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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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Can someone explain to me how Nintendo would do a VC service?

They would still have to keep a regular VC for those who want to purchase VC games.

Then how do they do a subscription because they would have to rotate games into the subscription each month and they can't do too many games at once.

Would they do 10-20 games a month for the subscription and rotate 5 games in and out every month?

Pay 10$/months an you get access to a huge library of VC titles. (your rotation of x games per month sounds fine, too)
You can download (not stream) and play them as you wish.
Once a month, it'll check if you still have subscription, if you don't you won't be able to play your downloaded titles anymore.

But we all know this is never going to happen.


Is anyone here using My Nintendo is preparation for the Switch? I'm confident that the Switch launch will bring new rewards to the program, so I've been doing daily missions for quite some time now. Currently sitting at almost 4000 silver coins in hopes that I can use them for SOMETHING on the Switch. Even if it's just VC games. Please Nintendo.

My Nintendo has been giving me jack for my wii u and 3ds purchases so I've just ignored it. Most of the rewards being stuff I own hasn't helped matters.
Can someone explain to me how Nintendo would do a VC service?

They would still have to keep a regular VC for those who want to purchase VC games.

Then how do they do a subscription because they would have to rotate games into the subscription each month and they can't do too many games at once.

Would they do 10-20 games a month for the subscription and rotate 5 games in and out every month?

It's Nintendo, so I don't see them offering anything where we would stream games. As a result, I don't think they'd let us download that many games either. If anything, I could see a service that lets you try X amount of games for X amount of time.

Either that or a monthly "pick your own games" selection where for $10 a month, you get two VC titles that are worth a bit more than that. You most likely wouldn't be able to choose from "all" the VC games, just a select list they provide.


$10 a month for Netflix style access to Virtual Console.

I'm glad to see other people want this. I think it's such a no-brainer. I've always been reluctant to pay $5-10 for old games I'm unsure about, but I would sign up for this immediately and never even consider turning it off. That would be $120 a year from me, more than I would otherwise spend on VC.


I know. This is probably the next thing I want info on.

It's kind of a chicken and egg problem. Paid services will allow for more robust online experiences, but no one is going to pay if there aren't more robust online experiences. I'm a huge fanboy but I wouldn't pay for online right now because the only game I play online is Splatoon.

But, then again, Splatoon might be enough. It could be free with a year membership?

Yeah, like Nintendo has been behind both Microsoft and Sony with online capabilities for 10+ years so I feel if they were to do this it wouldn't sit well with most because they aren't known very well for online. On the other hand, we went one generation with the Xbox 360 being the only platform with a paid online subscription and this current one with Sony adopting this (and now they're the leader of this generation). So I wouldn't be surprised if there's talks of it.

I think it would be in their best interest to NOT charge for online. They need to prove themselves in this area as well with the Switch going forward. Even if they have some Netflix style VC service, I don't think there would be too much confidence with it. Personally as much as I like Splatoon I would prefer not to pay for online as well.

I can't see it. Maybe a subscription service for the VC, but paid MP would be a huge mistake IMO. Especially for people already paying for PS+ and/or Gold. Having to pay another subscription to play Splatoon, Smash, MK etc would be another reason for them to just say fuck it and stick with the platforms they have.

That was already a part of my decision to ditch X1 and just get MS games on PC after the play anywhere announcement. I wasn't willing to pay for Gold on top of PS+. PS+ I'll probably let lapse and just buy a month here and there on the rare occasions one of my real life friends wants to play something together (we've all changed to mostly SP stuff as we've gotten older).

That's a fair point regarding paying for another subscription.

As far as singleplayer games, I wouldn't say everyone has gone to that. Some folks just don't have the time or want to invest in a singleplayer game when you can just hop in some online multiplayer game and get some matches/races in.

It's hard to NOT be possible; all it takes is a screen and some form of motion detection. It's just a matter of how good or awful it is.

Hmm that's true!


But I feel like this might sway people who don't buy VS games at all. Any stats on how many Wii U and 3DS users have at least one VC game?

How high is that number?
And how high is the number of people willing to spend even just $5 for one of these games? I just don't think the numbers add up. This is like giving your best customers a 90% discount. Great way to ruin your business.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain to me how Nintendo would do a VC service?

They would still have to keep a regular VC for those who want to purchase VC games.

Then how do they do a subscription because they would have to rotate games into the subscription each month and they can't do too many games at once.

Would they do 10-20 games a month for the subscription and rotate 5 games in and out every month?

I mean PS Now exists and people with PS3s can still buy those games physically or digitally.

Both buying and streaming options can exist simultaneously, even with the full library. Some people like owning the games, want to play offline etc. Other's prefer to just rent and stream. There's a lot of money to be made there, especially from people who subscribe and end up not using it much. Netflix's best customers are those who pay but end up not streaming much, or only getting a disc or two a month. Same with gyms and people who pay and rarely go. That's a benefit of subscriptions. People end up buying a year and forgetting about it and not using it.

