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Oculus Rift will have the ability to "stream Xbox One games" in "virtual cinema"


Neo Member
According to Kudo Tsunoda the Xbox one Streams directly to Oculus rift. No intermediary PC necessary. More Xbox VR and AR to come at E3 keynote.
You all laugh now, but when creepy shit happens in that virtual room, ala Alone, you'll be sorry.

this is so cool.!!! I am so excited about this, people are just mad I do no why, but they are mad.... maybe it is just irrational hate...just like always when is related to Xbox One

According to Kudo Tsunoda the Xbox one Streams directly to Oculus rift. No intermediary PC necessary. More Xbox VR and AR to come at E3 keynote.

This are also big news


Yeah I'm a little surprised they pursued this to the extent they did, that virtual theater deal has been a thing for awhile you can do with a program called virtual desktop for dk1/2 and I think most all users of the devkits that used it for games recognized it looks like ass to play a regular 2d game that way. You'd think Oculus wouldn't pursue a partnership like this until the 2nd or 3rd gen hmd with a better res screen. I really doubt this feature will draw in many that weren't already on board, unless like others here have implied it confuses those not fully understanding what it is and they think it'll be a 3d/vr converter to their existing One games.

Nobody is going to buy in just because of this feature. But yeah, Virtual Desktop is what I use and I think it's dope. Nobody that I demo'd it for thought about the resolution or anything, just "holy shit!". Also there were a lot of people in the Oculus reddit that liked playing through Virtual Desktop so at least I'm not to totally alone, lol. But I respect that a lot of people won't like it. Hell, lots of people hate 3D and I loved it. Now 3D has pretty much nothing in common with Virtual Cinema except for the part where the open nature of PCs means that for the people who DO like it it'll always be there and that's good enough for me. It doesn't need to be maintained or anything, it's just forever an option now and that makes me pretty happy :)




this is so cool.!!! I am so excited about this, people are just mad I do no why, but they are mad.... maybe it is just irrational hate...just like always when is related to Xbox One

This are also big news

its not even about hate or being mad. What is there to be mad about??? Its just so random that its hilarious in a way.


This sounds just like the virtual movie theaters that already exist for the OR. I don't recall much derision back then, so I'm wondering why the idea is getting so much now. Seems to be the best way to watch a video in VR or play a game not made for VR.
What I'm assuming is, you can play a game with your headset while freeing up the TV. I don't think current gen consoles are capable of doing proper VR. Aren't the headsets supposed to be 4k or something?


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I dunno. I mean if you are gaming on a small screen, it could be nice to put the Rift on and suddenly have a 100 foot display in front of you. Like you're at the theater instead of your small living room.


Neo Member
look the whole reason is because vr functionality isn't coded for those games.
With vr, when you look left or right, it's supposed to coincide with the game.

However, if you're in a virtual room, you can look around and it will pan around the room, instead of in the game.

Basically, it's a "cheap trick" to enable vr gaming on all xboxone games.


I want to play Xbox One games on a TV sitting in the open on the surface of the moon. Make it happen, Oculus.

I have no idea what they were even thinking with this concept. Who would want to play this if they own an actual Xbox one.

Honestly, above guy though he is joking does actually point out something some one might actually want to use this for.

If you could customize the room the tv was in to whatever you wanted (on the moon, on some sunny tropical beach, in the middle of Skyrim, etc) , I could see that having some appeal. I'm not sure enough to actually buy a high end PC, occulus Rift, and xbox one to do. But if you already have those three I could see the appeal of doing that.
This is similar to playing your Wii U games on the Wii U touch screen controller. I think it's cool, especially if you have people watching something on your TV or if you want to play it while in bed away from the TV.


Game changer for forever alone gamers.

Now you could simulate that you have a family and they enjoy watching you play videogames
1.) you can play Forza 4 or whatever XBO exclusive on a PC/OR combo without an XBO? Do show us all your secrets.

2.) Half the point was talking about available space and the room intended to game in. If someone doesn't have room for a projector (or a desire to buy one and manage bulbs and jumping into the market of decent screen types and tech...or if they don't have control of the light coming into their gaming room), a projector solution is not viable.

This option gives people the opportunity to play XBO games at hundreds of inches via VR headset in rooms and environments where they could not have done so or been able to afford to buy the dedicated components to do so (not including installation costs for the majority who are uncomfortable with DIY setups). Whether it's good or not is something we don't even know, but apparently they feel comfortable enough with it to highlight it at their little press conference, so it must not suck ass. And really, this isn't the reason someone is buying an OR anyway. This is just an added benefit. One of many nice extras, I'd like to think.

