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NPD Sales Results for October 2007

AniHawk said:
-Microsoft is dumping a shitload of 360s of all types. The Arcade bundle is a popular choice. They did the same thing last year to hit that magic 10m shipped number and systems sat on shelves for a very long time.

Why do the retailers let Microsoft get away with this shit? Is MS carrying the cost of the inventory? This is horrible for the cash flow of the retailer.

Most PS3 owners I deal with tend to only buy sports games though.

That's really fucking weird. They should be buying stuff like Ratchet and Warhawk. If all you give a shit about is your Madden and your Tiger, you might as well have a 360. The stuff plays fine on a cheap core or arcade, and you always get an equal or superior version.


Question, you guys think that maybe the kind of folk that buy the Wii (the main target audience) are the kind to wait UNTIL November, December before buying a ton of software?

Maybe these new casuals ignore gaming during the year for the most part, and wait until the end of, before picking up the games for their console. Just a thought.

If this was true, we should expect to see a huge rise in software sales across the board for Wii titles (1st and 3rd party).

Should be interesting.

edit: On the other hand, if the only Wii stuff that sells this holiday is Wii Play and Mario...I'm calling the thing a friggin failure despite incredible hardware sales. IMO, at this point in the game, the 360 is the healthiest looking platform.


we all knew her
Fady K said:
Same. Seriously, the PS3 in the US is like the 360 in Japan. They have great games, but they wont sell. They just wont sell. Its such a shame, cause Ratchet and Clank is so damn fantastic it deserve to sell at least 400k in its first month. I mean what the hell are the PS3 users buying???

I don't know about the others, but I'm not buying anything other than the occasional BR movie. I played the R&C demo and thought it was boring (but gorgeous). I'll probably pick up Uncharted, but the only game I've purchased for it is Resistance, and I got bored of that after a few hrs. I pretty much buy everything for the 360 since that's where my friends are.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Why do the retailers let Microsoft get away with this shit? Is MS carrying the cost of the inventory? This is horrible for the cash flow of the retailer.
Not sure how they can do it with Gamestop but they can easily persuade other retailers that carry Windows.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
searched the thread. couldn't find. What are current US lifetime totals for the three current gen systems?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area

kudos to MS on their 1 year head start. It was hardly a guarantee at the time (quite the opposite) but as it turns out, the Wii has little chance of catching the 360 until probably next holiday, if even then. and if MS' momentum can start (or continue) to close the gap and eventually turn it around... wow..

have we ever had another time in the industry where a late starter continually outsold the competition but virtually never caught up to it?


borghe said:

kudos to MS on their 1 year head start. It was hardly a guarantee at the time (quite the opposite) but as it turns out, the Wii has little chance of catching the 360 until probably next holiday, if even then. and if MS' momentum can start (or continue) to close the gap and eventually turn it around... wow..

have we ever had another time in the industry where a late starter continually outsold the competition but virtually never caught up to it?


The Wii is on pace to eventually overtake the 360 in the US. 5 million sold in ONE year (with no signs of slowing) versus 7 in two.

Maybe I'm missing something here?
kinggroin said:

The Wii is on pace to eventually overtake the 360 in the US. 5 million sold in ONE year (with no signs of slowing) versus 7 in two.

Maybe I'm missing something here?

A Microsoft fan's rose-tinted glasses, perhaps?
I just read the 1up take on the numbers and I can't agree that Orange Box sales are disappointing. Over 200k for their secondary SKU is pretty damn good. I'd be curious to see the PC/Steam numbers for it.
kinggroin said:

The Wii is on pace to eventually overtake the 360 in the US. 5 million sold in ONE year (with no signs of slowing) versus 7 in two.

Maybe I'm missing something here?
He's just saying it will take quite awhile at this rate, if it outsold 360 by 150k a month from now forward it would still take over a year from now for it to overtake. And in the meantime, things could change.


Man, is there anything that could save Sony now?

No matter what they do (pricedrop, bundles, AAA exclusive titles), the consumets just give them a cold shoulder.

Pretty sad to see Ratchett reaching average PC games levels of sales.

After Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ratchett etc. it's clear that Uncharted's next.

Halo 3 is a monster, shame that your average US gamer is that stupid.
GitarooMan said:
He's just saying it will take quite awhile at this rate, if it outsold 360 by 150k a month from now forward it would still take over a year from now for it to overtake. And in the meantime, things could change.

Things will change. Wiifit will be launched


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Why do the retailers let Microsoft get away with this shit? Is MS carrying the cost of the inventory? This is horrible for the cash flow of the retailer.

That's really fucking weird. They should be buying stuff like Ratchet and Warhawk. If all you give a shit about is your Madden and your Tiger, you might as well have a 360. The stuff plays fine on a cheap core or arcade, and you always get an equal or superior version.

Haha, wth? Because they will sell over a million of the them next month and possibly over 1.5 in the next two. You think MS wants to have too little or too less on the shelves for Christmas McFly. And more importantly, they are at a lower price point now. Lower price point equals more happy kiddies at Christmas. Just look at Christmas 2006 and see who sold the most and how much was sold. Retailers want, I said, want the stock for Christmas.

