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Oculus' Palmer Luckey is funding an anti-Hilary shitposting org

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They've never been political, to the best of my knowledge, and it's probably best they keep it that way.

Yeah, they haven't been. They've even been fairly neutral on Gamer Gate more so as far as just not talking about it at all. I think it's more about them not wanting to give them press though cause they all seem very liberal.


That whole lack of moderation thing with 4chan led to it becoming a propaganda website for white supremacists. What a twist!
They've never been political, to the best of my knowledge, and it's probably best they keep it that way.

Eh, that's not 100% true, they've just been low-key about it except when it serves everyone's interest not to be (for example, their response to Gamergate). Listen to them talk about San Francisco and you'll see hints of where their personal leanings are.
Don't want to upset the people ok with white supremacy. Money is money.

Or maybe because it's a video game website and they are video game journalists who play video games.

Let me be clear, I am not trying to be dismissive of these issues, but there is a time and place and it's not on Giantbomb, a website about video games.


I tend to separate creators from creations most of the time, but I'm probably gonna have to draw the line at supporting Trump.

Zero interest in Oculus as a product or platform now.


So you're telling me that during this election cycle, the co-founder of a virtual reality company owned by Facebook backed a non-profit political organization, created by the moderators of a bigoted internet message board, that specializes in creating internet memes to help Donald Trump win a presidency?

If I went back in time even just five years and told someone this, that shit would sound absolutely absurd and someone would probably put me in a cell.
“It’s something that no campaign is going to run,” Luckey said of the proposed billboards for the project.

“I’ve got plenty of money,” Luckey added. “Money is not my issue. I thought it sounded like a real jolly good time.”

But in another post written under Luckey’s Reddit pseudonym, there are echoes of a similar tech billionaire, Peter Thiel, who used his deep pockets to secretly fund a campaign against Gawker.

“The American Revolution was funded by wealthy individuals,” NimbleRichMan wrote on Saturday. Luckey confirmed to The Daily Beast he penned the posts under his Reddit pseudonym. “The same has been true of many movements for freedom in history. You can’t fight the American elite without serious firepower. They will outspend you and destroy you by any and all means.”



They've never been political, to the best of my knowledge, and it's probably best they keep it that way.
After what happened with the hole GG thing and the complete shit lord fest of when they hired Jason/Dan i wouldn't ucking blame them not responding because in the gaming world you cannot make anyone happy no matter what you say you will have displeased people yelling GAMERGATER! SWJ!

I mean they don't owe anyone a answer to begin with because really it's nobodies business.


They acquired his company but I'm pretty sure he's still running the show.

Palmer Luckey's official position at Oculus is "founder."

Not CEO, not chief scientist, not technology officer, not head of marketing, not VP, not CFO, no real power position. He is "founder."

He's a figure head and has been since their series A funding round.


dude has been a lowkey shitstain for a while. this is his girlfriend:







I don't judge companies by the political views of the owner. If you did, you wouldn't be able to shop anywhere.

Fuck that, sometimes you get to pick and choose which rich asshole to give money too and this is one of those times.

I don't want to give money to rich white assholes who in any way support Trump, much less who do it through the bubbling cauldron of literal human shit known as the Alt Right.


Guess I'm not buying an Oculus Touch. Time to start looking at Vives. I'll see about selling my Rift later, might as well finish the games I've already bought on the Oculus Store. I'm not spending any more on their games going forward though.


“It’s something that no campaign is going to run,” Luckey said of the proposed billboards for the project.

“I’ve got plenty of money,” Luckey added. “Money is not my issue. I thought it sounded like a real jolly good time.”

But in another post written under Luckey’s Reddit pseudonym, there are echoes of a similar tech billionaire, Peter Thiel, who used his deep pockets to secretly fund a campaign against Gawker.

“The American Revolution was funded by wealthy individuals,” NimbleRichMan wrote on Saturday. Luckey confirmed to The Daily Beast he penned the posts under his Reddit pseudonym. “The same has been true of many movements for freedom in history. You can’t fight the American elite without serious firepower. They will outspend you and destroy you by any and all means.”


Oh My God.
These fuckers sound like super villians! Holy shit


Every Rift purchase is directly helping places like r/the_donald. Pretty easy to avoid supporting it.
Is facebook funding r/the_donald or is Palmer Luckey? Because when X buys a Rift how much if anything goes to Palmer? Facebook bought it right? Just wondering if he gets any money off a sale and if so how much because if he doesn't get a penny you aren't funding shit.


Fuck that, sometimes you get to pick and choose which rich asshole to give money too and this is one of those times.

I don't want to give money to rich white assholes who in any way support Trump, much less who do it through the bubbling cauldron of literal human shit known as the Alt Right.
So you give it to the faceless corporation instead? I can't name one person who worked on the Vive or Morpheus. It's unfair.
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