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NPD Sales Results for October 2007

Raw64life said:
Random LTDs if they haven't already been posted...


Good numbers for Phantom Hourglass. And it is not that bad for Metroid Prime 3, because Christmas is coming and probably it will surpass Echoes's sales.

ethelred said:
It's really retarded, either way. Phantom Hourglass is absolutely killing the sales Minish Cap pulled in for its first two months. There's nothing to spin. It's a big success.

Yeah and the fact that during this month it sold almost exactly as last month indicates that it has big legs. And anyway, considering that GBA userbase was much bigger when Minish Cap came out, I would not consider Phantom Hourglass a bomb at all. There is time. And Chirstmas is coming. No doubts that it will sell great.


Opus Angelorum said:
I don't recall anyone saying that, if they did...crazy talk.
I wasn't talking about GAF or forum people in general, but I recall reading MS PR stuff about how Halo 3 could turn the tide for X360. I don't either recall someone on Neogaf saying such a thing, and anyway mine was clearly (I thought) a joke post, it wasn't meant as an attack =)
Agent Icebeezy said:
Who was dumb enough to say that?
GhaleonEB said:
There may have been a few making that prediction, but not many. Results from the prediction thread (189 participants):

[360] 345,779; Expected Range = 244,000 to 500,000
[WII] 429,345; Expected Range = 360,000 to 560,000

GAF overall predicted the Wii to outsell the 360 by a fair margin. Could you find one as an example?
I3rand0 said:
Never read a single person saying that.
See my first quote ^^;
What should I do to make people understand when I'm joking just for the sake of it? You guys take me too much seriously, but whatever, sorry for the misunderstanding XD


Ceb said:
The original Ratchet & Clank's debut numbers (Nov '02): 112k. In the June 2003 NPD, it was at 433k.

Yeah, I'm also lol at the usual suspects calling "bomba" so quickly. :lol R&C will have long legs as usual.

QFT... this this RC was only few days of official sales on PS3.

For the records, PS2 had 1.3million sales in Nov 2002, and it had userbase of 8.55 million PS2's.

So fuck, compared to original RC, these numbers are good :D
spwolf said:
QFT... this this RC was only few days of official sales on PS3.

For the records, PS2 had 1.3million sales in Nov 2002, and it had userbase of 8.55 million PS2's.

So fuck, compared to original RC, these numbers are good :D
It's characteristic of new ips to do that. Sequels tend to be a bit more frontloaded, with some exceptions, of course.
Metroid prime 3 sold a lot less than I anticipated hopefully the holiday period brings it up a bit.

Nice Phantom Hourglass sales. As expected, Halo 3 dropped significantly after it's unbelieveable performance last month...

Hardware sales in general don't surprise me, but great for Wii, DS, 360; Good for PSP and awful for PS3.


Magicpaint said:
Metroid prime 3 sold a lot less than I anticipated hopefully the holiday period brings it up a bit.

From US+JP and guessing at Euro sales it will barely crack a million. Not great.

It might still surprise, get some legs and reappear in the charts. But Nintendo should really bring this one out again at a budget price next summer, it is too good a game not too..
Vagabundo said:
From US+JP and guessing at Euro sales it will barely crack a million. Not great.

It might still surprise, get some legs and reappear in the charts. But Nintendo should really bring this one out again at a budget price next summer, it is too good a game not too..
I doubt Nintendo cares that much about the game. Which of course is a shame, but yeah, I'm resigned to the fact that metroid just isn't a big franchise, so if it can crack a million WW (Super was only about 1.4m), then that's not too bad.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Wii is not a fad. It will sell millions this Christmas thanks to Mario Galaxy. Then Nintendo still have Smash Bros, Wii Fit and Mario Kart to keep the momentum. Then the DS connectivity, new colors, a price drop, and most likeley Nintendogs, Animal Crossing... Sales won't slow down in 2008. Wii is not a fad.


Chili Con Carnage!
wow, say what you will about 360s narrow fanbase but they sure do spend a lot of money. It'll definitely be interesting to see how many Wii owners pick up Galaxy.


Well I have some a little insight into November just based off of shipments and popularity of... things.

-Wii shipments have gone up like crazy. During August, we would get 3-6 every other week. Last week we had 6. Two days ago we received 12 more. Yesterday, they were gone. The holiday buying season has officially kicked in. Two months ago, those 12 would have stuck around until at least Saturday.

-Guitar Hero III is apparently sold out around these parts, particularly the 360 version based on a couple accounts. We wound up with a huge overstock of the game for pretty much every system, so I thought the thing was relatively easy to find. Not so.

-Assassin's Creed is going to do well, though I found a lot of people were asking me how it was before they bought it. So negative word of mouth may hurt it. Even saying that it's been getting some very mixed reviews (some very high and some very low) is turning some people off to the game. Everyone that bought the game today for the 8 hours I was there got it for the 360.

