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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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Fuck Cancer
I agree with him. There's times to fight the man and there's times where you have to give in.

This was an instance where arguing with a dozen or so cops surrounding you wasn't about to go well.
Was it kinda his fault because everyone should know that the police will kill you if try to argue with them?


What the hell is wrong with American Police

Complete lack of accountability. Why restrain yourself when your department will have your back, and the worst punishment you'll ever face is paid time off? Hard to feel bad for the 'good' cops when they work so hard to protect the 'bad' ones.

And to the people saying 'why won't Americans do something about this?' - plenty of Americans are perfectly fine with it. Since it's mostly happening to brown and black people, a large chunk of Americans assume that they've obviously done something to 'deserve it'. As long as white people aren't being excessively harassed by the police, Americans are fine with police brutality the way it is. It's just sickening.


This video is infuriating. I thought that it was a known fact that the NYPD is one of the most corrupt (and racist) police departments in the nation. Let's see what happens now.


Was it kinda his fault because everyone should know that the police will kill you if try to argue with them?

You say this in jest, but that's how I am starting to see it. Once you give them any reason to yell, "Stop resisting!" all bets are off.


I wonder how long it'll be before people start treating the police like they would an armed robber.

"I'll do whatever you want, please just don't kill me!"
They aren't trained to nonviolently diffuse such situations.

This is correct. For people wondering why police escalate to violent tactics so frequently, or for those of you stubbornly shouting #NotAllCops, you should take a look at how police are actually trained:


There is nothing unusual about the way the police handled this situation. They did what they were trained to do, which is why they will receive no punishment. The problem is not the individuals, but the institution that is built on harassment, violence, and oppression.
Was it kinda his fault because everyone should know that the police will kill you if try to argue with them?

What? No. That's not even what I said.

Watch the video and watch the cops surrounding him as if he was a threat, even with his hands out clearly not showing any aggression.

This was shitty training and the asshole wearing 99 I hope is put in jail. He escalated the entire fucking thing.
This is the kind of shit that posses me off.

Why as the general population do we have to bow down to these Fuckers, if you aren't breaking any laws they have no reason to stop you question you or even detain you.
I'm sorry but until I break a law your just another person on the street, who the fuck are you to start questioning me on what I'm doing etc...

The power doesn't lie with the people it's held by these agencies and we live constantly meeting their demands just because some person strapped on an outfit and thinks that puts them above everyday civilians.

Well said, but Americans forgot this a long time ago (and people of color have always known it wasn't true).

You're lying to yourself if you honestly think that cops aren't assholes to white people too. Obviously not at the same level, which is why I said it's not at the same level, but I've been harassed multiple times by cops and I'm your average white male.

Enough with the me too bullshit. Nobody gives a fuck.

How about we express some solidarity? Instead of letting the state divide us up along race and class lines as they have always done, let's recognize that any one of us is a potential victim. People of color will always be at much greater risk, but if whites are realizing that they too are threatened, we should encourage and support them. As a person of color, it's in my best interest to have white allies.

If I fancy a few weeks extra paid time off work on top of my annual holiday allowance, I call my boss and pretend to be sick. If an American cop does, he murders a human being for nothing. Who exactly are your police protecting and serving, Americans?

Corporations. The answer to your question is corporations.



Comments like this are really disappointing. A few morons don't make all of them morons.

Good cops who don't speak and act out against stuff like this aren't good cops. As long as this sort of thing is punishable by paid suspension instead of criminal prosecution, people are right to criticize "the police" as an organization.


One thing that annoys me is when people start resisting or arguing back to cops and wonder why stuff escalates out of nowhere or start asking why have they been stopped. My man just stfu stay quiet and relax, just cooperate whether right or wrong. If I get stop, I'll stay quiet and do as said.

* note I do condone what just happened that was murder in my eyes.

I agree with him. There's times to fight the man and there's times where you have to give in.

This was an instance where arguing with a dozen or so cops surrounding you wasn't about to go well.
There should never be a time where we can't question the actions of cops and do so shouldn't get you killed.

It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.
Those "good" men and women often times don't speak out against these cops or defend them outright.
This is completely disgusting

Bloody horrible

They should be all guilty of murder
he said please leave me alone.... never attacked them never did anything

What do they do? Assault him treat him like cattle?!

He tells them that he can't breath and what do they do? Puts his face even closer to the cement

Murderers! Criminals! is what they are... I hope they feel the guilt for their crimes


Tagged as I see fit
It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.

Serious question - where are the good men and women in the police force that speak up when the bad ones do bad stuff? I'm think that's what he's referring to.

Don't get me wrong, I know there are good people in enforcement. I have family members in the police force, but the system is not set up for them to be truly what they should be or to be able to do what they should do.


It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.
Even if they don't actively go around murdering innocents, they aren't doing anything about it and their superiors are condoning such behaviour by not punishing it.

They murder people for no reason and there are next to no repercussions!
The fact that you could guess the disciplinary outcome and race of the victim before even clicking on these threads tells you that the american police force has a systemic problem and every employee is part of it.

The legal system has zero accountability for a job that should be measured at the highest standards possible. And the NYPD and other major departments are failing miserably.

Plus it's my side that's backed by statistics and not your wishful thinking.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Not even Brazilian police scares me more than NYPD when I am visiting. I always make sure to stay the hell away from them.

Obviously not all of them would act like this, but I don't like taking chances.

My opinion, hire a better class of human. Double the salaries and when a cop fucks up they should be prosecuted more severely than any civilian who had done the same, because they are supposed to represent something better.

I honestly don't know how this isn't a standard by now.


What the hell is wrong with American Police

a large % of the population doesn't see anything wrong with any of this.
They think minorities are exaggerating. And we can't get anywhere with the debate, because of pushback from #notallcops. Can't point out bad cops, and note theres a systemic problem.

