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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


I would bang a hot farmer!
sonycowboy said:
Some more numbers, sorry no top 20 tonight at least.

Massive sales increase, primarily due to HW sales.

YOY Results
VG HW +77% ($675.6mm vs $925.5mm)
--- Console HW +140.7%
--- Portable HW -1.0%
VG SW +11%
--- Console SW +15.9%
--- Portable SW -1.5%
VG Accessories +51%

All Categories +37%
Primarily due to console HW you mean.
Tideas said:
Price...is everything.

a $129 console outselling a $300/$400 console? Whodathunk.

A $300 console outselling a $500 console? Whodathunk.

A $129 handheld outselling a $169 handheld? Whodathunk
Okay lets work it out with some maths.

PlayStation 3 159k
doubling on the previous month's sales after a $100 price drop

so if they drop to $399 they could manage.. 358k
$299 it would be.. 716k

2010 baby.


Tideas said:
Price...is everything.

a $129 console outselling a $300/$400 console? Whodathunk.

A $300 console outselling a $500 console? Whodathunk.

A $129 handheld outselling a $169 handheld? Whodathunk

What about a $300 console outselling a $200 console?

Or a $249 console outselling a $129 console?


At $350, I honestly think Wii would be selling 95% as much as it is now. I hate it say it, but I think Nintendo jipped itself by pricing it too low. The people who are buying it have the money to pay out that much, anyway.

I mean, does anyone doubt that, at $600, the Wii would still be stomping the PS3?
besada said:
Lefein is crazy and has been getting crazier at each NPD. He's the only reason I go to the ps3forums anymore. I'm waiting on the inevitable breakdown followed by a note from his mom that's he's no longer playing those videogames.

Ooh. I may go back and see what else he's posted later tonight.

TwinIonEngines said:
What about a $300 console outselling a $200 console?

Or a $249 console outselling a $129 console?

loosus said:
Hmm. Wii software sales really are not that good. Seems like people are getting it for Wii Sports and little else. Maybe it's the Wii that's the extra, not the game.
How soon we forget last three month's numbers.
sonycowboy said:
Some more numbers, sorry no top 20 tonight at least.

nos. no one cares about

So we will be getting at least the top 20...!?

I hope so cos what's been posted isn't in anyway GAF exclusive data as we're supposed to be getting from the 'new deal'.
i'm pretty shocked. i was certain the ps3 would do it... and those wii sales are utterly ridiculous.

*great* numbers for RE4:Wii edition. that makes me happy.

Sony seem to have priced themselves out of the market... and unless software sales start picking up fast, 3rd party support is going to go the way it did for the gamecube.

it's going to be interesting to see if PS3 madden fails to beat Wii madden next month... but the 360 hardware is going to be really interesting.

sony fans seem to be pretty upset at many third parties... similar to how nintendo fans were with the gamecube.


indie85 said:
Ok, so PS3 is now globally outselling Xbox360, the japan sales more than make up for the difference in USA now and also PS3 is beginning to edge ahead in Europe too. I dont see how this is bad news.

:lol :lol


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
As a fan of the Wii, I am highly excited by this.

^_^ But I will also say that system domination is like presidental terms. 2 terms max at a time



Somebody call Nintendo and tell them they need to make a Wii HD. Without Blu-Ray I can't see the pace continuing for more than another 5 years, tops.


That's pretty astounding sales for the wii. It's got the momentum and it just ain't stopping. Is it fair to assume at this point that in north America , whatever Nintendo gets onto store shelves is going to sell through until the end of the year at the very least ? 5 months left in the year to count sales for as well, I'm gonna go ahead and say 3.5 million wii's could sell from august 1st until December 31st... in north america alone. 500k aug, 500k sept, 500k oct,1million nov, 1 million dec. If they build them they will sell them I think. It really seems more a question of how many wiis' nintendo can get out there I suppose. I'm also thinking near 2 million more 360's will sell this year and 1.5 million more ps3's. PS3 will take off eventually ... when you can buy the thing for 200 USD in some form.


Very impressive. I still can't grasp just how amazing the little Wii is performing month after month after month. I mean, this is July. J-U-L-Y. What games are people playing??? And I'm glad to see the 360 outsell the PS3 after their "pricedrop".

methane47 said:
Sony made ~$79,500,000 off the PS3 in July
Microsoft made ~$68,000,000 off the 360 in July..

Yay for revenue!


I wonder how many PS3 were sold online. NPD doesn't include online, right? PS3 outsold the 360 at Amazon for a long time.


C'mon, a better argument would be that the 360 sold so much because so many are replacement systems.


Isn't this where Sony wants to be? Virtually neck and neck with the 360 in NA, and outselling it everywhere else?

I think the biggest and most glaring stat is the fact that the Wii is outselling everything, including the PS2, handily.


Duck said:
So, let me get this straight: the 360 outsold the PS3, with the bad press about the warranty announcement, with rumors flying about a pricedrop, without a single notable game release... and the PS3 had a $100 pricedrop fire sale, with the 5 Blu-ray movies free deal.

Sony is screwed in America.

As for Nintendo... OMG. Reggie is wiping his ass with $100 bills on a solid gold toilet at this very moment.

