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Nintendo of America says Metroid Prime 4 and "new Pokemon game" are 2018 titles


the piano man
Metroid Prime 4 in 2018?!

I remember something:
- this game is coming 2015?
- It is

.- hey Aounuma, guess what, the WiiU sucks and we need this game on Switch so we'll delay it until we launch the switch

(meaning, MP4 doesn't need to wait for anything to see a release)
I expect they went through major crunch to get Sun/Moon out the door, then began to ramp up production on Pokemon Switch once SM was finished. "More than a year" can mean 2 years, 3 years.....any number greater than 1. If they were that confident about the release window I suspect the wording would not have been as vague.

You're massively overthinking things.
Maybe that's because this time last year the Switch wasn't even announced yet?

Okay, well we didn't know Metroid Samus Returns was a thing until last week, and it's releasing in 3 months.

EDIT: Whoops you edited in a response to that.

True but they actually had it on the show floor and showed the actual game off running on 3DS. Metroid Prime 4 was a title screen and nothing else.

They don't seem to want to show off games coming in a franchise if there is another game coming out for the franchise sooner.


Yeah no that's not happening. As knowch as a want to believe, there's just no way I'm believing.

If we see some fairly advanced footage in September then I might start to waver.


I don't understand that one... yeah I get two Pokemon titles, but on different platforms. Not everyone has a Switch.

Because Pokémon is different from other games. It's not like they could do say Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D Land in the same year on different devices and it be fine. Pokémon is a game with progression, huge connectivity and allowing the userbase almost full connectivity with every other player in that generation regardless of what game they have.


I believe it, the only games announced for Switch that are not coming this year are, Kirby, Yoshi both we have seen, along with Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon and FE which all were officially announced for Switch.

Pikmin 4 has been mentioned but it has yet to be officially announced. Yes they could get delayed but right now they are the games announced 1st party wise for Switch next year, but for some reason people think games unannounced and unseen have a better chance of coming before them.

We have no idea how long these games have been in development, both TPC and Tanabe have talked about NX games in the Prime and main Pokemon series, these games have been planned for a while.

If Prime 4 and Pokemon Switch was shown at E3 they would have take a lot of attention away from the 2017 games and I think that is why we didnt see any footage.
Yeah, no game did that last year at all.

Wait, Pokémon Sun & Moon did that


You do realise that games don't begin development when they reveal the logo, right?

I find it hare to believe they have a lot ready if they just show a reused Metroid Prime logo.


I'm pretty sure they will try to re-use all they can for Pokémon, BUT, end of 2018 might be still a bit early for it. We can assume they begun development for the game about 3 months ago, when I think USUM got to "gold status" or finished enough to be able to make the team start working on other things. That means at least 1year and 4 months of development. That's...not enough (assuming it's gonna be a big jump for the series).

Expect the game end of 2019 for holiday season.

(Unless they release a USUM port for switch to just fill 2018 with something)


You're massively overthinking things.

All I'm thinking right now is that if Nintendo refuses to confirm or support these offhand comments from an executive interview, then what is there to talk about? As far as the company is concerned Metroid and Pokemon are TBA until further notice. Counting on a 2018 release for either is just getting your hopes up unnecessarily.


January: ---
February: Yoshi
March: Super Smash Bros for Switch; launch of online service
April: Kirby
May: Animal Crossing; co-play on mobile game
June: ----
July: ----
August: Pikmin 4
September: Fire Emblem
October: Metroid Prime 4
November: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl for Switch and 3DS
December: -----

Please be true. This would be awesome. * Fan girl aways*


Metroid Prime 4 sounds way too early for 2018 release, though we may get a first glimpse at the next E3.

Nintendo has made it pretty clear that they are not yet ready to give a clear picture for Switch's 2018 lineup, even though they gave us a glimpse of those Kirby and Yoshi games.

The titles we know of officially stated for 2018 release:
- Mainline Fire Emblem
- Yoshi 2018
- Kirby 2018

The titles we know of in development that may or may not see release in 2018:
- SMT 5
- Project Octopath Traveler
- No More Heroes Project
- Pikmin 4
- Gamefreak's Pokemon RPG
- Metroid Prime 4

Studio's we know are working on Switch Projects but haven't announced anything (may or may not be 2018 titles):
- Platinum Games
- From Software
- Retro Studios
- Next Level Games

And finally, titles I have a feeling are in development for 2018 but is pure speculation:

- Party game from NDCube (likely Mario Party)
- Smash Bros for Switch
- Super Mario Maker (Remaster or Sequel)
- Animal Crossing Title

The information released between January and E3 gives us a decent amount of ideas of what we might see, and they will undoubtedly have a number of 2018 titles before the next E3 which begs the question of when they will begin to cover those titles.
I'll be really impressed if Nintendo can get both games out by next year. I won't completely write it off they reconfirmed Xenoblade 2 for 2017 after so many people on this forum doubted that was gonna make it this year.
All I'm thinking right now is that if Nintendo refuses to confirm or support these offhand comments from an executive interview, then what is there to talk about? As far as the company is concerned Metroid and Pokemon are TBA until further notice.

