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Nintendo Spotlight Presentation (their E3 conference) to be 30 Minutes in length

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What I'm confused about is and not to sound fanboy but how come they decided Xbox One and not Switch with the rest?
Wouldn't Switch/PS4/XBO make everyone happy?

I thought they already announced a game for the Switch? Otherwise, Switch probably isn't powerful enough to be on par with PS4/Xb1 versions.


What I'm confused about is and not to sound fanboy but how come they decided Xbox One and not Switch with the rest?
Wouldn't Switch/PS4/XBO make everyone happy?

Rumor has it that Sony specifically blocked a Switch release. At least that was what the rumor entailed. The word was leaked back to Nintendo, and Ninty decided to remain quiet about it.


That leak said 5 on PS4 and portable on Switch, so they at least got the name wrong lol

Unless you mean that it's getting 5 which will also be portable as MH should be.

Exclusive no, but we don't know if it's on Switch too.

The leak prob got the name wrong but it was the game that we just saw, so that means Switch will get the traditional MH game which will prob be called MH 5

What I'm confused about is and not to sound fanboy but how come they decided Xbox One and not Switch with the rest?
Wouldn't Switch/PS4/XBO make everyone happy?

The leak said Switch will get MHXX and MH portable 5, we already knew this one wasnt coming based on the leak
The rainaway devs are not playing it seems lol



So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?

The Mario + Rabbids title was already known from prior leaks, and I'm pretty sure there had already been rumblings in regards to MH.


There will be Monster Hunter games released on the Switch. That's almost guaranteed.

One is already announced

The leak prob got the name wrong but it was the game that we just saw, so that means Switch will get the traditional MH game which will prob be called MH 5

The leak said Switch will get MHXX and MH portable 5, we already knew this one wasnt coming based on the leak

There is a fundamental difference between a MH5 and a MH [insert title]. A game which does not look like, play like and isn't titled MH5, is likely not MH5.

And what is a MH 5 Portable?
Wow... The MH World rumor being true is a huge slap in the face for the Switch...

MH needed a fresh start for so long now, the gameplay was really outdated a while a go, especially the world being seperated in loading zones... not to mention the graphics engine... and now it finally gets a "reboot" and its not on THE Nintendo console? That is really disappointing... Switch gets another oudated 3DS port while PS4 gets a completely new MH experience... I don't know...

I am very sad right now...
So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?

Someday we will apprehend this mysterious 4chan.

Astral Dog

Wow... The MH World rumor being true is a huge slap in the face for the Switch...

MH needed a fresh start for so long now, the gameplay was really outdated a while a go, especially the world being seperated in loading zones... not to mention the graphics engine... and now it finally gets a "reboot" and its not on THE Nintendo console? That is really disappointing... Switch gets another oudated 3DS port while PS4 gets a completely new MH experience... I don't know...

I am very sad right now...
But happy for Monster Hunter i bet


Wow... The MH World rumor being true is a huge slap in the face for the Switch...

MH needed a fresh start for so long now, the gameplay was really outdated a while a go, especially the world being seperated in loading zones... not to mention the graphics engine... and now it finally gets a "reboot" and its not on THE Nintendo console? That is really disappointing... Switch gets another oudated 3DS port while PS4 gets a completely new MH experience... I don't know...

I am very sad right now...

Well, you can always play both? Assuming you have a ps4 of course. :)


Well, the Sony presser was a yawn-fest. The SotC remake looks good, but barely seemed to elicit a response from the audience. Monster Hunter World also looks good, but that's from my PoV as a non-MH fan. I'm not sure what actual MH fans would think (not that they're going after that audience anyways).

Everything else seemed to be some form of TPS with stealth kills and/or Arkham-style combat and QTEs. Disappointed that From Software didn't show up with a new game.

The Evil Within 2 is currently my Game of the Show, or at least, the game that has me most excited. Followed closely by Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.

I have a feeling that will all change once Super Mario Odyssey gets blown out tomorrow.
I know it sounds like a petty comment, but yeah, hope the game bombs.

Game looked really cool. But oh well, thats just how it worked out I guess. I will never play a Monster Hunter game on a tv so I won't be getting this.

First bitter impressions aside: It will bomb in Japan. They will never accept a tv MH. I am not sure about the west but with so many action games on PS4 already it will be a tough battle. Good luck Capcom, you'll need it.

Obviously MH5 is probably still Switch exclusive, and I do kinda hope a MH5 is also in the Switch event tomorrow just for the lols but it probably won't be open world like MHW is which will deflate my hype for it. Open world MH looks cool as fuck, I must admit. Glad to anyone who only has a PS4/XBO/PC and never played it. I'm just upset with the announcement of no Switch version. >_>

Atleast I got a portable version of Undertale, even if it doesn't come to Switch. That was the one highlight of Sony's e3.
Well some games were absent from all conferences thus far. Games that were allegedly to be shown this week.

- LA Noire
- Metal Gear Survive
- possible Splinter Cell
- Remake 2
- Battlefront 2 did not get time at Sony or MS conference. Odd.

- maybe they get announced after the conferences? Unless...
So more of the rumors of a split-based Monster Hunter aduience seemed to be true, huh? With the more traditional Monster Hunter line of games (being worked on by the X/XX team) being labeled as "Portable", and another team working on "World".

So far 4chan has been right on the money:
- Mario + Rabbids in Mushroom Kingdom being the final title [check]
- Monster Hunter split base [check]
- New Sin & Punishment by what looks to be Platinum Games developed?

What were the other rumors mentioned?

That wasn't a 4chan rumor. All the details mentioned were in previous leaks by LKD and Emily Rogers. Some of you are just talking shit now. And new S&P? Where??
The conferences this year aren't too.... appealing...

Hopefully Nintendo hits a bottom of the Ninth Game 7 of the World Series types of Home Run with their direct.


If (and when) the spotlight disappoints, man...
That was supposed to be a cool E3 but I really should have done anything else instead


Well some games were absent from all conferences thus far. Games that were allegedly to be shown this week.

- LA Noire
- Metal Gear Survive
- possible Splinter Cell
- Remake 2
- Battlefront 2 did not get time at Sony or MS conference. Odd.

- maybe they get announced after the conferences? Unless...
FFVII-R and RE2-R are starting to feel like TGS showings


Well some games were absent from all conferences thus far. Games that were allegedly to be shown this week.

- LA Noire
- Metal Gear Survive
- possible Splinter Cell
- Remake 2
- Battlefront 2 did not get time at Sony or MS conference. Odd.

- maybe they get announced after the conferences? Unless...

seem you learned nothing from code vein lol


It's not Monster Hunter 5, so calm the fuck down and ask yourselves where the next mainline entry is likely to end up.

Especially in context of the largely correct 4chan leak.


Nintendo's E3 is more than just the 25 minute Spotlight. There will be some surprises in the Treehouse. Many here seem to forget this.

MH World doesn't mean much for Nintendo. The series will continue with MH 5 on Nintendo Switch. Believe that one rumor, it got everything right.
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