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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Funny. I grew up on a rural farm, hours away from any town (far more for any "city"), and I am currently well on my way to earning a PhD in Bio/Organic Chemistry. I am not alone as a number of my High School class have become medical practitioners, lawyers, and business owners. Most people I have met, regardless of their political beliefs have been very kind, generous, and open to just talk about random things.

Now, lets talk about my time in New York, LA, and San Francisco - very little of that applied. People were rude, ignorant of actual science (especially in LA and San Fran), and cared little for basic common decency like holding the door open for some one or saying "excuse me" when you bump into them. However, I also know that isn't the full story and that there are plenty of brilliant, caring people within cities. I worked with a number who grew up in places such as Brisbane, Osaka, Hong Kong, and Chicago.

Those... "children" (only word that I honestly think works for them), cannot see past their own ignorance and have to double down and believe that they are 'right'. Plus, apparently a lot of rural people tend to be republicans which instantly means they are evil, vile, and worship Satan. I didn't know this until today.

It makes sense that the regulars on NeoGAF now are *very* like-minded people to myself, more than ever after the shakeup since I took a direct hands-on leadership role to set the tone more than ever previously, but it's still remarkable reading stuff like this.

I grew up in similar circumstances in rural farmland in upstate NY. My high school class was small but there are a bunch of success stories that came out of it. Because I had made a career out of running NeoGAF I was able to choose where I moved to, and I took a major trip around the United States beforehand and settled on moving to Austin because it was the least like Los Angeles (lol): friendly, relaxed, non-conformist, full of people who were okay with being artists or musicians with whatever day job, the culture wasn't about conspicuous consumption, etc. That's unfortunately changing with time as more assholes like me move here from NY and LA, hah, but so it goes.

Anyway, just feels like things are coming together here lately in a real way and I'm surrounded by savvy folks I'd gladly have a beer with. Cheers.


It makes sense that the regulars on NeoGAF now are *very* like-minded people to myself, more than ever after the shakeup since I took a direct hands-on leadership role to set the tone more than ever previously, but it's still remarkable reading stuff like this.

I grew up in similar circumstances in rural farmland in upstate NY. My high school class was small but there are a bunch of success stories that came out of it. Because I had made a career out of running NeoGAF I was able to choose where I moved to, and I took a major trip around the United States beforehand and settled on moving to Austin because it was the least like Los Angeles (lol): friendly, relaxed, non-conformist, full of people who were okay with being artists or musicians with whatever day job, the culture wasn't about conspicuous consumption, etc. That's unfortunately changing with time as more assholes like me move here from NY and LA, hah, but so it goes.

Anyway, just feels like things are coming together here lately in a real way and I'm surrounded by savvy folks I'd gladly have a beer with. Cheers.

It's nice to meet you, staff. If, however, you saw what I wrote in the last page, then I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. It is the story of one of my friend, and when he was outright banned, he was in disbelief, but all I can do for him is to help him. He wants his account back, but the staffs aren't answering him, and it feels a bit too stubborn in his opinion. Updating the news, it seems like he found out that the one that got banned used the name Mitsuko.

But that's not the main point of what I was trying to talk...
The main point is, do you have any plans to bring back this forums to former glory? It used to be so much active like Era, but not anymore. This is nicer, and hearing from my friend about the toxicity of that forums decreases my chances of going there.
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It's nice to meet you, staff. If, however, you saw what I wrote in the last page, then I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. It is the story of one of my friend, and when he was outright banned, he was in disbelief, but all I can do for him is to help him. He wants his account back, but the staffs aren't answering him, and it feels a bit too stubborn in his opinion. Updating the news, it seems like he found out that the one that got banned used the name Mitsuko.

But that's not the main point of what I was trying to back.
The main point is, do you have any plans to bring back this forums to former glory? It used to be so much active like Era, but not anymore. This is nicer, and hearing from my friend about the toxicity of that forums decreases my chances of going there.
The site built an unfriendly reputation. It didn’t want change overnight. Outside of Gaf, people know Neogaf as what it used to be.


The site built an unfriendly reputation. It didn’t want change overnight. Outside of Gaf, people know Neogaf as what it used to be.

