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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


66k for Wii U.

I just.... man. I have no interest but that is just heartstoppingly bad.

You can't say "no games" because every console launches with "no games". I'm just really surprised.

Bruno MB

Fire Emblem series (first month sales):

[GBA] Fire Emblem {2003-11-03} - 75,748
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones {2005-05-23} - 53,740
[NGC] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance {2005-10-17} - 50,164
[WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn {2007-11-11} - 53,000
[NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon {2009-02-16} -
[3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening {2013-02-04} - 95,000 (retail) + 22,000 (bundle) + 63,000 (digital sales) = 180,000


Nintendo screwed up another launch after already suffering one botched launch within the past few years. Not sure what they were thinking.

Fire Emblem series (first month sales):

[GBA] Fire Emblem {2003-11-03} - 75,748
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones {2005-05-23} - 96,954
[NGC] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance {2005-10-17} - 50,164
[WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn {2007-11-11} - 53,000
[NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon {2009-02-16} -
[3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening {2013-02-04} - 180,000

Sexy and well deserved.
So we're all expecting PS4 and Xbox to save the industry, right?

And their secret weapons are Facebook, webcams, and DVR's?

Valve announced 50% growth this past year and MS, Sony, Nintendo, and all the big publishers are moving in the opposite direction. Morons...

Valve isn't just a game developer, they are a retailer now as well. Once of the largest in the digital realm as well.

As as others said, this is the end of a generation and the start of the next. Interest in older platforms tends to drop off in favor of the new ones.


Sad to see Crysis 3 do so poorly. I actually really like it. I wonder if people were turned off by how bad the 2nd game was. The mp in 3 is a lot of fun and hopefully more people will check it out at somepoint.

I think we are in the minority, I really like the game so far. Oh well, hopefully they take a shot next gen, although this one already maxes my 670 SLI setup so I would probably have to upgrade to play it lol.
So you're saying that Crytek games sell well on PC but Crysis 2 was multiplatform because Crysis sold poorly on PC?

Tell us more oh sagely one.

yea they sell well on PC but not at $60, those illegal cd key sellers probably help out as well. Crysis did sell poorly, it was pirated to hell and back and it was one of the reasons why the series went multiplatform. Why the fuck else would they handicap themselves by putting the series on consoles? Now you tell me sagely one.


66k for Wii U.

I just.... man. I have no interest but that is just heartstoppingly bad.

You can't say "no games" because every console launches with "no games". I'm just really surprised.

Not having 3D Mario, New Zelda, and SSB ready to go when this console launched is the reason. When you don't care about 3rd parties and 3rd parties don;t care about you. And you don't have any major first party games...what do they expect?


DmC released last month for 187,000.

It sold less than 50,000 this month, outsold by Ni No Kuni.

Guess it could be worse, loved the game. Haters be damned.


The Metal Gear demo actually made me not want to get the game. I might give it another chance, but not for 59.99.
Not having 3D Mario, New Zelda, and SSB ready to go when this console launched is the reason. When you don't care about 3rd parties and 3rd parties don;t care about you. And you don't have any major first party games...what do they expect?

It's not just that.

1. Marketing is horrible for the Wii-U
2. There isn't much to differentiate itself from the original Wii. The console looks extraordinarily similar, not to mention the logo itself fails to grab. A "Wii 2" would have surely done better.

Personally, I saw a young boy playing a Wii-U kiosk and his mother stood there watching and kept saying, "I don't see a difference". The kid had a big huge smile on his face and was trying to explain. His face loss excitement over the conversation.

The screen on the controller absolutely does nothing to wow individuals in the age of Ipads, Surfaces, and giant ass screen smart phones.


aka Mannny
Not having 3D Mario, New Zelda, and SSB ready to go when this console launched is the reason. When you don't care about 3rd parties and 3rd parties don;t care about you. And you don't have any major first party games...what do they expect?
Yeah. pricing, multiple skus, confusing name, and no games are the big culprits.
yea they sell well on PC but not at $60, those illegal cd key sellers probably help out as well. Crysis did sell poorly, it was pirated to hell and back and it was one of the reasons why the series went multiplatform. Why the fuck else would they handicap themselves by putting the series on consoles? Now you tell me sagely one.

Your cognitive dissonance is spectacular. You just said yeah they sell well, then immediately said they don't. So which is it? Why is moving to consoles a handicap if it eliminates the piracy demon? You're all over the place tiger, take a breath and elucidate your position coherently.
yea they sell well on PC but not at $60, those illegal cd key sellers probably help out as well. Crysis did sell poorly, it was pirated to hell and back and it was one of the reasons why the series went multiplatform. Why the fuck else would they handicap themselves by putting the series on consoles? Now you tell me sagely one.
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

You can't similtaneously say that Crysis both sells well on PC, and then go on to say it went to consoles because of poor sales. The statements contradict each other.
I can't believe Nintendo's in this position already. How does such a thing happen, do they not employ people to advise them about all the things they're doing wrong?


Those numbers for Dead Space 3 are better than I expected especially given that rumor that EA had killed the series off due to poorer than expected sales.


Santa May Claus
Guess it could be worse, loved the game. Haters be damned.


