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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


Wii U also only had one franchise (and one game in that), Mario, didn't it?

nintendoland was full of new concepts that relied on a coating of old franchises. i suppose they did this because there's nothing that ties them together coherently like 'sports' can tie together tennis/boxing/bowling.


Breaks my heart. Best action game in years.

Shame about DmC. It's a great game in my opinion an deserved waay more.

Isn't it? I love the gameplay. It really uses the controller to it's fullest possibility. I don't even go into the DMC thread so I don't know if fans just hate the look, not Japanese enough, lack of challenge or what, but it was just hard enough for me. The days up putting up with agonizing difficulty for me are over. I ain't got time for that frustration! Plus, first time in a long while I actually replayed a game. Usually I beat it and it goes on the shelf.


After being bored out of my mind playing Crysis 2 I'm not surprised to see 3 flop. Crytek can make a pretty computer game, but that's it and I dont see how it gets any love


Impressive PS3 performance - not tracking behind 360 as much as it used to be. It's certainly no longer a night and day difference on the monthly numbers.

All resets to zero for next generation too - as we've seen with Wii>Wii U. So both Sony and Microsoft have their work cut out for them (and we, the gamers, are the winners!).


The problem with Nintendoland was that it requires a huge amount of extra accessories to fully experience the game Wii sports did not. And those add up pretty quickly.
Lol keep telling that to yourself. The WiiU is a massive failure so far does not mean the industry is doomed.

I think there's room for nuance, here. I honestly don't buy for one second that the Wii U's struggles can be blamed entirely -- or even significantly for that matter -- on the growing concern that the console market may be in some trouble. I think there are plenty of problems that you can point to with the product itself that can explain lackluster sales without needing to introduce the idea that "even a better, well-marketed product would struggle in this market."

However, I do think there's some meat to the idea that the console market is in a bit of trouble, here. I think one or both of the new platforms should be able to outperform the Wii U provided there's not any supply mishaps or idiotically high MSRPs, but I'm also not really expecting them to set the world on fire either and show us all that the console marketplace is still thriving.


However, I do think there's some meat to the idea that the console market is in a bit of trouble, here. I think one or both of the new platforms should be able to outperform the Wii U provided there's not any supply mishaps or idiotically high MSRPs, but I'm also not really expecting them to set the world on fire either and show us all that the console marketplace is still thriving.

I beg to differ. Look at all of the buzz the PS4 got. 30 million YouTube hits or something like that? Sure it's a trivial number now, but it translates to hype and anticipation for something new. The WiiU, despite its gamepad, came out with nothing new or exciting for existing console owners. (other than the fact that it is a Nintendo console) Poor third party support, no big "wow, system seller" games, it was just a poorly launched system.

That's not to say it wont get better, but it is abysmal right now.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm happy for those U sales. This year is going to be extraordinary in terms of first party titles
It's a bit like having a young child on a little league sports team. You know not to expect anything decent, so you're just happy when they manage to make a few plays and don't shit their pants.


It's the showcase game for the GamePad, but I was more referring to the idea of a killer app that would get people interested in the platform. I think New Super Mario fits that bill much better than NintendoLand.

Obviously it hasn't had the consumer response that WiiSports did, but I think that both games were created with the same intent.


I beg to differ. Look at all of the buzz the PS4 got. 30 million YouTube hits or something like that? Sure it's a trivial number now, but it translates to hype and anticipation for something new. The WiiU, despite its gamepad, came out with nothing new or exciting for existing console owners. (other than the fact that it is a Nintendo console) Poor third party support, no big "wow, system seller" games, it was just a poorly launched system.

That's not to say it wont get better, but it is abysmal right now.

I don't know how far hype can take the 720, or Ps4..but I can honestly say no one I know was hyped for WiiU, whether they knew or didn't know of it's existence.
I beg to differ. Look at all of the buzz the PS4 got. 30 million YouTube hits or something like that? Sure it's a trivial number now, but it translates to hype and anticipation for something new. The WiiU, despite its gamepad, came out with nothing new or exciting for existing console owners. (other than the fact that it is a Nintendo console) Poor third party support, no big "wow, system seller" games, it was just a poorly launched system.

That's not to say it wont get better, but it is abysmal right now.

You beg to differ with what? My suggestion that the new platforms probably won't take the world by storm? Eh, we'll see. There's still a lot of blanks that need to be filled in if you ask me before we can really start to gauge what the interest-level is. However, I will say that YouTube hits doesn't strike me as a very meaningful metric for how interested people are in a console we don't even know the price of yet.
Your cognitive dissonance is spectacular. You just said yeah they sell well, then immediately said they don't. So which is it?

What I meant by selling "well" was that it sells ok (on PC/digital sales) but nothing spectacular like the CoD series or Halo. Maybe Crytek recouped the dev costs of Crysis 1 and Warhead but it took them a long time to do so. And they certainly didn't sell 3 million units of Crysis 1 at $50....

At the end of the day, Crytek was after CoD sales, they thought they had a gem on their hands (Yerli even talked crap about Halo prior to Crysis's launch) and he thought moving the series to the console would catapult the sales to CoD levels.

Why is moving to consoles a handicap if it eliminates the piracy demon?
Moving to consoles was handicapped for the game design, Crysis was never meant to run on machines with 500 MB Ram. It eventually hurt the quality of the series.

At the end Crytek got greedy and it got them nothing. Now after Crysis 3, the series is in complete shambles...it's sad because it had so much potential.


At this rate Nintendo doesn't need to do a price cut when retailers will simply do it for them. It looks like the basic sku continues to sell like shit. Not sure what Nintendo expected when they only give it a mere 8GB and no GamePad cradle charger. It's going be interesting to hear what Nintendo has to say if Lego City fails to boost Wii U hardware sales through March.
The Wiitney Uston.