But yeah, also easy enough to rotate games in and out of a streaming service if they opted for that route.

I wouldn't count on any streaming option anytime soon though. Nintendo has enough issues with their online stuff as is, and leakers have suggested that people will be disappointed with the initial VC offerings (which would be a shitty way to launch a new streaming service).


It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
But I feel like this might sway people who don't buy VS games at all. Any stats on how many Wii U and 3DS users have at least one VC game?

As I said above, I think it would generate impulse subs. Also, many would end up barely using it, so it's money for Nintendo from them with little resource output which makes up for the heavy users. Just like the light users keep Netflix profitable p, not the regular or heavy users.

It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.

I don't think anyone exited really cares that much unless they're on a super tight budget. It's just one more nagging barrier for fencesitters trying to talk themselves out of buying at launch.
I mean PS Now exists and people with PS3s can still buy those games physically or digitally.

Both buying and streaming options can exist simultaneously, even with the full library. Some people like owning the games, want to play offline etc. Other's prefer to just rent and stream. There's a lot of money to be made there, especially from people who subscribe and end up not using it much. Netflix's best customers are those who pay but end up not streaming much, or only getting a disc or two a month. Same with gyms and people who pay and rarely go. That's a benefit of subscriptions. People end up buying a year and forgetting about it and not using it.

But yeah, also easy enough to rotate games in and out of a streaming service if they opted for that route.

I wouldn't count on any streaming option anytime soon though. Nintendo has enough issues with their online stuff as is, and leakers have suggested that people will be disappointed with the initial VC offerings (which would be a shitty way to launch a new streaming service).

It's worth pointing out the following with PS Now:
- It's available on PS4, PS3, PS Vita, and select televisions
- You cannot purchase the large majority of PS Now games on PS4, Sony's flagship console
- PS Now is the result of Sony's purchase of Gaikai. Nintendo would need similiar tech to power such a service.
Nintendo should do $250 with the option of paid online for better services to make money.


I have the strange suspicion that money is just added as extra revenue to their portfolio

Little evidence to suggest that its all invested in Infrastructure which is annoying
That's lots and lots of psychology behind that. Same as $4.99 looking better than $5.00

My wife and I are on opposite sides of the spectrum with that exact scenario. So much so that whenever she mentions the price for something, I can just about assume that it's actually a dollar more than what she said. $4.99 is automatically $4 to her.

Calm Mind

I've had $250 for North America at least for some time. Also, I believe the NA launch date is the 12th of March. And yes, I do know that it is a Sunday.
It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.

I paid full price for the 32GB Wii U at launch and have had it since. Played a number of games. Also paid full price for an Xbox One at launch. The value I've gotten out of the Xbox is better than the value of the Wii U, even considering some of the great first party titles available on Wii U. People have different priorities. For me, 250 is ok, 300+ is too much for what we've seen so far. If there is a premium model that has compelling features I'll go for it though.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Why not? Nintendo can do it better than Sony and MS. Extra FEATURES and services can be charged extra for.

Going online to play with friends should be free.

This makes no sense. People will decide what they want to pay for. Sony or MS aren't better than Nintendo. Nintendo can do it much better than them and offer it at a cheaper price.
So you're not really saying to charge for online play. You're just saying they should ha e a subscription service for other stuff. Which I agree with. I was the biggest supporter of PlayStation Plus before the online paywall, and if Nintendo had something similar for Switch I'd absolutely love it. PS Plus was ridiculous value on PS3.

A subscription service for the virtual console is something that I also think would work really well.
It's worth pointing out the following with PS Now:
- It's available on PS4, PS3, PS Vita, and select televisions
- You cannot play the large majority of PS Now games on PS4, Sony's flagship console
- PS Now is the result of Sony's purchase of Gaikai. Nintendo would need similiar tech to power such a service.

Um what?
I've had $250 for North America at least for some time. Also, I believe the NA launch date is the 12th of March. And yes, I do know that it is a Sunday.

That would be quite interesting! My bet has been on the 19th for NA, but I'd welcome the 12th. Both the 3DS and Wii-U launched on a Sunday, so it's entirely believable the Switch would follow suit.

Terrible wording on my part. I meant that you cannot "purchase" the large majority of PS Now games on PS4. Your option is to stream them or not play at all.


I received an email to go try the Switch in Paris (the 14th or 15th January).

A lot of people received this email? It's the first time I "win" for those kind of things, I've never been to those kind of events except in Tokyo for the Nintendo World (where the 3DS was playable for the 1st time).

I think I might go.


The Birthday Skeleton
It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.

It's a 20% price increase from $250 to $300. It's not like a $50 price difference when you buy a car. It's not even about $50, it's about perceived value for money spent.

Also the number of year you use something is not necessarily important. People buy expensive phones that get replaced after 1-2 years.

And it's not like in those 5-7 years you can use a console for free, you still have to pay $40-$60 for each new game.


