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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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Maturity, bitches.
I'm hoping Mario Kart is Mario Kart 9 using MK8 as a base. 32 (16 new/16 retro) new tracks please.

Splatoon would be a nice pack-in depending on the price difference between the SKUs and the other differences. In Europe Splatoon was a budget game and, while its a bit greedy to say this, it would be nice to pay a similar price again. So yeah, no £50 price difference just for one game.

And talking of price. I guessed pretty early on Smash would be ported so I haven't bought any DLC for it apart from Ryu. Taking into account the price of all the fighter and stage DLC I need, buying Smash again would pretty much be equal to it. So I may not mind paying for that one again.

So basically, the only thing I'm worried about so far is how much different MKSwitch is to MK8.


I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

Splatoon as a pack-in sounds wonderful though. Very clever move in my opinion.

Of course we're all bummed about yet another Zelda delay but hey, we've waited so long what are a couple more months?


I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

Splatoon as a pack-in sounds wonderful though. Very clever move in my opinion.

Of course we're all bummed about yet another Zelda delay but hey, we've waited so long what are a couple more months?

It's been at least 3 years since I properly played Skyrim. Personally I'm stoked to play it on a portable even when I already have the game on PC. Just seems like the right kind of game for it.


3DS indie and western support felt rather inexistent.
Not saying nor do I expect it to have PS4/Xbox One levels of 3rd party support from AAA publishers, but I think it'll be embraced by indies.

The Switch already has Skyrim, which is more than anything the 3DS had from the west (in terms of name).

OK, I can see it.

I feel the 3DS is probably most comparable to what you will see on the Switch as far as third party support, but with some additional western AAA multiplats and maybe more of the currently Sony exclusive niche Japanese third party titles. That's a good scenario, but it's also a reasonable one.

I would avoid expecting to suddenly get all of the same multiplats PS4/XB1 get. That's a recipe for disaster.

Yea, that's personally the level I expect for it to reach.
I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

Splatoon as a pack-in sounds wonderful though. Very clever move in my opinion.

Of course we're all bummed about yet another Zelda delay but hey, we've waited so long what are a couple more months?

The last time I played Skyrim was 2007 or so for Xbox 360 and it was in my top 10 games of last gen. Now I get to play a remastered version AND I can take it on the go?? Sign me up.
Hmmm, you sure that isn't just blind optimism? :p
If indie developers support the freakin' Vita (and are only recently starting to skip it for technical reasons), I see no reason why they wouldn't go for the Switch which should have more than enough power to handle their games (and supports modern engines).


I truly believe this is the console-focused entry of an eventual unified company platform. Anyone expecting mobile-focused hardware should come back in two years when they release the Switch Go with the same power and three times the battery life.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
The last time I played Skyrim was 2007 or so for Xbox 360 and it was in my top 10 games of last gen. Now I get to play a remastered version AND I can take it on the go?? Sign me up.

...Skyrim came out in 2011 though, how could you play it in 2007? I suppose you're confusing it with Oblivion.

With all information coming out today, how do you feel about the rumors?

The rumors sound incredible to me. First, I'm not the biggest Zelda fan (I know, it's some kind of sin around here), so that being delayed is bad news I can manage.

The games I'm most excited for now are Splatoon and Smash. Whatever is added in the premium bundle will be worth it for me, I think, since I wanted to pick up Splatoon on day 1 anyways. I'm looking for certain, specific enhancements, but I'm pretty sure Splatoon Switch will deliver.

Otherwise, it's nice to be told Smash is coming relatively soon. I'm a Smash nut so whatever they add will feel great, plus I'm hoping that the new hardware just provides some quality of life changes. Wii U games were so good, infrastructure and hardware changes can really go a long way in improving how much I enjoy the games.

Otherwise I love Pokémon, so cool to here about that! And I've never actually played Skyrim, but was intrigued by the latest version on PS4...Now I think I will hold out and see what the Switch version offers!

All in all, I think the best thing about these rumors is that it looks like the period following the console's launch will be extremely healthy. With Nintendo consoles, I feel like I'm waiting on one or two games a YEAR. It's SO exciting to think there are going to be a dozen games I want to play, just in the first year!


I'm hoping Mario Kart is Mario Kart 9 using MK8 as a base. 32 (16 new/16 retro) new tracks please.

NateDrake said he heard there will be 16 new tracks although he's not sure.
Could be more, could be less but 32 new tracks (both new and retro) is kind of an unrealistic number at this point.


I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

well it's really more the idea of it... skyrim SE shows the thing is quite capable. assuming it doesn't run like complete ass (per a bethesda game)
NateDrake said he heard there will be 16 new tracks although he's not sure.
Could be more, could be less but 32 new tracks (both new and retro) is kind of an unrealistic number at this point.

