.

And has clearly been in development for way longer than that. Did you expect them to show footage of a game for a completely unannounced console before they announce it? I fail to see the logic in this post.

As much as I'd love to believe these games are coming out next year, I severely doubt it. If they do however then the Switch is well on the way to GOAT status.


After Nintendo said Xenoblade 2 in 2017 people were like obviously going to be delayed, but as of now... no reason not to trust.
Or the reaction to FE Warriors only having a teaser reveal with no gameplay being "oh, there's no way that's coming out this fall"

And then when the FE direct was announced "oh, there's no way they'll show gameplay. They would have done that at the reveal."

And then we got gameplay footage during that direct.


For the first time in a while Nintendo is especially interested in flexing their power. They made a mistake, are doing everything to get past it, and that's where gamefreak comes in.

It's understandable, but people really look past how big a deal the first ever home console core Pokemon game actually is.

Nintendo can flex all they want but TPC will do what they want regardless. Also think how long it takes to complete an entire new generation of pokemon. New starters, now region, new pokemon, etc... Then that is essentially coordinated with a new game and new anime. They just did all that 7 months ago and ya'll think they are gonna do it again next year? NOPE.


Junior Member
'Mario this holiday'

All lies, they say

True, it's October.

'Xenoblade this year.'

All lies, they say

E3 hits

'Metroid is 2018'

All lies, they say.


To be continued
Yeah but the first showing was "look we have a game, it's almost done as you can see".

3D World had a January mention that it was coming, an E3 Debut and a fall release. I don't think it's been revealed how long the game has been in development for, but I'm sure they've gotten a lot further than a logo reveal.
Because Pokémon is different from other games. It's not like they could do say Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D Land in the same year on different devices and it be fine. Pokémon is a game with progression, huge connectivity and allowing the userbase almost full connectivity with every other player in that generation regardless of what game they have.

Look, I'm not expecting Pokemon til 2019 either, but you don't have evidence of the bolded. I'd stop using it as a reason.


Wasn't RDR2 announced with only a logo too? Surely they had something to show back in October, but they decided not to. I don't see how only showing a logo is proof of anything.

We had far better reasons to believe Xenoblade 2 wouldn't be 2017 and there it is.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Build more demand? Sell more Switches? There's no way both of those title are launching next year.

Then what's launching next year? Just Yoshi and Kirby? I could very well be expecting too much, but it seems to me like cramming this insane output into year one and then following that up with two 2D platformers in year two won't go very far to remove that "long software drought" stigma they earned with WiiU that they've talked about so much.
NOA PR people seems to tend to speculate over any partial infos they get.
If it's something that doesn't concern them directly like game development, if it's something they aren't involved directly in, if it's not written down in an approved trailer but an oral confirmation of something that sounds positive, I'd bet most of the time they know as much as we do. But they do try to sound positive. I hope people keep that in mind.
It's just too bad that they have to speculate about such things.

So them going out a limb like that seems hardly surprising.


What an amazing prospect for the Switch. This time next year, if we're like 6 months or less from Prime 4 and or a new mainline Pokemon, I will literally sing Nintendo's praises until my dying breath. Can't wait to hear more for sure.


I don't believe Prime 4 will be out in 2018. Which I'm totally fine with, release it when it's ready and not a moment sooner.

Pokemon on the other hand? I could believe it with Gamefreak's ludicrous output and the demand.

Of course, I was wrong about Xenoblade 2, so maybe I'll be wrong again.


Prime 4 sounds impossible to me, and Pokemon....... I honestly don't believe it, but who knows.

I mean, NoA, it's okay that you want me to get a Switch ASAP, but let's not get crazy here. I'd be more than fine with both taking longer than that, especially Prime 4.
Prime 4 sounds impossible to me, and Pokemon....... I honestly don't believe it, but who knows.

I mean, NoA, it's okay that you want me to get a Switch ASAP, but let's not get crazy here.

Why not? We don't know how long it is in development.

That they showed no gameplay in the e3 trailer does not mean they couldn't. Most likely they wanted to announce it for Switch to avoid a backlash when they only announce the 3DS game.


Knows the Score
Pokémon in March with ultra connectivity, Metroid as tentpole in Holiday, Smash and Animal Crossing in-between. Looks good already.
Didn't they say more than a year off in the direct anyway doesn't sound like 2018 to me

I think 2018.

Pokémon mainline has probably started development already, and in the direct they said more than a year:

We are in June, 6 months left of this year plus all of next year until holiday 2018.

I think it will release next holiday
Pokemon maybe but Prime 4? Get outta here that is at least 2 years away. If they showed something more instead of just a title I would believe it more.


Is this a Fire Emblem stealth delay? It's one of the only Switch games Nintendo has announced and not done any updates on.


'Mario this holiday'

All lies, they say

True, it's October.

'Xenoblade this year.'

All lies, they say

E3 hits

'Metroid is 2018'

All lies, they say.


To be continued

Lol not even remotely the same. And no one was denying Mario would be out by this holiday when it was announced. Hell, the rumor was it would be out by launch lol


A Switch remake of Diamond and Pearl seems possible next holiday. An entirely new game with a new generation probably does not.


Seems unlikely. Then again, Samus Returns was announced the same day after they had already completed production for release a couple months away. Who knows how long they've been sitting on these things?
2018 for Prime and Pokemon would hit it out of the fucking park for the Switch.

[Ed’s note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant “2018 and beyond” here]

The dream is dead will take a little longer to get here.

Hello darkness my old friend

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Lol not even remotely the same. And no one was denying Mario would be out by this holiday when it was announced. Hell, the rumor was it would be out by launch lol

The other half of the rumor, though, was that Zelda was delayed until like Summer or something.

The point is, nobody fucking knows anything, unless they're Nintendo.
The other half of the rumor, though, was that Zelda was delayed until like Summer or something.

The point is, nobody fucking knows anything, unless they're Nintendo.

Correct. Who is to say that Metroid hasn't been in development for some time already? Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't.


I think Metroid 4 and ¨Pokemon Switch will be released in 2019. If announced as 2018 would be delayed.

Who knows, maybe they release another minor Metroid and a Switch port of a 3DS Pokemon during 2018 and he was talking about that.
Seems unlikely. Then again, Samus Returns was announced the same day after they had already completed production for release a couple months away. Who knows how long they've been sitting on these things?
2018 for Prime and Pokemon would hit it out of the fucking park for the Switch.

[Ed’s note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant “2018 and beyond” here]

The dream is dead will take a little longer to get here.

I mean... 2018 is still included in "2018 and beyond"



Correct. Who is to say that Metroid hasn't been in development for some time already? Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't.

MP4 is 2-3 years into development, then why was their only reveal a repurposed Metroid Prime 3 logo? They can't even do a teaser on a game that's 12-18 months from release?
MP4 is 2-3 years into development, then why was their only reveal a repurposed Metroid Prime 3 logo? They can't even do a teaser on a game that's 12-18 months from release?

Maybe they didn't want to detract from their upcoming releases? Why did they discontinue the NES Classic? Why did they decide to use that ridiculous voice chat system? Who the fuck knows why they do the things they do? 2019 is more likely than 2018 but it would hardly be the most shocking thing to happen if it did release next year. It's all guess work.


Maybe they didn't want to detract from their upcoming releases? Why did they discontinue the NES Classic? Why did they decide to use that ridiculous voice chat system? Who the fuck knows why they do the things they do? 2019 is more likely than 2018 but it would hardly be the most shocking thing to happen if it did release next year. It's all guess work.

Then why did they show off Zelda a couple years from release? And xenoblade chronicles x and star Fox zero?
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