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NPD Sales Results for November 2007


Frillen said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

In a Media Create thread 1 or 2 days ago you wrote this:

Frillen said:
What's up with the Uncharted and No More Heroes comparison anyway? I don't see how you can compare such completely different games. Or has Sony fans hit a new low?

Some people in the Media Create thread said that Uncharted outsold No More Heros and you wondered why they compared those 2 games. Then you ask if Sony fans have hit a new low because of this. Now you are doing the exact same thing with Uncharted and RE:UC, why?

If you say that its "hitting a new low" when comparing NMH with Uncharted since they are 2 completely different, why are you comparing RE:UC and Uncharted (which is also 2 completely different games) yourself?

Your comment is also much "bigger" than the No More Heros VS Uncharted comment because you write in caps and adds alot of lol icons. The NMH VS Uncharted comments were written with lowercase letters and only had one lol icon.
TheRipDizz said:
To an large extent, yeah. You are underplaying the 360's fervered pace though. The PS2 never had software numbers matching its installedbase ratio, nevermind surpassing it. As the installed base grows, the more likely it is that there are a bunch of gamers that will just not buy software on a consistant basis. This has yet to happen to the 360 and has even grown to some extent. It deffinatly is not guarenteed to happen to the PS3 and the Wii as their installed base grows to match the 360's. In fact if history is anything to go by, they probably won't

Wow besides the bad grammar and spelling this is basically what i was going to post.


Hammer24 said:
Well, the question is more what is wrong with you? You seem to be the only PC gamer left who hasn´t made the transition to console. "I am legend", right? ;)

There are plenty of PC-only gamers. Most of them just don't pay for their games.


test_account said:
In a Media Create thread 1 or 2 days ago you wrote this:

Some people in the Media Create thread said that Uncharted outsold No More Heros and you wondered why they compared those 2 games. Then you ask if Sony fans have hit a new low because of this. Now you are doing the exact same thing with Uncharted and RE:UC, why?

If you say that its "hitting a new low" when comparing NMH with Uncharted since they are 2 completely different, why are you comparing RE:UC and Uncharted (which is also 2 completely different games) yourself?

Your comment is also much "bigger" than the No More Heros VS Uncharted comment because you write in caps and adds alot of lol icons. The NMH VS Uncharted comments were written with lowercase letters and only had one lol icon.
He can't hear you anymore.


Rowsdower said:
There are plenty of PC-only gamers. Most of them just don't pay for their games.

Sounds like the situation here, in europe. At this point I don´t get dev´s anymore, who make PC only games. When piracy is the gold standard, it makes absolutely no sense.


Chipopo said:
sooo any good meltdowns in this thread or do PS3 fanboys just totally ignore NPD at this point?

Nah, they just keep pushing the goal posts back further and further (like usual).

Wait until 2008, wait until MGS4, wait until GT5, wait until $249, etc.


Sean said:
Nah, they just keep pushing the goal posts back further and further (like usual).

Wait until 2008, wait until MGS4, wait until GT5, wait until $249, etc.

We just ignore America. ;)
test_account said:
Ye, i noticed that he was banned, but isnt that just from logging in? Or is the banned person's IP blocked from reading the forum at all?
Reading at all.

I had to clean out my cookies just to get my fix. (meaning probably not an ip ban)


test_account said:
Ye, i noticed that he was banned, but isnt that just from logging in? Or is the banned person's IP blocked from reading the forum at all?

Logging in and yeah your right..when I was banned I was viewing GAF a lot anyway. He probably saw it.


Sean said:
Nah, they just keep pushing the goal posts back further and further (like usual).

Wait until 2008, wait until MGS4, wait until GT5, wait until $249, etc.

Hey.. patience is a virtue.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
GhaleonEB said:
Microsoft's announcement was both for world-wide, and included a week after the NPD numbers. A million is pretty reasonable.
Yes, I will not be surprised if ME puts out some strong numbers for December.

Anecdotal evidence, but some of my son's friends that were not interested in ME at first (and said so) are asking me to get it for them from MS store.

Live is a powerful medium for spreading word of mouth.
Sony's holiday qtr financials are going to be horrendous, PS2 games well down on last year, a huge hit on PS3 selling price but not the games too match, PSP software minimal.

I mean surely it will be the gaming divisions biggest ever loss?


mr_bishiuk said:
Sony's holiday qtr financials are going to be horrendous, PS2 games well down on last year, a huge hit on PS3 selling price but not the games too match, PSP software minimal.

I mean surely it will be the gaming divisions biggest ever loss?

I dunno. They lost $2B last year and that was pretty huge.
Seven straight loss making quarters from the division that used to be the most profitable, I predict more "re-organization" at the games division ( and probably some good games canned :( )
Opus Angelorum said:
Surely Sony themselves won't make light of this though?