Honestly, I sold my Wii U and games awhile ago, so anything will feel pretty new to me. New stages aside, it seems like the final number is going to be the highest in any Mario Kart game yet, and that is what gets me hyped!

Between Smash, Splatoon and Kart, it seems like Nintendo wants to invest in these games that utilize online multiplayer. I'm hoping this means extended seasons of DLC for all of them.


I'm getting a bit tired of the rumors since they seem to be spoiling all the surprise. What makes me curious is that not many unknown games are mentioned in the rumors. For example, there's nothing by HAL or Intelligent Systems in current rumors.
I'm getting a bit tired of the rumors since they seem to be spoiling all the surprise. What makes me curious is that not many unknown games are mentioned in the rumors. For example, there's nothing by HAL or Intelligent Systems in current rumors.

The one thing that's really nagging at me is that I've seen people suggest that there is some big unannounced feature/gimmick of the Switch hardware and I have absolutely no idea what it could be. I wonder if we'll make it to January 12th before that gets leaked, if it even exists!

Currently, I don't mind that stuff about enhanced editions of games is getting leaked since we already have a pretty great idea of what those games are. Looking forward to seeing what original switch games are in the pipeline!


Do people kind of feel that the Switch will have to least as the same amount of third party support the 3DS has?

It's the right model. I wish more people realized this and thought of the importance of 3rd party Switch support in terms of Japanese 3rd parties, not Western. It won't be the #1 COD machine, but it can be the #1 Japanese franchise machine.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm getting a bit tired of the rumors since they seem to be spoiling all the surprise. What makes me curious is that not many unknown games are mentioned in the rumors. For example, there's nothing by HAL or Intelligent Systems in current rumors.

I'm more surprised with no leaks from Namco-Bandai, regard with Smash Switch, considered how leaky it was.


What a crazy day is it? I had to change my question because I didn't expect that they would outed what game to be pack-in? I know it's a rumor but it's likely that it could be right.


With all information coming out today, how do you feel about the rumors?

For reference:

Thanks, Maxcriden and Boxter432

The pack in game was not what I hoped (I hoped we would get Mario Kart), but Splatoon would objectively be good deal I think. The launch day combo of Mario and Skyrim, on the other hand, is possibly tailor made to my preferences. I have spent 250 hours in Skyrim already, but I want to revisie that world with the remaster, especially now that I can take it on the go. A 3d Mario platformer is also awesome. For me, the combo of Skyrim and Mario is a better combo than Skyrim and Zelda would be, because the current combo gives more variation in genre, while still providing great games in their own right. So, I will most likely go for the standard unit, and buy those two games at launch.


Do people kind of feel that the Switch will have to least as the same amount of third party support the 3DS has?
A few suppositions as to a best case scenario:

a) Most 3DS support carries over. 3DS support is already down from DS support. I imagine Switch will suffer similar casualties to greater mobile presence, spec increase, lesser success of 3DS compared to DS. But in the best case, Nintendo convinces the majority of its supporters to keep at making dedicated handheld games.

b) Japanese cross-gen multiplatform games. These are the easiest games for Switch to get from PS4 in the scenario where Switch replaces Vita as the portable release. Switch is also much stronger than Vita and should get PS4/PS3 targeted games easier than it did.

c) Japanese PS4 games that now have a portable within porting range. Think Dragon Quest XI UE4 version.

Both B and C depend on variables of Switch success in Japan, Sony "loyalty," and Sony/Nintendo working 3rd parties one way or other.

d) Vita titles. Will these track PS ecosystem or portable SKU? They could do either with their niche audience sizes.

e) Western games that did well on Wii U.

f) Western tent pole games: your CoDs and FIFAs. Depends on install base.

g) New western multiplatform support. Stuff like Skyrim. This stuff will be very flaky and run at small sales. Less likely to find audience than Japanese home console games imo, as 3DS games are more like the latter.


Within region of support, my lists are meant to be in rough order of likelihood and extent of support from source.

Overall, e>a>b>c>f>d>g on these metrics imo.

My list is in descending level of importance, however. I think 3DS support is very key to the system and is what drives sales pushing other forms of Japanese support and eventually western support, which push more sales. (Which is why the teaser showing off g and f was really weird for me).



With all information coming out today, how do you feel about the rumors?

There's really nothing much about the rumors other than "confirming" or solidifying earlier rumors. But I appreciate all the stuff the insiders have been leaking thus far, hopefully the good ones they mentioned are true.

