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Oculus Rift available for preorder for $599.99, shipping in March


Called it on the price. You don't keep hush hush abut the price if it's going to be reasonable. That price combined with the necessary pc puts this way out of my price range.


Good luck.




I need some clarification on this product. I asked many pages back to no avail.

I currently use my smartphone in a cheap VR headset for gags ( basic apps, you tube VR ) and I honestly was impressed for the first 30 mins then the appeal wore off.

how much better is the rift? night and day? just better build at quality? usability? Im trying to see what is forcing the 599 price point.

I guess monetarily speaking im using a $500 + smartphone and a 20 dollar headset so TECHNICALLY im spending rift kind of money on VR.

Absolutely night and day. Positional tracking by itself is a massive improvement over GearVR.

Lenses are better quality. IPD adjustment will help with finding the sweet spot, which is already improved.

The displays won't fog like the mobile ones can because all the processing is done on the computer so you don't have the heat issue.

Overall, PC based VR is a massive improvement over mobile.


What was the top upvoted question that is now deleted?

It was a series of about 25 questions. Kinda surprised it got deleted, I didn't read all of them but the ones I did were decent questions. Is there a rule about not posting an excessive amount of questions?


This thread blew up and I lost the other thread about the accessories that come with the OR. I have a question, there's supposed to be a bundle with a OR-ready PC available for pre order in Feb. Have they said if that will ship March or will it ship at a much later date?


Can’t stump the diablos
It was a series of about 25 questions. Kinda surprised it got deleted, I didn't read all of them but the ones I did were decent questions. Is there a rule about not posting an excessive amount of questions?

What a crock. Reddit seems to be censoring a lot lately. Hope the same questions get asked in another way.
Well that sucks. I don't think my April shipping date order actually went through.

I just ordered right now and received a confirmation e-mail instantly.

I opened a ticket.


So this morning when I kept trying to order the Rift, my order kept failing.

I just checked my bank account.

There are 10 $1 charges on it to Oculus.

Thanks, fuckers. I never got a chance to register for an Oculus account either, so I have no idea how to check anything.


as someone who has only casually kept up with Oculus' development, this price seems completely inline with what I was expecting? New tech plus tons and tons and tons of R&D. I didn't expect this to cost as much as a new controller or some shit
It would have been in line maaaaybe IF it included the controllers but it doesn't, that adds another what $100+?


Will Eat Your Children
What 25 questions lol
Lmao, no idea why that's gone

I had the tab still open:

Hi Palmer! I have a set of questions from the /r/oculus community. All credit to /u/skonezilla for collecting these.

The price is what it is, I understand bleeding edge electronics is expensive.. My question is "why was the messaging about price so poor? $599 is not in the ballpark of $350 when your target audience is the mainstream".

In what 'ballpark' can we expect Touch's price to be?

How many games can we expect to have available to us by years end?

John Carmac tweeted that he expects gaming to occupy less than 50% of the time we spend in the RIFT.. what kind of experiences is he eluding to. Oculus Medium? Toy box? How much is there to do in Toy Box?

What kind of prices can we expect Movies/Experiences to have in the Oculus Store? Most experiences in the GearVR store have been free.

Can we have some detailed information about the screens/displays? FOV/Resolution/pixelfill/pentile/etc... these are custom displays, we want to know everything

What accessories can we expect to see from Oculus for the Rift (replacement facial interface padding)

The are some apps on the GearVR store that are unavailable to people in certain countries.. (MilkVR in Australia for example), are we going to have to deal with that bullshit with the Rift in it's Oculus store?

Multiplayer experiences are obviously going to be a big thing when it comes to VR, what is Oculus doing to ensure its not the Wild West out their for connecting to other Oculus Users.. Id really rather not have to sign up to a hundred different gaming portals each with its own unique friends list and differing network performance...

Are there any details about Oculus' Friends List/Store Front/Community/Library app/program. Basically im asking how is Oculus' answer to Steam going? Can we have some details?

Oculus have the Rift and Touch. Is there anything else VR related you guys are working on that your willing to let slip?

Will upgrading to Windows 10 be required for Rift? Will it provide a better experience for the Rift specifically? (compatibility, setup, etc)

Will we ever see a drum kit in Rock Band VR? or Multiplayer..

How Long will the Cables be from headset to PC, is it feasible to extend that length for room to vr experiences?

@Palmer the messaging you have been hammering out lately is "We'll see you in the Rift".. how exactly will that happen?

Recommended specs are 970/290.. anyone buying a RIFT will EXPECT to play all games at max settings and have the best experience possible.. is a 970 up for that challenge? will Nvidias Pascal GPU's be better suited for VR? what will YOU (@palmer) be running on your rift set up?

Will Oculus Cinema be able to play our 3D/2D Bluray movies off the disc or do we have to go through the whole rip/convert phase.

I want to know more about the small new remote, can we play games with it? What was the decision behind it and what functionality can we expect from it

Will only apps downloaded from the Oculus store work or will we be able to use software that is downloaded outside the app store?

When CV1 is out, what happens to DK1 & DK2 compatibility? are they phased out immediately or will the SDK allow seemless support for them for games and experiences? is this all on the developers themselves? Will the introduction of Touch phase out DK2 completely when it comes to games with "Touch required"?

The Case that the CV1 comes in, is there a place for the Oculus Touch in that case?

