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NV Democrats file complaint against Sanders campaign to DNC

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Give me a specific example of Hillary insulting Bernie supporters. I want receipts.
Here ya go.


Random reminder that Clinton currently has the plurality of non-super delegates and a greater portion of the popular vote.

But feel free to keep explaining how Bernie is the obvious 'Will of the People' because reasons.
Well, id we keep getting crap like how Nevada just worked, sure. Not the first time. Voter suppression is real.
The amount of younger people that identify as independent is drastically higher than previous generations.

As the entrenched older people die off, a higher and higher percentage of voters will see party affiliation as a negative


I wonder if this has less to do with the party system, and more to do with people being embarrassed to call themselves Republican, but are still Republican.

Here ya go.


Well, id we keep getting crap like how Nevada just worked, sure. Not the first time. Voter suppression is real.

That's a weak insult to Bernie supporters. What Bernie is selling is a monorail. It's dreams and rainbows that will never happen. Some of his numbers given are laughable. They're lies. If Bernie supporters had their feelings hurt by that "insult" maybe there's some truth to it and they know it.

Delegates in Nevada were awarded based on how the vote went. Nevada did work, it was the Sanders' supporters trying to suppress the actual vote results.

Mike M

Nick N
I don't think it's too much to ask to have voters be registered to a political party in order to participate in that party's nomination process. That being said it should be easy to register for the party. NY's registration deadline was way too early for example.
Yeah, that was some bullshit.


Well, id we keep getting crap like how Nevada just worked, sure. Not the first time. Voter suppression is real.

You mean having the delegate count reflect the primary? What terrible suppression that is.

You obviously don't understand what happened at the convention or what voter suppression actually is if you think it took place there.


I don't think it's too much to ask to have voters be registered to a political party in order to participate in that party's nomination process. That being said it should be easy to register for the party. NY's registration deadline was way too early for example.

It's been said before, but the NY new registration deadline is a little less than a month before the primary. The October deadline is only for already-registered voters to swap parties.

Still probably too early, but it isn't hindering first-time voters at all.


First tragedy, then farce.
Random reminder that Clinton currently has the plurality of non-super delegates and a greater portion of the popular vote.

But feel free to keep explaining how Bernie is the obvious 'Will of the People' because reasons.

Because in certain self-segregated circles everyone wants Bernie, and people are extrapolating this over the larger population to be true. i.e. because Reddit feels the Bern, everyone must therefore feel the bern.

There is also a fair amount of dismissiveness of minorities for not knowing what is in their best interest that was flying around earlier in the campaign cycle when Southern States were predominantly voting.

I mean, I had a guy yell at me on Facebook that everyone he knows supports Bernie, and that the popular vote didn't matter because Caucuses and that the Delegate lead didn't count because Hillary won Red States, and that Bernie had won swing states even though he couldn't name a Swing state he had won (I spotted him Colorado).

It basically comes down to cognitive dissonance about facts and pointing towards "everyone I know (white college educated people under the age of 30) being pro Bernie.


I wonder if this has less to do with the party system, and more to do with people being embarrassed to call themselves Republican, but are still Republican.

That's a weak insult to Bernie supporters. What Bernie is selling is a monorail. It's dreams and rainbows that will never happen. Some of his numbers given are laughable. They're lies. If Bernie supporters had their feelings hurt by that "insult" maybe there's some truth to it and they know it.

Delegates in Nevada were awarded based on how the vote went. Nevada did work, it was the Sanders' supporters trying to suppress the actual vote results.
Its still an insult. And LOL at the dismissiveness.

Shes tooootally word ng hard at getting those voters when the inevitable nomination comes. GE is going to be an interesting watch.
There were fewer Sanders delegates because some of them were unable to participate. Had they been able to participate, they would've held a majority.

The vote was a complete farce to begin with.

This presumes that they all *should* have been able to participate and *infers* that it is solely the fault of the NV Democrats that they couldn't.


Not necessarily. A 2/3's majority is required to change the rules. Only 64 Sanders delegates were excluded from the process. In either scenario, the new rules shouldn't have passed.

And how many Clinton delegates were excluded? Were they all on time and able to participate?

In order for this vote to be biased against Sanders delegates, we need to show that they were disproportionately either late, or held back in processing. Only one of those two factors were out of the control of the Sanders delegates, and that is processing time. Is there any evidence to suggest that more Sanders delegates were held in processing over Clinton delegates?

The event started at 9 with a grace period until 10. Didn't get there on time? Tough shit.
So Bernie voters are Ron Paul supporters.