Best about the latest rumors: Mario Kart enhancements.

Worst about the latest rumors: Zelda won't be at launch.
I feel like if the Wii U had been more successful, and it was still going and not being rapidly replaced, these "enhanced ports" would come anyway. Tons and tons of games on PS4 and XBone get Ultimate/Complete editions or remasters. Mario Kart 8 Complete or Smash Bros Complete, disc-versions of the games that included all the DLC, were bound to happen given time. Hell, it happened to New Super Mario Bros U since it launched early enough, physical copies include the New Super Luigi U DLC in them.

So I'm not really bothered by them existing at all. If anything it's more convenient to me because even with Wii U but especially on a new system, I'd rather have the complete package on disc for what is very likely less than buying the disc plus all additional DLC packs. And these have the added bonus of not just being Ultimate/Complete editions, but Ultimate/Complete editions with large amounts of additional new content, for less than the disc+DLC+new content would cost.

Really looking forward to the Switch. The only Wii U game that's getting an enhanced port that I have all the DLC for is Mario Kart 8 anyway, I don't think I have any Smash DLC and I [regrettably] don't even own Splatoon or Mario Maker.


Maturity, bitches.
NateDrake said he heard there will be 16 new tracks although he's not sure.
Could be more, could be less but 32 new tracks (both new and retro) is kind of an unrealistic number at this point.

Wouldn't really call hoping the base number of tracks in a Mario Kart since DS unrealistic.

I technically wouldn't mind them reusing retro tracks they've used before if it's easier.


Wouldn't really call hoping the base number of tracks in a Mario Kart since DS unrealistic.

I technically wouldn't mind them reusing retro tracks they've used before if it's easier.
Are Mario Kart 8 tracks now Retro tracks? hmm. Probably not.
I think that the surprises for Wii u owners will be a massive incentive to move over, with discounts on games and console.

Nintendo wants a huge install base almost immediately so that 3rd party support, this is a way of doing that!
Sorry if you missed out on Wii u , but if some of those games don't get ported then you missed out on some amazing first party gems.

Now I say Nintendo give us Wave racer and a new Pilot wings!
I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

Splatoon as a pack-in sounds wonderful though. Very clever move in my opinion.

Of course we're all bummed about yet another Zelda delay but hey, we've waited so long what are a couple more months?

Don't understand your logic here. Why are you downplaying importance of Skyrim on Switch, but are happy with Splatoon on Switch which is also a re-release and been played to death. Splatoon sold 5+ millions, so it's not like some obscure game that all gamers will experience for the first time on the Switch.


I really don't understand why people are so excited about Skyrim beyond it just being a sign of good will from Bethesda and maybe an indication that we may see some more serious 3rd party support on the Switch. That game had been played to death and back already.

Splatoon as a pack-in sounds wonderful though. Very clever move in my opinion.

Of course we're all bummed about yet another Zelda delay but hey, we've waited so long what are a couple more months?

Skyrim is the absolute best 3rd party game Nintendo could have shown for the reveal trailer. Enough people want to play Skyrim on the go. Nintendo fans want that and also people who are/were interested in niche stuff like the Nvidia Shield, quite possibly people who aren't really into Nintendo hardware otherwise.

Besides, it's one of the top 3 most popular video games of the last decade or something. How is that not huge?
Skyrim is the absolute best 3rd party game Nintendo could have shown for the reveal trailer. Enough people want to play Skyrim on the go. Nintendo fans what that and also people who are/were interested in niche stuff like the Nvidia Shield, quite possibly people who aren't really into Nintendo hardware otherwise.

Besides, it's one of the top 3 most popular video games of the last decade or something. How is that not huge?

It's also symbolic in a way. Switch = 'fullsize' games on the go. Few games communicate 'fullsize' to the consumer as effectively as Skyrim does.


Good Art™
I expect battery packs and car adapters to offset a relatively short (3.5 hours) battery life.


I have a question of the day for some future time:

Assuming the Switch unifies the Nintendo ecosystem, do you expect/want two tiers of game franchises on the system? For example

Basically, would you be okay with them doing the Wii thing of having games of differing scales both on the platform a la New Super Mario Bros Wii and Super Mario Galaxy?

Actually IF they unify the library, they'll have to haev different scale for games, and different budgets.

You can't simply suddenly move all 3ds devs to WiiU graphics just like that.
I would even say they'll have now, exactly like before, a big contrast between super ambitious games with long devs and smaller games.


Hm, choosing Splatoon as the pack-in for the supposedly premium bundle might pose a personal conundrum for me. I'm not that interested in Splatoon anymore - feel like I've had my share.

