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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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You probably wont believe me about the punishment because of GAF's hivemind paid vacation mentality.
We are the GAF. Lower your doubts and surrender your mind. We will add your profile to our own. Your posts will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
I'm still trying to follow their thought process here.

It's kind of reaching to even try and arrest someone for selling loosies, much less take them down like that, much less require that many police officers at all. They can't officially claim that's the reason, or they're going to get hit for millions.

That cop was astoundingly vague too. 'It was for something else?' ...So...nothing?
He was apparently breaking up another conflict. Maybe they were there for that?

Mr. Patch


The kid with the green shirt totally mishandled the situation and used excessive force. He's probably going to get fired and see some jail time. You probably wont believe me about the punishment because of GAF's hivemind paid vacation mentality. In cases like these, a Grand Jury ( Made up of people like yourself, a civilian, will be appointed by a judge) and will decide what kind of case this will be. No bill or a criminal prosecution. In my humble opinion...I hope these dumbasses get thrown in jail.

Juries fuck this up all the time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gettin' real fucking tired of the police's shit. Granted, this was probably always happening, its just become more obvious now that every phone has a video camera.



The kid with the green shirt totally mishandled the situation and used excessive force. He's probably going to get fired and see some jail time. You probably wont believe me about the punishment because of GAF's hivemind paid vacation mentality. In cases like these, a Grand Jury ( Made up of people like yourself, a civilian, will be appointed by a judge) and will decide what kind of case this will be. No bill or a criminal prosecution. In my humble opinion...I hope these dumbasses get thrown in jail.

Probably get fired and some jail time for choking a human being to death.

Probably get fired, and some jail time.

Probably get fired..

and some

jail time.

For choking a human being to death for no reason.

If I killed someone at work, i'd definitely be fired. And I'd have quite a lot of jail time.
Interesting that you call the murderer a kid too. But, not really interesting. This is part of the problem, you're talking shit about hive-mind-gaf, but you can't even say he will definitely be fired, and will definitely serve substantial time in jail for murder. You don't even have confidence to say he will be fired, and in jail.
It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.

Seems analogous to the crimogenic environment in finance where white collar crime is likely to occur, but the consequences for misconduct are minimal or nonexistent.


I enjoyed my time living as a foreigner in the US, but rampant gun crime and the horrific standard of policing made me think twice about ever going back. (To live, rather than on holiday.)

True freedom is living without the fear of random gun crime or police brutality.
actually was wondering if the dude was black

went to the pictures: he was black.

not saying it was a racist crime, just saying that preconceptions from stupid cops provked that.
In 2005, researchers E. Ashby Plant and B. Michelle Peruche conducted a study utilizing 50 certified police patrol officers who participated in computer-simulated “shoot—don’t shoot” scenarios.20 Although the officers were predominantly white males, the cohort also involved female, black, Native American, and Hispanic officers. During the test, pictures of faces with either a gun or a neutral object superimposed over each were shown in various positions on a screen. If the suspect and a gun were pictured, the officers were to shoot. If the suspect and some other object were pictured (for example, a wallet, a cellphone, and so on), the officers were to chose the “don’t shoot” option. The “suspects” pictured were both black and white college-age males.

The results of the study showed that some “officers were initially more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects.

....although both citizens and officers showed an implicit bias toward the unarmed black suspects, the results were not inevitable, and it appeared that proper training may improve overall accuracy in decisions to shoot. The researchers cautioned, however, that there is currently no evidence to show that the elimination of bias during computer simulation will necessarily transfer to decisions made by officers in the field.

Cops show an implicit bias toward unarmed black males. We see that bias played out, tragically, in this situation. Cops saw a large black man, thought he would get violent, and engaged him with overwhelming force.


A person died, and you're choosing to care more about potentially inaccurate generalizations against a group who have murdered minorities and gotten away with it than what this means for every single civilian in this country.

It is a shame what happened, no doubt, and should have been handled differently. But as someone who personally went through all the processes and training first hand, I can tell you that there are some real flaws with our selection process. I can assure you that from my observations and experiences that until the tax payers stop saying "cut budgets", and we get our salaries up to attract quality individuals, you will continue to attract lesser qualified personnel who don't care if they get $8-10/hr in many cases, they just want the power to remove someone's freedom. Now, NYPD does pay a bit better, but it's still not up to snuff in it's selection process for various reasons.