On the other hand, you could say Sony managed to sell close to the Xbox 360 which is still by far cheaper than the PS3 even with the price drop. Even though, the Xbox 360 has more than a year worth of game library and the fact that the US is its strongest market.

The PS3 while failed to outsell the Xbox 360 in the US this month, without a doubt managed to outsell it worldwide in July. Japan PS3 sales of than made up for the mere 10k units the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 in the US and in Europe, their sales are pretty much even with reports that the PS3 has the edge over it since Europe isnt too keen on the Xbox 360 like the US is. So I wonder who lost in July, Sony or Microsoft?
AniHawk said:
Wow. The funny thing is NPD was late this month BECAUSE they've started tracking online sales (instead of estimating for them).

:lol Someone please let them know, actually...it's funnier to watch them stew in their delusions and ignorance like how a baby sits in it's own shit waiting to be changed.
Can't believe the Wii is selling like it is.

Here's my contribution.

Warning may cause seizures.



FightyF said:
Isn't this where Sony wants to be? Virtually neck and neck with the 360 in NA, and outselling it everywhere else?

I think the biggest and most glaring stat is the fact that the Wii is outselling everything, including the PS2, handily.

The problem is that the only time they can come neck and neck is with a price drop.


reilo said:
Not for July...
Yes for July, PS3 has been selling 25kish ever since that golf game in japan every week, that came out in july ifaik and europe had the starter pack in july, began the month with even stevens and ended with PS3 edging out xbox360 in all territorys.

Guy Legend

Reilly said:

This is going to be an interesting story for a while. Even looking beyond the PS2's massive installed base, I think the Wii has helped the PS2 in terms of getting more games. Graphically, it's easy to port games over. Perhaps the Wii will further extend the PS2's life span?

Personally, I'm glad to see a single machine lasting so long. What a difference compared to the original xbox.


I would bang a hot farmer!
sonycowboy, has NPD adjusted any of the HW LTD's because they now have a better understanding of online sales? It would be nice to know if they went back and changed anything.


Thunder Monkey said:
Can't believe the Wii is selling like it is.

Here's my contribution.

Warning may cause seizures.

Read much?


michaeld said:
Look at this gm from PS3forums

It looks like PS3 still is supply constrained... this will obviously be taken care of by christmas and PS3 will by then have outsold 360 worldwide. 360 being its only next gen competitor will then be in a respectable second, and PS3 in first, while Wii continues to strugle against PS2.

:lol I guess I didn't see that entire pallet of PS3s on the sales floor of Best Buy yesterday.


why are some people here acting like the american market is all that matters? i mean seriously, do you guys deliberately ignore other markets to suit your agenda?
I expect NTDOY's stock on the NASDAQ to skyrocket tomorrow...!
It had been hit hard after reaching $65 then falling to $50 recently with the rest of the world's stocks...
VALIS said:
The 360 is 4.3 million ahead of the PS3 in the US. The PS3 will also never have the price advantage, the best it can hope for is being the same price as the 360 in time. It's over, dude.

Games play a role. Brand recognition plays a role when especially a console get cheaper by time. Ps3 will get cheaper. One excuse that I don't reall want to use but I will throw it in anyways, Blu-Ray if it takes off, plays a minor role if any at all. But it's okay. Go have your time.

It's like you have a crystal ball with you or something.

As I said in the Matt C. sales thread, I think it's over from here on out for PS3...at least when it comes to outselling either of its competitors on a monthly basis in NA. NA is Wii60 country officially now.

:lol :lol :lol

Don't people find claims like this ridiculous or funny, I mean, come on? This guy calls it even before this year ends.

Just a reminder guys, it's not like the Ps3 flopped this month. The difference is only 11k and the Ps3 is still being priced higher and the 360 has more games in it's libarary.

Sos say what you want tpo make yourself feel better but I don't see how predicting the future as blindly like that isn't stupid.


Tideas said:
Price...is everything.

a $129 console outselling a $300/$400 console? Whodathunk.

A $300 console outselling a $500 console? Whodathunk.

A $129 handheld outselling a $169 handheld? Whodathunk

Price is everything? Really? No, compelling software is what makes people purchase hardware. Just ask the Gamecube how its permanent price advantage worked out for it.

Without Blu-Ray I can't see the pace continuing for more than another 5 years, tops.

Because Sony's "10 year plan"
4 years if they're lucky
with BluRay seems to be working so well.


ps3forums said:
Keep in mind 360 just had Bioshock released and PS3 had... well nothing... so overall it did pretty well.

Warhawk is out next week though and i'm sure that will be the start of sales picking up for the PS3

Say what you want about reviews, but when people walk into a store looking for a console, and they see a PS3 for $500, with games like Lair, and Heavenly Sword sitting there, they will be very, very tempted.

If I was Microsoft, I would be worried about next year, where there are no real big games coming out, or at least in the early months. Sony has games like Killzone and Metal Gear Solid 4 to drive sales next year.

And for the reality check - the PS3 price drop happened in late July. July was not even a full month head to head with the 360 post price drop. I dunno why there's so much excitement in the air here. All I can say is - you guys are nervous. Very nervous.
:lol :lol :lol


AniHawk said:
Wow. The funny thing is NPD was late this month BECAUSE they've started tracking online sales (instead of estimating for them).

Woah, it's that true ? Does that mean that Wii was even higher previous months ?
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