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NPD Sales Results for June 2015 [Up2: Batman, Splatoon]


Congrats to Rocksteady. Can't believe Arkham Knight outsold first month of Arkham City considering it's on consoles that aren't even two years old yet.

Mr Moose

Is this Tim, or are you just saying that he wishes he was in that guy's place?

You're talking about a guy that claims to be an industry insider on his Twitter bio.

As far as I am aware that is Tim Dog (on the right is Phil).


Tim with... I want to say Penello...(?)

This is a good way to pass the time while we wait for some numbers lol.


I'm pretty sure Sony could sue if they specifically mentioned them in a deal, which is why they have to say any free game.

Those are counted on NPDs because cashiers have to ring them up.


They are selling very well. Even if sell better taking the lead, they need to stop to lose so badly in other markets.

When the 360 was really beasting it they tried for Japan. Japan is dead now.
They never even tried to wink at us in Europe. Except in England(can't speak for the rest of the UK). They have been losing all other markets since then. I honestly can't see them even trying to change this trend when they never bothered before.

But yeah...they can try. Maybe I'll get a Dalahäst with some Falukorv.
Alright Splatoon, I gave ya some shit last month (we'll call it a gentle friendly ribbing) but you got some legs on ya.

Dare I say it, "IMPRESSIVE" haha
Yeah I was wondering, since the Destiny launch, if those are accounted for or if they are ignored when NPD presents the numbers.

They need to sell better in the US. If they can't get a proper hold of their main audience I don't see why anyone outside of that would care.

How come PS4/V aren't region locked?

they are, but it's something like xb1 launched with all of the region locking that china wanted, and ps4 was planning not to, and had to delay when china said they needed region locking. now ps4 has some form of region locking, though not as severe as what xb1 had. they patched chinese xb1 to have same level of region locking as ps4 launched with, but by then the damage was done.

originally i think xb1 required one use digital codes with each physical game, you could only buy chinese copies of games, and foreign consoles can't play chinese copies, but now i think they dropped the one use code, and you can import games from other countries to pay on your chinese console, but chinese copies can't be played abroad. don't quote me on that though, not entirely sure.


Persecution Complex
and prior to launch I don't think a single person on this forum predicted 2 million WW LTD for Splatoon. that claim surely came after it passed 1 million WW and proved its legs in other territories.

Splatoon will no doubt hit 2 Million worldwide in a few months or so and you're right few could've predicted that. With a potential holiday boost + improved matchmaking I think it could go past 3 Million.

Either way I'm really glad it's having success.


As far as I am aware that is Tim Dog (on the right is Phil).


Tim with... I want to say Penello...(?)

This is a good way to pass the time while we wait for some numbers lol.

Really? You and others are going to personally insult someone for supporting a product they like?

Man... First hating on Greenberg and now an Xbox Fan.


Trying to understand this post. If your saying since the PS4 is at about 8.1 million sold in the U.S. and that is 36% of its Worldwide sales, thus WW LTD = 22.5 million sold through then that don't sound right imo. WW numbers sound low.

As of March 2015 which is the last sell through number we had for worldwide



The fat guy is Tim, which is even sadder. Until I saw his E3 pics, I thought he was a zealous 16 year old based on his tweets.

As far as I am aware that is Tim Dog (on the right is Phil).


Tim with... I want to say Penello...(?)

This is a good way to pass the time while we wait for some numbers lol.

This. I thought he was, at most, a very immature 24-year-old man. I now feel bad for Tim. Thanks, GAF.

Mr Moose

Why do you guys even read his tweets at all? You're just giving him what he wants.

Tim isn't so bad, there are far worse than him on Twitter.

I remember when he went crazy over CoD being 720p, he started swearing at Major Nelson and stuff, hilarious.

Really? You and others are going to personally insult someone for supporting a product they like?

Man... First hating on Greenberg and now an Xbox Fan.

I don't mind Tim, he's not a bad guy, Greenberg, though... Yeah, don't get me started.

Nice avi.


Really? You and others are going to personally insult someone for supporting a product they like?

Man... First hating on Greenberg and now an Xbox Fan.