That's usually how it works. They're not going to announce a date offhand because stuff like that has to be run down by multiple channels to be confirmed, that's why most companies announce release dates in either events and press releases, not interviews. So unless nothing has been officially announced (which a Venturebeat interview) isn't. It's going to be TBA. With that being said Pokemon and probably Metroid aren't going to go through years of development hell unless something really fucks up in production. Next year is a pretty safe bet for these games.

Again don't think too hard, the absence of a release date doesn't mean anything as of yet.


As a resident pokemon armchair analyst I've realized something over the last 7 years: GF are always looking to break patterns.

After S/M came out in 2016 I really do believe anything can happen. Forget your animes, forget your missing legendary backstories, if gamefreak wants to, they can truly do whatever they want.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Who's arguing there's more ppl getting mad at ppl being skeptical.

Aggressive defense

Things happen,problems occur we've had delays from all these companies so many times this gen nobody here is in the wrong for being skeptical

I don't necessarily mean to imply you're definitely wrong to be skeptical but, given the fact that this blurb is all we have to go on as far as a release window for these titles, (and I can't think of any announced Nintendo software for Switch in 2018 outside of a couple 2D platformers) I'm inclined to believe that the person in this interview is under the impression those titles are slated for next year. Otherwise, we're in for a comparatively lame 2018 as far as Switch is concerned.

As far as the GF release history goes, I'm admittedly not the biggest Pokemon head, but the history this decade shows that a 2 year gap is more of an exception than a rule. Largest two gaps were September 2010 - June 2012 (B&W - B&W2) and November 2014 - November 2016 (ORAS - S&M). I'm a little confused about the 'core' distinction that people keep bringing up so I assume someone might tell me that a lot of those releases don't count. Regardless, Eurogamer seemed pretty confident that they've been working on something for Switch since long before the proper Switch reveal event, it's my understanding that plenty of HD-ready assets were created in the lead up to Sun and Moon, and dude in the June 2017 announcement said it "may be over a year away". There's ~18 months between that announcement and the end of 2018 so I'm not going to balk at the assertion that we'll get it next year.

OF course, this could all be nonsense and we're either in for a follow-up to this great year that only gives us two 2d platformers. Or, they've announced their planned release schedule out of order for some reason.


Given their recent Switch track record and how open they've been about maintaining momentum, I believe them.


Pokemon makes no sense to release next year unless they find a way to properly make Switch connect to 3DS.
Prime 4 next year? I can see it.
They probably hadn't planned on showing it till close to the direct and whipped up something quick to announce it.
I don't expect it to come before the end of 2018 though.


Junior Member
January: ---
February: Yoshi
March: Super Smash Bros for Switch; launch of online service
April: Kirby
May: Animal Crossing; co-play on mobile game
June: ----
July: ----
August: Pikmin 4
September: Fire Emblem
October: Metroid Prime 4
November: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl for Switch and 3DS
December: -----

Please be true. This would be awesome. * Fan girl aways*
The 3DS already got its remakes (OR/AS). If anything, I could see Game Freak saving the Gen 4 remakes for after they finish the first round of Gen 8 games.


The 3DS already got its remakes (OR/AS). If anything, I could see Game Freak saving the Gen 4 remakes for after they finish the first round of Gen 8 games.

Gen 8 is very far away I think. Too soon, when this year we have the "true gen7 versions".


As a resident pokemon armchair analyst I've realized something over the last 7 years: GF are always looking to break patterns.

After S/M came out in 2016 I really do believe anything can happen. Forget your animes, forget your missing legendary backstories, if gamefreak wants to, they can truly do whatever they want.

We can't forget the anime. The anime exists as a promotional tool for the games and wouldn't continue the Gen 7 arc if the games shift to Gen 8. They plan these things precisely. There's breaking tradition and then there's this. Come on now.


Junior Member
Gen 8 is very far away I think. Too soon, when this year we have the "true gen7 versions".
Yeah, what I'm saying is that after the first Gen 8 games drop, we could get the D/P remakes (Crazy Diamond & Shining Pearl, perhaps?) based on whatever system changes Gen 8 brings to the table on the Switch. Remember, you can still play the original versions of the Gen 4 games on your 3DS.
"We've announced a nice lineup through this year, and next year we have some big games coming with Metroid 4. 2018 [Ed's note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant ”2018 and beyond" here]"

It's over guys.
We can't forget the anime. The anime exists as a promotional tool for the games and wouldn't continue the Gen 7 arc if the games shift to Gen 8. They plan these things precisely. There's breaking tradition and then there's this. Come on now.
The animes entire purpose is to promote these games. Just like they shoved marshadow into the I choose you movie


They can end this season of anime anytime. Just make Ash fail his exams and drop of the school. It would be something totally expected from him.