Makes sense.

Join the Democratic Party if you want to attend the Democratic State Convention.

K Thx

Also, buy a copy of Robert's Rules of Order before you go. I have one from the 08 convention. If you want to try and gamify something to steal 2-3 delegates, at least read the rules first.

Been saying that for months. the overlap between Ron Paul 08 and Bernie Sanders 16 is hilarious.


If Sanders supporters and those like them react like they did in NV to results they didn't like, I can't imagine the clusterfuck that would result the first time the House had to pick a President in a GE because the group went all in on a third party candidate.


First tragedy, then farce.
It's been said before, but the NY new registration deadline is a little less than a month before the primary. The October deadline is only for already-registered voters to swap parties.

Still probably too early, but it isn't hindering first-time voters at all.

It's also designed to prevent insurgent candidates and non Democrats from taking over the Dem party. Which is what it did.

Again, if you want to vote for the Democratic nominee for president, it probably helps to be a Democrat.
I'd much rather be told someone "feels sorry for me" than be called a "low information voter", but I concede it's a personal decision about how offensive the meaning of something is to a given individual.
I mean, maybe my position is stupid or ignorant or naïve, but here it is anyway: I care more that the results of an election procedure reflect the votes that were cast than I care about Robert's Rules of Order. Consequently, if a situation arises where the Rules are violated but it is done in service on ensuring that election results are consistent with the votes, I really can't find it in my heart to get worked up.

But, even more than that, it doesn't fucking matter anyway. All this is a fight over two or three points in a three hundred point game. In the words of an old Goldwater supporter "what difference, at this point, does it make?"
The final delegate count in Nevada accurately reflects how the people voted.

It reflects how people voted yes, but does not abide the rules of the process. Passing rule changes prior to 10am convention start time, blatantly miscalling clear voice votes either out of convenience or agenda, disqualifying delegates with proper cause or chance to appeal is all wrong. Leaving the floor when motions are open is also wrong. People have a right to be angry.


Hmmm something's fishy here

(Warning, TYT)

Trying to prove a point with TYT. Seriously?

It reflects how people voted yes, but does not abide the rules of the process. Passing rule changes prior to 10am convention start time AND miscalling clear voice votes, disqualifying delegates with proper cause or chance to appeal is all wrong. Leaving the floor when motions are open is also wrong.

No, you simply have a misunderstanding of the rules.


No Scrubs
It reflects how people voted yes, but does not abide the rules of the process. Passing rule changes prior to 10am convention start time AND miscalling clear voice votes, disqualifying delegates with proper cause or chance to appeal is all wrong.

Except the convention starts at 9am, not 10. We have the rulebook posted in this very thread and you can go check it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't see any way you can say that voice votes were miscalled. You need 2/3rds for one to pass, correct? And voice votes aren't exactly scientific.
I was a very loud county delegate for Ron Paul in 2008, but I'm no bernie bro. I'm probably voting John McAffee since he gives me free anti-virus software. I love handouts!


First tragedy, then farce.
It reflects how people voted yes, but does not abide the rules of the process. Passing rule changes prior to 10am convention start time, blatantly miscalling clear voice votes either out of convenience or agenda, disqualifying delegates with proper cause or chance to appeal is all wrong. Leaving the floor when motions are open is also wrong. People have a right to be angry.


If you want to gameify the rules of something in order to gain an advantage in a situation, you should read the rulebook first.

The caucus started at 9 AM. The Bernie Delegates whose credentials were ignored weren't in line on time per the rules. Adopting the permanent rules of the caucus is a simple majority vote. The chair does not have to recognize all motions per rules adopted.

It sounds like a bunch of Bernie supporters got beat at their own game and got really salty about it.
Why is Bernie Sanders still a thing? He clearly lost and he should end his campaign.

It's only going to get worse from here until July. :/


Sanders walking away from a reporter trying to ask about the Nevada convention just shows how much of a pompous annoying self-serving narcissist he really is.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Here ya go.


Well, id we keep getting crap like how Nevada just worked, sure. Not the first time. Voter suppression is real.

Seriously what are you talking about? The outcome of the convention reflects the outcome of the actual caucus. Say what you want about rules but how were actual voters suppressed?

You have to twist yourself into a pretzel to believe this.


It reflects how people voted yes, but does not abide the rules of the process. Passing rule changes prior to 10am convention start time AND miscalling clear voice votes, disqualifying delegates with proper cause or chance to appeal is all wrong. Leaving the floor when motions are open is also wrong.

