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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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This type of thing helps absolutely nobody.

what does?

I doubt passive discussion will keep the next guy from meeting his maker.
A witch hunt is exposure and retribution. Usually not a big fan of the idea but nothing rubs me the wrong way quite like the concept of watching murderer cops scuttle away scot free. Fuck that. I'd rather they know through every single aspect of their lives coming to a crashing halt that they fucked up. LIKE THE FUCKING REST OF US. I'd rather the next group of cops thinks twice, thinks about their buddy who's on paid vacation... whose tires are slashed, whose home is broken and insecure, who's harassed day in and day out, as a tame substitute for a prison visit or the death he's inflicted on another human being, before they make their move
Yo..lol. This is fucking terribly funny.
Since when have cops cared about a black man's life? They do this all the time because they know they will get away with it.

"I felt my life was in danger." Cop get out of jail free card.
What I find odd about all this is that there clearly needs to be a massive overhaul of American policing to stop their abuses, yet either the American society doesn't care or no politician is brave enough to even bring this up.

Basically this will keep happening because no one really gives a fuck. This thread will probably will reach 6 pages and die out and by tomorrow we will all have forgotten about it.

Like I said before, every time somebody tries to speak up about this bullshit, the complaints are either met with what is essentially victim blaming (see the other thread that popped up today) or the claim that we're generalizing even though these so called "good cops" never seem to put their foot down concerning their bad-natured colleagues doing scummy shit and getting a slap on the wrist almost every time.


Fucking murderers, nothing more and nothing less. He committed a felony, that's true and he looked like he wanted to surrender when they put him on the ground, he clearly put his hands up. Still they choked the life out of him. This makes me fucking rage. Those cops will probably pull the defense card and actually get away with this, fuck that shit. How people don't even riot because of this is beyond me.


And why should I be sympathetic when one of these scum in uniform is killed again? I'm done trying to even feel any kind of remote sympathy for them. They are sub-human in my eyes from now on.

because they're not all like this? my dad is a cop but he's never done shit like this. he actually tries to help people out.

there's not much that i find offensive but this i do.


because they're not all like this? my dad is a cop but he's never done shit like this. he actually tries to help people out.

there's not much that i find offensive but this i do.


Fuck cops. Your dad may be a good guy, but statistically speaking your dad would likely stay quiet if something like this happened in his department. Why? Because the system he is in as fundamentally broken. It doesn't matter that your dad is a good guy: the system will make him a shitty person. THAT is the problem. You need to understand that individuals are not necessarily the problem. 98% of good cops will cover for 2% of murdering pigs, and those pigs will continue to murder because they are not held accountable.
They probably just thought he was resisting arrest.

It's difficult to tell because there's some missing footage in the video, but from what we have seen he's not being hostile, he's a little agitated but not acting aggressively and he's respectful to the police. There are at least six offices on site, and when they're trying to restrain his arms and he's saying "don't touch me" the guy immediately jumps on his back and grabs him around the neck. That's fucking excessive given the number of officers on site and considering he was not a threat and not acting up.
Being in the CJ field it's hard enough as it is since folks might view me as a sellout ( I'm Hispanic ). I'm almost graduating but to bad that people will see me as just another guy in a blue, but hey somewhere along the line perception has to change that not all cops/law enforcement are bad. I do believe that either the hiring process is flawed or the lack training is not good enough, but it all comes down to decency individuals with morals and people skills which are severely lacking with the current class of recruits.


The guy shouldn't have resisted the arrest. The cops were fucking idiots but the last thing anyone should do is piss off already pissed off cops.


Sàmban;121607860 said:

Fuck cops. Your dad may be a good guy, but statistically speaking your dad would likely stay quiet if something like this happened in his department. Why? Because the system he is in as fundamentally broken. It doesn't matter that your dad is a good guy: the system will make him a shitty person. THAT is the problem.

I'm not arguing that there's no problem. There is. Shit, I've experienced this first hand myself being hispanic.

But to completely disregard the lives of officers because you only really hear the bad stories is infuriating. and no, you have no idea what the fuck my dad would do. he was told to racial profile against middle eastern people a couple of years ago and he told them to fuck off (in a nicer way)

im gonna bail out this thread before i get banned. but fuck everyone that says stuff like this. i doubt there's been anyone with worse real life experience with cops than me in this thread and yet you have neckbeards saying stupid shit
The guy shouldn't have resisted the arrest. The cops were fucking idiots but the last thing anyone should do is piss off already pissed off cops.

One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.


Being in the CJ field it's hard enough as it is since folks might view me as a sellout ( I'm Hispanic ). I'm almost graduating but to bad that people will see me as just another guy in a blue, but hey somewhere along the line perception has to change that not all cops/law enforcement are bad. I do believe that either the hiring process is flawed or the lack training is not good enough, but it all comes down to decency individuals with morals and people skills which are severely lacking with the current class of recruits.
It comes down to "good" police protecting murderers because they also happen to wear a badge. A few bad eggs can be dealt with, and will always be a problem. Actively protecting those bad eggs is another matter entirely and is what allows the problem to intensify.