Here we go again with this nonsense.

So why are you taking what he is saying, and adding the qualifier of ALL lwhen he didn't add it J-Rzez.

Do you genuinely think that he said every single police officer in america? OR do you think it was a general statement. Honest question. Real honest question.

"American police are scum". How much clearer does that have to be? It's a general statement alright, and that's a sum of whole statement.

You want to talk about nonsense? I was quoting the typical "nonsense" I see. Don't need to make excuses for others like that. It is what it is. They could have easily said, this cop was scum, or those involved directly were scum. They didn't.

I'm tired of this really. GAF likes to act like the majority of LEO are scum. When in reality, it's more likely that most are not imho. My best friend who is a Trooper talked down a kid who was under mental distress and pointing a shotgun right at him. He could have easily shot him and it would have been justified. In fact he probably should have. He rolled the dice with his own life there which could have easily went wrong. So knock off the games.
Gettin' real fucking tired of the police's shit. Granted, this was probably always happening, its just become more obvious now that every phone has a video camera.
This reminded me of the cop who tackled a bike rider during Critical Mass 2008 in NYC. The cop said the guy swerved into him on purpose, so he did what he had to do. Since it was 2008, though, it was captured on a phone that clearly showed the cop tackled an innocent person who was trying to avoid him. The cop just went in a rage, and his lie would've been believed forever if there wasn't evidence against him.


The fun part of google searching this is seeing just how many results come up when you want something about the NYPD and cell phone cameras fucking up their shit.



The kid with the green shirt totally mishandled the situation and used excessive force. He's probably going to get fired and see some jail time. You probably wont believe me about the punishment because of GAF's hivemind paid vacation mentality. In cases like these, a Grand Jury ( Made up of people like yourself, a civilian, will be appointed by a judge) and will decide what kind of case this will be. No bill or a criminal prosecution. In my humble opinion...I hope these dumbasses get thrown in jail.
Look at this bullshit. Treating it as if he stole money from work or something. " yeah he might get some jail time " what? 2 weeks in county?
I think it's pretty obvious good cops exist. I've run into more than a few. I think it's pretty annoying to bring up the existence of these cops when so many of the bad ones are not ousted from the force as soon as someone dies/is killed. It taints the whole force full stop.
For choking a human being to death for no reason.

If I killed someone at work, i'd definitely be fired. And I'd have quite a lot of jail time.
Interesting that you call the murderer a kid too. But, not really interesting. This is part of the problem, you're talking shit about hive-mind-gaf, but you can't even say he will definitely be fired, and will definitely serve substantial time in jail for murder. You don't even have confidence to say he will be fired, and in jail.

If I had a time machine and saw the Jury's verdict I'll be sure to let you know.

and to that person calling Christopher Dorner an American hero, you're disgusting.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It is a shame what happened, no doubt, and should have been handled differently. But as someone who personally went through all the processes and training first hand, I can tell you that there are some real flaws with our selection process. I can assure you that from my observations and experiences that until the tax payers stop saying "cut budgets", and we get our salaries up to attract quality individuals, you will continue to attract lesser qualified personnel who don't care if they get $8-10/hr in many cases, they just want the power to remove someone's freedom. Now, NYPD does pay a bit better, but it's still not up to snuff in it's selection process for various reasons.

"American police are scum". How much clearer does that have to be? It's a general statement alright, and that's a sum of whole statement.

You want to talk about nonsense? I was quoting the typical "nonsense" I see. Don't need to make excuses for others like that. It is what it is. They could have easily said, this cop was scum, or those involved directly were scum. They didn't.

I'm tired of this really. GAF likes to act like the majority of LEO are scum. When in reality, it's more likely that most are not imho. My best friend who is a Trooper talked down a kid who was under mental distress and pointing a shotgun right at him. He could have easily shot him and it would have been justified. In fact he probably should have. He rolled the dice with his own life there which could have easily went wrong. So knock off the games.

