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NPD Sales Results for June 2015 [Up2: Batman, Splatoon]


Gold Member
Boogie's turn-around was not disingenuous, though. He looked like he really enjoyed the system after he got to see its good side, and he wasn't just saying it that way because Larry was there on camera.

Absolutely agree with him enjoying it. It is a great system, but please do not discount "starstruck power" and free swag. It turns people into fans almost instantly (not just gaming).


The only way anything from twitter can become toxic towards this community is if someone brings the sludge inside.

So, how about not doing it?

Anyways, the Splatoon numbers are so impressive :)


my hard graphic balls
Absolutely agree with him enjoying it. It is a great system, but please do not discount "starstruck power" and free swag. It turns people into fans almost instantly (not just gaming).

So then, it's not inhumane, right? Why are you saying it as if it were a bad thing, then? If we would all do it, don't judge it, I guess.


yeah seriously stop talking about him and giving him attention. he's probably reading this thread and laughing about how he got ya'll talking bout him. let him have his little fanboy corner and twitter following.
Timdog is an Xbox fanboy, but he is a nice guy.
There are far worse fanboys out there. Timdog is good sport.
Judging by his twitter he had the best time at E3. We should celebrate that kind of enthusiasm, not ridicule it.
Its amazing how much those 3rd party relationships have helped Sony out this gen. The strategy seems to be paying off.

Sony's strategy this entire generation can't be understated. Its nothing short of incredible really. From price, to performance, to 3rd party relations. I mean it was an absolute home run to all level's of management behind the project and anyone who helped design the strategy around it.

Mr Moose

Boogie's turn-around was not disingenuous, though. He looked like he really enjoyed the system after he got to see its good side, and he wasn't just saying it that way because Larry was there on camera.

Well, it's not like it's a shit console. I remember him throwing his 360 to make space for his PS4, it's just part of the show.


yeah seriously stop talking about him and giving him attention. he's probably reading this thread and laughing about how he got ya'll talking bout him. let him have his little fanboy corner and twitter following.

He's actually fine now. I really do feel bad for him now knowing how old he is.

Aaron Greenberg said XBO was the best selling console on E3 week. Does NPD also track weekly sales?

I'm not sure if they have their own trackers or if NPD releases more specific information to the people that pay them for it.


You gotta be kidding me?

Tim dog is a grown ass man lol.

I was always under the illusion that he was a rather cute kid...Kids should be that passionate. Seeing a grown man be so passionate is...well if the circumstances where different it would be refreshing now it's just {strike]sad[/s] weird :/

yo Zhuge mind weighing in on the below quote?

they are, but it's something like xb1 launched with all of the region locking that china wanted, and ps4 was planning not to, and had to delay when china said they needed region locking. now ps4 has some form of region locking, though not as severe as what xb1 had. they patched chinese xb1 to have same level of region locking as ps4 launched with, but by then the damage was done.

originally i think xb1 required one use digital codes with each physical game, you could only buy chinese copies of games, and foreign consoles can't play chinese copies, but now i think they dropped the one use code, and you can import games from other countries to pay on your chinese console, but chinese copies can't be played abroad. don't quote me on that though, not entirely sure.

Initial reaction screwing them over again huh? I remember something about "Xbox" or was it "Nintendo" fanboy snitching and then I didn't bother much more other than what games China would try and send out in the world.


Sony's strategy this entire generation can't be understated. Its nothing short of incredible really. From price, to performance, to 3rd party relations. I mean it was an absolute home run to all level's of management behind the project and anyone who helped design the strategy around it.

It honestly feels to me that Sony had a plan and just executed it flawlessly. Even with the delay of Uncharted. Sony had these major 3rd party deals in place to mitigate any lost console sales. Hell I'd almost argue Uncharted will sell better in the spring than it would have sold this fall.


Why are we posting pics of someone who was banned here? No need to insult/make fun of people. Has no place in this thread. Lets just move on.

Hopefully we get some interesting numbers soon.

This so much. I am trying to read peoples comments about the NPD and the last few pages have turned into people slamming someone I never heard about nor I care to hear about, but yet people are bringing this guy up left and right.

Can we perhaps try to stick to the topic?
Its amazing how much those 3rd party relationships have helped Sony out this gen. The strategy seems to be paying off.

