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There was a conservative Era community thread, but the people who posted there were lacking intellectual savvy, and it died in short order. People simply stopped posting, not because of moderation, but because nobody could manage to post anything that wasn't explicitly disparaging.

Edit: It is a graveyard.
For a website that allows users to call for death threats against Trump with very light disciplinary action , all claims of disparaging go out the window.
We should know. GAF prior to the purge was never kind to center-right viewpoints. We had mods get demoted for refusing to promote violence.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Well, welcome to NeoGaf!

I am not a fan of KiwiFarms, but the sheer amount of ignorance that they have shown in regards to the Chloe and Lolcow situation surrounding her was baffling. There was just so much *wrong* with what they claimed that could easily be remedied by a 15 second google search, but that doesn't help promote their outrage narrative that they have crafted.

As for their overuse of "history of similar behavior", that has been less of a show of actual long-term issues within the community and more of a "catch-all" for anything that you said countering the personal beliefs or views of the moderators/friends that run the site. Yet, defenders of the site will hold fast to the idea that the mods are correct and that the "history of similar behavior" immediately shows that you are a vile, evil person who was given so many chances and squandered them.

For the final point, they would have to actually care about what they are doing before they could listen and provide proper reasons for improved behavior, except they do not. The only thing they care for is promoting their very narrow world view and developing a large echo chamber to promote those views.
Hiya there Claus! Good to know you!
Regarding Kiwi: Yeah, that was one thing i found instantly noticeable. I frequently mentioned that sites like these are 90% hot takes, but that 10% of them have proper good opinions, and one user felt like that i was clouding my judgement by visiting Kiwi. :/ Like, thats not why i visit these places. I visit these places to see both sides of the coin, as extreme as they are, and then filter out the bad stuff. Some people on Kiwi do have good opinions but nobody on ERA reads that, even when they say that just read about Kiwi. In the case of Chloe Sagal, someone i didnt know of previously, Kiwi even predicted that ERA would blame them for her suicide. And lo behold, guess what happened.

The bigger deal with Chloe's ending tale is that it highlights the importance of mental health, which was the exact same thing she was aiming for with her suicide. But ERA does not focus on that, they rather want to shift the discussion towards blaming people for her death. I don't want to claim i know Sagal, but one Kiwi member made a descriptor that directly contradicts that Kiwi was wrong!: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chloe-sagal-john-paul-neumann.9216/page-161#post-3486606

I am not agreeing with everything this post says (For one, i am not sure if Chloe had no intention to try get help) but its not like Kiwi as a whole contributed to her onus. The fact that this post got a lot of upvotes would prove you why. Mental health awareness should be a top priority, atleast in the US. Because in the end, Sagal was a human, and despite her history, i would never want to see anyone cope with the kind of things her searchable history shows she had to cope with. I wish ERA focussed on that for once instead of playing the blame game. This could be a great opportunity to use her demise as a proper dialogue and implementation of better mental health policies.

As always, its a shame that society at large only starts to take notice when people die in situations that could have been prevented. :/

As for similar behavior: Oh, its absolutely a catch all neutral reason to ban folks, along with History of long previous infractions. It is becoming a meaningless term, especially when people like MiraculousSwidge (Former mod, even got a name change) get banned more times than others and still aint permed. All this terminology does is label anyone as a serial offender and really, i doubt many people falling under this are actually that bad of a poster.

It also makes little sense when we can check ban history on github, so usually when i see that meaningless reason pop up, i occassionally look it up there to see if there was any recent banning. More often than not it was not though.

I also like how one of the new reasonings is Account still in the junior phase. For a forum that has said that juniors are no different from regular posters and certainly not a rank they effectively re-introduce that system again with that reasoning. Because it means you can actually get permbanned as a junior. Also notice how warnings are less frequent now. You used to get 2-3 warnings before a ban, but now even juniors instantly get permaed without prior warning infractions. Which, i may add, are supposed to fall off over time, not add up in your history (Which essentially is what my explanation by the staff for my permban in the mail says). They have repeately stated that warnings wont have a lasting effect on a account, but in reality, its the opposite.