Site with unfriendly reputation? Do you mean Resetera or is it Neogaf again...? If I had to tell my opinion I'd say that I'm starting to feel like I'm finding Resetera to be very unfriendly...

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Site with unfriendly reputation? Do you mean Resetera or is it Neogaf again...? If I had to tell my opinion I'd say that I'm starting to feel like I'm finding Resetera to be very unfriendly...

ResetEra used to be the NeoGaf community. Due to the years they controlled this site, it (neogaf) had garnered a rather poor reputation. Things will be slow going to improve it.
Site with unfriendly reputation? Do you mean Resetera or is it Neogaf again...? If I had to tell my opinion I'd say that I'm starting to feel like I'm finding Resetera to be very unfriendly...
ResetEra used to be the NeoGaf community. Due to the years they controlled this site, it (neogaf) had garnered a rather poor reputation. Things will be slow going to improve it.
I was talking about Neogaf. But they both still have the same reputation because they used to all be Neogaf


ResetEra used to be the NeoGaf community. Due to the years they controlled this site, it (neogaf) had garnered a rather poor reputation. Things will be slow going to improve it.
Oh my, a poor reputation? It looks like I'm going to have to wait unill our reputations improve in order for me to enjoy the former glory. I mean...
I used to lurk on this site. But it didn't allow emails like Outlook/Hotmail (which I'm using), Gmail, etc. So I couldn't be a member. Just yesterday I realized that you can register with a disposable emil. My bad, was stupid :confused:
But I think I am finding this site to be rather comfortable. Era is the most active right now but also the riskiest I feel, because that site gives access to members with paid emails which I don't have, and I don't want to risk joining that site as it can be a bit toxic.

TLDR: I'm quite sad this is less active than before. I wish I could help to bring back activeness/members or inform Era members to go back to here.


Update: My friend kept changing the IP and creating accounts on Resetera with very different informations, but each time he keeps getting banned. Seems like it's as the rumors says, he really thinks Era is toxic now. Maybe we should discourage joining Era for now.


Gotta admit that I was thinking about using my ISP email service to join Era, just to enjoy the traffic and constant flow of news. But then I saw a topic when people appraised LGBT avatars on PSN, I'm cool with that, but it made me feel weird seeing straight people saying they would/will use them just to show support. I'm far from being political or judging people or even being remotely interested in their sexuality, so it's weird to read that kind of shit on a gaming forum. Again I'm from Poland and I imagine that US is far more political and social involved. Still, kinda crazy.

I'm new on GAF but that couple of hours on the forums amazed me when it comes to the thoughtful content of replies, still quick news circulation and plain kindness of users. I know the allegations toward EviLore and how GAF split to Era, but I don't really care/highly doubtful if they're true. You sir seem like a good chap. Let's make GAF great again :)


Gotta admit that I was thinking about using my ISP email service to join Era, just to enjoy the traffic and constant flow of news. But then I saw a topic when people appraised LGBT avatars on PSN, I'm cool with that, but it made me feel weird seeing straight people saying they would/will use them just to show support. I'm far from being political or judging people or even being remotely interested in their sexuality, so it's weird to read that kind of shit on a gaming forum. Again I'm from Poland and I imagine that US is far more political and social involved. Still, kinda crazy.

I'm new on GAF but that couple of hours on the forums amazed me when it comes to the thoughtful content of replies, still quick news circulation and plain kindness of users. I know the allegations toward EviLore and how GAF split to Era, but I don't really care/highly doubtful if they're true. You sir seem like a good chap. Let's make GAF great again :)

Hey, you're right! Well, I think I honestly agree with you. After finding out from my friend about how toxic Era is, I've decided to make sure this forum is more popular than Era. I hope you agree with me, but if not, that's fine, can't force anyone anyways ;)
The site built an unfriendly reputation. It didn’t want change overnight. Outside of Gaf, people know Neogaf as what it used to be.

Yeah and it's really unfortunate how split the community is. I really, really wish politics never got into any of this but I guess it's truly impossible to do that in 2018.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's nice to meet you, staff. If, however, you saw what I wrote in the last page, then I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. It is the story of one of my friend, and when he was outright banned, he was in disbelief, but all I can do for him is to help him. He wants his account back, but the staffs aren't answering him, and it feels a bit too stubborn in his opinion. Updating the news, it seems like he found out that the one that got banned used the name Mitsuko.

