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Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's fastest selling game system (US, 906K), Zelda over 100%

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And Mario Kart 8 is a lot of fun, but if you wouldn't buy a Wii U for it years ago, why buy a Switch for it?

I'd answer that by saying

a) It runs better and has more stuff
b) It's also portable
c) Switch's future is obviously brighter than Wii U's

The main focus needs to be Switch. It's a console/handheld hybrid. It's time to consolidate everyone to it.

Part of me wishes they would, but part of me is realistic in understanding that there's 60m+ 3DS units out there and folks are still buying games for it.


Master or Re-make the Golden Sun games proper ala Zelda/Xenoblade. Doesn't have to be open-world could be linear. I promise you will have one more.
I think Mario kart will end up selling more on switch than U because the install base will end up being a lot bigger. Polygon needs to start baking up them pie charts so we can have a good idea of how it will sell.


I mean... it played all these great games though. Five years before the Switch. For less money. With free online. Without any hardware failures.

With a browser and Netflix.

So did I, man, but we were in the minority.

A clear concept/usp and proper marketing can do wonders.
I wonder if they won't release a smash port this year and just ride out from Splatoon till Mario Odyssey and then eventually just make Smash 5.

They can't afford to coast if they aren't going to have major third party support throughout the year. This Saturday is going to be a big moment as we'll find out if Battlefront 2 is going to be released on the Switch. And CoD:WWII should be announced some time this month or next month.


I mean... it played all these great games though. Five years before the Switch. For less money. With free online. Without any hardware failures.

With a browser and Netflix.

If the Wii U was all that great, it would have sold better, but obviously those things don't mean much to the average gamer. Comparing the appeal of the Wii U and NS, it should be apparent that people are more into what the NS has to offer than they were for the Wii U. I still think that Netflix and browsers don't matter at all.


I mean... it played all these great games though. Five years before the Switch. For less money. With free online. Without any hardware failures.

With a browser and Netflix.
You're probably the first person to argue that the Wii U is better than the Switch.

Mory Dunz

I mean... it played all these great games though. Five years before the Switch. For less money. With free online. Without any hardware failures.

With a browser and Netflix.

You're actually highlighting how bad the message was and how unappealing the overall concept was, if the Wii U had all those things and was still received like garbage.

you made the argument for me lol
This system is going to be such a force. Home console, handheld, whatever market. You name it. I couldn't be happier with the launch. It feels like this system was made to fit my every need, and it has done just that and more. It's going to be hard to put Mario Kart down.
They can't afford to coast if they aren't going to have major third party support throughout the year. This Saturday is going to be a big moment as we'll find out if Battlefront 2 is going to be released on the Switch. And CoD:WWII should be announced some time this month or next month.

Yeah it wont.


Still too early to claim Switch success, eh, GAF?

DOA though. GAF TOLD ME!
Every. Time.
And yes, it's still early, but it's good to see the console doing well, hopefully the success keeps pushing Nintendo forward and helps improving the little things that still need some work. I know I am happy for the console doing well, that means I might be purchasing a solid and established product next year when I finally get a Switch. I also hope a new Metroid will have been announced by then, I'd go nuts!


So this means its safe to kill the 3ds now right?

Nintendo's going to ride that horse as far as it'll go. And then drag the poor things corpse a few feet further.

They probably are just working through the software they already have in development before slowly putting the thing to sleep. Certainly a far more respectable end than the original Wii ever got when they just quit the system cold turkey and had little or nothing on offer without having the Wii U to replace it.


I'd answer that by saying

a) It runs better and has more stuff
b) It's also portable
c) Switch's future is obviously brighter than Wii U's

Thing about A and C, do these really apply to three years ago, when Mario Kart 8 came out? Obviously portability is another thing altogether.

So did I, man, but we were in the minority. People like what they like.

Well, you and I get it. Honestly I'm fine with people hating the Wii U or loving the Switch, I just don't see how someone can do both without engaging in a bit of doublethink. Generally these conversations turn into someone wanting to brag about numbers or complain about marketing but that really doesn't address the point.

Mory Dunz

I'd answer that by saying

a) It runs better and has more stuff
b) It's also portable
c) Switch's future is obviously brighter than Wii U's

At this point in 2017 we don't need to justify ports and remasters to people anymore.
One look at sales age charts does it well enough.

If anyone says a remaster is unappealing, they don't follow the industry.


I think Mario kart will end up selling more on switch than U because the install base will end up being a lot bigger. Polygon needs to start baking up them pie charts so we can have a good idea of how it will sell.

For sure, I checked the youtube trailer for Mario and its almost at 20 million. Views don't always mean much, but you know
I think he's right. Super Mario Odyssey I feel will have a way bigger push. Super Mario already has a wider appeal. I wouldn't be surprised if SMO went on to sell over 10 million in lifetime sales.
Thing about A and C, do these really apply to three years ago, when Mario Kart 8 came out? Obviously portability is another thing altogether.