Avoid police at all costs. No point risking getting shot for being black.


This is really sad. Particularly because NYPD Patrol Guide Procedure explicitly states that chokeholds should NOT be used. PG 203-11 states, "Members of the New York City Police Department will NOT use chokeholds. A chokehold shall include, but is not limited to, any pressure to the throat or windpipe, which may prevent or hinder breathing or reduce intake of air." LINK

From a post on Reddit. Somehow, even with this pretty black and white rule in place, I doubt anything will happen to the offending officer. :(
84 percent of police officers report that they’ve seen colleagues use excessive force on civilians so there are the "good ones" it's just consistent systemic failures to actually curb police brutality continues to be so.

Right. And that's why people feel justified saying "fuck the police" without having to put a large disclaimer stating that they recognize that there are individually good cops on the force. There are always bound to be genuinely good people serving in corrupt systems. Which ironically makes things worse, because it leads people to defend the corrupt system because #notallcops.


Right. And that's why people feel justified saying "fuck the police" without having to put a large disclaimer stating that they recognize that there are individually good cops on the force. There are always bound to be genuinely good people serving in corrupt systems. Which ironically makes things worse, because it leads people to defend the corrupt system because #notallcops.

Most people being intellectually honest understand that human beings speak in general unless they qualify their comments with "every single instance of ____."

Its just people being obtuse and wanting to have some nonsense sidebar about how the world shouldn't generalize, because of reasons. Meanwhile, the folks that they feel are being 'generalized' are getting away with murder and not speaking up for those that they see are corrupt.

What is the point of highlighting to adults the lessons of generalizing? As if its not understood as a general comment to begin with.

When people say fuck NYPD, its fuck the corrupt assholes on the NYPD. When people say Fuck America, its fuck the government/warmongers. Not every single human being and baby that lives there.
actually was wondering if the dude was black

went to the pictures: he was black.

not saying it was a racist crime, just saying that preconceptions from stupid cops provked that.


I'll say it's a racist crime. It involved police. We should all be way past giving them any benefit of the doubt for this, because it's clear they won't give it to us.

they killed him for thinking he was selling cigarettes.

And the initial guys don't even look like cops? they look like fucking finger men.


Way to lump ALL LEOs together. Classy and intelligent.

Here we go again with this nonsense.

Most people being intellectually honest understand that human beings speak in general unless they qualify their comments with "every single instance of ____."

Its just people being obtuse and wanting to have some nonsense sidebar about how the world shouldn't generalize, because of reasons. Meanwhile, the folks that they feel are being 'generalized' are getting away with murder and not speaking up for those that they see are corrupt.

What is the point of highlighting to adults the lessons of generalizing? As if its not understood as a general comment to begin with.

When people say fuck NYPD, its fuck the corrupt assholes on the NYPD. When people say Fuck America, its fuck the government/warmongers. Not every single human being and baby that lives there.

So why are you taking what he is saying, and adding the qualifier of ALL lwhen he didn't add it J-Rzez.

Do you genuinely think that he said every single police officer in america? OR do you think it was a general statement. Honest question. Real honest question.

Why do the laws of basic communication some to hit a hitch when someone says a general statement about police..? The defense force must come out to inform the world that they understood a general comment to mean every single instance. And that it is in fact, not the case, as literally, every single police officer isn't a bad one.
You won't even find police officers on GAF, where they are completely anonymous, saying anything against fellow cops, even in these situations. The "good" cops who work with the bad cops are complicit in their crimes just by their silence.


The kid with the green shirt totally mishandled the situation and used excessive force. He's probably going to get fired and see some jail time. You probably wont believe me about the punishment because of GAF's hivemind paid vacation mentality. In cases like these, a Grand Jury ( Made up of people like yourself, a civilian, will be appointed by a judge) and will decide what kind of case this will be. No bill or a criminal prosecution. In my humble opinion...I hope these dumbasses get thrown in jail.


Ubisoft Marketing
To say this is depressing is an understatement.

And anyone even remotely trying to defend this can go take a running jump off a cliff. SERIOUSLY!


Gees, his cries of "I can't breath" over and over again will haunt me for some time. I am disgusted by the police behavior in this video. Disgusted.


Ubisoft Marketing
Way to lump ALL LEOs together. Classy and intelligent.

Please remember that not all LEO's are represented by the lesser amounting bad incidents. But that seems to be too much to ask for from people, especially some here for whatever reason.

Someone DIED. DIED! As a result of some incompetence.

And you are choosing to focus on the #notallcops argument? What the hell is this?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Please remember that not all LEO's are represented by the lesser amounting bad incidents. But that seems to be too much to ask for from people, especially some here for whatever reason.

I feel better lumping police officers in entire departments together rather than all police throughout the country. In my city police are pretty good. But even if shitty cops are the minority in the NYPD, like others have said, why aren't the good cops speaking out? How can they be mostly good cops when there's zero accountability and they all have each other's backs?

I probably wouldn't say it's fair to say all NYPD cops are shit (I don't even have much experience with the city), but the NYPD itself certainly is.
I'm still trying to follow their thought process here.

It's kind of reaching to even try and arrest someone for selling loosies, much less take them down like that, much less require that many police officers at all. They can't officially claim that's the reason, or they're going to get hit for millions.

That cop was astoundingly vague too. 'It was for something else?' ...So...nothing? They can't even argue he was resisting since the video clearly shows he was not.

Then again, in Philly we had a case where a cop fucking uppercutted a Puerto Rican woman for allegedly spraying him with Silly String and it was caught on tape. He was fired, but was let off on criminal charges due to lack of evidence.. The courtroom cheered.
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