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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]


Neo Member
man this just sucks for Tomb Raider. Such a great game gets outsold by Just Dance due to poor release date and xbox exclusivity.

It really is a shame. I had heard rumors that it wasn't selling well and I guess I'm not surprised. A lot flashier titles out right now and it doesn't seem like MS/Square/Enix did a very good job of hyping the game.

The 'Bone doesn't get used for much in my house aside from as a media center. But it got played plenty for a while until I finished off Rise of the Tomb Raider.

I seem to recall that when the first one came out, about six months after release Square/Enix stated that the sales were significantly less than expected. But word of mouth gave the game long legs and a year later they were saying that the game was a big success. Hopefully the same will happen here once it's out on the PS4 and PC.
I know I'm not the only one who did this lol


I find this very enjoyable.


Do we have numbers ? Would be interesting to see. From what I've read (during x1 reveal) 360 didn't do well in Germany/France, EU's other big markets. PS3 beat X1 handidly in EU. But for the sake of this conversation some numbers would be good.

Nah, the 360 did quite well, all things considered.

Early 2011 in France
PS3 3M
360 2.2M

Can't be arsed to look for more recent numbers.

As of June 2014 in Germany
PS4 4.2M
360 2.1M
How many units did Halo 5 sell? Anyone know? Not bad for a first party second month. I know not Halo numbers but still seems solid. I have a feeling it will keep charting in Dec and for a few more months into the dead zone. Good game!


Please give me the future predicting links that don't show December is up for grabs, despite the two in november being closer than EVERYONE though, and that you can tell in the next 365 days after that Xbox one won't win ONE month?

Future prediction stuff is cool but i'm pretty sure it does not exist.
What do you talking about? Most have the gap for this month way lower than 200k and some even bet on Xbone win.

I was one of the few that put PS4 at 1.7m... yes I was wrong but close than most.


So, you think that God of War 4 is doomed too because of Ascension?

Possibly, yes. Unless what they show is really spectacular, I'm not sure it will live up to historic franchise performance (Eg GOW3). But GOW4 has more going for it in the sense that it is still being made by Sony Santa Monica, and in terms of consumer developer awareness, scores more points. Add to that the PS4 has double the install base for potential sales.


So, any word on Tomb Raider DE sales back in January 2014?

Was it over 100k or so at least?

All I remember is the 2:1 split, and topping the UK charts.

I have a worse (better?) tag than blame space ffs!

I would say it's worse.

and worse and worse and worse and worse and
What do you talking about? Most have the gap for this month way lower than 200k and some even bet on Xbone win.

I was one of the few that put PS4 at 1.7m... yes I was wrong but close than most.

In hindsight, your prediction could have been the closest. Did we have a winner for the prediction thread?


Please give me the future predicting links that don't show December is up for grabs, despite the two in november being closer than EVERYONE thought, and that you can tell in the next 365 days after that Xbox one won't win ONE month?

Future prediction stuff is cool but i'm pretty sure it does not exist.

From the Nov prediction thread -

[3DS] 470K
[PS4] 1306K
[WIU] 234K
[XB1] 1268K

[3DS] 570K
[PS4] 1630K
[WIU] 320K
[XB1] 1570K

[3DS] 700k
[PS4] 1100k
[WIU] 350k
[XB1] 1275k

[PS4] 1280k
[XB1] 1100k
[3DS] 880k
[WIU] 465k

[PS4] 1240K
[XB1] 1200K
[3DS] 275K
[WIU] 290K

[3DS] 450k
[PS4] 1200k
[WIU] 300k
[XB1] 1250k

[PS4] 1350k
[XB1] 1300k
[3DS] 480k
[WIU] 450k

[PS4] 1450K
[WIU] 400K
[XB1] 1300K

Since reserving a spot is rustling some jimmies.... (This isn't unusual you know)

[3DS] 400K
[PS4] 1300K
[WIU] 350K
[XB1] 1200K

edit : updated with ms pr in mind.

[3DS] 440k
[PS4] 1270k
[WIU] 235k
[XB1] 1110k

[3DS] 580k
[PS4] 1200k
[WIU] 350k
[XB1] 1100k

[3DS] 380k
[WIU] 350k
[XB1] 1150k
[PS4] 1175k

First prediction ever: not sure why I haven't done this before. Let's do this!

[3DS] 450K
[PS4] 1150K
[WIU] 290K
[XB1] 1050K

Also am I correct in assuming Donny2112 (OP) is Aquamarine's alt account?

[PS4] 1250K
[XB1] 1100K
[3DS] 420K
[WIU] 330K

And that's just the first page
of course, but doesnt change the fact holding onto US and UK 360 received lionshare of support even though it didnt do well anywhere else.

That is because it out sold the PS3 2 to 1 in the USA .
That is not the case this gen so WW sales matter more when it comes to marketing deals for certain games.
Nah, the 360 did quite well, all things considered.

Early 2011 in France
PS3 3M
360 2.2M

Can't be arsed to look for more recent numbers.

As of June 2014 in Germany
PS4 4.2M
360 2.1M

360 was at 2.4M in Germany at some point in 2013, I'm fairly sure it didn't go backwards


Is NPD_George going to chime in? Or have we scared him off?

Halo LTD would be nice if your reading mate :)

Nah, the 360 did quite well, all things considered.

Early 2011 in France
PS3 3M
360 2.2M

Can't be arsed to look for more recent numbers.