Yeah, the solution to corrupt police officers is raising their salaries. Do you even think about any of the excuses you make for corrupt officers or are you actually expecting "I'm a cop so I know better" to just be a universally accepted response?
I think it's pretty obvious good cops exist. I've run into more than a few. I think it's pretty annoying to bring up the existence of these cops when so many of the bad ones are not ousted from the force as soon as someone dies/is killed. It taints the whole force full stop.

No such thing as a good cop.

They've disgraced themselves too much to ever earn such a title.
It is a shame what happened, no doubt, and should have been handled differently. But as someone who personally went through all the processes and training first hand, I can tell you that there are some real flaws with our selection process. I can assure you that from my observations and experiences that until the tax payers stop saying "cut budgets", and we get our salaries up to attract quality individuals, you will continue to attract lesser qualified personnel who don't care if they get $8-10/hr in many cases, they just want the power to remove someone's freedom. Now, NYPD does pay a bit better, but it's still not up to snuff in it's selection process for various reasons.

"American police are scum". How much clearer does that have to be? It's a general statement alright, and that's a sum of whole statement.

You want to talk about nonsense? I was quoting the typical "nonsense" I see. Don't need to make excuses for others like that. It is what it is. They could have easily said, this cop was scum, or those involved directly were scum. They didn't.

I'm tired of this really. GAF likes to act like the majority of LEO are scum. When in reality, it's more likely that most are not imho. My best friend who is a Trooper talked down a kid who was under mental distress and pointing a shotgun right at him. He could have easily shot him and it would have been justified. In fact he probably should have. He rolled the dice with his own life there which could have easily went wrong. So knock off the games.

Does your anecdote counter any of the statistics?
It is a shame what happened, no doubt, and should have been handled differently. But as someone who personally went through all the processes and training first hand, I can tell you that there are some real flaws with our selection process. I can assure you that from my observations and experiences that until the tax payers stop saying "cut budgets", and we get our salaries up to attract quality individuals, you will continue to attract lesser qualified personnel who don't care if they get $8-10/hr in many cases, they just want the power to remove someone's freedom. Now, NYPD does pay a bit better, but it's still not up to snuff in it's selection process for various reasons.

So give cops more money in return for less murders.

Sounds like....blackmail.

What needs to be addressed is how cops who violently beat people or in this case choke them to death are not thrown the hell out and forced to face criminal charges like the criminals that they are. They have a shield and it's bullshit. Then people come in and act like the people calling cops "scum" are just hyperbolic. Ever think there is a reason they're generalizing cops in this manner? Until the police forces clean house it is their fault citizens don't feel protected and served but bullied, harassed and sometimes killed.

No such thing as a good cop.

They've disgraced themselves too much to ever earn such a title.

I don't agree with this at all by the way.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Please keep rebutting statistically quantifiable police misconduct with personal anecdotes.

It's J-Rzez, every cop misconduct thread is him complaining about cops getting the short end of the stick on public perception despite the police getting the benefit of the doubt for the last infinity years of human civilization.


The worst thing about this article is that internal affairs won't get in trouble for this shit. They found no wrongdoing? really? The prosecution saw this as pretty cut and dry and immediately dropped all charges against the victim and went against the motherfuckers.

How the hell could IA see no wrongdoing in this? And why aren't they in trouble? They should be charged with conspiracy as well as the other cop.

No such thing as a good cop.

They've disgraced themselves too much to ever earn such a title.

There are good cops, but the more evidence pops up thanks to technology, the more they are becoming the exception and not the rule.
The "Bad Apples" defense is really getting old here. This is not just an isolated indecent.

Cornell west tweeted this yesterday:MILITARY STYLE RAIDS

This happens on a regular basis. Try to imagine having to live under a kind of "military occupation" in your own neighborhood .
The worst thing about this article is that internal affairs won't get in trouble for this shit. They found no wrongdoing? really? The prosecution saw this as pretty cut and dry and immediately dropped all charges against the victim and went against the motherfuckers.

How the hell could IA see no wrongdoing in this? And why aren't they in trouble? They should be charged with conspiracy as well as the other cop.

But but good cops tho.