They make money.


Starchasing said:
Things will change. Wiifit will be launched

WiiFit can't boost hardware sales, as they're selling every single unit they ship. I expect more than 2 million Wii sales in the US by the end of December (possibly 2.5-3), though, which should itself narrow the gap quite a bit. Still, both consoles are very healthy.


Chipopo said:

Seriously, they're quite fucked. I don't see how anyone could contest this.

I think they've a chance, but they have to attack on all fronts: games, pricing, better marketing particularly at POS, branding and consumer education, etc.

They've been bleeding, but I think they have to bleed a lot more in order to not only turn on an upswing, but maintain that momentum.
Major wow at Wii. Wii Sports and Wii Play continue to sell systems. I'm pretty surprised how USA is the worst market for DS but at the same time it is the best one for Wii.

Some nice results for 360 and PSP, PS2 numbers are a little weak...PS3 just gets no comment.

I hoped AC6 would do better but I guess there is too much AAA title...I like those FFT PSP numbers, can we get Castlevania please?

Oh and the tie ratios...will we ever get them? Thanks to NPD and sonycowboy btw.
gkrykewy said:
WiiFit can't boost hardware sales, as they're selling every single unit they ship. I expect more than 2 million Wii sales in the US by the end of December (possibly 2.5-3), though, which should itself narrow the gap quite a bit. Still, both consoles are very healthy.

Well, Wiifit and upped production will change things :D


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Major wow at Wii. Wii Sports and Wii Play continue to sell systems. I'm pretty surprised how USA is the worst market for DS but at the same time it is the best one for Wii.
Well, if the worst market for DS still outsells all the competition, both handheld and consoles (except the Wii), I'd say there's not much to worry about.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
kinggroin said:

The Wii is on pace to eventually overtake the 360 in the US. 5 million sold in ONE year (with no signs of slowing) versus 7 in two.

Maybe I'm missing something here?
missing something :p

I was referring to actual LTD. Not outpacing.. 360 will continue to have the largest userbase in the US for the foreseeable future. Wii will eventually eclipse it WITHIN this generation if it continues to outsell it, but it won't happen anytime in the next few months. It could happen this holiday except that Nintendo likely won't be able to get that many units on shelves to do so.


Count Dookkake said:
To be fair, those contesting have had a year of practice. Accepting the truth will probably take a while.

Every NPD for the last year has had the statement 'hmmm, this isnt really decisive for the PS3...x game just came out this month plus a price drop plus blah blah blah...lets wait a month before getting rash guys'.

Dead. In. The. Water.


borghe said:
missing something :p

I was referring to actual LTD. Not outpacing.. 360 will continue to have the largest userbase in the US for the foreseeable future. Wii will eventually eclipse it WITHIN this generation if it continues to outsell it, but it won't happen anytime in the next few months. It could happen this holiday except that Nintendo likely won't be able to get that many units on shelves to do so.

Ahhh, but you assume that they won't flood the market comes this holiday season. I believe they have at least a nominal stockpile for the time.

We'll see, it's not like anyone here had any luck with predicting Wii's success thus far. :lol


Chipopo said:
Every NPD for the last year has had the statement 'hmmm, this isnt really decisive for the PS3...x game just came out this month plus a price drop plus blah blah blah...lets wait a month before getting rash guys'.

Dead. In. The. Water.

I mean, the PS3 could still end up selling better, but Sony would have to make all the right moves starting now. And that's not happening.


borghe said:
missing something :p

I was referring to actual LTD. Not outpacing.. 360 will continue to have the largest userbase in the US for the foreseeable future. Wii will eventually eclipse it WITHIN this generation if it continues to outsell it, but it won't happen anytime in the next few months. It could happen this holiday except that Nintendo likely won't be able to get that many units on shelves to do so.

I'm curious to see how many Wiis they manage to get to retailers for the holidays. What's the record for hightest non-launch console sales through November and December? I'd imagine it'd have to be the PS2 with some astronomical figure.


Holy fuck, Wii is A BEAST.
Im even scared to think what it's november numbers will be O___o'
And nice numbers for GH3 Wii, as everyone excepted total failure, and the sales arent that bad (even awesome when compared to PS3 version:lol )
And PS3... well, it was nice knowing ya
Wii is definitely going to surpass 360 sooner rather than later. We'll see what happens beyond 2008 in the US.

PS3 is doing decent in Europe, and it's not shitbaked here. It's just GameCubing here. Or worse? Gamecube sales would at least blow up in Nov/Dec, let's see what happens.

What was a typical November for GameCube?


Chipopo said:
Every NPD for the last year has had the statement 'hmmm, this isnt really decisive for the PS3...x game just came out this month plus a price drop plus blah blah blah...lets wait a month before getting rash guys'.

Dead. In. The. Water.

Or "Game X is PS3's SAVIOUR!".

Never ever worked.