But that's not the main point of what I was trying to talk...
The main point is, do you have any plans to bring back this forums to former glory? It used to be so much active like Era, but not anymore. This is nicer, and hearing from my friend about the toxicity of that forums decreases my chances of going there.

We're working on a *lot* of projects to improve NeoGAF, add new features, make the user experience here better, etc. We'll have more news on that front soon. The rest is in the hands of the community here: if you like the environment we've attempted to foster here lately, participate. If you think "oh, this thread on some other forum is more active or already exists so I'll just post there I guess" when you'd rather be talking about it here....all it takes is a couple minutes to create the thread here yourself and the discussion will follow naturally.

I'm 100% dedicated to NeoGAF's future and I'm past the drama and pain of the stuff that went down last year. NeoGAF is trending upward significantly in traffic now and we will get there. I'm not looking to blow up Resetera. Resetera will blow itself up anyway at this rate, and I don't want a lot of those toxic-ass angry people back. But most folks are not that. They just want a community of like-minded people to talk about things that interest them, debate other sharp minds, and play some video games.

This has been my home on the internet since 1999. I never sold out. I was hurt pretty deeply by things that went down last year, but I'm still here and I'm stronger and more mature now. People can say "retire, bitch" until they're blue in the face. NeoGAF stays and I'm here for it and for you folks.

Welcome. :goog_giggle:
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So, you think in time GAF could see more developers participate in discussion? I remember the time when I was a lurker and could David Jaffe posts etc. For what I understand all the political bullshit and SJW's scared a lot of devs.

Here's a nice read about old GAF, GAF splitting with Era and how awful Era is.



So, you think in time GAF could see more developers participate in discussion? I remember the time when I was a lurker and could David Jaffe posts etc. For what I understand all the political bullshit and SJW's scared a lot of devs.

Here's a nice read about old GAF, GAF splitting with Era and how awful Era is.

Could I please get a link to any post telling how awful Era is? I mean....At least they noticed that NeoGAF is getting better within time.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So, you think in time GAF could see more developers participate in discussion? I remember the time when I was a lurker and could David Jaffe posts etc. For what I understand all the political bullshit and SJW's scared a lot of devs.

Here's a nice read about old GAF, GAF splitting with Era and how awful Era is.


I dunno about calling anything from kiwifarms a "nice read," lol, it's a little heavy on salt and all, but no worries.

Well, my impression of Evilore is that is a Nouveau Riche and wants to project the image of 'coolness' while still being an awkward asshat that feels the forum posters are in his debt. Also, is obvious he doesn't believe in any of the SJW bullshit (Mumei being demodded after a fit, the cunt fiasco, how he tries to hide the logs from his travel to Europe). Many of his mods, in other hand, are this to a insane degree.

I've gotten a lot less awkward over time. ;b

I'm probably gonna restore my travelogues some time this year btw, maybe with some edits for clarity and hindsight (a lot of that stuff was written in tiny bits of spare time while I was bouncing around, stream of consciousness, while hungover or intoxicated on various substances lol). And publish my photography properly (over 100,000 travel photos and counting...).

I've been keeping myself off social media for a pretty long time now since people were being kinda creepy and obsessive tbh. I guess that's the point of social media though lol. Whatever. Just gonna live my life. And I'm not a "SJW," no. I do try to be a decent and respectful person, however, and I do care about civil liberties and social issues. I've just gone outside and stuff.


Nice read meaning it's quite shocking/entertaining when it comes to old GAF (pedo stuff, really? God damn). But best part is in those last pages of the thread that deal with Era and downright insanity that they cultivate there.

I get it EviLore, but I think social and political issues can be an addition to gaming discussion, not a core principal. Just my view here. Glad you didn't break under all that shit GAF went through and cleaned up the forums, did a fresh start in some way. NeoGAF is (was?) a recognizable brand when it comes to gaming news, insights and leaks worldwide.


I see...

I think I finally understand now. At beginning it was NeoGAF being shit, but then it is now Era who is being shit...

Thanks goodness we won't have to put this 'shit' up for a while now.

Nice read meaning it's quite shocking/entertaining when it comes to old GAF (pedo stuff, really? God damn). But best part is in those last pages of the thread that deal with Era and downright insanity that they cultivate there.

