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NPD April 2011 Sales Results [Update 6: Nintendo DS Hardware, Pokemon LTD]

Everyone knows that the DS also suffered sales-wise, being outperformed by the GBA after launch, so I wouldn't panic about the long-term implications of the 3DS's sales to date. With that said, I do think that the price is a bit high.


Pretty weak for the Wii and 3DS, 3DS is badly in need of some software. At the same time though those numbers arnt much different from the early months of the DS either I think.


3DS sales are sluggish at best, horrible at worst. Not to worried though, will definitely pick up steam come Fall/Winter and the itprintsmoney.gif can begin in full effect.


This is the same thing that happened with the GBA/DS in America and the DS right now is stronger than the GBA ever was. The 3DS will pick up steam when the heavy hitters come out.


Did Nintendo set the price of the 3DS in the US, or did they leave it to the retailers to decide like they did in Europe?


Mafro said:
Did Nintendo set the price of the 3DS in the US, or did they leave it to the retailers to decide like they did in Europe?
Hardware manufacturers always set the price in the U.S.

Our market doesn't really have the concept of open price.


TheBranca18 said:
Why'd you buy both? D-pad issues?
He saw Ed Boon at one store, and bought a copy to have an autographed copy. ...or something like that.

Which he IS going to give away soon....right? :p
Might just cut the chase, and ask me to PM him, my info. XD

PJX said:
So even with Kratos the 360 version of MK still sold more.
Where does it says that?
The only info out says that MK on 360 alone ended in the individual SKUs Top 10; which was the list in the OP..not an actual positioned list.


Diablohead said:
Mortal Kombat well deserved!

Definitely. I actually hated Mortal Kombat, but after playing that story mode, it definitely grew on me. I hope Capcom takes a page from the MK book and does a story mode like this for SF.
Instro said:
Pretty weak for the Wii and 3DS, 3DS is badly in need of some software. At the same time though those numbers arnt much different from the early months of the DS either I think.

I just checked DS' first year numbers, and there were 3 months where the system sold 80k or less.
fernoca said:
He saw Ed Boon at one store, and bought a copy to have an autographed copy. ...or something like that.

Which he IS going to give away soon....right? :p
Might just cut the chase, and ask me to PM you, my info. XD
He did write my name on it, though. Then again there are a lot of people named "Mike" out there...


Im guessing harmonix must be very happy about dance central selling 2.5m, a game requiring a new hardware addon is always a gamble and im glad it paid off for them
Somewhat surprised with Wii numbers.

What Wii exclusive was released in the past month. Was The Conduit 2 released in the past month?


Willy105 said:
I haven't either. It's definitely not something that has been around for a while.

Maybe you saw it once on sale on Black Friday, and assumed that was the new price.

Haha, no, it might as well been permed price at $169 at Target and Amazon since then. I'm certain BB has run those deals as well.
plagiarize said:
again, all those people saying Nintendo wouldn't drop the price on the 3DS within the first year... how confident are you now?

Extremely so, though I think a new $250 bundle SKU is quite likely for the holidays.

I'll certainly revise that assessment if actual, major software releases like OOT 3D, Mercenaries 3D, and SF643D fail to significantly boost hardware sales even in the short term, but I don't think that'll happen.


a Master Ninja said:
He did write my name on it, though. Then again there are a lot of people named "Mike" out there...
Darn I remember now. :(
Well, my dad's name is Michael...well, translated to english. :p


Working at Best Buy, the Wii, at the most, has been 179.99 since the new year. Usually 169.99.

pharmboy044 said:
Somewhat surprised with Wii numbers.

What Wii exclusive was released in the past month. Was The Conduit 2 released in the past month?

Conduit 2 was really the only Wii release of any notability in April.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Market's much bigger now. The 3DS needs software, badly.

Yes, I agree. I'm just saying DS started off slowly. 3ds numbers certainly are horrid, I'm not discounting that. As a stockholder, I'm gravely concerned right now but I need to be optimistic, for my sanity. :(
$250 didn't work for the PSP Go and it isn't exactly working for the 3DS, it's just too much money for a portable system. Doesn't bode well for the NGP.
Wii and 3DS are emperors without clothes.

Can't sell either of these things with no compelling, current, relevant software.

Drop the 3DS price RIGHT NOW. Get Zelda and Starfox and whathaveyou out RIGHT NOW. Get the rest of the Wii games left out, and then get that Project Cafe going.
For reference, here are the first year numbers for DS.

November = 479,695
December = 745,899
January = 152,091
February = 138,000
March = 138,000
April = 70,000
May = 57,000
June = 112,000
July = 80,000
August =100,000
September = 168,000
October = 136,000
Just curious: Who here thinks that a $200 3DS with the current software lineup would be selling better than a $250 3DS that had Zelda, Star Fox, Mercenaries, Super Mario, etc.?


Pleased for the Netherrealm folks and the strong MK sales. Warms the cockles of my heart to see a team rewarded for putting out an honest to God, well developed product.

Can't say I'm shocked by the 3DS numbers. The lack of content is definitely playing a role, but I have to think the price is what's killing it. I think the second the price went over $200, people took a much harder look at the pros and cons of the unit. Combine the price with the finicky nature of the 3D display/viewing angle, the poor battery life and the lack of software and people are staying on the fence. Unless things pick up soon, this will be $199 by the holidays.

And finally, yay for the 360 numbers. Microsoft is firing on all cylinders lately.
nextgeneration said:
Yes, I agree. I'm just saying DS started off slowly. 3ds numbers certainly are horrid, I'm not discounting that. As a stockholder, I'm gravely concerned right now but I need to be optimistic, for my sanity. :(
It'll be OK, but by normal expectations, the system should be about at where DS sales were last year, but lower thanks to price and a lack of evergreen software like Mario Kart or NSMB.

I still think Pokemon BW came out WAY too soon. They should never have been DS titles.
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