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Oculus Rift available for preorder for $599.99, shipping in March

In all fairness this is mainly for developers though, to get it out there and get games and apps made before the inevitable and more consumer friendly price drop, which I'm guessing will be around Winter 2016.
So technically the rift will be available at the end of this year!
This whole event appeared to me, more about who can get to the market first!
Still wished it was cheaper though, as I REALLY want to experience VR!


My card doesn´t reach the req (i have a 660 gtx ti) and i won´t upgrade. It can still reach 1440p/60 fps at medium/high setting in every single game i play.

And $600 (in my country would be close to $1000 due to tax) isn´t consumer friendly at all.

I guess i'm gonna save my money for the NX.

Maybe it will reach a mass market price point in a few years. We'll see then.
Holy shit late to this announcement that's insane good luck trying to get this thing off the ground I can't see this going anywere honestly
I really need to experience what its like. Because from what I have seen with smartphones it kind of falls flat. With the price point of 599 I guess there has to be justification in terms of "you get what you pay for" but that is a massive jump vs the 20 dollar investment that I put into it. I have no idea what to expect.

The current smartphone VR systems are essentially just a higher resolution DK1. They give you the idea, and they're neat, but they are nowhere near immersive as the Rift is now. Custom lenses, much better headset design, custom sub-millimeter tracking solution and high framerate, high-res and low persistence display... Your smart phone likely only has the "high-res" part of what they've improved.

You'll be amazed when you put on a Rift I think. However, I think you'll be floored when you actually get to use a motion controller in VR for a game specifically designed for it. It's disappointing that the Touch controller was delayed, but I think for anyone considering a Rift purchase needs to also realize for the best experience they will almost definitely need the Touch controller in the second half of the year.
Regardless of price, the one thing that worries me about PSVR is the fact that there is a chance it isn't as future-proof as the PC-based devices. I mean I can't even use my PS3 arcade stick on PS4!

Then again, there is always the chance with modern Sony that they will release PC drivers for it as well.

I will probably wait until the 2nd iteration of any of the products before jumping in honestly.
The people saying it's DOA because of the price are hilarious. The shipping estimate for new orders already jumped from March to May in less than 12 hours. I think it's selling fine.
I think it's a good sign for Oculus but really hard to conclusively use that statement as backing when we really have no idea how many units were going to be produced and ready to ship in March.

Honestly I believe it's a subtle ploy by Oculus to create the illusion of strong demand.


Distinguished Air Superiority
After seeing that the Oculus Rift is $600 i went to see if i can even run it and found this gem. (also, my PC can't run it.)
I was just going to ask... fairly new to reddit but it's been 25 minutes and I have not seen an answer yet. Thought maybe I was doing something wrong

I've been on reddit awhile but don't usually follow amas as soon as they go up, so they might be answering things in bulk, editing, and then copy pasting right after one after another.


I don't really understand all of the hate, unless it is jealousy or something. The CV1 is not targeting a mass audience. It will not be mass adopted. It is aimed at the same people that didn't mind spending $800+ for a first gen blu-ray player.

This is aimed at early adopter enthusiasts that already have the PC horse power.

This is how new technology works guys/gals. It stinks that new tech can't be affordable for everyone but it is what it is. As a DK1/DK2 owner I was willing to pay about any price because I enjoy VR.

It will make it to the mass market eventually.


The people saying it's DOA because of the price are hilarious. The shipping estimate for new orders already jumped from March to May in less than 12 hours. I think it's selling fine.

The $600 Playstation 3 was sold out at launch too and being scalped on ebay for 2-3X its price. A few months later and sales were at a crawl.

It's not news that a hyped piece of gaming hardware sell out its launch allotment, even at $600, but that doesn't necessarily equate to mainstream success.


I would dump 600 if there was anything worth wild but I'm thinking I'll wait till later in the year to see how it pans out. i honestly expected this to be pricey but not this expensive.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, a little more than I expected. I have gone from a must own to a wait and see perspective. I already have a DK2 so I can still enjoy Elite: Dangerous and a few other games already.
Strange thing when I did the check your system it said I was using Windows 8 and I'm running 10.


Regardless of price, the one thing that worries me about PSVR is the fact that there is a chance it isn't as future-proof as the PC-based devices. I mean I can't even use my PS3 arcade stick on PS4!

Its funny, the lack of a quick upgrade cycle is one reason why I think I'll dip my toe in with PSVR. On the PC side I kind of expect annual headset upgrades.


I don't really understand all of the hate, unless it is jealousy or something. The CV1 is not targeting a mass audience. It will not be mass adopted. It is aimed at the same people that didn't mind spending $800+ for a first gen blu-ray player.

This is aimed at early adopter enthusiasts that already have the PC horse power.

This is how new technology works guys/gals. It stinks that new tech can't be affordable for everyone but it is what it is. As a DK1/DK2 owner I was willing to pay about any price because I enjoy VR.

It will make it to the mass market eventually.


How long have you been on the internet?


The $600 Playstation 3 was sold out at launch too and being scalped on ebay for 2-3X its price. A few months later and sales were at a crawl.