Even if you arent a minority Tri state cops especially Jersey and NY should be avoided tbh. The ego they have is ridiculous, there are good ones obviously but the ratio is heavily stacked

They basically have the mentality of a swat force in salt of cases
I believe there are good cops out there.

Wish they would be vocal right about now...

I sort of understand if they keep hush and at least do their jobs right and treat citizens right. Speaking out as things are......they'd probably be flagged. It can be seen as cowardly, but I understand.

I truly hope for a day when minorities are treated like humans more than not.

My heart goes out to that innocent man who was murdered yet he did no wrong. I have pity for the men who did this if they attempt to rationalize what they did and can close their eyes and recall their deeds without shame. You will never be able to live a normal life.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.


So give cops more money in return for less murders.

Sounds like....blackmail.

It's not hard to gather that you get what you pay for "talent" wise.

Between that, and bullshit politics, this is why you get the people you do with the power to remove someone's freedom. It's the reason I left my career choice of law enforcement and went back to school to become a Physical Therapist. It was a thankless job, which I was fine with as the feeling of helping is great, but the low pay, poor health benefits, and nearly locked in place advancement, not to mention risk on the job forced my hand to leave that career and get something that can help me be a safer provider for me and my fiance, and our future family. It is what it is I guess...
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
This is so naive. "Follow the law, and you won't get in trouble" made me laugh the most.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

Um no.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

I think it's pretty obvious good cops exist. I've run into more than a few. I think it's pretty annoying to bring up the existence of these cops when so many of the bad ones are not ousted from the force as soon as someone dies/is killed. It taints the whole force full stop.

This. When we see stories about cops being acquitted for the beating to death of a homeless person, or that they get paid vacations for shooting at vehicles during the Dorner chase, I just get do let down.

If there's any accountability, it doesn't seem like the public is ever exposed and our visions are tainted because of it.

As long as cops have the stupid brotherhood mentality where they feel they can't "rat" on a fellow officer, nothing will change.

The whole law enforcemeat culture needs an overhaul. They're supposed to protect and serve. Not act like a goverment sanctioned gang.


"American police are scum". How much clearer does that have to be? It's a general statement alright, and that's a sum of whole statement.

You want to talk about nonsense? I was quoting the typical "nonsense" I see. Don't need to make excuses for others like that. It is what it is. They could have easily said, this cop was scum, or those involved directly were scum. They didn't.

I'm tired of this really. GAF likes to act like the majority of LEO are scum. When in reality, it's more likely that most are not imho. My best friend who is a Trooper talked down a kid who was under mental distress and pointing a shotgun right at him. He could have easily shot him and it would have been justified. In fact he probably should have. He rolled the dice with his own life there which could have easily went wrong. So knock off the games.

Why is it that my father is an ex police officer, and I understand it to mean that he is talking about the bad police in reference to the story in the OP? Is he talking about my father specifically? No, You know why I know that? Because he was a good cop. Not a dickhead, like your friend. (As in he isn't a dickhead, like your friend isn't a dickhead) So why do you even assume t hat your friend would be lumped into the general statement about murderers?

I don't have a bullshit game to play with semantics and generalizing in a thread where yet another police officer, has killed a person. You have an agenda because you have an anecdote. You're taking it personally to mean that its all police, and you have to come rushing in with your flag of deeper understanding of generalization. You're making an issue where there isn't one. There is a difference in stating that all american police are scum, versus a general comment about the state of police in regard to killing civilians.

General statements are General statements. You're understanding what he wrote as all. I understand it as a general statement that speaks to the systematic problem with police iin our country that we are currently facing.

In the future, what you should do, is to ask for clarification if the poster means all, or if they are just speaking in general. Because there is a general problem with the police, which my sheriff friends, as well as father, well understand. In fact, my dad has been the one thats kept me alive. He tells me that the force is different, the attitude is different. That it is in my best interest to avoid police when I can. And he says that now as a Judge. Our family is friends with the chiefs of police, we frequent events with police, we go to funerals. These aren't the cops that are creating the problem, and aren't the cops that are considered scum, because they aren't.

