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NPD Sales Results for October 2010 [Update 6: Rock Band 3]


Elios83 said:
Uh? Reaching a mass market price during their 6th year on the market and after they have been profitable at the old price for more than a year is close impossible?
I'd say it's about time :lol this system has to peak, they need to open to the mass market and make their software sales skyrocket if they want to make serious money on the platform.

They have already lost in the US, there's nothing they can do to change that this generation. They think about their business globally and at this point they're not concerned considering their worldwide performance and the profits they're finally making.
I'm glad you're such good friends with Sir Howard Stringer and can tell us just what Sony is thinking concerning the US market.


il capo silenzioso
If you didn't buy Vanquish, don't bitch about getting the same safe generic sequels over and over again.


he's Virgin Tight™
Yurt said:
If you didn't buy Vanquish, don't bitch about getting the same safe generic sequels over and over again.

I don't like 4 hour games =/

Waiting for big price drop though!


Sony doesn't care about winning NA (that's impossible anyway). They care about sustained profitability. And they're finally there. They're not going to abandon that for some pissing contest they can't win. The PS3 will probably get a price drop in late summer/early fall of next year, but I'd imagine it will only be $50 cut.


he's Virgin Tight™
By the way I wish Epic Yarn sold less than 30K copies... and hopefully most of those were burnt away in hell already


Water is not wet!
Glad to see NV selling so well. i mean we knew it was from the first week numbers given but its nice to see NPD numbers (well kind of :lol).


360 continues to roll, PS3 continues to stay the same, and the Wii has finally left the building. I hope Nintendo is planning a Wii HD, but even then they've got the problem of not having some of the major franchises that appear on the PS3 and 360. November NPD's should be interesting with Kinect launching and Black Ops, but it would be nice to have numbers from Sony and Nintendo. Not the same without them, and this combined SKU stuff isn't the greatest either.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Out of curiosity, can GAF actually be sued for posting leaked numbers? Is this new method a peace treaty "you scratch my back" deal or is it legally essential?

I know very little about this and haven't really been following this much over the passed few months.
Rez said:
Out of curiosity, can GAF actually be sued for posting leaked numbers? Is this new method a peace treaty "you scratch my back" deal or is it legally essential?

I know very little about this and haven't really been following this much over the passed few months.
GAF could probably not even be sued for posting the entire leaked NPD pdf if there was one, yet they bow to idle threats anyways. Says alot about the powers that be here.


DaBuddaDa said:
It'd have to sell 800,000 copies at $15 to match the profit of 200,000 copies at $60 though :/
I think it's kind of an open question if it got to 200k worldwide in actual sellthrough however.

In the U.S. and Europe, if you sell a game at a lower price, you get to charge back the difference as well, so those copies aren't necessarily $60.


I wonder how DR2 did this month. Hope it hit at least top 20. My copy awaits after Fallout.

duk said:
I don't think PS3 will be under $200 next year as a stand alone. I think it'll be a $250 stand alone and $350 Move sku with a game.



The all seeing eye. I could have sworn he was talking like 5 million Move by year end after his NPD adjustment last month. Anyhow so how about that HW.....


Methinks Nintendo needs to drop the price of wii and release some new colours/bundles fast.

Microsoft is going to sweep the holidays.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Haunted said:
I'm not sure what this actually implies but this comes out as a hilarious sentence. :lol

I think it means the 360 ecosystem is more popular than the PS3 Move.


hatchx said:
Methinks Nintendo needs to drop the price of wii and release some new colours/bundles fast.

Microsoft is going to sweep the holidays.

Nah, I think Nintendo will still beat them in December.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
We're getting closer to asking why SMG2 shouldn't be a $15 XBLA title.

The market is fine with Super Mario Galaxy 2 at $50. It's obviously not with Vanquish at $60.