I get it EviLore, but I think social and political issues can be an addition to gaming discussion, not a core principal. Just my view here. Glad you didn't break under all that shit GAF went through and cleaned up the forums, did a fresh start in some way. NeoGAF is (was?) a recognizable brand when it comes to gaming news, insights and leaks worldwide.

You make a great point. Let's use all of our power to bring back the former glory of NeoGAF! I'd have liked to see this forums going back to its old time, when it was more active! Besides, ResetERA at this point might blow up itself due to the toxicity there, and I feel bad for those who have to put up the toxicity there.
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For what I understand, all the filth went to Era viewing themselves as white knights and the protectors of justice. Quite delusional for bunch of ultra left maniacs putting the term Nazi to shame.


For what I understand, all the filth went to Era viewing themselves as white knights and the protectors of justice. Quite delusional for bunch of ultra left maniacs putting the term Nazi to shame.
I just don't want people from Era coming back here again. I love neogaf now and there is actual discussion again and people are enjoying themselves again. If Era people come back here then Gaf will back to the psycho left circlejerk again. Hopefully that doesn't happen. Neogaf is about games again and I love it


No one wants them back. Aa EviLore has stated before, GAF is now a welcoming place focused on gaming. I'm sure new people will come with time, maybe even some devs. I really enjoy the forums now, even created an account after lurking for years.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
For what I understand, all the filth went to Era viewing themselves as white knights and the protectors of justice. Quite delusional for bunch of ultra left maniacs putting the term Nazi to shame.

What actually happened though, was that after the accusations and the forum died for a short period, it was decided that all of OT would be nuked, no social/political discourse would be allowed and the only things that would be allowed to be discussed would be generic hobby talk I.e. films, books, sports.

People who were upset about their community threads disappearing, who wanted to continue their community threads about things not about movies or sports, went to the place where they werent being thrown under the bus for something that wasn't anything to do with them.

If GAFs decision makers didn't nuke OT, make randoms who didn't even participate in the accusation reaction feel like they were scapegoats, delete (at the time) thousands of man hours worth of community threads that included mental health help and the like, and dismiss people's personal issues as "doom and gloom", resetera would even have half the traffic it does.

Or you could just be lazy and say that everyone who's there just went there because "white night sjws lol".


So you don't have to be a "freedom fighter" of some sort to join Era? Like fighting the minorities, preferably being a black/hispanic LGBT warrior with transsexual background? Yeah, I know, I'm overgeneralizing here, but what happened to the developer behind Kingdom Come: Deliverance? He was not edgy enough or what. From my point of view being a white supremacist as they portrayed him is like being a SJW, but with less bullshit involved. Or can I go to Era and write how delicious Hatred is? Nope, because it was made by "Nazis". Whateva, people personal views are they're personal stuff, shouldn't be used to neglect their work or to harass them. For example I'm a father of a little, one year old and it goes against my beliefs that gay people want to raise children. I have a right to say that, as it reflects my morality. On Era I would get crucified for writing that. But again, who's cares, such discussions shouldn't be a brimstone of the narrative on gaming forums.

mod edit: User could not edit own post due to neo member status. Red text has been changed to be less inflammatory (BOR)
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So you don't have to be a "freedom fighter" of some sort to join Era? Like fighting the minorities, preferably being a black/hispanic LGBT warrior with transsexual background? Yeah, I know, I'm overgeneralizing here, but what happened to the developer behind Kingdom Come: Deliverance? He was not edgy enough or what. From my point of view being a white supremacist as they portrayed him is like being a SJW, but with less bullshit involved. Or can I go to Era and write how delicious Hatred is? Nope, because it was made by "Nazis". Whateva, people personal views are they're personal stuff, shouldn't be used to neglect their work or to harass them. For example I'm a father of a little, one year old and it sickens me that gay people want to raise children. I have a right to say that, as it reflects my morality. On Era I would get crucyfied for writing that. But again, who's cares, such discussions shouldn't be a brimstone of the narrative on gaming forums.
I would be careful with some of your word usage. While I agree that adoption for homosexual couples should not be allowed for children of undeveloped minds (pre-13) and should only be allowed after that age with full understanding and agreement of the child if they wish to be adopted, saying it "sickens you" that "they want to raise children" is at or over the line where you turned that opinion into something too far.