-Super Mario Galaxy is selling well to people walking in, but not a ton of people have picked up their reserved copies. If a ton of people don't come in by Sunday, I think we're gonna be stuck with a huge overstock like with GHIII... but I still think we'll be sold out of the game or close to it the closer we approach Christmas.

-Microsoft is dumping a shitload of 360s of all types. The Arcade bundle is a popular choice. They did the same thing last year to hit that magic 10m shipped number and systems sat on shelves for a very long time.

-PS3 has been selling better due to the increased advertisements and price drop. Some people look horrified when they found out the 40GB doesn't play PS2 games though. Uncharted only has a few reservations (5), much like R&C did. I imagine it will receive a big ad campaign, like all big Naughty Dog games do, so that should help it. Most PS3 owners I deal with tend to only buy sports games though.

-Kane & Lynch hasn't really been selling, but I was at school all day Wednesday, so I might've missed the big rush for it then (it was incredibly busy on Wednesday).

-PSP hardware continues to sell and PSP games continue to stay on the shelves where they are often looked at and rarely purchased.
Percentage wise Ani, how much was the increase for the Wii shipments? some Toys R Us are allegedly increasing by 400% for the whole of November. Any words on the planned increase?


titiklabingapat said:
Percentage wise Ani, how much was the increase for the Wii shipments? some Toys R Us are allegedly increasing by 400% for the whole of November.

I don't know exact numbers. It has been a pretty substantial increase though. We have had and sold about 15-18 Wiis so far this month when in October at this time the number would be somewhere around 6-9.
Thanks. I also take it that GS usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to Wii shipments. I think it's pretty safe to say that there we'll see at about double of October total for November at the very least.

Imagine 1M Wiis counted for the November NPD.



titiklabingapat said:
Thanks. I also take it that GS usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to Wii shipments. I think it's pretty safe to say that there we'll see at about double of October total for November at the very least.

Imagine 1M Wiis counted for the November NPD :eek:

I saw that we were getting 12 in and thought "Oh good! That means we'll have some this weekend then."

What a fool I was to dream.


Regarding direct sequels like MP3, it seems quite clear to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, that sales went downwards from 1 to 3. It usually happens when the episodes are strongly tied each other.
There aren't a lot of franchises where THE MAIN CHARACTER HAS BEEN THE VERY SAME FOR 20 YEARS STRAIGHT.
Sure, you may say Mario, but his "adventures" are never actually tied each other, there is no "timeline", and you can hardly say which one comes before another, because it's always "Bowser is at it again".
For a series like Metroid Prime, which is the 3D "version" of a series and retains all of its features (we know, if I remember well, that Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are the first and the last episodes in the series time continuum, with the Prime trilogy located in the middle), it's virtually impossible to increase sales from one episode to another.
The "3" after the title is enough to discourage buyers since they haven't played the first 2. So if 1 sells 1 million, it's highly difficult that 2 will sell more than that, much more probable (read: certain) it'll sell much less, because there are people who didn't like the first to begin with and most certainly won't buy the direct sequel. And the third is on a new console, with a narrower (is it right word? XD) userbase to subtract even more.
So, even if it's a pity, there really was little to no hope that it could sell much than that.


btw has anyone noticed the 360 tanking in the amazon charts. wth happened? a few weeks ago it was in the top 25. the ps3 40gb doesn't seem to be doing too well either.


Gowans007 said:
Wow at GH3

but when did BBC news get this shoddy


Sony's getting a lot of mileage out of that pre-NPD damage control. Good thing they're able to take such effective advantage of Wii shortages. Shrewd strategists, they.

mabuza said:
btw has anyone noticed the 360 tanking in the amazon charts. wth happened? a few weeks ago it was in the top 25. the ps3 40gb doesn't seem to be doing too well either.

MASSIVE software sales for the other systems have taken over the rankings (except for Wii at $400).


I think I never posted in one of these NPD threads before. Guess it's because i read the title and it just doesn't do it for me. Seems like i'm about to enter some accountant/marketeer realm or something. It creeps me out a bit.

So, what's going on in here???
mabuza said:
btw has anyone noticed the 360 tanking in the amazon charts. wth happened? a few weeks ago it was in the top 25. the ps3 40gb doesn't seem to be doing too well either.
Every console not named Wii dipped starting around 2-3 weeks ago. Most were staying around the top twenty before, top ten even, but most of them went down to 35 and below when November hit.


AniHawk said:
Uncharted only has a few reservations (5), much like R&C did. I imagine it will receive a big ad campaign, like all big Naughty Dog games do, so that should help it. Most PS3 owners I deal with tend to only buy sports games though.

I actually preordered Uncharted yesterday and the GameStop lady chuckled and said I was the first person to do so. That was pretty surprising since there is a huge cardboard cutout of the game right in the doorway, it's the first thing everybody sees. It will be interesting to see how well that game does.
What's so funny about Sony saying that they'll take advantage of the Wii's supply woes is that it seems like supply really won't be an issue with Nintendo. The problem will likely be the rate of absorption of these massive shipments by overwhelming demand.