I just feel really bad about the whole affair. Some people thought I actually doxxed people, and some of the people I cared about and thought of as acquaintances wound up thinking of me as a horrible person. It hurts, and I wanna try and correct that and fix my mistakes.
Whilst it is commendable Chilli.. you will find it is a rather impossible task to do. In one ERA thread, where i had been defending a guy who has severe disabilities, one meta-discussion (With a very known user in the trans community) led this user to believe i was making fun of his situation, due to that other user constantly baiting my stuff. I went ahead and apologized by PM, then i got banned for harrassing people over PM. I thought that was the end of it, but i met this guy again in the FriendsERA Discord, where i was called a Trump supporter and a Nazi. All because of his misconstrued belief that i shitted on his situation where he is dependable on social security. I calmly engaged him and even provided evidence to his claims, all for him to ignore that. We both got removed from that Discord (I still dont know why), but i got told that although being calm is commendable, sometimes you just dont need to engage which.. in this case, would be a better option.

The sad thing about it is that this guy with his miscontrued belief and insults was allowed to come back to that Discord and i remained banned. Everyone supported this notion, which completely baffled me. The user who did that wholly supports The Names in general so in hindsight its not surprising, but still. I feel bad for that man because he effectively has this warped impression on me because of that one baiting trans user. I am not taking this personally, as she does a lot of good for Mental Health support, but her baiting antics are so overboard. Thats all ill say on that matter though.

It is what it is. Even being the most reasonable guy will lead to people having warped views on you if they arent willing to listen to your story and finding out you aint that bad. People who are so locked in that opinion are not the people you can change their views over. It is unfortunate, because i definitely feel for his situation, but if people dont want to atleast have an open view on these things, then its no use trying to challenge them over.

Besides, if people judge you a nazi or a trump supporter and stand by it without reading your posts or even knowing your ulterior motive than that says more about them than it says about you.

That's unfortunate. I wish they'd be more helpful in their moderation. I'm sorry you guys had such trouble. Though, do you guys not think that the word "presently" is important here? In my case, it really was horrible timing because the site in question is in especially hot water right now. It'd probably be a bad look to unban someone who was banned for posting on such a site right now.
What do you mean with ''presently''?
In any case, my perm is kind of ironic since just the hour prior i was saying how fortunate i was for not having been banned in a while. You almost suspect something.. :p

I've noticed most political threads there now usually have a few people posting to complain that no Republicans are posting in threads to argue stuff. I guess they have run out of people to yell "nazi!" at, dogpile and try to bait into a ban.
The reason they yell that is because anything resembling a proper opinion is getting met by dogpiling, asking for evidence (Which has to be way more thorough than Robin's post on trans studies, by the way!) and getting shunned for having a proper opinion. That is the least worst outcome. The worst is well, you know.. Most people know this, so they mostly revert to saying the same phrasings over and over. Its rather utopic in the sense that this kind of narrative effectively forfeits anyone to highlight their actual opinion. From a place that prides it self on transparency you would have expected better.

Redneckerz Redneckerz I have not seen this thread. Where is it? What is it called?
Have fun reading how grading posts with ''Correct! Incorrect! You are getting warmer!'' is not considered spamming. There is one post in there by the OP that is literally a copy paste of an earlier post. - https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-do-you-think-the-purpose-of-life-is.51153.

FWIW, i disliked that thread because the OP provides no context, similar to: https://www.resetera.com/threads/who-was-sushi-x.50871/. That thread actually played a part in my rather igitated response to this OP, as i reported the Sushi-X OP but got nothing back. Its why i made a rather harsh comment on it, so i can understand my post was excessive, but issue a warning then. Because my post definitely was that (Page 3).

Haha, are you serious? I don't think it's possible to have a real discussion with them without them tossing around at least one of these words: Nazi, alt-right, racist, bigot, sometypeofphobe.

I don't think there's any doubt that some of the most miserable human beings on the internet inhabit that place. They are going to eventually blow that place up with all their outrage and I'll be watching it with my popcorn in hand with a smirk on my face :)
I dont think any of these folks are miserable human beings. I do think that a lot of them are tied to the groupthink and IRL actually have different opinions. I also think that a lot of other folks dont have much interest in researching what they stand for. That does not make them miserable human beings in my eyes, but it does make them rather naive people that i dont have much interest to go into a discourse with. Not saying i am pristine and flawless, but atleast i can accept differing POV, which is actually problematic for some users there.