Damn, damned it they do damned it they don't.

Neo C.

Borys said:
Man, is there anything that could save Sony now?
Sony should concentrate in the european business. It's the only region with passable PS3 sales.

In the USA? There aren't many options. I would say, they will continue the suicidal price-dropping until they reach the Wii. I would definitely LOL, if the PS3 cost as much as a Wii and the Wii didn't have a single price drop.:lol


My opinion? USED.
Draft said:
W/e dude, why don't you go play some Halo.

:lol The bitter, bitter tears.

Gaming is a serious busines folks, especially when your favourite <insert game> is getting raped by the Halo 3 juggernaut.


Why did everyone expect failure for GH3? I can't remember who, but someone posted the tie ratios awhile back, and they were roughly the same for all platforms (except for the PS2, which has too many people, and the 360, which was like 2% higher). Guitar Hero 3 just sells. If people have a platform, they will buy Guitar Hero for it, and I don't see that changing until Neversoft screws up the franchise sufficiently that it begins to look like THPS.


Borys said:
Or "Game X is PS3's SAVIOUR!".

Never ever worked.

Damn, damned it they do damned it they don't.

I can honestly see Final Fantasty being a 'savior' game.

The thing is, it might be too late by then.


Borys said:
Or "Game X is PS3's SAVIOUR!".

Never ever worked.

Damn, damned it they do damned it they don't.
Dont you know, they never except that the game will be saviour. Look on any polish gaming forum, its always same shit
Game announced
"Wow, Lair will be AAA game!"
"I never expected Lair to be too awesome, im waiting for Heavenly Sword"
"Meh, anybody expected to be system uber-seller? Wait for Ratchet & Clank!"
"Pretty good game, im definitely buying it, but cant wait for Uncharted"
And the shit goes on and on and on


AdmiralViscen said:
Wii is definitely going to surpass 360 sooner rather than later. We'll see what happens beyond 2008 in the US.

PS3 is doing decent in Europe, and it's not shitbaked here. It's just GameCubing here. Or worse? Gamecube sales would at least blow up in Nov/Dec, let's see what happens.

What was a typical November for GameCube?

It is certainly Gamecubing, but Gamecube was a low-end machine that, I could be wrong here, netted profit throughout its production cycle. I can't even imagine the hit Sony is taking on those beautiful high-end machines after two fucking price-drops. Forget about sales, that's the real disaster, and the fact that they're still mired in quicksand...i said wow.


Neo C. said:
In the USA? There aren't many options. I would say, they will continue the suicidal price-dropping until they reach the Wii. I would definitely LOL, if the PS3 cost as much as a Wii and the Wii didn't have a single price drop.:lol

Nintendo could probably jack the price up to $300 and get away with it just fine.

For the holidays it wouldn't be a bad idea...pack in Mario Galaxy as well as Wii Sports (though I'm sure the forced bundles are going to include SMG).
beermonkey@tehbias said:
That's really fucking weird. They should be buying stuff like Ratchet and Warhawk. If all you give a shit about is your Madden and your Tiger, you might as well have a 360. The stuff plays fine on a cheap core or arcade, and you always get an equal or superior version.

I went over this a few pages back. These people either don't know about the 360, or don't consider it a serious option since it's not the PlayStation brand. They sure as hell don't know that the 360 versions are usually superior.


I still think Nintendo is purposely not making enough Wii's. If there was an abundances of them in stores I don't think it would sell as well. Look at the DS and how many they sell but you can still find them in stores. Rubbish.


RumFore said:
I still think Nintendo is purposely not making enough Wii's. If there was an abundances of them in stores I don't think it would sell as well. Look at the DS and how many they sell but you can still find them in stores. Rubbish.
Yes. Nintendo is clearly so worried about appearing to have supply that they only shipped more for October than any other console has ever sold in that month, except for the PS2 in one case, and proceeded to sell them all. I'm sure every console manufacturer wishes it had Nintendo's problems.
Borys said:
Man, is there anything that could save Sony now?

No matter what they do (pricedrop, bundles, AAA exclusive titles), the consumets just give them a cold shoulder.

Pretty sad to see Ratchett reaching average PC games levels of sales.

After Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ratchett etc. it's clear that Uncharted's next.

Halo 3 is a monster, shame that your average US gamer is that stupid.

I was with you until the last line. What the fuck, dude?
FFChris said:
I can honestly see Final Fantasty being a 'savior' game.

The thing is, it might be too late by then.

Which means it wouldn't be "Saving" anything.

No one title is going to "save" a console.

If anything, one title can increase the fortunes of a console short term, but it requires a steady stream of hits YoY to cause any kind of change. And in the videogame industry (which historically follows the "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer") scheme, it would take a miracle for fortunes to change long term.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Ryudo said:
:lol The bitter, bitter tears.

Gaming is a serious busines folks, especially when your favourite <insert game> is getting raped by the Halo 3 juggernaut.

Knowing Draft and his humor, I think he was mocking Borys in the original post about Xbots
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