I mean, at least try if you're going to attempt to object. It's like people don't even read posts.
You're the one who can't read, here. I said that you should buy a goddamn TV to play your XB1 games instead of buying a rift and a PC to stream it in shit quality on a fake TV. Your amazing rebuttal was for a post no one was making, so congratulations.

Oh, and of COURSE the whole argument was about space. Yeah, totes. Because it's more important to pretend to play on an imax screen in shitty resolution than to actually own a TV with good resolution and less input lag/latency. Sure thing, bro.


I've an oculus rift dk2 at home.
It's a nice product to use it for applications where you could look around the place.
But it's not a product that is made for gaming imo.
The only sollution for that are holograms.


So wait, let me get this straight:

You need the Oculus (duh of course)
You need an Oculus-capable PC? (as in high-end gaming PC?)
You need an Xbox One

If that's the case, there are going to be so few people that have all three I can't possibly understand why'd they go through the effort of even developing this.



Shouldn't this be a thing on morpheus? Playing all your normal games and media on a virtual screen on the hmd? Have they announced a feature like this? Is there any reason it wouldn't work?
Shouldn't this be a thing on morpheus? Playing all your normal games and media on a virtual screen on the hmd? Have they announced a feature like this? Is there any reason it wouldn't work?

The resolution or graphics would be horrible beyond imagination trying to render a game and a virtual space at the same time on a PS4.


The resolution or graphics would be horrible beyond imagination trying to render a game and a virtual space at the same time on a PS4.

Would that really be so taxing? Actually, yeah I could see there being overhead. Gotta have that flawless tracking and surely that would take some power. I'm sure they are thinking about these things but I'm interested to see what they're doing.
Look, after the Oculus, XBone, and PC you won't be able to even afford a living room, so it's great they're doing this!

16 pages, someone probably beat me to that joke :p


Virtually being in that Playstation Home theater room, and playing a PS3 game that's streaming to the big tv. That's not what's going on with XboxOne games and Rift?

It would be like you were actually one of those avatars occupying that virtual Home space and looking at that screen scaled the way it would be in real life. It may not be amazing to some but they're 2 totally different things.
Would be cool if your tv was occupied and you wanted to play.... But as you need a pc just stream to that via Windows 10.

Its lame. But key thing its just a feature of the rift not the intention of the whole unit.


I just hope they have DLC living rooms and decorations I can buy. It'd be super great to really personalize my space and change the decor based on my mood and current income level!
I just hope they have DLC living rooms and decorations I can buy. It'd be super great to really personalize my space and change the decor based on my mood and current income level!

Lol thought you were serious first and I was like 'wtf this is so wrong lol'. But yeah pretty sure its gonna happen lol. Pre order now and get an exclusive VR virtual cinema Call Of Duty Room! With a soldier sitting next to you looking at the screen


Honestly, above guy though he is joking does actually point out something some one might actually want to use this for.

If you could customize the room the tv was in to whatever you wanted (on the moon, on some sunny tropical beach, in the middle of Skyrim, etc) , I could see that having some appeal. I'm not sure enough to actually buy a high end PC, occulus Rift, and xbox one to do. But if you already have those three I could see the appeal of doing that.

While I can see the cool aspect of having a virtual living room on the moon or any other crazy place, it makes you wonder if it is not counter-productive to add information outside the (virtual) screen. You're supposed to focus on what's happening on the screen and forget about the environment, most games do their best to immerse you in their world for that (and that's also the base idea of VR). An interesting virtual environment would be at best ignored, at worst a distraction from the game.
It's even worse for movies in such virtual theaters, at least with a game you could have a virtual crowd cheering you, in a theater the quieter they are, the better.


But wouldn't this have problems with resolution and aliasing/anti-aliasing o_O?

e.g. given the rift has a physical resolution of 1200 vertical, I assume the effective resolution of the rift is substantially lower - and it obviously pixels will not align with the virtual display of the XB1.

[and whilst XB1 games tend to run sub-1080P, afaik the UI itself always runs at 1080P]


I hope one of the skins they have is an arcade machine with an old CRT tube display. That way I can play Killer Instinct the way it was meant to be played.


I hope they include Splitscreen multiplayer with other Oculus users.

You can throw some avatars in the space, and have their head gestures mapped to their rift. That would be enough to make you feel like you were in the same physical space as these people. But, since everybody has their own screen, you wouldn't really need splitscreen. Everybody would be looking at the same screen in VR, but they would see different images.

It would be neat to be able to play games online with friends and feel like you're actually in the room with them. The only time I play games online these days anyways is with my old college friends who are half a country away. We mainly play as a way to chat and catch up.
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