And, again, its only a small part of staff that actually has a huge influence on the policies of the site. The majority of the staff and users are good folk, no doubt. But like i said, it is questionable that a 0.1 minority is so omnipresent in the staff on the way of equality, rather than to be picked for having proper moderating qualities. It should not be about including genders as some kind of skill or moral compass for proper moderation, i much rather welcome a moderator that is balanced, regardless of gender. If it happens that most of these are transgender people, then so be it, but the way The Names make it look is that being trans actually is a skill to determine how good and balanced you are as a moderator. I don't think that needs to be the case. Select mods on skill, not on gender. This plays out in the real world aswell. Ideally, you put people in the position because of their skillset and their track record, not because of what they are or what minority they represent.

For a website that allows users to call for death threats against Trump with very light disciplinary action , all claims of disparaging go out the window.
We should know. GAF prior to the purge was never kind to center-right viewpoints. We had mods get demoted for refusing to promote violence.
See, that's the kind of imbalance. On Monday you can make a death threat and its cool beans (especially when its Trump) but on Wednesday its a week ban for advocating violence. I made a huge post in the BCT once, since that thread is the only place on ERA where you can actually critique the staff without getting flagged, but i never sent it since it would mean a permban. Phoenix RISING Phoenix RISING knows of this. But in it, i proposed a UMS: A Universal Moderation Standard. Because its not right that outside the official rules there is an unofficial rulebook you only happen to come across when you get in trouble. Moderation by The Names is at best imbalanced and at worst biased to the core.


Unconfirmed Member
If anybody self immolates there was obviously something horribly wrong with them mentally. Its one of the most extreme suicide methods there is. Is this not the popular opinion? Did I miss something?


What do you mean with ''presently''?
In any case, my perm is kind of ironic since just the hour prior i was saying how fortunate i was for not having been banned in a while. You almost suspect something.. :p
Suspect something? I'm not sure I follow. I just thought it was unfortunate you had difficulty with the mods.
I said "presently" because that was a word used in the email reply I got back. That I had unfortunate timing and that they couldn't be revisited presently. I was wondering if that word usage implied they'd be willing to look into it after some time bad passed.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
If anybody self immolates there was obviously something horribly wrong with them mentally. Its one of the most extreme suicide methods there is. Is this not the popular opinion? Did I miss something?
ERA thinks Kiwi is to blame for Sagal's suicide, forfeiting that they have not posted on Sagal for the last 6 months before she self-immolated. Its also wholly irrelevant to scapegoat them, not only because they didnt contribute to it, but that it forfeits the actual issue, one that Sagal died over - The lack of mental health stability in the states. ERA is not discussing that, which is a discussion that actually should arise in my eyes. Atleast her passing then would have some kind of positive development rather than using her passing as a vehicle for scapegoating sites.
Suspect something? I'm not sure I follow. I just thought it was unfortunate you had difficulty with the mods.
I made that statement in a discord were moderators of ERA were active. Barely an hour later i got banned. I reckon its coincidental though. I hope my piece on your story helped out though.

I said "presently" because that was a word used in the email reply I got back. That I had unfortunate timing and that they couldn't be revisited presently. I was wondering if that word usage implied they'd be willing to look into it after some time bad passed.
Ah yes, yeah i had similar wordings. It does imply they might revisit your story later in time but in reality they usually wont.

FWIW, i asked to the staff if there is a system in place that people got do an unban request after a sufficient amount of time, as people get older and more mature. I got told that such a system does not exist on ERA, thus a perm is a perm. That seems excessive. If you are going to perm people for small beans, atleast take into account that people change over time.


Darkness no more
There was a conservative Era community thread, but the people who posted there were lacking intellectual savvy, and it died in short order. People simply stopped posting, not because of moderation, but because nobody could manage to post anything that wasn't explicitly disparaging.

Edit: It is a graveyard.

Seems like there were a few conversations going on. A lot of the users in that thread appear to be banned (including you!). That thread strikes me as the type of thing that would put a target on your back.