The Metal Gear demo actually made me not want to get the game. I might give it another chance, but not for 59.99.

Those numbers are pretty bad, especially considering the Japan and European numbers. It got what it deserved.
Fire Emblem series (first month sales):

[GBA] Fire Emblem {2003-11-03} - 75,748
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones {2005-05-23} - 96,954
[NGC] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance {2005-10-17} - 50,164
[WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn {2007-11-11} - 53,000
[NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon {2009-02-16} -
[3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening {2013-02-04} - 180,000
If anyone is confused about the Wii U's 66K being a "45 percent increase" from 57K (last month):

57K last NPD report / 5 week reporting period = 11.4K per week * 45% weekly increase = 16.53K per week * 4 week reporting period = 66.12K units sold for the month.
Its hard to know exactly how much demand there is for a game. Fire Emblem could have ended up selling less than it did as well, i dont think there were any guarantee for that it would sell like it did. I wouldnt call this being incompetent.
And then there is the fact that despite both the retail and the digital releases are sold at the same price, while Nintendo gets 10-15$ for each retail unit sold, a digital sale reports them a benefit of almost the whole 40$ (minus taxes).

So, going by the numbers, it's more than likely that the 60.000+ units sold through the e-shop represents a higher income for them than the 110.00+ units sold at retail.


41 > 38
I can't believe Nintendo's in this position already. How does such a thing happen, do they not employ people to advise them about all the things they're doing wrong?

All signs are pointing to no. Think about it. Nintendoland went from concept to the moneyshot of E3 to completion to launch, and Nintendo thought the entire time that it was the new Wii Sports. If they were paying any attention whatsoever, they would have seen that the broad general reaction to that E3 was "...what the hell is this?" But they didn't, and they were shocked to see that people didn't care about it.


It's also a weak concept. The Wii U is fundamentally less interesting than the Wii, making it more difficult to market.

Marketing? What's that.

I have yet to see a single WiiU commercial anywhere on TV. Granted I'm not glued to my tv 24/7 but still, I can't be the only one.


Not having 3D Mario, New Zelda, and SSB ready to go when this console launched is the reason.

But they did have a new 2D Mario, of which history shows absolutely dwarfes all 3 of those other games/franchises in terms of sales.

If Nintendo wanted a game to launch their system with that they thought would "guarantee" early sales, and if they used sales data from the Wii and DS generation to do that, then 2D NSMB would have easily come out as the one to launch with. Certainly over Zelda and SSB.


Marketing? What's that.

I have yet to see a single WiiU commercial anywhere on TV. Granted I'm not glued to my tv 24/7 but still, I can't be the only one.
There was a bunch of those terrible Wii U commercials that raped your ears around launch, but they kinda stopped after the holidays as far as I can tell.
If anyone is confused about the Wii U's 66K being a "45 percent increase" from 57K (last month):

57K last NPD report / 5 week reporting period = 11.4K per week * 45% weekly increase = 16.53K per week * 4 week reporting period = 66.12K units sold for the month.

I'm interested to see how the platform does in the hot summer months.


600K on a first month is not bad for a title you're about to cancel eh, EA? It's not Dead Space's fault you have crazy expectations of sales and ruins it even more by adding elements that long time fans hate.
No biggie then. No reason to panic unless it keeps happening over and over.

Well, if we're just comparing it to the Gamecube, the Wii U hasn't beaten Gamecube sales in a single month. I understand the argument that suggests we should wait and see what the big guns do this holiday, but if we're just looking at current data? There's really nothing to be optimistic about at all.


But they did have a new 2D Mario, of which history shows absolutely dwarfes all 3 of those other games/franchises in terms of sales.

If Nintendo wanted a game to launch their system with that they thought would "guarantee" early sales, and if they used sales data from the Wii and DS generation to do that, then 2D NSMB would have easily come out as the one to launch with. Certainly over Zelda and SSB.

Yeah. I think the only problem with using NSMB as the system seller was having the 3DS game the same year.
Yeah. I think the only problem with using NSMB as the system seller was having the 3DS game the same year.
That was a big problem for me. I bought NSMBU at launch and I've barely touched it due to just being Mario'd out after 100%ing NSMB2 a few months earlier.

I never even imagined that Mario fatigue could be a thing prior to that :/


Revengeance needed more advertising :(

It also needed a demo with a better tutorial...the demo was hard as hell,at least they didn't hide that,but the tutorial sucked and probably a lot of people went the hell with this game,it's too hard and they didn't buy it...
I wonder if it's too late for Nintendo to simply recall the Wii U. I mean, Toyota had to recall 9 million cars a few years ago and 7 million just this year -- they're doing all right and are still looked upon favorably by consumers. I know that's apples and oranges, but damn...Nintendo has to do something.


Well, if we're just comparing it to the Gamecube, the Wii U hasn't beaten Gamecube sales in a single month. I understand the argument that suggests we should wait and see what the big guns do this holiday, but if we're just looking at current data? There's really nothing to be optimistic about at all.

Well can't lie I guess. I thought the BIG N had a bigger hardcore, loyal audience. It's not like there is lack of supply. You can go get one now!

I suppose even they are disenchanted by what they are offering.
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