It's not news that a hyped piece of gaming hardware sell out its launch allotment, even at $600, but that doesn't necessarily equate to mainstream success.

Did anyone expect the Rift to be a mainstream success?


Junior Member
I don't really understand all of the hate, unless it is jealousy or something. The CV1 is not targeting a mass audience. It will not be mass adopted. It is aimed at the same people that didn't mind spending $800+ for a first gen blu-ray player.

This is aimed at early adopter enthusiasts that already have the PC horse power.

This is how new technology works guys/gals. It stinks that new tech can't be affordable for everyone but it is what it is. As a DK1/DK2 owner I was willing to pay about any price because I enjoy VR.

It will make it to the mass market eventually.

Define eventually


Haha, after being deleted Palmer is still replying to that megapost in the AMA.

Hang on guys, I am here, not ignoring you - I am responding to the initial 25 question megapost that was at the top of this thread.


Yeah, yeah. The difference is that the Rift is actually a worthwhile product. The price isn't enough to kill it, since the people who really want it are going to buy it anyways... And plenty of people are.

They could be selling 1,000 a month or 10,000 per month. We dont really know that plenty of people are buying it.


I don't really understand all of the hate, unless it is jealousy or something. The CV1 is not targeting a mass audience. It will not be mass adopted. It is aimed at the same people that didn't mind spending $800+ for a first gen blu-ray player.

This is aimed at early adopter enthusiasts that already have the PC horse power.

This is how new technology works guys/gals. It stinks that new tech can't be affordable for everyone but it is what it is. As a DK1/DK2 owner I was willing to pay about any price because I enjoy VR.

It will make it to the mass market eventually.

All the messaging prior to about the end of October 2015(not sure the exact date) was about how they are tying to keep things at a fairly reasonable price. The one quote that's going to haunt them is the in the ballpark of the dev kits quote. Oculus themselves set the expectation with their messaging that they weren't going to do something like 600$, and then the preorders went up and people finally saw the price. Understandably many people are upset about it. Really it was a problem with their messaging. Things change during development, but they didn't really change the messaging until fairly recently and this is the result of that.
Man that AMA thread is a mess. Mods deleting stuff left and right, heck, even Palmer's initial post got deleted for a bit lol.

Curious to see his responses though.
The $600 Playstation 3 was sold out at launch too and being scalped on ebay for 2-3X its price. A few months later and sales were at a crawl.

It's not news that a hyped piece of gaming hardware sell out its launch allotment, even at $600, but that doesn't necessarily equate to mainstream success.
And it went on to sell 90 million consoles, so what your saying means nothing. Yes the initial price is high and content is low when those things reverse who knows what will happen.


I don't really understand all of the hate, unless it is jealousy or something. The CV1 is not targeting a mass audience. It will not be mass adopted. It is aimed at the same people that didn't mind spending $800+ for a first gen blu-ray player.

This is aimed at early adopter enthusiasts that already have the PC horse power.

This is how new technology works guys/gals. It stinks that new tech can't be affordable for everyone but it is what it is. As a DK1/DK2 owner I was willing to pay about any price because I enjoy VR.

It will make it to the mass market eventually.

So if the Sony device takes off and gets people hooked on VR at a good price are we still not allowed to criticize Oculus' approach. Are we still haters?


All the messaging prior to about the end of October 2015(not sure the exact date) was about how they are tying to keep things at a fairly reasonable price. The one quote that's going to haunt them is the in the ballpark of the dev kits quote. Oculus themselves set the expectation with their messaging that they weren't going to do something like 600$, and then the preorders went up and people finally saw the price. Understandably many people are upset about it. Really it was a problem with their messaging. Things change during development, but they didn't really change the messaging until fairly recently and this is the result of that.

Absolutely valid criticism and I agree. When Palmer started tweeting about prices this week I moved my expectations to $400-450.

I think Palmer's willingness to answer random questions on reddit burned him here.

So if the Sony device takes off and gets people hooked on VR at a good price are we still not allowed to criticize Oculus' approach. Are we still haters?

You are certainly welcome to hate on anything you want. I guess I just followed VR more than most and knew the PC requirements from the development kits - and knowing those specs + the data available about the computers that meet those specs - one can can conclude that the CV1 is not intended to make VR mainstream.

EDIT: My original post was more of a response to "lulz ps3 $500!" "DOA" etc. It is silly. This isn't a console. It is an emerging technology. It is my fault for being surprised because I remember the comments about HD and bluray. It was the same so with that being said - entirely my fault for forgetting that is how people generally react.


Felium Defensor
Did anyone expect the Rift to be a mainstream success?
Hell naww, especially now at that price. xp
But I think they'll be OK. As long as they don't royally fuck themselves with exclusive lock-ins and stuff that will segregate the PC VR market further.


Can’t stump the diablos
There was some big time drama a few months ago. IAmA used to have a very beloved coordinator that got canned, and the sub has been awful since.

So it kind of mirrors the totality or Reddit. That place is dead to me since the mass sensorship and sell outs of recent years. Too bad there isn't a viable alternative.


Why is Luckey responding to the shitpost in the first place? He's fucking up his own AmA, 55 minutes in and he has said nothing so far.
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