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NPD Sales Results for December 2006


thefro said:

Hi, I got at least 100k units of PS3 and Wii that weren't counted.
Jesus Christ, not this shit again.
ChrisAllenFiz said:
Please don`t endanger the NPD numbers by letting people get away with posting these "nudge nudge, wink wink" lists. It`s a slippery slope

Serious business.

What exactly is the NPD giving you guys that is not available as a press release on every major news site?


The Amiga Brotherhood
What are the second year December numbers of the PS2? Wasn't it like 2.8 million or something? Kinda puts everything in perspective.


thefro said:

Hi, I got at least 100k units of PS3 and Wii that weren't counted.
Yeah, and Wal-Mart doesn't stock any other consoles, so this point really needs to be highlighted. Our perception is totally skewed, people.
Geez, no wonder there were no Wiis to be found. Nintendo only shipped one million units when there were about five million people that wanted them?

Edit: Poor bunkum. =(


KTallguy said:
I wonder if people are buying PSPs for use as a Media Device?
I really don't get it myself.

And :lol at PS3 numbers. 500-600 dollar machine with only one or two great titles and it moved a decent amount. I wonder how many people bought it as a Blue Ray player?

I wonder what'll happen when more games are released ...

Yeah, you have to wonder that as well... Plus their other machines sold like crazy as well... you'll see the PS3 numbers jump once more people move onto next gen... it's seemingly a slow phase...
I was thinking earlier that was going to go to sleep as soon as the numbers hit the forum, but DAMN if I'm not going to stay awake a bit more late to read the comments about this strange little story. Keep 'em coming guys.


bunkum :(
I liked his buying habits.

so, after all this is said and done - I'm off waiting for the new M-C numbers. :D
RamzaIsCool said:
What are the second year December numbers of the PS2? Wasn't it like 2.8 million or something? Kinda puts everything in perspective.

yeah... especially when you also look at the price and line-up for that second xmas
anyone else getting a "90s sega" vibe with sonys current situation? Sega had to support the genesis, gamegear, sega CD which begun to tire consumers and segas wallet. sony has the psp, ps2 and ps3. psp needs to compete with the ds, sony cant just kill off the ps2 and the ps3 is a money pit for atleast the next year. spread too thin? did MS actually do right by killing off the xbox 1 asap so they could focus all their $$$ on 360?


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
The wii hardware numbers can't be right. Zelda would have a ~90% attach rate. That just doesn't happen.


Xbox/MS haters have a real tough two or three years ahead of them. Right now they have a massive lead in NA and the biggest gun in their arsenal won't even be released until later this year. Wait until the analysts get a hold of this, they're gonna be jizzing all over the 360 like a bukkake video.


MobiusPigeon said:
anyone else getting a "90s sega" vibe with sonys current situation? Sega had to support the genesis, gamegear, sega CD which begun to tire consumers and segas wallet. sony has the psp, ps2 and ps3. psp needs to compete with the ds, sony cant just kill off the ps2 and the ps3 is a money pit for atleast the next year. spread too thin? did MS actually do right by killing off the xbox 1 asap so they could focus all their $$$ on 360?



KTallguy said:
And :lol at PS3 numbers. 500-600 dollar machine with only one or two great titles and it moved a decent amount. I wonder how many people bought it as a Blue Ray player?

whatever, this same stupid argument was used against the PS2


VALIS said:
Xbox/MS haters have a real tough two or three years ahead of them. Right now they have a massive lead in NA and the biggest gun in their arsenal won't even be released until later this year. Wait until the analysts get a hold of this, they're gonna be jizzing all over the 360 like a bukkake video.

I don't see how Sony will ever catch up to them in N. America. And if they ever do, MS will probably be launching the next Xbox. But we've been saying all along now that Sony could take 2nd place in every major territory and still be #1 WW. Aren't PSP and PS2 pure profit at this point?
so, based on what I'm hearing in this thread, no EBA sequel? Beyond Good and Evil ending FTL :(

on the other hand, i know two PSP owners who picked up a DS in December becuase of EBA :)


MobiusPigeon said:
anyone else getting a "90s sega" vibe with sonys current situation? Sega had to support the genesis, gamegear, sega CD which begun to tire consumers and segas wallet. sony has the psp, ps2 and ps3. psp needs to compete with the ds, sony cant just kill off the ps2 and the ps3 is a money pit for atleast the next year. spread too thin? did MS actually do right by killing off the xbox 1 asap so they could focus all their $$$ on 360?
Sure, if we don't actually factor in sales and reality.

elostyle said:
The wii hardware numbers can't be right. Zelda would have a ~90% attach rate. That just doesn't happen.
Very impressive, but didn't CoD2 nearly manage it last year for the 360?
MobiusPigeon said:
anyone else getting a "90s sega" vibe with sonys current situation? Sega had to support the genesis, gamegear, sega CD which begun to tire consumers and segas wallet. sony has the psp, ps2 and ps3. psp needs to compete with the ds, sony cant just kill off the ps2 and the ps3 is a money pit for atleast the next year. spread too thin? did MS actually do right by killing off the xbox 1 asap so they could focus all their $$$ on 360?

Reach for it....

Reach for it....


I'm just wondering if we will be having anymore PS3 game cancellations now. Tie in ratios look horrible. I thought it was a joke at first when people were buying the PS3, just for the BR player. If not cancellations, maybe delays.
I think something that's even more positive is that the industry as a whole seems to be doing better financially.

Not saying everything's perfect or whatever, but is it safe to say that the "we might have another industry crash!" folks were a bit melodramatic?


Link316 said:
whatever, this same stupid argument was used against the PS2

Haha, I'm a proud owner of a PS3. But I'm betting a good amount of people bought it for Blue Ray use, just because the software isn't there quite yet. This year will be a good year. :)
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