It shouldn't sicken you that someone wants to have children or raise them or etc. You could disagree that it is unfair on the child and could cause them irreparable harm or confusion by doing so. One is a fair opinion. One is dehumanizing to an extent.

Yes, you would be banned on that site for saying that. I wouldn't be surprised if you even got warned here for saying it the way you did also.


Look, I'm not from US, but from Central Europe, Poland exactly. And my views reflect the view of majprity of my society. I guess that geopolitical location makes a great diffrenfe in moral principals. In the end, not the stuff that should influence a gaming forum.
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Darkness no more
Alexa has been showing a downward trend for months and you've been saying GAF has been recovering for even longer.

A few months ago the 2 main forums would have threads that had not been updated in days. We are not seeing that anymore. I don’t have any numbers, but as a daily reader of the forum it definitely feels more lively each passing month.


We're working on a *lot* of projects to improve NeoGAF, add new features, make the user experience here better, etc. We'll have more news on that front soon. The rest is in the hands of the community here: if you like the environment we've attempted to foster here lately, participate. If you think "oh, this thread on some other forum is more active or already exists so I'll just post there I guess" when you'd rather be talking about it here....all it takes is a couple minutes to create the thread here yourself and the discussion will follow naturally.

I'm 100% dedicated to NeoGAF's future and I'm past the drama and pain of the stuff that went down last year. NeoGAF is trending upward significantly in traffic now and we will get there. I'm not looking to blow up Resetera. Resetera will blow itself up anyway at this rate, and I don't want a lot of those toxic-ass angry people back. But most folks are not that. They just want a community of like-minded people to talk about things that interest them, debate other sharp minds, and play some video games.

This has been my home on the internet since 1999. I never sold out. I was hurt pretty deeply by things that went down last year, but I'm still here and I'm stronger and more mature now. People can say "retire, bitch" until they're blue in the face. NeoGAF stays and I'm here for it and for you folks.

Welcome. :goog_giggle:

The forum would be better without you.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
What actually happened though, was that after the accusations and the forum died for a short period, it was decided that all of OT would be nuked, no social/political discourse would be allowed and the only things that would be allowed to be discussed would be generic hobby talk I.e. films, books, sports.

People who were upset about their community threads disappearing, who wanted to continue their community threads about things not about movies or sports, went to the place where they werent being thrown under the bus for something that wasn't anything to do with them.

If GAFs decision makers didn't nuke OT, make randoms who didn't even participate in the accusation reaction feel like they were scapegoats, delete (at the time) thousands of man hours worth of community threads that included mental health help and the like, and dismiss people's personal issues as "doom and gloom", resetera would even have half the traffic it does.

Or you could just be lazy and say that everyone who's there just went there because "white night sjws lol".

Let's be honest, the nuking of OT was a blessing in disguise. There was very little in terms of valid discussion on the board at that time, especially from the socio/political viewpoint (though it seems most of the sports threads are chill outside of a few instances). The "mental health" threads were worthy of being in cringe compilations with as much over exaggeration and "victimhood" mindsets and attitudes that it provided and helped foster (this coming from someone who has dealt with suicide attempts and major depressive disorder for the vast majority of their life). So those "thousands" of man hours you stated were pretty much worthless and devoid of actual valued discussion, in my opinion. Though I do understand that it wasn't always like that with there were plenty of great threads and actual advice prior to the take over of the authoritarian left/professional victim mindset from '11/'12 onwards - however 6+ year old threads aren't really necessary for keeping around or bringing back up for discussion.

Also, from a cursory glance, many of those who cried out against the nuking of OT also ended up posting vore, porn, gore, and petty insults in attempts of account suicide - further preventing any new/valued discussions or threads from being seen. This was a highly childish and pathetically sad move, especially when they could have just re-created the threads and moved on, like an adult would do. Except most didn't do that.

Even if OT wasn't destroyed and ResetEra was still around, we would probably have many of the same insulting, arrogant, and ignorant posters like Shower_Alf or Subpar Spatula. They would continue to silence/quiet discussion that they disagreed with and we would not end up with the more open, discussion-focused site that NeoGaf has become.

