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Nintendo Spotlight Presentation (their E3 conference) to be 30 Minutes in length

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I don't like port begging. But it is the first time I am really mad a game isn't coming to Swiych. Really wanted Undertale.


Told you it was not going to be "5". Looked cool pretty though, might get it on PC if i like the other things they'll show about the game.


I know the Nintendo show hasn't happened yet, but Jesus, 3rd party completely ignoring Switch so far is so disheartening. Guess I was being unrealistic and got my hopes up, but I expected more to jump on board with the Switch, at least indie devs. They too seem to be largely ignoring Switch, aside from a few
Capcom betrayed Nintendo after all Ninty did for the franchise in the west...
Capcom is a business and businesses like safe money. Sony smartened up finally and gave them bigger stacks than Nintendo. That's all there is to it really.

Still, I hope MHXX makes it to our side so we can get our fix of that sweet old game formula.


Capcom betrayed Nintendo after all Ninty did for the franchise in the west...

It is one of the reasons I think Nintendo should stop helping some 3rd parties so much and expand. Same thing with SE, Nintendo helps them localize 3DS games and nothing in return.
I know the Nintendo show hasn't happened yet, but Jesus, 3rd party completely ignoring Switch so far is so disheartening. Guess I was being unrealistic and got my hopes up, but I expected more to jump on board with the Switch, at least indie devs. They too seem to be largely ignoring Switch, aside from a few
I guess a lot of them are wary after how the Wii U turned out. Can't say I blame them, even with Nintendo's handhelds typically being successful. Here's to hoping Japanese developers jump on board by next year, like they did for the 3DS. If that doesn't happen, well, the Switch will have a grim future


So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?
So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?
New Sin and Punishment was REAL?!?!?!?????!??!!!!?!?
So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?

There are a million rumors on 4chan. It's not a hive mind and the vast majority are false
What I'm confused about is and not to sound fanboy but how come they decided Xbox One and not Switch with the rest?
Wouldn't Switch/PS4/XBO make everyone happy?
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