I think it was always overstated how strong of an impact Sony's 1st party output was with the PS3. They had millions of exclusives that worldwide studios were totally delievering on imo... but were all still having to bow down to Gears, Halo, and Mario. 3rd party is clearly the way to go to market a console, no pure exclusivity needed.


xbox did surprisingly well. e3 hype and batman i guess?

really want to see the ps4 numbers now with batman sku and e3 hype.


yo Zhuge mind weighing in on the below quote?

Initial reaction screwing them over again huh? I remember something about "Xbox" or was it "Nintendo" fanboy snitching and then I didn't bother much more other than what games China would try and send out in the world.

The Sony PS4 launched in China and was not region locked, yes it had some limitations like it can’t download foreign games or log into foreign PSN accounts, but it can play foreign PS4 game discs, connect to foreign servers, add friends from anywhere on the globe, and download patches for games from overseas. Similarly, the global version of the console will allow players to log in to Chinese PSN accounts, play Chinese PSN games on disc, and download patches from the Chinese PSN servers.

Where as with Xbox One the console launched completely locked, you can only use China account, only play Chinese disc and download games, not connect to any foreign servers or friends outside China etc....

So what happened is PS4 launched, then shortly after Microsoft unlocked the Xbox One to make it region free like PS4. Of course this is a good thing, however Chinese on social media reacted negatively because they didn't understand why Microsoft didn't just unlock the console from the beginning like Sony did. Which is a valid point, and so some distrust between consumers and Microsoft has started.

You can read these threads for more info on China market-

I was always under the illusion that he was a rather cute kid...Kids should be that passionate. Seeing a grown man be so passionate is...well if the circumstances where different it would be refreshing now it's just sad :/

yo Zhuge mind weighing in on the below quote?

Initial reaction screwing them over again huh? I remember something about "Xbox" or was it "Nintendo" fanboy snitching and then I didn't bother much more other than what games China would try and send out in the world.

My opinion is MS went with the exact same business model they were going to release in the USA before the backlash. And there's a million reasons why Sony delayed the launch for a short period.


my hard graphic balls
I'm not talking about average weekly sales, I'm talking about the exact weekly sales.

Well, if I were to make an educated guess of the average, probably on the low end in the first two weeks, as people would wait for E3 games and price/bundling announcements, and more sales on the end half of June, due to E3 games/BC hype. So probably 100K for first two weeks, and 197K for the last two, giving 45-55K each week for the first two and 90-100K for the last two. But no, actual numbers have not been given as far as I know.


The Sony PS4 launched in China and was not region locked, yes it had some limitations like it can’t download foreign games or log into foreign PSN accounts, but it can play foreign PS4 game discs, connect to foreign servers, add friends from anywhere on the globe, and download patches for games from overseas. Similarly, the global version of the console will allow players to log in to Chinese PSN accounts, play Chinese PSN games on disc, and download patches from the Chinese PSN servers.

Where as with Xbox One the console launched completely locked, you can only use China account, only play Chinese disc and download games, not connect to any foreign servers or friends outside China etc....

So what happened is PS4 launched, then shortly after Microsoft unlocked the Xbox One to make it region free like PS4. Of course this is a good thing, however Chinese on social media reacted negatively because they didn't understand why Microsoft didn't just unlock the console from the beginning like Sony did. Which is a valid point, and so some distrust between consumers and Microsoft has started.

Thanks for the summery :D


xbox did surprisingly well. e3 hype and batman i guess?

really want to see the ps4 numbers now with batman sku and e3 hype.

Don't think we have seen the full effect of E3 yet. We got some % for that week but I reckon the general audience is slower on the uptake.

Also, people need to remember that in general Europe has been slower in adapting to new consoles.

Thanks :)
Warner Bros. is publisher of the year in terms of sales. Pretty damn impressive.

Yeah a phenomenal year for them really. Also remember they had Shadow of Mordor at the end of last year and still have Mad Max on the way. 2015 was the year WB stepped up to the big kids table in terms of publishers. Curious if we'll start seeing them host their own E3 presentations in the near future.
My opinion is MS went with the exact same business model they were going to release in the USA before the backlash. And there's a million reasons why Sony delayed the launch for a short period.

Zhuge said himself that it was the Chinese govt

The Sony Playstation 4 was originally due to launch in January but was delayed due to unknown reasons (basically China govt tried to get Sony to region lock the console).
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