Unconfirmed Member
ERA thinks Kiwi is to blame for Sagal's suicide, forfeiting that they have not posted on Sagal for the last 6 months before she self-immolated. Its also wholly irrelevant to scapegoat them, not only because they didnt contribute to it, but that it forfeits the actual issue, one that Sagal died over - The lack of mental health stability in the states. ERA is not discussing that, which is a discussion that actually should arise in my eyes. Atleast her passing then would have some kind of positive development rather than using her passing as a vehicle for scapegoating sites.
We might as well blame twitter for the suicide at this point.


I dont think any of these folks are miserable human beings. I do think that a lot of them are tied to the groupthink and IRL actually have different opinions. I also think that a lot of other folks dont have much interest in researching what they stand for. That does not make them miserable human beings in my eyes, but it does make them rather naive people that i dont have much interest to go into a discourse with. Not saying i am pristine and flawless, but atleast i can accept differing POV, which is actually problematic for some users there.

And, again, its only a small part of staff that actually has a huge influence on the policies of the site. The majority of the staff and users are good folk, no doubt. But like i said, it is questionable that a 0.1 minority is so omnipresent in the staff on the way of equality, rather than to be picked for having proper moderating qualities. It should not be about including genders as some kind of skill or moral compass for proper moderation, i much rather welcome a moderator that is balanced, regardless of gender. If it happens that most of these are transgender people, then so be it, but the way The Names make it look is that being trans actually is a skill to determine how good and balanced you are as a moderator. I don't think that needs to be the case. Select mods on skill, not on gender. This plays out in the real world aswell. Ideally, you put people in the position because of their skillset and their track record, not because of what they are or what minority they represent.

Some of them just act so angry all the time, that's why I call them miserable. It's like there is no in between, it's just outrage level turned up to 10. With fuck this and fuck that, you Nazi! No real discussion can ever be had with those types. And then you have mods who are ready to drop the banhammer for their buddies.

It's a not a place where different points of view is tolerated. It's like the worst parts of old GAF just copy and posted themselves over there, except this time they're on steroids.

The way some of them acted when they left this place was disgusting.

I have wondered do they really act like this in the real world. If they do, I'm wondering how do they function in the real world?

I know there are some good posters there. Maybe eventually they will come join us when they get tired of it.

I agree on moderation. Moderation should be to get the best people who can be balanced. You don't want authoritarian mods with agendas dropping bans just because you said something the mod personally didn't like, but you didn't actually break any rules. That's what we had old GAF and so many posters were lost.

The mods here now? The new mods here now are fantastic. If you're looking for open discourse, you've come to the right place. I mean it feels like you really have to screw up big time to get banned here now.


Some of them just act so angry all the time, that's why I call them miserable. It's like there is no in between, it's just outrage level turned up to 10. With fuck this and fuck that, you Nazi! No real discussion can ever be had with those types. And then you have mods who are ready to drop the banhammer for their buddies.

It's a not a place where different points of view is tolerated. It's like the worst parts of old GAF just copy and posted themselves over there, except this time they're on steroids.

The way some of them acted when they left this place was disgusting.

I have wondered do they really act like this in the real world. If they do, I'm wondering how do they function in the real world?

I know there are some good posters there. Maybe eventually they will come join us when they get tired of it.

I agree on moderation. Moderation should be to get the best people who can be balanced. You don't want authoritarian mods with agendas dropping bans just because you said something the mod personally didn't like, but you didn't actually break any rules. That's what we had old GAF and so many posters were lost.

The mods here now? The new mods here now are fantastic. If you're looking for open discourse, you've come to the right place. I mean it feels like you really have to screw up big time to get banned here now.
I agree with everything that you just said.
There are some good people over there and I hope they come back here.


Agreed and that's even more dangerous because we now live in an era where everyone and their dog can make up some tales out of their ass and post it online and it's automatically true. While I'm not active on Twitter, I often visit this account just to check the sheer absurdity of shit people put up and here's the scary: you absolutely cannot be even just a little bit skeptic about anything, questioning if something is actually real means you're questioning it conceptually, which means instant validation on most social circles on literally anything you come up with that makes some semblance of fictional logic. If it could happen, then it happened. Combine that with people living characters on their daily routine and yeah you got a very schizophrenic generation.

