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Nintendo Spotlight Presentation (their E3 conference) to be 30 Minutes in length

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If the rumour is true I'm happy for the core Monster Hunter 5 for Switch and the new Minster Hunter Worlds on the other consoles and PC. It didn't look too hot and was filled with shallow looking modern mechanics.


Nintendo's E3 is more than just the 25 minute Spotlight. There will be some surprises in the Treehouse. Many here seem to forget this.

MH World doesn't mean much for Nintendo. The series will continue with MH 5 on Nintendo Switch. Believe that one rumor, it got everything right.

And this rumor was?


Unfortunately yes.

And yeah Ubi did win, for now.

I don't see how, we don't expect big surprises and pretty much everything did have gameplay footage. I mean showing 5 minutes of Mario Odyssey, a Smash Bros Port, Pokken footage, Splatoon and MarioRabbids can't be better than what Ubisoft, or even Microsoft did.


Reggie has all but said a new Metroid is coming. Whether it's at e3, I don't know, but sounds like there will be one in the next couple of years.

The problem with Metroid is that not only is it questionable to happen, at this point I don't believe it would actually be good even if it did come.


Unconfirmed Member
Unless I'm mistaken, I haven't seen anything from Platinum or From Software yet...

Astral Dog

I know it sounds like a petty comment, but yeah, hope the game bombs.

Game looked really cool. But oh well, thats just how it worked out I guess. I will never play a Monster Hunter game on a tv so I won't be getting this.

First bitter impressions aside: It will bomb in Japan. They will never accept a tv MH. I am not sure about the west but with so many action games on PS4 already it will be a tough battle. Good luck Capcom, you'll need it.

Obviously MH5 is probably still Switch exclusive, and I do kinda hope a MH5 is also in the Switch event tomorrow just for the lols but it probably won't be open world like MHW is which will deflate my hype for it. Open world MH looks cool as fuck, I must admit. Glad to anyone who only has a PS4/XBO/PC and never played it. I'm just upset with the announcement of no Switch version. >_>

Atleast I got a portable version of Undertale, even if it doesn't come to Switch. That was the one highlight of Sony's e3.
Salty tears 🍪
Mmmmm yummy
Nintendo is going to win E3 yet again. All they have to do is show the Smash Bros. logo followed by the words "coming soon" and it'll have topped everything else by ever other company.

Got everything right except the name, and it's from last year so...

Why are people so excited PS4 and XBO are getting what's essentially a spinoff? I mean, MH5 in name, but not in gameplay...that is pretty much how the previous console MH games have been. Not to mention it says right there Switch is getting a new exclusive MH game in the vein of the previous ones


Welp, looks like Mario Odyssey is gonna sleepwalk to game of the show. Worst e3 in recent memory.

Sonys was alright and overall it hasn't been THAT bad, but definitely under my expectations. Nothing from FromSoft so far is a big disappointment, they've been silent for ages now.
Here's hoping Nintendo blows it out of the park.


Looks like Nintendo might even have the best E3 showing lol.

Especially if they go with the Mario hype a bit + the first hour of the treehouse livestream will announce stuff too.


The 4chan rumor?
I thought that one had MH5 stationary, westernized. Portable 5th/XX Switch.

World isn't 5. And 5 wouldn't be P5th so it meets the facts in a certain sense so far, but also doesn't.

Also no inkling of Sony funding for World, the oddest part of that rumor. Thing is PS4/Xbox One/PC...which the rumor allows but still an odd exclusivity deal.


Why are people so excited PS4 and XBO are getting what's essentially a spinoff? I mean, MH5 in name, but not in gameplay...that is pretty much how the previous console MH games have been. Not to mention it says right there Switch is getting a new exclusive MH game in the vein of the previous ones

Because it looks fucking gorgeous??


Too short. But I hope it becomes the best E3 anyway... because dear God... what a underwheling E3 we had this year.

I never thought I would say that, but Ubisoft did the best E3 presentation this time!


So if Sony gets MH World, perhaps a new Switch entry will be called Monster Hunter 5 after all. This makes more sense than the rumor, spinoff names for spinoff games.
Reggie has all but said a new Metroid is coming. Whether it's at e3, I don't know, but sounds like there will be one in the next couple of years.

When they were doing press for Federation Force wasn't it said there was no active Metroid game in development? I assume there is one now, but outside a teaser trailer for a 2019 release I have a hard time seeing it showing up tomorrow.

Would love to be wrong.
After 2 out of the big three kinda dropped the ball on E3 this year, it's up to ninty to deliver the goods.

Though the statment about it being about 2017 games only, which they released earlier on this(last?) month doesn't give me the best confidence.

Not long to go!


Looks like Nintendo might even have the best E3 showing lol.

Especially if they go with the Mario hype a bit + the first hour of the treehouse livestream will announce stuff too.

Mario Oddysey is going to be weird and amazing. I can feel it in my bones.

I hope Nintendo has even more weird shit up their sleeves. They need to stand out. Everybody else has the gritty reboots and shooters locked down.
I don't see how, we don't expect big surprises and pretty much everything did have gameplay footage. I mean showing 5 minutes of Mario Odyssey, a Smash Bros Port, Pokken footage, Splatoon and MarioRabbids can't be better than what Ubisoft, or even Microsoft did.
you dont expect a big surprise . I DO. I dont care what the hivemind drinking right now.

boiled goose

good with gravy
People are sad that there's a game for another platform? Why??

Ps4 is a successful system. It's gonna get games.

If the game didn't exist, you wouldn't be sad. It's just fanboyism.


Guys, can someone point me what should we be expecting for tomorrow's nintendo presentation based on "confirmed" leaks, please?


It'll be completely ridiculous if they don't announce a new Metroid (or whatever Retro is working on) during either the spotlight or the treehouse... but that's also 100% what I expect to happen. Excited to get disappointed tomorrow
Not to people who wont play it because of its visuals. Others want high quality visuals and to be immersed into the games rather than just having deep mechanics alone.

True, but the game isn't a multimillion seller because of people who play it for graphics. Considering it's been on handhelds primarily, it's safe to say that isn't the reason the vast majority of fans play it, or the Frontier games would've done better
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