As of June 2014 in Germany
PS4 4.2M
360 2.1M

Thanks. Gap is still big, but not as much as I remembered.


It really is a shame. I had heard rumors that it wasn't selling well and I guess I'm not surprised. A lot flashier titles out right now and it doesn't seem like MS/Square/Enix did a very good job of hyping the game.

The 'Bone doesn't get used for much in my house aside from as a media center. But it got played plenty for a while until I finished off Rise of the Tomb Raider.

I seem to recall that when the first one came out, about six months after release Square/Enix stated that the sales were significantly less than expected. But word of mouth gave the game long legs and a year later they were saying that the game was a big success. Hopefully the same will happen here once it's out on the PS4 and PC.

I'll help contribute when it hits PS4, but even at 299 I'm having trouble pulling the trigger on a One. Had I played Gears and Halo last gen, maybe I'd be more inclined but I haven't and all the negativity surrounding each franchise makes me sad.
The PS4 would have to sell more than this year by a decent amount for multiple years to reach 100 million by say 2019-2020. So any time before that is even mroe questionable.

Console sales grow by a floating-pont exponential factor each year, think of it like a quadratic parabola. There's a vertex. The PS4 hasn't reached that vertex yet. It's that simple.

The PS3 and the Xbox 360 had life extending events, so did the PS2. I'm being realistic, what does the PS4, and even the Xbox one, have to extend their lifes to bring back in large sale numbers? Already the PS4 and Xbox one are doing price wars, which will make price no too big of a factor for the latter part of life then it would have been.

I guess we'll get to that in a moment. You already know the answer, but pretend it isn't an answer.

We don't see any Kinect or move type devices in sight so far...VR and AR are priced too high to bring in the Kinect/Move etc. Boost.

We'll see about that. The Samsung VR unit is just $100, and aside from that PSVR is the next best-priced option.

More importantly, it's likely the best supported VR option and people don't seem to have as much a problem these days paying a bit more for quality hardware, even game hardware.

I mean youa re expecting the PS4 to cross 10 million in the next 3 years, they would have to sell over double this years to do that for 2 of those 3 years, how are they goign to do that?

The same way PS1 did. The same way PS2 did. The same way PS3 would have if it didn't have so much going against it of its own doing.

The PS2 example is flawed because the PS2 had multiple life extending properties, a few of those were online, Eye toy, Cheaper price, PS3 not taking off, dying of Xbox and Gamecube making PS2 games being prominent on shelves (which the Xbox being the main competition in NA and UK, being pulled from shelves before everyone else.), Slim revisions, and TP exclusives, and having mostly the sole market for downgraded cheaper versions of then next gen games.

And? Lol at mentioning online; PS2's online was a near joke that gen compared to Dreamcast and especially OG Xbox, so that wasn't a major point in its sales. PS4 already has an Eyetoy. The price has effectively reduced by $100, so it has that. Wii U already has minimized retail presence and PS4's retail presence will increase a lot going into 2016, so it's got that too.

There's already a slim version in the pipeline, I have no idea what "TP" stands for but it's not a major factor, and I'm pretty sure out of the three systems PS4 will be the one getting the lionshare of cross-gen titles once PS5 and XBO-2 come out.

What's going to cause PS4 sales to explode or be nearly or tripling what it sold this year for multiple years? The PS4 has tons of factors the PS2 and even the PS3 DO NOT have that will prevent a runaway such as that.

Okay, name them. I'll wait.

The PS4 has the Xbox one chomping at Marketshare, and to a lesser extend the Wii u, and with the market Nintendo had before being gone the Wii u is in the same market at the PS4 and the Xbox One.

Wii U was going for the Nintendo faithful. Core and casual gamers gave up on it after two months. PS4 and XBO are going after a much larger core market, a market that's probably grown at least somewhat since 7th gen. The numbers prove that. Yet you still can't see the truth.

You have the PS4 and Xbox one already doing price and incentive wars world wide and more importantly, in the biggest console buying countries (which if not mistaken are U.S., Britain and Germany). The NX will release soon and will likely takes sales. A lot of games are shared between the PS4 and Xbox One. The PS4 is not running away in the biggest console buying countries with the exceptions of Germany. PS4 sales are down in Japan, PS4 does not have the PS2 sales for piracy in South and Central America and rumorly, is losing to Xbox in the region.

And yet it's dominating in every other developing and expanding market, which makes up for the Japanese sales (which have improved, and will continue to do so) and Central American sales (that comes down to a currency issue more than anything). Yet apparently, none of this matters :/

Your 360/PS4 example is also bad, because as I have said repeatedly, the 360 and PS3 had events that extended their lives and also still had and HAVE the choice of dropping the price more to gain even more sales. $99 or below Xbox 360's and PS3';s would sell, they gradually decreased the prices of each and that gave a lot of sales. Also again and again, Kinect, move, updates, etc. etc.

One of my earlier points already addresses how this thought of yours is incorrect, I can't be bothered to fall into circular reasoning like you're doing.
I truly believe that the possibilty of the Xbox One ending ahead of the PS4 in the US is gone. Best case is they stay competitive, but I could see the PS4 start to stretch its legs.
Studios really really need to be focusing in on building new IP's right now. We are seeing a decent trend of older IP's rapidly shrinking for various reasons

- Assassins Creed
- Halo
- Tomb Raider


Now we are seeing some stronger than ever of course but its pretty clear a decent chunk of gamers are wanting new experiences. New IP are certainly risky but the consumers are speaking they want new ones.
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