At this rate Nintendo doesn't need to do a price cut when retailers will simply do it for them. It looks like the basic sku continues to sell like shit. Not sure what Nintendo expected when they only give it a mere 8GB and no GamePad cradle charger. It's going be interesting to hear what Nintendo has to say if Lego City fails to boost Wii U hardware sales through March.

well major retailers may just drop the wiiu as a whole. happened before with asda i think.
No biggie? Nintendo does not want this thing doing GCN numbers. 20million sales in it's lifetime? Yikes.

The Wii U, if it kept selling as it is without any major paradigm shifts in its sales trends, is trending below 20 million. More like 15 million.

Next month, if the Wii U sells below 111K units, it will continue that trend of relative mediocrity.


The Wii U, if it kept selling as it is without any major paradigm shifts in its sales trends, is trending below 20 million. Like 15 million.

well I would think that they want to stay in the hardware business and I think they would finally open their pockets to buy studios and/or support. however this is nintendo we are talking about.
WiiU will have spikes like any other platform.

The issue with these numbers is they show us how low the floor is to demand. And given how new the platform is these numbers appearing this early are no good sign. I won't say either way what that means for the lifetime of the system. It's just not a good start in the slightest.
It ain't like golf where a lower number is better.

I don't understand how anyone could see those numbers as positive and then somehow consture that because of those pitiful sums that this year will be "extraordinary." What were the Wii's numbers during its first February? I can't imagine it was nearly this low.


It ain't like golf where a lower number is better.

I think he means Nintendo is forced to get some games finished quick.

however that can be a double edged sword. they may get out unfinished games (much like the unfinished OS of wiiU) that play horribly.

I think the only solution for them is to grow substantially in manpower. Nintendo has had a revenue of 1000 billion yen (about 10 billion dollars) in 2010 with only 4700 employees (in 2011 they only had 650 billion yen of revenue with about the same number of employees). In comparison EA had a 4 Billion Dollar revenue with 9000 employees, Ubisoft had a 1,3 Billion Dollar revenue with 7000 Employees, activisionblizzard had a 5 billion dollar revenue with 7000 Employees

If they manage to double their output of games by having a workforce similar to EA that may not mean that they can double their revenue but they may have a much better release date and strenghten the argument to buy their software and thus hardware.


The problem with Nintendoland was that it requires a huge amount of extra accessories to fully experience the game Wii sports did not. And those add up pretty quickly.
This is true, but fortunately I already had enough Wiimotes so that I didn't need to buy anything extra. That's one of the problems the Wii U has though; it really is a much better sell to someone who already has a Wii, but how many existing Wii owners are willing to pay out $300+ for it (obviously not many, yet).

In my household, most people who have played with us agree it is fun and that Nintendoland is a great "party" game, but none of them have gone out to buy the U whether they are Wii owners or not. My kids are lucky that I am willing to buy multiple consoles in order to play different games, but I would imagine people like me are not the majority.


I don't understand how anyone could see those numbers as positive and then somehow consture that because of those pitiful sums that this year will be "extraordinary." What were the Wii's numbers during its first February? I can't imagine it was nearly this low.

The only way the Wii would have had a first February this bad is if the ship sending them over sank. I think the PS2 had something like that happen one Christmas.


well I would think that they want to stay in the hardware business and I think they would finally open their pockets to buy studios and/or support. however this is nintendo we are talking about.

The same Nintendo that went all out to make sure the Wii is a success and to turn around the 3DS?

Your right.
I think he means Nintendo is forced to get some games finished quick.

however that can be a double edged sword. they may get out unfinished games (much like the unfinished OS of wiiU) that play horribly.

I think the only solution for them is to grow substantially in manpower. Nintendo has had a revenue of 1000 billion yen (about 10 billion dollars) in 2010 with only 4700 employees (in 2011 they only had 650 billion yen of revenue with about the same number of employees). In comparison EA had a 4 Billion Dollar revenue with 9000 employees, Ubisoft had a 1,3 Billion Dollar revenue with 7000 Employees, activisionblizzard had a 5 billion dollar revenue with 7000 Employees

If they manage to double their output of games by having a workforce similar to EA that may not mean that they can double their revenue but they may have a much better release date and strenghten the argument to buy their software and thus hardware.

Nintendo sells hardware those other companies don't.


Let's hope they didn't blow their load on those two. Wii and 3DS aren't impressive in the slightest imo (games-wise)

i think we should distinguish between personal preference and sales numbers.

you may say games wise wii wasnt impressive in the slightest but saleswise they had more titles selling over 10 million units than any other console ever.

The same Nintendo that went all out to make sure the Wii is a success and to turn around the 3DS?

Your right.

I mean that they are very reluctant to increase their workfoce
Nintendo sells hardware those other companies don't.

well nintendo has employees in the hardware side as well.
Is it just me or has Sony stopped sending out monthly NPD PR's ever since they fired most of there PR team a few months ago?

I dont think I have seen a single press release from them about the NPD's since.

260k seems damn good considering the 360's apparent dominance in the US. Is it that close every month? Haven't been keeping up.
Do we have a thread where all NPD sales data (that we have + best guesses) from the last years are posted? Because I'm trying to find data for various months to try and compare how X360/PS3/3DS/Wii/DS fared in January and February (and if the growth rate from Jan to Feb is normal) and it's a pain in the ass if you have to browse through various NPD threads :/

At first glance I'd say that 3DS seems to have sort of a momentum (I know it's down YoY) considering the jump from Jan to Feb, but I may be wrong ^^
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