I'm a grown ass adult with a vehicle that doesn't travel much. LOL, most of my games will be played at home so I don't care about the portable aspect.
I see.
I'm a grown ass without a vehicule so that helps : D.
And I actually just like to play in different places/positions.
The freedom of the joycons is also looking nice as I love to play with my hands free on Wii.


It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.

Not true for the wii u. Nintendo consoles should not be sold at a premium. I say this as a Nintendo fan


I've had $250 for North America at least for some time. Also, I believe the NA launch date is the 12th of March. And yes, I do know that it is a Sunday.

Yea I am torn if it will launch on the typical Sunday as previous Nintendo consoles and handhelds have done in the past. Or if they will launch it on a Friday as they typically do for their games. If it is indeed launching in EU on March 17th then the U.S. release would be before that so that leaves the 12th if launching on a Sunday.

Calm Mind

That would be quite interesting! My bet has been on the 19th for NA, but I'd welcome the 12th. Both the 3DS and Wii-U launched on a Sunday, so it's entirely believable the Switch would follow suit.

Terrible wording on my part. I meant that you cannot "purchase" the large majority of PS Now games on PS4. Your option is to stream them or not play at all.

March 5th is the last day of the Nintendo Switch experience tour so naturally I would assume that Nintendo would want the device out a week later.
I have always thought Nintendo should adopt an online pay structure. Like Xbox live. But multiplayer would be free regardless. Paying the $60 a year would entitle you to a free Virtual console or Eshop game monthly and would allow voice chat, parties, etc.

That way, those who don't want to have voice chat. You don't have to. If you do, pay for online and verify to are an adult.


I have always thought Nintendo should adopt an online pay structure. Like Xbox live. But multiplayer would be free regardless. Paying the $60 a year would entitle you to a free Virtual console or Eshop game monthly and would allow voice chat, parties, etc.

That way, those who don't want to have voice chat. You don't have to. If you do, pay for online and verify to are an adult.

No one would pay for Nintendo online service. The eshop monthly games are cool, but not for their service. Not sure why anybody would want that anyway. Steam is free.


It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.
I get where you're coming from, but the price isn't there in a vacuum.

Cheaper price could mean it sells better which could mean it's more appealing to publishers which could mean it ultimately ends up with a better library.

Or the cheaper price could mean it's too weak and devs drop support quickly. One or another the decisions have implications, though it's tough to know what's best. Presumably Nintendo has done some kind of research on this stuff so let's see what they come up with.
I have always thought Nintendo should adopt an online pay structure. Like Xbox live. But multiplayer would be free regardless. Paying the $60 a year would entitle you to a free Virtual console or Eshop game monthly and would allow voice chat, parties, etc.

That way, those who don't want to have voice chat. You don't have to. If you do, pay for online and verify to are an adult.

That's what I've been trying to say. It's OPTIONAL. And online multiplayer is free no matter what. I should say I think voice chat should be free too.

No one would pay for Nintendo online service. The eshop monthly games are cool, but not for their service. Not sure why anybody would want that anyway. Steam is free.

People would pay....stop worrying about hardcore MS and Sony fans and their opinions. Just like PS3 was free and all of a sudden nobody had a problem to pay for online with PS4...

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I have always thought Nintendo should adopt an online pay structure. Like Xbox live. But multiplayer would be free regardless. Paying the $60 a year would entitle you to a free Virtual console or Eshop game monthly and would allow voice chat, parties, etc.

That way, those who don't want to have voice chat. You don't have to. If you do, pay for online and verify to are an adult.
Voice chat and parties should be free. Charging for that is absolute bullshit. That's a basic online feature.


$10 a month for Netflix style access to Virtual Console.
I really do think this is the best proposal. Heck, I'd even accept two pricing schemes - one for limited downloads and one for unlimited.

VC monthly subscription has been my dream for a long while now. I'd invest so much more time and money into the service if I didn't have to commit so heavily to one purchase each time.
It's kind of a chicken and egg problem. Paid services will allow for more robust online experiences, but no one is going to pay if there aren't more robust online experiences. I'm a huge fanboy but I wouldn't pay for online right now because the only game I play online is Splatoon.

But, then again, Splatoon might be enough. It could be free with a year membership?
Online services are free on PC and are as robust and fully featured as on consoles, arguably more so. I'm yet to understand what exactly you're paying for when you 'pay for online'.


Is anyone here using My Nintendo is preparation for the Switch? I'm confident that the Switch launch will bring new rewards to the program, so I've been doing daily missions for quite some time now. Currently sitting at almost 4000 silver coins in hopes that I can use them for SOMETHING on the Switch. Even if it's just VC games. Please Nintendo.
I don't have as much but I constantly gather some to always stay over 1500 and still have some gold ones I have nothing to do with.


It's baffling to me that $50 would make or break some peoples interest in getting a new video game console that they'll use for 5-7 years.


I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
The ORIGINAL PlayStation Plus model or the EA Access model is the way to go. A sub service that's for getting access to a library of games or certain games every month. Maybe just have a few small extra perks like early access to betas or demos, or th3 use of cloud saves.
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