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Nothing stops this train. PUBG surpasses [-46,278,233,054] concurrent users (!!!!)


I meant more that them being top dog in MP isn't a guaranteed money-spinner.

Unfortunately CSGO and Dota will always make them more money than any SP game they could make right now. Just look at what happened to Rockstar. GTA Online has made them so much money that they might barely get one new title out this gen compared to 4 major releases last gen (GTA4, RDR, Max Payne 3, GTAV)


I meant more that them being top dog in MP isn't a guaranteed money-spinner.

They've never really been top dog in MP games (maybe early CS, before China & online consoles became a real thing) - even with CSGO and Dota2 at their peak numbers. Other games (outside of Steam) have (and are) bigger and earned more revenue, doesn't mean CSGO and Dota2 don't earn incredible amounts of money anyway.

The answer to one or both of their MP games gradually losing popularity wouldn't be to go back to single player games, it'd be to either:

A) Find ways to recapture people in those games
B) Make new MP games

There are few businesses out there that wouldn't love to be in the position Valve are in in regards to their ability to create and maintain incredibly successful MP games. Valve have that competitive advantage and they'll keep using it for as long as they have it. Many companies try to make their own Dota2, or CSGO or even the less successful TF2, but they can't do it. It's far from easy - few ever approach this success. These games are lower risk, they generate a load more money and in general have a huge amount more potential to last for a long time after release (again, generating far more revenue over the life time of the game).

Valve could try and release two or three brand new MP games on the scale of CSGO or Dota2 and still not approach the risk of a big new AAA single player game. Risk isn't just about earning development costs back, because we know HL3 would easily do that, it's the risk of spending years on a game that'll fade out after a month or two, when with that same manpower and money you could throw some MP games at the wall that most likely would last a lot longer.

Edit: Forgot this was a PUBG thread. This Valve stuff shouldn't really be derailing it..
You could work on your delivery and people would take your arguments and points far more better.

Or people could drop the persecution complex and be ok with others having issues with things you like.
You know, different opinions and all that.
I mean, for a minute I thought I was in an xbox one x thread the way some of you jumped on him.
Let's just call it your opinion. 8 million people have bought this game, 800k people are playing it, they are not dumber or less concern with their money than you.

Yes. He had an opinion. His own. He never tried to force it on any of you here.
His opinion may vary from others.
Get used to, its part of adult life.


Just curious: is this game as janky as the ARMA games? I wanna get it but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of frustration again (loved ARMA 3 though).


... it's fun.

It's really not that fun. One map... oivey.

One huge map that forces players to a different area every time they play it

Also with 2 more maps confirmed to be on the way, as well as mod tools later down the line which will allow for community-created maps
Not the one who brought console platforms into the thread. Funny how you ignore that.
Sure you're not just having a bad day ?
No but you're the one who's bringing your insecurity into the thread.

I'm 100% sure you're the one having a bad day. A person who wasn't wouldn't feel the need to spout his favorite console because another one was mentioned.

I mean, for a minute I thought I was in an xbox one x thread the way some of you jumped on him.
Well now you're not even hiding the fact you just came from the DF thread. So I guess I was right.


Ok, tell me it's not ugly
Tell me it doesnt have shit physics
Tell me it doesnt run like crap on even new hardware

It's really not that bad, even on a mix of low-high settings.
Vehicle/motorbike physics are wonky as fuck at times, you're right, but it creates some hilarious moments.
I have a 2-year old PC - 980 Ti, 6700K etc and I average 80-100fps on a mix of low-high settings @ 1440p. The biggest issues are server-related lag and hitches IMO.

My gf has wanted to watch The Hunger Games recently so as I'm watching it with her, I've wondered, what do people think about a BR game having unknown elements/animals in the world as well?

PUBG kind of has the element thing with the circles and red zones, but what if you play like EVERMORE and instead of just laying in the bushes for 30 minutes, you have pack of wolves come up on you.

Just wondering what the genre can do from here to improve, or what a potential competitor can do to differentiate themselves. Maybe make a more "hardcore" version of BR by having you need to eat/stay hydrated. Though I guess at that point it becomes more a survival game like Rust..

Even for PUBG, once they include official mod support the possibilities are endless. There's going to be lots of fine-tuning of the game mechanics and I could definitely see a mod with wild animals roaming about the map being popular. It could make the quiet parts of the game not so quiet, even if they made it so you weren't at a huge risk of dying to them, but made it more about the noise you'd have to create to kill them which would draw other players to your position.

I'm sure we'll see some crazy stuff anyway.


I've gotten third playing solo three games in a row. You can deal with the randomness, just need to know how to play it. Obviously if you play it like CoD you're never going to win a game.

Yeah I figure it's more similar to playing slither.io than CoD. As in, hiding and gathering equipment, fighting only if you need to.



The growth is fucking insane, never seen anything like it.

I played it just as it released and thought it was fun for a while. turns out people really love BR games.
No but you're the one who's bringing your insecurity into the thread.

I'm 100% sure you're the one having a bad day. A person who wasn't wouldn't feel the need to spout his favorite console because another one was mentioned.

Well now you're not even hiding the fact you just came from the DF thread. So I guess I was right.

Again, I didnt bring console platforms into the thread first. Ask yourseif why its ok for some to bring their platform of choice into the thread and not others ?
Nothing is stopping this shit. It's likely to be the game with the most concurrent players ever once it arrives to consoles, right? Only thing I can think of that might beat it is an MMO.

It's a fun game, it deserves it.
Again, I didnt bring console platforms into the thread first. Ask yourseif why its ok for some to bring their platform of choice into the thread and not others ?
Nah. You need ask yourself why you felt the need to reply to a post about Xbox with a post about PS4. Did you know you could post about PS4 without replying to a Xbox fan who merely stated he want to play this on Xbox? It's crazy.
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