Well, you and I get it. Honestly I'm fine with people hating the Wii U or loving the Switch, I just don't see how someone can do both without engaging in a bit of doublethink. Generally these conversations turn into someone wanting to brag about numbers or complain about marketing but that really doesn't address the point.
Wii U's future was sealed almost immediately after launch, so no.
It was also closer to MK7 and not portable so people that picked that up had less of a reason to pick up a wii u


At this point in 2017 we don't need to justify ports and remasters to people anymore.
One look at sales age charts does it well enough.

If anyone says a remaster is unappealing, they don't follow the industry.
People still claim remasters shouldn't be a thing? I didn't get theremaster complains back in 2014 and I still don't get then now.
Metroid Prime Trilogy Remastered please!!


Mario Kart 8 isn't out at launch though?

I'm fine with people being excited for the Switch even if I don't share their excitement. I just don't get the accompanying shitting on the Wii U.

It's both a late port and a game that was on the Wii U? And it was specifically mentioned in the post I quoted?

And Mario Kart 8 is a lot of fun, but if you wouldn't buy a Wii U for it years ago, why buy a Switch for it?

I don't think anyone is buying a Switch just for MK8.

I bought one because I never bought a Wii or Wii U, and wanted Zelda/MK8/Odyssey and whatever else. MK8 is a new game to me since I never touched the Wii versions.
"Fast selling" is always going to be a bit of a spin statistic, because these days video game sales are more front-loaded in general. I'm still in the "it's too early to tell" camp. Hopefully it continues to do well though -- I got one myself and I love the system!


Also, if Mario, Fire Emblem, and especially Xenoblade Chronicles 2 make it this year, it's a wrap.

Consistent first year of major releases.

God I want to know what's in store for 2018.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I mean... it played all these great games though. Five years before the Switch. For less money. With free online. Without any hardware failures.

With a browser and Netflix.

The launch of the Switch has just further proven that the WiiU was an undeseriable product with a major identity crisis that no combination of software, apps, and/or price drops could fix.
Also, if Mario, Fire Emblem, and especially Xenoblade Chronicles 2 make it this year, it's a wrap.

Consistent first year of major releases.

God I want to know what's in store for 2018.

Fire Emblem is 2018, In the direct its planned for that year


Got to imagine its not a typo. Any scalpers that returned the Switch counts against the sold numbers. So anyone buying those "used" units probably picked up Zelda.


Saint Titanfall
"Fast selling" is always going to be a bit of a spin statistic, because these days video game sales are more front-loaded in general. I'm still in the "it's too early to tell" camp. Hopefully it continues to do well though -- I got one myself and I love the system!
It outsold more than the intial 5 months of the 3DS. That is massive regardless of you look at it.


It's well deserved too, and it's not even a one, two punch of game and console. It's a 3-way combo of killer-app, attractive hardware, and appealing idea.

That's a potent formula, and is the same as the Wii actually. Just deployed differently.
It really is.

Such a bizarre company. I really hated the Wii U, if for no other reason than it largely killed What made the Wii enjoyable (pointer and separated hand controllers). The Switch is like the same idea done by a better company.

Mory Dunz

People still claim remasters shouldn't be a thing? I didn't get theremaster complains back in 2014 and I still don't get then now.
Metroid Prime Trilogy Remastered please!!

it depends on who you like. fanboy stuff, blah blah

GTA5 Remaster is good if you like them
TLOU Remaster is good if you like them
Mario Kart Remaster is good if you like them

Final....you know what. Eff that. Eff Square. I don't care, you're a chump if you've bought KH 1.5 2.5 2.8 PS3 PS4 Final Mix + or FFX FFX-2 PS3, PS4, PC, VITA like wtf. I see people quadruple dipping.
Why should Square even make new games?
jk but not really


I don't think anyone is buying a Switch just for MK8.

I bought one because I never bought a Wii or Wii U, and wanted Zelda/MK8/Odyssey and whatever else. MK8 is a new game to me since I never touched the Wii versions.

There it is. Majority of these guys missed wii U. these ports are essentially going to be new games for the most of the switch buyers.


Thing about A and C, do these really apply to three years ago, when Mario Kart 8 came out? Obviously portability is another thing altogether.

The inherent added value of a GOTY edition is obvious, especially when a large proportion of potential buyers locked themselves out first time round. And on that note, Wii U was unfortunately a large barrier for many to justify participating in Nintendo games, if they were even aware of the console in the first place. That barrier has been reduced significantly with Switch.

We won't really know though how big a discrepancy between Wii U-owning and non-Wii U-owning Switch owners there's going to be for a good long while yet, but I'm at least confident MK8 will be one of Switch's best sellers and as big a push as Zelda if not bigger for the platform.

I don't think anyone is buying a Switch just for MK8.

I know at least two guys who are.
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