So, again, the rules of the convention allow you to pass rule changes prior to 10 am, as long as 40% of the delegates are seated. The convention is called to order at 9 am. See VII. a. The quorum is 40%. See VIII. g.

I'm really unconvinced about the voice vote issue. Obviously a video from the floor will be totally useless in determining voice vote outcomes. Are Sanders supporters arguing that if there were a division they would have won?

The rules don't allow for any "chance to appeal." Delegate credentials are handled by the Credentials Committee, not the floor. See VII. c. I get that people wish that they had a chance to appeal but that doesn't actually make it part of the rules.

I would be interested in seeing a specific example of somebody who was disqualified as a delegate, the reason they were given for being disqualified, and an explanation of why that reason isn't valid. So far I see one person saying they were disqualified without giving a reason and a few people who were disqualified for obvious reasons. The committee report says pretty clearly why it claims people were disqualified -- either they weren't registered Democrats or they didn't respond to emails. Those both seem like reasonable reasons to disqualify somebody to me. So what's the problem?

As noted, the fact that you stood up and said you made a motion doesn't entitle you to anything. Before you can make a motion, the chair must recognize you. Did that happen?


"Will of the people"

Lol ok. Clearly, the SDs are following the will of the people, when they've already pleadged their vote before the game even began. So thats laughable.
Y'know, a 3 million vote lead probably indicates that yes, the people do on a whole want Hillary to be the party's nominee, regardless of your own personal preference. Feel free to sit back, be mad, and make statements along the lines of "Well I didn't vote for her," all you want, but other people did, in insurmountable numbers. The primary is over. Bernie lost weeks ago. Get over it.


Something is wrong with Sanders.

Something is wrong with his supporters.

They have mental issues and do not know how to deal with reality when things don't go their way.


People definitely need to stop making threats. That is an enormously self-defeating behavior. Keep these comments private, and enact the change you want to see in the world. Organize for this change. Don't just spew random anger.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean, maybe my position is stupid or ignorant or naïve, but here it is anyway: I care more that the results of an election procedure reflect the votes that were cast than I care about Robert's Rules of Order. Consequently, if a situation arises where the Rules are violated but it is done in service on ensuring that election results are consistent with the votes, I really can't find it in my heart to get worked up.

But, even more than that, it doesn't fucking matter anyway. All this is a fight over two or three points in a three hundred point game. In the words of an old Goldwater supporter "what difference, at this point, does it make?"
This sort of. Like, rules are important, but I'm much more likely to get worked up if the rules are being broken to actually screw with valid results. Since the delegate allotment actually reflected the voting proportions I can't get too tremendously angry about this whole situation?


First tragedy, then farce.
Sanders walking away from a reporter trying to ask about the Nevada convention just shows how much of a pompous annoying self-serving narcissist he really is.

I've become very convinced that he does not actually care about progressive values as much as his own ego.

Early debates reflected the fact that he really didnt think of himself as a real candidate for president. As his support rose and he started to keep it closer than anticipated in the delegate count it became much more about him and the 'revolution' than about policy or advancing a Democratic cause. The fact that Hillary is having to spend money in California right now instead of pivoting to field offices and registration efforts in battleground states is asinine..

And as he started to view himself as a real candidate the revolution became the magic wand to explain how he would inact any of his policies if elected. See the NY Daily News interview about breaking up banks by magic.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Something is wrong with Sanders.

Something is wrong with his supporters.

They have mental issues and do not know how to deal with reality when things don't go their way.
These threads are always a hoot.

Sanders supporters are worse than Trump supporters, worse than Gamergaters, now just plain mentally ill.

The 'otherization' on here is truly something to behold.


If you're going to post a link to a video you could at least have the courtesy to summarize the argument for those of us who are at work, or are out and on our phones, and can't watch it.
Im at work myself. Sorry.

Its best if you watch it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I've become very convinced that he does not actually care about progressive values as much as his own ego.

Early debates reflected the fact that he really didnt think of himself as a real candidate for president. As his support rose and he started to keep it closer than anticipated in the delegate count it became much more about him and the 'revolution' than about policy.

And as he started to view himself as a real candidate the revolution became the magic wand to explain how he would inact any of his policies if elected. See the NY Daily News interview about breaking up banks by magic.

It is crazy how much Sanders has managed to actually sour me on him as a candidate in a span of probably about six months. I went from "yeah that guys okay I would vote for him in the primary" to "dude just fucking stop" really damn fast
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