Pardon for any mistakes/issues in this post. Typing on a tiny iPhone is hard.
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Just a word about mental health and forums (gaming or not) - discussing the topic is a waste of time/can be harmful at worse, just like seeking a medical advice in the internet. People should contact professionals for help or be strongly encourage to do so. That's the only viable solution. And I'm not speeking from a thin air, being under the supervision of psychiatrist and on Prozac for few months after almost for years of extreme meth abuse.

Claus, I know the pain, recently sold my iPhone 7 and got Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 - 6 inches, almost no bezels, top tier Snapdragon processor and 6 gigs of RAM in a cermiac body. No regrets, it's a beast, and you can buy it online like for 350 bucks. Great deal, buddy :)
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Just a word about mental health and forums (gaming or not) - discussing the topic is a waste of time/can be harmful at worse, just like seeking a medical advice in the internet. People should contact professionals for help or be strongly encourage to do so. That's the only viable solution. And I'm not speeking from a thin air, being under the supervision of psychiatrist and on Prozac for few months after almost for years of extreme meth abuse.

Claus, I know the pain, recently sold my iPhone 7 and got Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 - 6 inches, almost no bezels, top tier Snapdragon processor and 6 gigs of RAM in a cermiac body. No regrets, it's a beast, and you can buy it online like for 350 bucks. Great deal, buddy :)

Agreed. I can understand if someone just needs someone else to talk to or just to vent - I used to do that when I was younger. However, much of those topics were simply feeding into their victimhood mindset which only served to hinder any progress that could be made into getting better or finding the help they actually needed. Any valued scientific discussions on the subjects were quickly silenced, admonished, or outright banned by the moderators because of the "feelings over facts" attitude they pushed.

Also I have a nice iPhone, a 7+. Won it in a raffle. The only issue is that I have rather large thumbs so the keyboard is a wee bit harder to type on. Thankfully I am back home now so I can just use a normal keyboard. Makes things so much easier.


A few months ago the 2 main forums would have threads that had not been updated in days. We are not seeing that anymore. I don’t have any numbers, but as a daily reader of the forum it definitely feels more lively each passing month.
We're getting closer to E3.
Well at least you aren't rewriting history.


And a quick question for EviLore EviLore - when I was creating my account yesterday I thought using a nickname AnalWake, dunno, it's funny for me. Is this too "offensive" for GAF? ;)
For example I'm a father of a little, one year old and it sickens me that gay people want to raise children. I have a right to say that, as it reflects my morality.
Is this what we're doing now? Why is it sickening to you? You think gay people can't raise straight kids? Straight people have been pumping out and raising gay kids since day one. Do you think that people "learn" to be gay? If so, since gay people are born from straight people who is teaching them? thisisneogaf.gif


Maybe I used too strong of a word. It's just wrong for me but a won't spill venom on anyone thinking the other way. World consists of millions of conflicts in every area, from biological basis of life to points of view. The thing is, we can evolve as a society only by dialogue, however extreme and tense it would be. I'm not ruling out the change of my view on the matter, but for now it's quite unacceptable to me as a guy raised in the spirit of Christianity for the European country viewed as the one of the most right wing nations on the continent right now.
So you don't have to be a "freedom fighter" of some sort to join Era? Like fighting the minorities, preferably being a black/hispanic LGBT warrior with transsexual background? Yeah, I know, I'm overgeneralizing here, but what happened to the developer behind Kingdom Come: Deliverance? He was not edgy enough or what. From my point of view being a white supremacist as they portrayed him is like being a SJW, but with less bullshit involved. Or can I go to Era and write how delicious Hatred is? Nope, because it was made by "Nazis". Whateva, people personal views are they're personal stuff, shouldn't be used to neglect their work or to harass them. For example I'm a father of a little, one year old and it sickens me that gay people want to raise children. I have a right to say that, as it reflects my morality. On Era I would get crucyfied for writing that. But again, who's cares, such discussions shouldn't be a brimstone of the narrative on gaming forums.
Hey dude, I just wanted to say something about this quickly.