DaBuddaDa said:
It'd have to sell 800,000 copies at $15 to match the profit of 200,000 copies at $60 though :/

Or just 120k to match 30k copies at $60.
TheRipDizz said:
GAF could probably not even be sued for posting the entire leaked NPD pdf if there was one, yet they bow to idle threats anyways. Says alot about the powers that be here.
Reminds me of the gaming press.
We all be spineless Dittos.
Trapped in our Pokeballs.
Gladly nibbling up any Rare Candies tossed our way like good little sheep.
Serves Nintendo right for the Wii being in a decline.

What idiotic business decision they've made while on top.

Wii 2 better be slated for Holiday 2011 or I will truly shake my head.


Seems Wii is really struggling. My first reaction is that the console really could have used a mid-gen refresh like what Sony/MS did with the slims, firmware, and Move/Kinect devices, but to update Wii Nintendo would basically have to launch a new console. The jump in power to get Wii games running in true (not upscaled) HD would be massive, the system is already very small, and there is no way to update the existing Wii's firmware to the point where it would make any real difference. Going with the older hardware has really been a double edged sword for Nintendo this gen. Will be interesting to see how Wii does in November/December and how that impacts Nintendo's plans for their next console.
Zoe said:
That seems kind of low to me. I'd expect it to at least double the sales.
Agreed, and probably way more than double going by current sales trends at Amazon. I don't see Move selling 3 million units by January (sold to consumers).


Animator said:
Funny, I have put over 40 hours in it so far and still playing.

Personal playtime =/ Actual playtime. I know it sounds weird but a person can play ANY game for ANY amount of time but that doesn't really mean anything about the game. People put 100+ hours into FFXIII collecting stupid objects for stupid trophies, but if they said " oh yeah, FFXIII has 100 hours of content! " that wouldn't mean anything really.
Zoe said:
That seems kind of low to me. I'd expect it to at least double the sales.

He's not predicting low sales for Kinect, he predicted they'd sell everything they shipped. He's predicting 3 million Move sold in the same time period.


Well done MS. They got a +1 from me (Kinect bundle) and I'm digging it so far.

Only 6 pages? Oh my... how these threads have changed. Fuck you NPD.
duk said:

But he says:

"We expect Sony’s U.S. sales to be around 1.2 million Move units by the end of GameStop’s January quarter, evenly split between standalone Move units at $100 and Move console bundles at $400"

Yet, Sony has already said they sold 1 million in the Americas. Now I know that Sony included Latin America for some weird reason but it can't add that much more. Unless Sony is counting wands and nav controllers too and Pact is counting actual real Move bundles with the camera.
creamsugar said:

Vanquish deserves better, dammit!
PhoenixDark said:
360 dominates the mature/teen/college/men/etc crowd, and is now poised to take a bite of the casual crowd. Amazing.
I'm curious to see if the 360 can maintain this momentum shift after the holidays. Will people care about Kinect in 2011? Has the Wii run it's course?


sillymonkey321 said:
Personal playtime =/ Actual playtime. I know it sounds weird but a person can play ANY game for ANY amount of time but that doesn't really mean anything about the game. People put 100+ hours into FFXIII collecting stupid objects for stupid trophies, but if they said " oh yeah, FFXIII has 100 hours of content! " that wouldn't mean anything really.

Still doesn't change the fact that a first run through Vanquish isn't as short as 4 hours. If someone played it on Casual (easy), then perhaps then they can make that claim.

Either way, there's something insulting about any version of Enslaved outselling it.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
OldJadedGamer said:
But he says:

"We expect Sony’s U.S. sales to be around 1.2 million Move units by the end of GameStop’s January quarter, evenly split between standalone Move units at $100 and Move console bundles at $400"

Yet, Sony has already said they sold 1 million in the Americas. Now I know that Sony included Latin America for some weird reason but it can't add that much more. Unless Sony is counting wands and nav controllers too and Pact is counting actual real Move bundles with the camera.
Yes, this doesn't compute. Unless Sony's numbers are shipped and not sold -and- there is a big delta between Moves shipped and Moves sold.
Numbers on Tuesday's, combined SKU's, so much lacked data... what the fuck NPD? These honestly aren't even that fun anymore.

Props to Just Dance 2, New Vegas and NBA 2K. Especially NBA, EA is going to struggle next year with competing the new top game.
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