Cops get away with a ton of shit. My old landlord was NYPD...he told me some crazy stuff. I remember I took a drive with one time to help him with something. He went to down a BUSY one way the wrong way making cars get out his way...shit was crazy

Reminds me of the other day taking a bike ride in Brooklyn... Saw a group of motorcycles heading the oppisite direction, speeding like maniacs and popping wheelies pass right in front of a cop car at an intersection. Cop car turns on his lights and I'm like, oh shit, thank god those knuckleheads will get ticketed...... oooooooooooh nevermind he's just turning on his lights so he can run a red light. Awesome. Thanks NYPD.

This video and story is disgusting and the NYPD are a bunch of jerks (not enough good ones to make up for the criminals that make up their ranks).
To imply that that is indicative of the behavior of most police officers in America is nonsense.

Are some police officers bad people? Sure.
Are most police officers bad people? No.


The "few bad apples" argument has to be retired, or we have to come up with a new definition for the word 'few':

Farrar and his small police force have become the poster boys of body-worn cameras...

...the year-long trial period ending in February saw an 88 percent drop in complaints against police and a 60 percent reduction in uses of force by the police. And these steep declines occurred even though the cameras were in use only about half the time.


In 2011, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 685,724 times.
605,328 were totally innocent (88 percent).
350,743 were black (53 percent).
223,740 were Latino (34 percent).
61,805 were white (9 percent).
341,581 were aged 14-24 (51 percent).


The Los Angeles Police Commission is investigating how half of the recording antennas in the Southeast Division went missing, seemingly as a way to evade new self-monitoring procedures that the Los Angeles Police Department imposed last year.


There were 10,000 abuse complaints filed against the Chicago PD between 2002 and 2004


Criticisms against the entire police force are not generalizations, they are backed by empirical data.
One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.

Yeah it's so annoying when people who believe they've done nothing wrong feel scared and argumentative when they are surrounded by armed police officers :/

I totally understand the mentality of submitting to the force if picked out since it's exactly what I would do. But I also completely understand trying to defend yourself when you feel you are being unfairly ganged up upon without reason.


"We have to get corporate money out of politics, it's ruining the system..."


Seriously, lol @ the "few bad apples" crowd. I don't even know why I bothered guessing the deceased's race.


I know there are corrupt police everywhere, but this is still seriously scary and disheartening. That poor man, what the fuck. The police in america really have it out for anyone who isn't white.


Cops wouldn't be able to get away with this shit if they actually were tried instead of being rewarded with a paid vacation.

Cops investigating cops. Right..
You can sum up policing in America like this- Too much power, not enough supervision. And its getting worse. They're only becoming more and more militarized, this should worry everyone that lives in the US.

Most Americans are ignorant to the true nature of the police force and how UNDENIABLY racist the Criminal Justice system is in our country because it doesn't effect them yet. The icing on this shit cake is how the rights of all citizens are slowly being eroded away in the name of "safety". You can be choked out and murdered in the street after being accused of selling cigarettes, shot in the back for camping illegally or basically just killed for being homeless. Not everyone in the US is forced to confront this brutally everyday but it wouldnt take a lot for it to affect the majority. Some 60s style social upheaval (except this time with a more brutal and powerful police) or another major terrorist attack and we'll all feel the screws tightening. What we have now is less and less a police force and more and more a domestic army. That isn't fear mongering, its the sad state of affairs.


good credit (by proxy)
One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.
You dont like that a citizen has free speech and rights when in the presence of a police officer? Please tell me you were joking about that CJ career thing.


I'm not arguing that there's no problem. There is. Shit, I've experienced this first hand myself being hispanic.

But to completely disregard the lives of officers because you only really hear the bad stories is infuriating. and no, you have no idea what the fuck my dad would do. he was told to racial profile against middle eastern people a couple of years ago and he told them to fuck off (in a nicer way)

im gonna bail out this thread before i get banned. but fuck everyone that says stuff like this. i doubt there's been anyone with worse real life experience with cops than me in this thread and yet you have neckbeards saying stupid shit

Check your PM

The "few bad apples" argument has to be retired, or we have to come up with a new definition for the word 'few':




Criticisms against the entire police force are not generalizations, they are backed by empirical data.

I posted stats on the first page, which were countered with... anecdotal evidence. So that was productive.


It's difficult to tell because there's some missing footage in the video, but from what we have seen he's not being hostile, he's a little agitated but not acting aggressively and he's respectful to the police. There are at least six offices on site, and when they're trying to restrain his arms and he's saying "don't touch me" the guy immediately jumps on his back and grabs him around the neck. That's fucking excessive given the number of officers on site and considering he was not a threat and not acting up.