They wont be able to, shareholders are going to start kicking and screaming

AniHawk said:
I dunno. They lost $2B last year and that was pretty huge.

I think it will be a lotworse! The PS3 was $599 then and the PS2 was holding up games wise and was selling more than the 360.


mr_bishiuk said:
They wont be able to, shareholders are going to start kicking and screaming

I think it will be a lotworse! The PS3 was $599 then and the PS2 was holding up games wise and was selling more than the 360.

I think that had R&D costs factored into it though.
Hellraizer said:
They can still pull the "Sony Family" trick, including TVs, Vaios, just everything they got...

They have been lucky they have been able to pull the other divisions around otherwise they would be in the shit!
AniHawk said:
I think that had R&D costs factored into it though.

R&D is almost certainly being written off over 10 years hence the constant reference by Sony execs to the 10 year plan. In the UK you write off R&D over the life of the project and you have to have evidence for the Inland Revenue as to how much the R&D came to and show workings as to why you think the project will be profitable (otherwise you have to write it off there and then) and you have to provide eveidence as to whu you think it will last for that period.

I assume Japan is similar.


Hammer24 said:
Well, the question is more what is wrong with you? You seem to be the only PC gamer left who hasn´t made the transition to console. "I am legend", right? ;)

I'm a PC gamer and while I own 2 current-gen consoles, I don't play them all that much, bar Mario Galaxy.


mr_bishiuk said:
R&D is almost certainly being written off over 10 years hence the constant reference by Sony execs to the 10 year plan. In the UK you write off R&D over the life of the project and you have to have evidence for the Inland Revenue as to how much the R&D came to and show workings as to why you think the project will be profitable (otherwise you have to write it off there and then) and you have to provide eveidence as to whu you think it will last for that period.

I assume Japan is similar.

Yeah, that's a major accountancy trick (which can be easily abused...)

I doubt they'll use 10 years to write off the R&D costs though. I suppose this is going to be one REALLY bad year for Sony's game division.
RJT said:
Yeah, that's a major accountancy trick (which can be easily abused...)

I doubt they'll use 10 years to write off the R&D costs though. I suppose this is going to be one REALLY bad year for Sony's game division.

You think they will try and write it off sooner? I doubt it companies are always looking at short term profitability in their accounts because the directors dont know if they personally will be around in the next year.

The problem will be if the auditors decide that the 10 years is too long and that it would be correct to write it off quicker.

Altenatively they may have said that we will sell 100m PS3's so we will divide the R&D by 100m and charged it on a per console basis.


Fascinating NPD month and love all the discussion. I surely have spent more time reading this thread than studying for the final in an hour and a half.

Does anyone know when NPD Canada's coming out?
PolyGone said:
many people believe that MGS4 and FF will come to 360 anyway, so I don't really see those as being an ace in the hole for Sony, and what with the way things are looking, I wouldn't doubt that Konami and Square-Enix could pull a Capcom with their exclusivities

squarenix, not likely. PS3 still too formidable in japan to lose FF exclusive. MGS4......i think will be time exclusive, but most likely at least one to two years. by then i dont think anyone will have cared its 360-bound. Those who buy it will probably play it on PS3

so yes, those exclusives still matter in the foreseeable future to PS3
From the amusing Predict November's biggest disaster thread: As you can see GAF has it's finger on the pulse of the industry

Unreal Tournament III - 4
Assassin's Creed - 19
Mass Effect - 19
Crysis - 4
Viva Pinata (PC) - 20
Blacksite: Area 51 - 24
**** and *****: Dead men - 27
Sim City: Societies - 4
Rock Band - 11
Haze - 38 (unreleased)
Raving Rabbids 2 - 3
Soul Calibur Legends - 2
Trauma Centre: New Blood - 6
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - 3
Uncharted - 11
Fire Emblem - 6
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics - 5
Beowulf - 6
Ghost Squad - 6
Scene It - 1
This thread - 1

Special mentions: Titiklabingapat for saying Mario will outsell Call of Duty 4. Bannings across the board for many including PhoenixDown.


Thunder Monkey said:
Keeping the schtick that got you banned is one way (ala my lost buddy Crushed).

My banning was more fluke then something malicious on my part though.

Ah ok, i understand what you mean now. I think atleast :)


I actually read all 47 pages of this thread (hey it's friday and I'm alone in the office) and yes ... there was some arguing and spinning and quite a bit of trolling, too yes ... but besides that ... WHERE ARE THE OBLIGATORY NPD MELTDOWNS, GAF? WHERE ARE THEY, HUH? Disappointment total ... time to call it a day.
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