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NPD April 2011 Sales Results [Update 6: Nintendo DS Hardware, Pokemon LTD]


250 dollars isn't that much. Nintendo over estimated the appeal of their crappy AR software included with the device. Sales are going to be sluggish for awhile.

Selling games like Steel Diver for 40 bucks is their biggest mistake.

jling84 said:
I'm thinking of getting it so I can try to replicate the collapse of the Lakers.



antonz said:
The PS3 situation is not even comparable. We know Mario, Mario Kart etc are proven system sellers.

People were talking out their asses expecting half the titles they listed for the PS3 to do anything

Yeah not comparable at all, the 3DS's software put together wasn't even near the quality of a Resistance. The 3DS launch is one of the worst I can remember dating back to the SNES.


antonz said:
The PS3 situation is not even comparable. We know Mario, Mario Kart etc are proven system sellers.

People were talking out their asses expecting half the titles they listed for the PS3 to do anything
Yep, that's why the "wait for..." analogy falls flat - there's a world of difference between those and would-be PS3 saviors like Lair, Heavenly Sword, and Killzone 2.


nincompoop said:
I guess the Wii fad is over

Damn it, it better survive here in the US for a little bit longer. I want my Last Story, Xenoblade, DQ Anniversary Collection, and DQX damn it!


The DS is the worst enemy of the 3DS in North America right now. Nintendo if they were smart would phase it out sooner than later and begin the massive Reducation campaign to get people to see the 3DS is not the DS


miladesn said:



Sub 200k sales for 3DS ouch, this thing is definetly not performing like Nintendo hoped it would.
I think good games and a 50$ price cut in October should fix the situation unless people simply prove to be unmoved by the 3D thing.

Now about Wii....I guess sub 200k sales there too...not a good month for Nintendo.
Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 were clearly the big winners of the month.

Edit: Sub 200k sales for Wii confirmed........we'll see the effect of the price cut.


rs7k said:
You guys think it will sell much better with more software? That's what people used to say about the PS3 when it was still real expensive.

It's a $250 handheld in a recession, there's way too much competition in the industry for that price to stay where it is.

I think it's a combination of both price and software but more on the software front. They should slash the price to $199 or $179. However that will be worthless unless they push some major franchises. I would not be surprised at all if Nintendo starts pushing Mario Kart 3DS to be done by the Fall (and released world wide at the same time) above all else. They need a system seller game on the system now but that's as soon as they'll be able to get it. Also pushing for Pokemon Gray or whatever it's going to be called to be on the 3DS and not the DS.


Kagari said:
I wonder how much that extra $20 off is really going to help it.

Not much. I'm tired of this Nintendo arrogance where they call $20 a price drop and release a Player's choice budget line only now, how many years after the launch?


Kagari said:
I wonder how much that extra $20 off is really going to help it.

I think Nintendo has to be banking on the Mario Kart beast in the box. But at this point hasn't MK sold like 30 million on Wii? I wonder how much more the game can push the system.

jling84 said:
Not much. I'm tired of this Nintendo arrogance where they call $20 a price drop and release a Player's choice budget line only now, how many years after the launch?

Agreed about the Players choice line. Could have had me get a system a couple years ago, but Nintendo is always stubborn when it comes to software prices. I think it is to a fault now.


Mrbob said:
250 dollars isn't that much. Nintendo over estimated the appeal of their crappy AR software included with the device. Sales are going to be sluggish for awhile.

Selling games like Steel Diver for 40 bucks is their biggest mistake.

And yet Yoshi Touch 'n' Go was fine?
jling84 said:
Not much. I'm tired of this Nintendo arrogance where they call $20 a price drop and release a Player's choice budget line only now, how many years after the launch?

The $50 price drop is the only official one.
The drop to $170 was a preemptive by retailers to clear out stock before the MKWii bundle.


antonz said:
The PS3 situation is not even comparable. We know Mario, Mario Kart etc are proven system sellers.

People were talking out their asses expecting half the titles they listed for the PS3 to do anything

Well, one would have thought the PS brand itself was a huge seller, a much bigger draw than any Mario game.

$250 is just too steep a price for anyone who's not a hardcore gamer, especially for a handheld and in a market where discretionary spending is really tight. Hell, I'm somewhat hardcore about games, and I would never consider buying any handheld unless it's $150 max. I got bills to pay, a car to run, and a drinking habit.


meltingparappa said:
The 3DS literally has had no post-launch day software. Considering the only people who would buy one now instead of day one are impulse buyers, 200k isn't as doom and gloom as it might imply.

From the directly from my butt, it's my theory these dog days sales are going to be almost exclusively for kid's birthday gifts.

mclem said:
And yet Yoshi Touch 'n' Go was fine?

Different era. You didn't have dirt cheap mobile games to compete with.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Surprised Portal 2 PS3 didn't sell above the 360 version. Guess the Steamworks copy wasn't too good for some people. *shrug* Or major selling of it since PSN is down.


Kagari said:
It's at $169 right now.
Thats more a clearance sale then price drop though. They have to get rid of the old units to make way for the new SKU. Yes the actual price drop from the clearance sale isnt much but its being done so their arent old skus mixed with New.


antonz said:
Thats more a clearance sale then price drop though. They have to get rid of the old units to make way for the new SKU

It's been $169 since Black Friday just about anywhere.


Syphon Filter said:
Glad that SOCOM 4 flopped,that will teach them to make an actual real SOCOM game. Also PS3 hardware is pretty impressive,very close to 360.
if by impressive you mean nearly 100,000 and basically 1/3 less... well um sure lol.


BY2K said:
The price cut didn't take effect in April, but in May, no?

She was referring to the fact that practically all retailers/resellers have been selling the current Wii consoles at $169.xx
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