Again don't think too hard, the absence of a release date doesn't mean anything as of yet.

If they can't commit to a "Holiday 2018" release date, or even a "2018" release date, that would probably indicate that the games are either pretty early in development or Nintendo feels there is a substantial chance they could slip into 2019. This could change at any moment though, I suppose.

As a resident pokemon armchair analyst I've realized something over the last 7 years: GF are always looking to break patterns.

After S/M came out in 2016 I really do believe anything can happen. Forget your animes, forget your missing legendary backstories, if gamefreak wants to, they can truly do whatever they want.

I presume that the Switch kinda lit a fire under their ass to get the game out as soon as possible, rather than risk releasing it on a platform that is rapidly fading away.

If Pokemon Switch is their first attempt at an HD-quality game, I'm not sure if they will be able to work as quickly on a platform that's new to them. How long was the gap between the last 2D Pokemon and the first 3D Pokemon?


Makes sense, although I have a feeling they'l space the launch title dates like Spring 2018, Metroid 4 and Fall/Xmas holidays 2018, we get Pokemon Switch game. Nintendo going to sell a ton of Switches to coincide with demand
I've realized my theory sorta falls apart when you realize there's still a Kirby 3DS game supposed to release this year and they showed a Kirby Switch game for 2018.

Didnt they say Metroid wouldnt be out in more than a year in the E3 Nintendo spotlight? Or was it Pokemon?

That was about Pokemon, and they said "while it may not be out for more than a year" which implies holiday 2018, since that's 1.5 years from June 2017.


I certainly believe the Pokémon bit- they're going to start revealing Gen VIII Pokémon next year anyway, so I could very easily see them releasing a new Switch generation in concert with that at the end of next year. Every indication is that Game Freak intended this to be an unusually short generation.

I'm PARTICULARLY amused that certain posters who were absolutely certain what Game Freak was doing last year before getting spectacularly blindsided by the Sun and Moon announcement are back at it again.

The Sun and Moon anime is a slice of life anime based largely around one single location with excursions elsewhere. It's such a profoundly different format to other anime series that you can't really draw comparisons to the past, and even then I expect them to be done with the Akala Island stuff by the time the anime's first anniversary rolls around.

What tells you this particular generation will be short? They are only 30 episodes into Sun & Moon and Ash only has 4 pokemon on his team at the moment. There are approximately 50 episodes in a year. You think by this time next year, when they will be about 80 episodes in they will have already announced a new generation. Nah. Also if Sun & Moon happened to be shorter than previous generation (we've received no indication of that) then it wouldn't 1 year short. Look at the history of Pokemon and how they operate, when was the last time there was anything less than 3 years between a generation?


Seems weird considering they haven't shown anything yet.

I was thinking 2019 for Prime 4 and New Gen Pokémon, and 2018 for Prime Trilogy HD and Sun/Moon Remaster (Stars?) for easy money and quickly building the install base through old assets.


As a resident pokemon armchair analyst I've realized something over the last 7 years: GF are always looking to break patterns.

After S/M came out in 2016 I really do believe anything can happen. Forget your animes, forget your missing legendary backstories, if gamefreak wants to, they can truly do whatever they want.

Explain this one? I want to hear what was so crazy out of the norm that would make you believe that a a new mainline game would come out next year.
"We've announced a nice lineup through this year, and next year we have some big games coming with Metroid 4. 2018 [Ed's note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant ”2018 and beyond" here]"

It's over guys.

He still says Metroid Prime 4 is releasing next year... "2018 and beyond" only seems to clarify Pokemon's situation there.


Also Gamefreak isn't going to release Sun & Moon for a 3rd year in a row next year. Next year will either be remakes or no Pokemon games at all.


What tells you this particular generation will be short? They are only 30 episodes into Sun & Moon and Ash only has 4 pokemon on his team at the moment. There are approximately 50 episodes in a year. You think by this time next year, when they will be about 80 episodes in they will have already announced a new generation. Nah. Also if Sun & Moon happened to be shorter than previous generation (we've received no indication of that) then it wouldn't 1 year short. Look at the history of Pokemon and how they operate, when was the last time there was anything less than 3 years between a generation?

I guess he's going by the lack of mythical Pokemon in generation VII. Magearna and Marshadow are the only ones. Magearna was revealed even before Sun & Moon itself, while Marshadow is going to appear in the upcoming retelling movie. That strongly suggests that by 2018 they'll already be marketing a Pokemon from a new generation. Although it could be a Magearna case - marketing a Pokemon before the proper game reveal.
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