Will we see CV2 before 2020?

What kind of 3D support can we expect for traditional, non-VR games? If I want to play Overwatch or Heroes of the Storm or Counterstrike on my Rift, can I use it as a dummy 3D display? If not, why?

Can we expect to ever see a cheaper, stripped down Rift SKU (-Xbox controller, -headphones, -games, etc)

What's the rough cost breakdown that goes into the $600 cost of production? Roughly how many % of the price is the OLED, optics, audio, electronics, peripherals, and manufacturing?

People need to just accept AMAs are just PR stunts now


Super Sleuth
I went to preorder it just for shits and giggles and in case I actually end up wanting a rift, but the preorder process gave me an error when I put in my credit card number so I didn't even get to the account creation step.

Now it is showing a $1 charge from Oculus on my CC account and I never got an email from them and their website doesn't recognize my email address.

Sent an email off to support but I have no idea how to even find my order so that I can cancel it.
The people saying it's DOA because of the price are hilarious. The shipping estimate for new orders already jumped from March to May in less than 12 hours. I think it's selling fine.


According to a Reddit thread, early reports are that it's going to cost $180USD for shipping to Australia. It ends up being ~$1100AUD including shipping. I was holding out for a Vive but I was also expecting it to be more expensive than the Oculus. But that pricing is just crazy, looks like it'll be a couple of years before I get my first VR experience. At least by then there should be more gaming options available!


How can you know if you are in the first Batch March 28 for shipping?

I ordered as soon as the page came up and my confirmation mail is 11:07am Eastern time so basically 1 min after the page went up, was down for first 5min.

I'm reading here and people know somehow? i'm just wondering how, i assume it should be in the first batch.


The people saying it's DOA because of the price are hilarious. The shipping estimate for new orders already jumped from March to May in less than 12 hours. I think it's selling fine.

Nah man, according to people in this thread there's about 100 Rifts shipping in March, another 100 in April, etc


Can’t stump the diablos
How can you know if you are in the first Batch March 28 for shipping?

I ordered as soon as the page came up and my confirmation mail is 11:07am Eastern time so basically 1 min after the page went up, was down for first 5min.

I'm reading here and people know somehow? i'm just wondering how, i assume it should be in the first batch.

I believe it was at Xx:14 that it changed to April.


How can you know if you are in the first Batch March 28 for shipping?

I ordered as soon as the page came up and my confirmation mail is 11:07am Eastern time so basically 1 min after the page went up, was down for first 5min.

I'm reading here and people know somehow? i'm just wondering how, i assume it should be in the first batch.

I don't think there is a way to know for sure. The order confirmation screen listed your estimated ship date, but nothing else does.


To stick with your smartphone example....

It would be like playing a free-to-play 3D action game on smartphone and asking "you know I'm really not sure about these open world games that I keep seeing on console and PC. Are they really better? I mean, is a controller really necessary?"

And I'm not saying that to poke fun at you. But the difference is immense. Even the difference between Google Cardboard and GearVR is not-insignificant.

I really need to experience what its like. Because from what I have seen with smartphones it kind of falls flat. With the price point of 599 I guess there has to be justification in terms of "you get what you pay for" but that is a massive jump vs the 20 dollar investment that I put into it. I have no idea what to expect.


F that shit.

And apparently the required PC specs to run it are quite high, so there's another $1000.

No. F that shit.
What are the key games supporting this now?

Eve Valkyrie seems to be one of the best

Insomniac is working on an interesting third person VR game

ADR1FT is kind of like the movie Gravity using VR

Narcosis is pretty much the same thing, just underwater.

SUPERHOT is personally what has me the most interested.

There's no big AAA series adding Oculus support in their next game though if that's what you're getting at.... I guess the closest to that is Rock Band VR. Alien Isolation can be played on dev VR kits.

I need some clarification on this product. I asked many pages back to no avail.

I currently use my smartphone in a cheap VR headset for gags ( basic apps, you tube VR ) and I honestly was impressed for the first 30 mins then the appeal wore off.

how much better is the rift? night and day? just better build at quality? usability? Im trying to see what is forcing the 599 price point.

I guess monetarily speaking im using a $500 + smartphone and a 20 dollar headset so TECHNICALLY im spending rift kind of money on VR.

Look at the software for VR

Decide if it's worth it to play those games

Everything else is just hype.


Neo Member
I really need to experience what its like. Because from what I have seen with smartphones it kind of falls flat. With the price point of 599 I guess there has to be justification in terms of "you get what you pay for" but that is a massive jump vs the 20 dollar investment that I put into it. I have no idea what to expect.

Yeah there is absolutely a difference. I was skeptical at first myself but I have had a chance to try it at multiple PAX events and I was blown away. There is nothing like it and it is truly the next step forward in gaming. I can't wait to get my hands on mine and after trying it I definitely know it's for real!


Will Eat Your Children
No - the way reddit works makes it harder to read and to answer
It looked pretty organized to me, unless you're viewing Reddit from something other than a PC, the small reply box may be a problem but it's not like he was actually going to answer some of the harder hitting questions anyway


It looked pretty organized to me, unless you're viewing Reddit from something other than a PC, the small reply box may be a problem but it's not like he was actually going to answer some of the harder hitting questions anyway

It also would not have been a good look if he decided to completely ignore the top rated questions or not answer them all in full.
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