It saddens me to read this, because I think there might be a point in my future where I could seriously consider raising a child with a partner if I found the right person, and it hurts me when I read these kinds of things. But I also know i'm strong enough to deal with it. I don't think you're a bad person for holding this view, but I hope someday you could reconsider your position on it, because i'm just a person making my way through the world as best I can, just like you.

I hope someday you can reconsider this stance, and I wish the best for you and your little one! And welcome to the forum.


I'm not against gay relationships by any means. As you the subject is sensitive and as I wrote in my earlier post I might change my mind. The thing is your probably form US (I assume) which is far more liberal, open and diverse in terms of social matters. Poland is a whole different story, a whole different universe I might say. I lived in the UK for almost two years and didn't give a shit about gay couples on the streets, like I don't give a shit about straight couples holding hands and kissing. The thing is that all the clowns in the gay parades (at least in Poland) make people view homosexuality as sth disgusting. Normal people won't parade almost naked, with giant dildos while keeping their partners on the leash, right? I know that doesn't even represent the majority of gay community, but people tend to remember what shocked them and base their opinions on that.

I'm sorry my comment made you sad/uncomfortable.


Nope, you didn't get it. Normal people meaning the ones who won't manifest their sexuality in public space in such a vulgar manner. Gay, straight or whatever.

Damn, I came here for video games and now I'm caught in a gay rights to raise children discussion. The curse of GAF is upon me ;)
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Normal people won't parade almost naked, with giant dildos while keeping their partners on the leash, right? I know that doesn't even represent the majority of gay community, but people tend to remember what shocked them and base their opinions on that.
I know what you mean. When I was growing up i'd only ever see stereotypes of gay people on TV, and I didn't even realize I was gay because I thought that's what it was! It took me 19 years to figure out that being Gay can manifest itself in much more subtle ways.
I'm sorry my comment made you sad/uncomfortable.
Oh no worries! I'm glad you felt you could express yourself, because it opens a civilized dialogue! I know the world is a vast place with lots of different perspectives! And overall the world is changing towards the better in this regard. I see it as a chance to talk.
Damn, I came here for video games and now I'm caught in a gay rights to raise children discussion. The curse of GAF is upon me ;)
That's the way she goes lol

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
I'm happy to let the thread grow organically but maybe the current dialogue isn't best suited for in here.

For example I'm a father of a little, one year old and it sickens me that gay people want to raise children.

This flies a little too close to the bone Skyn3t Skyn3t - you've acknowledged maybe the wording was a little strong or prejudicial. I'd ask you to edit it to something a little more articulate if possible please?


not tag worthy
I am a member of both. But I like the way GAF is now. I post on here more but I go there also from time to time


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
We all have our personal beliefs and moral compasses and so forth, and they're all going to be different for each individual and based on different value sets. However, we do have to set some baselines on NeoGAF and I'm your humble cis white straight male who sets those baselines. As part of that: if you have problems with LGBT marriage rights, partnerships, or same sex raising of children either via surrogates or adoption or whatever, please keep those sentiments to yourself out of respect for the fellow members of the community here in general discussion.

You're welcome to discuss the nature of marriage (and what that entails or should entail) in a thread specifically about the nature of marriage, for example, or a thread about the religious involvement or lack thereof in marriage tradition, or a thread specifically about Christianity or Islam or Judaism and the subject of marriage or child rearing therein etc. -- respectfully, of course. That makes total sense in that context to discuss.

Just generally across the board, though, please keep in mind that we have all shapes, sizes, orientations, nationalities, religions, and ways of life here. And setting aside your personal beliefs, I can assure you that there are LGBT folks in loving and beautiful partnerships of all combinations throughout the world, and some same sex partners are very capable parents who know some elements of society are against the tide for them and they try extra hard to be good parents as a result. Hell, most of us -- myself included -- were probably raised by a single parent, and I certainly would've rather had two stable, loving lesbian moms or two stable, loving gay dads than one single parent struggling to make ends meet while barely having any time to help raise me. I think that's a practical take on things that most of us can find common ground on. Let's respect the LGBT folks on this forum -- the members and all the people reading as lurkers too -- by avoiding unnecessary statements about what we do or don't deem acceptable in these regards when speaking generally across the board.

Thank you. <3
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This forum is rad and i'm glad we have the freedom to speak to each other without fear. I fully understand the need to maintain the topic at hand!
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