Seriously, consider the following: This shit I just talked about clearly isn't healthy and on most spaces you can't even perhaps suggest that because it would get you labeled as a Trumper. This is the danger zone.

That's the problem with the social media driven world we live in today; everyone exists in their own carefully curated information bubble, where individuals reinforce things that are supposedly true via likes and re-sharing thus making them seem more authentic. The nature of social media also encourages the compression of information into neat memes, soundbites etc, so any possibility of nuance and reflection is quickly lost. I find (for me personally) that the only way to insulate against it all is to not get involved. I've limited myself to a couple of forums. I don't see myself being on Facebook, Twitter or any of the major social media platforms in my lifetime.

People often come out of school with 6 figure debt, and job prospects that barely pay for their student loan payments. They dont expect this, because while they see mean and/or average salary figures for graduates, no one bothers to tell them that the results are based on people who respond to surveys, and that taxes and student loan payments take huge bites from good paying jobs. And before they graduate they are indoctrinated to believe their pending financial issues are the fault of the right instead of the greed of their left wing educators. That way when they find it hard to make ends meet after accumulating all that debt, they are already inclined to hate someone other than the person who caused it. And of course, after graduation they find little value in themselves. In many cases they are back to living at home. In the olden days they would have worked multiple jobs and started a family in a small place. But providing for your family is barely recognized as a virtue anymore, and kids are coddled for so long that they think working two jobs is beneath them even though they've barely worked in their whole life. And thanks to reality TV and social media, they think anything other than massive success is failure anyway.

So now they are struggling after expecting nice cushy luxurious lives. And then their anger grows and grows and grows. And then they see how much pain they can cause others from a keyboard. And it makes them feel like they matter again, and important for once. And with nothing better to do in their lives, they begin taking pride in this crap. And they are cheered for it. Both directly and indirectly via the MSM, who is still trying to overturn the great injustice of not being listed to in 2016 (and who cannot grasp that they caused the 2016 election somehow). And then we get to 2018, and this is what we have.

Yeah, I agree with a lot of what you've said. Technology has made it ridiculously easy for people to react impulsively to things they see and hear. I really think being outraged is seductive for these people; it gives their lives a sense of meaning - that they are doing something for a greater purpose. And the tech (particularly the smartphone) makes it effortless. That is why the desire to be outraged has gained so much traction in recent years. If people had to walk a few blocks to show how angry they were about something they saw on TV, most of them wouldn't bother. But when you can let millions know what you think at any given moment with only a few taps on a piece of glass, the temptation to do so becomes irresistible.
Last edited:

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Hiya there Claus! Good to know you!
Regarding Kiwi: Yeah, that was one thing i found instantly noticeable. I frequently mentioned that sites like these are 90% hot takes, but that 10% of them have proper good opinions, and one user felt like that i was clouding my judgement by visiting Kiwi. :/ Like, thats not why i visit these places. I visit these places to see both sides of the coin, as extreme as they are, and then filter out the bad stuff. Some people on Kiwi do have good opinions but nobody on ERA reads that, even when they say that just read about Kiwi. In the case of Chloe Sagal, someone i didnt know of previously, Kiwi even predicted that ERA would blame them for her suicide. And lo behold, guess what happened.

The bigger deal with Chloe's ending tale is that it highlights the importance of mental health, which was the exact same thing she was aiming for with her suicide. But ERA does not focus on that, they rather want to shift the discussion towards blaming people for her death. I don't want to claim i know Sagal, but one Kiwi member made a descriptor that directly contradicts that Kiwi was wrong!: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chloe-sagal-john-paul-neumann.9216/page-161#post-3486606

I am not agreeing with everything this post says (For one, i am not sure if Chloe had no intention to try get help) but its not like Kiwi as a whole contributed to her onus. The fact that this post got a lot of upvotes would prove you why. Mental health awareness should be a top priority, atleast in the US. Because in the end, Sagal was a human, and despite her history, i would never want to see anyone cope with the kind of things her searchable history shows she had to cope with. I wish ERA focussed on that for once instead of playing the blame game. This could be a great opportunity to use her demise as a proper dialogue and implementation of better mental health policies.