Sean said:
I actually preordered Uncharted yesterday and the GameStop lady chuckled and said I was the first person to do so. That was pretty surprising since there is a huge cardboard cutout of the game right in the doorway, it's the first thing everybody sees. It will be interesting to see how well that game does.

Well that thing was only put up last Sunday and is a flat image. Don't think a lot of money went into advertising the thing in the stores.
AniHawk said:
Well that thing was only put up last Sunday and is a flat image. Don't think a lot of money went into advertising the thing in the stores.
Seeing the Ratchet numbers and then hearing about the small preorder number for Uncharted is getting me worried.

Fady K

dr3upmushroom said:
Seeing the Ratchet numbers and then hearing about the small preorder number for Uncharted is getting me worried.

Same. Seriously, the PS3 in the US is like the 360 in Japan. They have great games, but they wont sell. They just wont sell. Its such a shame, cause Ratchet and Clank is so damn fantastic it deserve to sell at least 400k in its first month. I mean what the hell are the PS3 users buying???
Fady K said:
Same. Seriously, the PS3 in the US is like the 360 in Japan. They have great games, but they wont sell. They just wont sell. Its such a shame, cause Ratchet and Clank is so damn fantastic it deserve to sell at least 400k in its first month. I mean what the hell are the PS3 users buying???

R&C numbers is pretty much in line with the previous titles that always sold over 1 Million units. Give it time...

Fady K

Metalmurphy said:
R&C numbers is pretty much in line with the previous titles that always sold over 1 Million units. Give it time...

I hope this ones the same man, its just that, looking at Warhawk and Heavenly Sword for instance, they disappeared off the charts after just around 90-130 k :(


Metalmurphy said:
R&C numbers is pretty much in line with the previous titles that always sold over 1 Million units. Give it time...

Unfortunately it doesn't have the PS2's userbase to back it up over the long haul. R&CF is not going to perform like the PS2 games.
Fady K said:
Same. Seriously, the PS3 in the US is like the 360 in Japan. They have great games, but they wont sell. They just wont sell. Its such a shame, cause Ratchet and Clank is so damn fantastic it deserve to sell at least 400k in its first month. I mean what the hell are the PS3 users buying???

God knows,

I dont buy all this "its inline with previous R&C games" this was hyped up as an AAA title has/had the best PS3 graphics todate, was almost universally acclaimed by the media as a must have PS3 title and it has panned!

My guess is that playstation 3 fans are largely non gamers who are oblivious to the media who want the latest playstation and are happy with sports titles like Madden and Tiger woods. FOr me its the only explanation. More hardcore gamers can be found on the 360 hence the insane attach rate and even unheard of new IPs like Bioshock can perform amazingly
Fady K said:
Same. Seriously, the PS3 in the US is like the 360 in Japan. They have great games, but they wont sell.

I would be hard pressed to find someone that actually prefers the PS3 library over the 360. The PS3 does have some good games, but they are few. I don't find this analogy to hold much water


y'all should be ashamed
Kestastrophe said:
I would be hard pressed to find someone that actually prefers the PS3 library over the 360.

I much prefer the PS3 library over the 360. Many do. It's not that hard to understand, we all have different tastes. :D


schuelma said:
Uhh..I think Sony just admitted that their numbers from last night includes PS2:


"The price cut and new model helped Sony increase sales of all consoles including the older PlayStation 2 to 100,000 units in the week ended Nov. 11, spokeswoman Kimberly Otzman said in an e-mail.
And people started jumping on me when I asked if it included included ps2 and psp. *sighs*


Hammer24 said:
Well, not me, I´m european. ;)

We could compare to last year:


Should be very interesting indeed.
Glad to see the PSP doing fairly well. It seems like there has been a glut of good games coming out for it that started in late summer and is just now slowing down (i.e. Brave Story, Jeanne Darc, Final Fantasy Tactics).


AniHawk said:
-Super Mario Galaxy is selling well to people walking in, but not a ton of people have picked up their reserved copies. If a ton of people don't come in by Sunday, I think we're gonna be stuck with a huge overstock like with GHIII... but I still think we'll be sold out of the game or close to it the closer we approach Christmas.

My guess would be that people who reserved the game got the game instead at TRU after hearing about the $25 gift card.
AniHawk said:
Microsoft is dumping a shitload of 360s of all types.
Dumping? I thought stores are supposed to order however many they want, but maybe that doesn't apply to hardware?
AniHawk said:
The Arcade bundle is a popular choice.
Do you mean that people are picking up the Arcade pack or that Arcades are sent to you?


listen to the mad man
Bonfires Down said:
Dumping? I thought stores are supposed to order however many they want, but maybe that doesn't apply to hardware?

Microsoft would NEVER engage in any sort of practice that involved retailers being forced to accept something they don't want. NEVER!

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