Anecdotes to anecdotes means fuck all. There is a palpable problem with the justice system and police abuse. This is why the justice department is investigating New Mexico for example, because their cops are out of control. In general, NM police have lost their fucking minds. This isn't to say that there aren't good police there, unless it is said that every single NM police officer is a bad one.

If I had a time machine and saw the Jury's verdict I'll be sure to let you know.

and to that person calling Christopher Dorner an American hero, you're disgusting.

That is the problem that people have with police punishment. You can't seem to see it. This isn't about your prognostication powers, its about the trend that police don't go to jail for sure bets - that would be sure bets for any civilian. No wrong doing is found often. Its up in the air for the officer, it could go either way. He strangled someone to death, on video. He needs to be fired, and charged. Just as anyone else would be.

Which is why people comment about the police and their ability to evade punishment for killing people. Some gaf-hive mind indeed.

And agreed, whoever said that dorner is a hero is horrible for saying it.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.



I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
First of all, it's one hell of a jump from arguing to choking someone to death. Or at least it should be.

And a) there wasn't any basis for them harassing him (the cops admitted as much) and b) if a cop can't handle talking to an upset person they shouldn't be a cop.

And this guy in particular couldn't have done anything to come of as less aggressive. The cops escalated the situation for no reason and kept on until he was dead, despite him pleading for his life.
If you're a black man in prison for a crime you didn't commit or you're dead from reaching for your wallet, just follow the law, you'll be alright.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why is it that my father is an ex police officer, and I understand it to mean that he is talking about the bad police in reference to the story in the OP? Is he talking about my father specifically? No, You know why I know that? Because he was a good cop. Not a dickhead, like your friend. So why do you even assume t hat your friend would be lumped into the general statement about murderers?

I don't have a bullshit game to play with semantics and generalizing in a thread where yet another police officer, has killed a person. You have an agenda because you have an anecdote. You're taking it personally to mean that its all police, and you have to come rushing in with your flag of deeper understanding of generalization. You're making an issue where there isn't one. There is a difference in stating that all american police are scum, versus a general comment about the state of police in regard to killing civilians.

General statements are General statements. You're understanding what he wrote as all. I understand it as a general statement that speaks to the systematic problem with police iin our country that we are currently facing.

In the future, what you should do, is to ask for clarification if the poster means all, or if they are just speaking in general. Because there is a general problem with the police, which my sheriff friends, as well as father, well understand. In fact, my dad has been the one thats kept me alive. He tells me that the force is different, the attitude is different. That it is in my best interest to avoid police when I can. And he says that now as a Judge. Our family is friends with the chiefs of police, we frequent events with police, we go to funerals. These aren't the cops that are creating the problem, and aren't the cops that are considered scum, because they aren't.

Anecdotes to anecdotes means fuck all. There is a palpable problem with the justice system and police abuse. This is why the justice department is investigating New Mexico for example, because their cops are out of control. In general, NM police have lost their fucking minds. This isn't to say that there aren't good police there, unless it is said that every single NM police officer is a bad one.

I'm pretty sure he meant the kid pointed the shotgun at the friend, not the other way around (although I could see why the syntax isn't clear).


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
I'm pretty godamn sure the guy was following the law. Yet here we are, he was still killed.


I'm tired of this really. GAF likes to act like the majority of LEO are scum. When in reality, it's more likely that most are not imho.

It will stop when the good cops stop covering for the bad cops, and when systematic violence and discrimination against minorities end. Not a moment before.

Until then, I guess you'll just have to feel bad that people generalize the police force that they have damned good reason to fear.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's not hard to gather that you get what you pay for "talent" wise.

Between that, and bullshit politics, this is why you get the people you do with the power to remove someone's freedom. It's the reason I left my career choice of law enforcement and went back to school to become a Physical Therapist. It was a thankless job, which I was fine with as the feeling of helping is great, but the low pay, poor health benefits, and nearly locked in place advancement, not to mention risk on the job forced my hand to leave that career and get something that can help me be a safer provider for me and my fiance, and our future family. It is what it is I guess...

Except you're not giving any particular reason for why increasing salaries would make the police less corrupt. Its like saying the solution to gun violence is more guns. How is there a connection between salaries and abuse of power?
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