On the other hand, assuming they do something similar to the Wii U launch, I don't want the inferior white Switch console with less internal storage.

But do I want to fork out an extra 50 for the premium version..? Choices!


Back to the question about the futures, there is one that I forgot to mention: the VR.

I believe that the switch can do VR better than the ps4!

How this is possible? Simple, all because of the portable nature of the Switch.

That means they can put a entire switch inside the VR only to process one of the lens and the other len use a actual switch. Not need to split the power.

And remember that that complimentary processing patent of Nintendo? That patent is perfect for make these 2 parts work like one.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Back to the question about the futures, there is one that I forgot to mention: the VR.

I believe that the switch can do VR better than the ps4!

How this is possible? Simple, all because of the portable nature of the Switch.

That means they can put a entire switch inside the VR only to process one of the lens and the other len use a actual switch. Not need to split the power.

And remember that that complimentary processing patent of Nintendo? That patent is perfect for make these 2 parts work like one.

Not with that 720p screen - but future Switch generations with higher res screen and more powerful SoC could adapt well to VR. Thats more a 2020 think.


Not with that 720p screen - but future Switch generations with higher res screen and more powerful SoC could adapt well to VR. Thats more a 2020 think.

If switch can do 1080p when docked, they can make the 900p for VR, like the psvr.

The idea is dock the switch and it send wireless the signal for the VR (remember that the wireless technology they use for Wii U is fastest as a cable) and then VR use that image to one of the lens and process the image for the other eye.


Do people kind of feel that the Switch will have to least as the same amount of third party support the 3DS has?

If it sells almost as well as the 3DS, then yes. If not...I think a lot of that support will jump to PC and PS4.

(My answer is yes, it will have the same support as 3DS).


It could be anything. It's hard to guess.

Of course. Though it is hard to guess since I can't personally think of many games that would be so weird as to garner that response. A new IP is definitely possible and there aren't many old IPs that are particularly "weird" enough to appear. That is, unless
is coming back to


What a crazy day is it? I had to change my question because I didn't expect that they would outed what game to be pack-in? I know it's a rumor but it's likely that it could be right.


With all information coming out today, how do you feel about the rumors?

For reference:

Thanks, Maxcriden and Boxter432
If splatoon is a pack in for $300 USD then I'm in as fuck for the premium package+3D Mario. Zelda not making launch is a bummer but I kinda suspected it.
Of course lol. Though it is hard to guess since I can't personally think of many games that would be so weird as to garner that response. A new IP is definitely possible and there aren't many old IPs that are particularly "weird" enough to appear. That is, unless
is coming back to

What if it's a crazy collaboration with Nintendos IP and some third party? That would be in the "weird" category if it's like Kid Icarus X Bioshock lol


Don't understand your logic here. Why are you downplaying importance of Skyrim on Switch, but are happy with Splatoon on Switch which is also a re-release and been played to death. Splatoon sold 5+ millions, so it's not like some obscure game that all gamers will experience for the first time on the Switch.

Skyrim is the absolute best 3rd party game Nintendo could have shown for the reveal trailer. Enough people want to play Skyrim on the go. Nintendo fans want that and also people who are/were interested in niche stuff like the Nvidia Shield, quite possibly people who aren't really into Nintendo hardware otherwise.

Besides, it's one of the top 3 most popular video games of the last decade or something. How is that not huge?

I am not downplaying the importance of Skyrim on Switch. I said that it is a sign of good will from 3rd parties like Bethesda and a good indication of their continued support in the future.

What I don't agree on is that it is the best possible 3rd party game they could have shown. Sure, there are people who are excited about the possibility of playing Skyrim on the go but I don't think (and of course, I could be wrong) this is a great number of people. Skyrim is a 5 year old game that has sold 20+ million copies on I don't know how many different platforms. Everyone who really wanted to play that game already has.

I think it would've been a much bigger deal if they had shown a brand new IP or even games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Mass Effect: Andromeda. Yes, they would have to be downgraded relative to their PS4/XBO/PC versions but it would show that 3rd parties are willing and capable of porting their games to Switch, which is a much better future proposition than just getting remasters of old games.

Is Skyrim on Switch good news? Yes
Is Skyrim on Switch better than games like Just Dance? Hell yes
Is Skyrim on Switch the best 3rd party game they could've shown? I don't know.

Now, why do I think Splatoon is a good pack-in choice?
Assuming Nintendo would pack-in a Wii U game, Splatoon is a new-ish IP, it was only playable on Wii U (which nobody bought) and is very popular in Japan. Mainstream consumers already know Mario/Zelda so including Splatoon with the system is a good way to make it more popular, especially in the West.

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