It's so infuriating trying to have conversations w/ people on reddit right now. To so many people, his saying "don't touch me" = resisting arrest = all bets are off and whatever happens from there is his own fault. If the cops just fucking tried listening and talking with him maybe they could have subdued him verbally but that's like crazy talk to some people to even consider that as an option. The dude was distressed, if anyone listened, because he wasn't being treated like a human and he was tired of it. Maybe just idk, try treating him like a human for a bit? How about talking to him and reasoning with him. This is my problem with police, they only know 1 way to deal with this type of situation, through physical force and violence. Idk how so many people find this acceptable as if it's a one size fits all solution to every incident. Choking out a guy who's telling you he's tired of being harassed by police is not the same as choking out a guy who's attacking people or somoene who's on drugs and is a danger to the public.

It's insanity to me that people think this way and are ok with it. This isn't even getting into the issue of race, which is clearly at play here but people will always deny because it's easy to when you're white.
You dont like that a citizen has free speech and rights when in the presence of a police officer? Please tell me you were joking about that CJ career thing.

No no I'm not saying if someone were to talk back at me I would react in such a way, but being a minority living in not such a good neighborhood and I'm not going to be talking back and forth with an officer who probably out looking to fill his quotas for the day. I don't want to turn this into a racial matter but a Caucasian can get away with more stuff than anyone else can. It's the nature of the beast even people don't want to admit. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech is being smart and avoid escalation, it's sad but I rather go home in one piece instead of body bag or beaten up over a few minor seconds of my day. That's ny for you
You dont like that a citizen has free speech and rights when in the presence of a police officer? Please tell me you were joking about that CJ career thing.

I agree with him. There's times to fight the man and there's times where you have to give in.

This was an instance where arguing with a dozen or so cops surrounding you wasn't about to go well.


That prick in the 99 shirt straight up murdered him (with the help of others of course). The victim was not hostile at all and wasn't at any point. The guy in the 99 shirt initiated all hostility and aggression by not only putting him in a chokehold but then suffocating his face onto the floor. Fucking scum. Sad thing is that this not the only time I've seen this happen.

The guy in the 99 shirt should do a long time in prison, but it's not going to happen.


One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.

This is the kind of shit that posses me off.

Why as the general population do we have to bow down to these Fuckers, if you aren't breaking any laws they have no reason to stop you question you or even detain you.
I'm sorry but until I break a law your just another person on the street, who the fuck are you to start questioning me on what I'm doing etc...

The power doesn't lie with the people it's held by these agencies and we live constantly meeting their demands just because some person strapped on an outfit and thinks that puts them above everyday civilians.

Not all cops are bad, but there is a reason people generally dislike them.


I don't understand how the NYPD keeps letting this shit happen. DiBlasio and the new Commish haven't done crap to change things around. You don't see these stories in other states as much as you do in NY, or specifically NYC.

They're rich and/or their friends are rich. Why should they care? It doesn't affect them at all.


One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.
Are you serious?

No, you should not expect the cops to strangle you to death for arguing with them. Stop being a victim-blaming cunt.

Adam Blue

Very sad. While you shouldn't argue with the cops, from what I can tell in the video, they should have just left him alone. Even if it gets that far, there should be other courses of action to take since he's not a physical threat. I've been there before (on the side of the law), and I've never had to put my hands on someone once in 6 years - even when I was threatened.
Are you serious?

No, you should not expect the cops to strangle you to death for arguing with them. Stop being a victim-blaming cunt.

Thanks for the insult, I was just expressing an opinion. But there's a reason why I avoid talking in threads like this. I talk to gaffers in a respectful manner and I get this.
This is the kind of shit that posses me off.

Why as the general population do we have to bow down to these Fuckers, if you aren't breaking any laws they have no reason to stop you question you or even detain you.
I'm sorry but until I break a law your just another person on the street, who the fuck are you to start questioning me on what I'm doing etc...

The power doesn't lie with the people it's held by these agencies and we live constantly meeting their demands just because some person strapped on an outfit and thinks that puts them above everyday civilians.

Not all cops are bad, but there is a reason people generally dislike them.

I don't agree with it either but I just want to get home safe and get it over with.


It should by now very well know that most of these people do not get into the force to "protect and serve", but to have power over the rest of the population.

I moved to the US from one of the most affected parts in Mexico by the drug violence, and to be honest, even if my QoL did see some improvements, I'm waaaaay more afraid of police here than in my own home town (where you learn not to mess with them sooner or later).


Thanks for the insult, I was just expressing an opinion. But there's a reason why I avoid talking in threads like this. I talk to gaffers in a respectful manner and I get this.
There is no point in blaming a dead man who shouldn't have even expected something like this in the first place. Police like this will fuck you over even if you take all the right procedures.

I'm sorry I acted like an asshole, but that video is just frightening and nobody should have to deal with this shit.


My opinion, hire a better class of human. Double the salaries and when a cop fucks up they should be prosecuted more severely than any civilian who had done the same, because they are supposed to represent something better.
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