No, we're taking shots at someone who has been one of the most toxic and prolific fanboys this corner of the internet. Get your shit straght before acting like your some savior of the innocents.


Gold Member
The fat guy is Tim, which is even sadder. Until I saw his E3 pics, I thought he was a zealous 16 year old based on his tweets.

I'm telling you. They more than likely hook him up with free swag (no proof obviously other than his twitter account looks more like official XBox marketing than Major Nelson's). Do not underestimate the power of free shit to have one act almost parodic to the deep end of brand promoting.

Reminds me when Boogie (for the record he is a class act when not acting PC Master Race), was super hard on MSFT when these systems were about to launch. Major Nelson shows up to his house with an XBox, and that was one of the fastest 180° that would give you whiplash. Ironic really, lol.
I actually have often wondered if he's not being paid to be so effusively fawning. I've never seen anything like it. I love my PS4 and Vita, I use em everyday. But I don't wanna give Shuhei a back massage.

But what if it meant more Vita support? Think about it. Your baggy of oil can help save the Vita. Sadly I can't find a gif of the Futurama clip I'm thinking of.
Fair, but it's still impressive.

No doubt, it surpassed my expectations. I pegged it at 1.4 million top end in my prediction. I wasn't far off at all really, since it was slightly over 1.5. Damn close actually, but I did say I though it would do a little under AC. So congrats WB and Rocksteady certainly an impressive performance.


my hard graphic balls
No, we're taking shots at someone who has been one of the most toxic and prolific fanboys this corner of the internet. Get your shit straght before acting like your some savior of the innocents.
I kind of see that as lowering to his level, but, I guess it sometimes yields entertaining results.


What's this about Arkham being the best selling game of this year at 1.7 mil? I thought witcher sold 4 million?


Probably NA vs worldwide.

I kind of see that as lowering to his level, but, I guess it sometimes yields entertaining results.

I feel bad now knowing that he's a full-on adult. Before we were just taking the piss when at least some of us thought we were dealing with someone in the 16-24 range.


No, we're taking shots at someone who has been one of the most toxic and prolific fanboys this corner of the internet. Get your shit straght before acting like your some savior of the innocents.

It just comes across as pathetic. If he is so bad why roll in the mud with him.


Good results all around, nothing unexpected.

I thought he was a zealous 16 year old based on his tweets.
The sad thing is that most of those fanboys and Twitter warriors are grown ass men with a family, they should know better..

I also think that posting all these pictures of the guy isn't making us any better than him.

Really? You and others are going to personally insult someone for supporting a product they like?

Man... First hating on Greenberg and now an Xbox Fan.
Greenberg is hilarious though, his tweets are a sight to behold. I hope the man never stops with his PR, it's just too good.


No, we're taking shots at someone who has been one of the most toxic and prolific fanboys this corner of the internet. Get your shit straght before acting like your some savior of the innocents.

TOXIC? Really? Toxic?

You can dislike a fanboy but as long as he doesn't insult you or the stuff you like how does he become toxic if he's not infecting your community.

If you don't like him, ignore him.


my hard graphic balls
Reminds me when Boogie (for the record he is a class act when not acting PC Master Race), was super hard on MSFT when these systems were about to launch. Major Nelson shows up to his house with an XBox, and that was one of the fastest 180° that would give you whiplash. Ironic really, lol.

Boogie's turn-around was not disingenuous, though. He looked like he really enjoyed the system after he got to see its good side, and he wasn't just saying it that way because Larry was there on camera.


Why are we posting pics of someone who was banned here? No need to insult/make fun of people. Has no place in this thread. Lets just move on.

Hopefully we get some interesting numbers soon.


TOXIC? Really? Toxic?

You can dislike a fanboy but as long as he doesn't insult you or the stuff you like how does he become toxic if he's not infecting your community.

If you don't like him, ignore him.

He would not infrequently refer to the "Ponies" on "NeoFAG." So yeah, he's toxic because he would lurk every thread and every piece of news and then tweet it out to his minions. He's gotten better recently, but that's probably just the bliss of retirement kicking in.

It just comes across as pathetic. If he is so bad why roll in the mud with him.

It was always done tongue in cheek. Get off your high horse.
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