As always, its a shame that society at large only starts to take notice when people die in situations that could have been prevented. :/

I agree wholeheartedly. There are occasionally some *very* decent/good posts on Kiwi, such as the one you posted. They remind me a lot of the 4Chan-styled posts. They seem to be purposefully over the top and offensive, but usually they are not meant to be as harmful or pushing for suicides/attacks/etc as one would first think. Reminds me a lot when I was in grade school with other grade school boys and we would talk about blood, guts, poop, and other wildly disgusting/hilarious/offensive things.

However, the whole situation just comes to show the issues that ResetEra as a whole has to Mental Health and medical/scientific evidence/research. As you state below:

Whilst it is commendable Chilli.. you will find it is a rather impossible task to do. In one ERA thread, where i had been defending a guy who has severe disabilities, one meta-discussion (With a very known user in the trans community) led this user to believe i was making fun of his situation, due to that other user constantly baiting my stuff. I went ahead and apologized by PM, then i got banned for harrassing people over PM. I thought that was the end of it, but i met this guy again in the FriendsERA Discord, where i was called a Trump supporter and a Nazi. All because of his misconstrued belief that i shitted on his situation where he is dependable on social security. I calmly engaged him and even provided evidence to his claims, all for him to ignore that. We both got removed from that Discord (I still dont know why), but i got told that although being calm is commendable, sometimes you just dont need to engage which.. in this case, would be a better option.

They seem to take offense to anything that may "offend" them, even if it is completely based within scientific and medical research/evidence. You cannot talk about mental health unless it serves to only "bring them up" and support them, instead of talking about the reality of the situation and the dangers that they may face. Before my ban, there were many times that the topic of undergoing trans therapy was brought up. A few former members brought up real concerns that either they or their friends/family went through, such as hormonal complications, issues with surgery, and body dismorphia causing increased chances of suicide/depression. They were quickly silenced and banned as being "transphobic", despite these being real concerns that someone who is going to undergo a life altering surgery or long-term therapy would need to know and understand the best ways to deal with it.

It is what it is. Even being the most reasonable guy will lead to people having warped views on you if they arent willing to listen to your story and finding out you aint that bad. People who are so locked in that opinion are not the people you can change their views over. It is unfortunate, because i definitely feel for his situation, but if people dont want to atleast have an open view on these things, then its no use trying to challenge them over.

Besides, if people judge you a nazi or a trump supporter and stand by it without reading your posts or even knowing your ulterior motive than that says more about them than it says about you.

I dont think any of these folks are miserable human beings. I do think that a lot of them are tied to the groupthink and IRL actually have different opinions. I also think that a lot of other folks dont have much interest in researching what they stand for. That does not make them miserable human beings in my eyes, but it does make them rather naive people that i dont have much interest to go into a discourse with. Not saying i am pristine and flawless, but atleast i can accept differing POV, which is actually problematic for some users there.

This is a great point and one that I have seen time and again. Though, I would argue that there are definitely some members, particular certain moderators, who I would classify as rather miserable people - but that is discussion for another time. As for the "group think" and "research" portions of this part of your post, I would like to point to a similar situation that a member of the Easy Allies community had experienced a few months back during the Colin Moriarty/Brandon Jones collaboration last year:

For a very quick summary (copy pasted from the post):
So, let's quickly recap.
  • This user was very familiar with Moriarty but had not listened to him since he left KF.
  • He heard accusations of racism against Moriarty and sought evidence from the accusers.
  • At no point did he want to hear Moriarty's side of the story, and he dismissed any defence of Moriarty put forward by other users.
  • He believed what ResetEra told him to believe. He allowed the people on ResetEra be the judge, jury and executioner of Moriarty.
  • As a result of this, he believed that Moriarty was a racist.
  • He "lost all respect" for Jones for accepting Moriarty's invitation to a conversation.
And yet, it only took a 1 hour podcast to realize that Moriarty was not, in fact, a racist or a sexist or a homophobe or a transphobe, or any of the other '-ists' and '-phobes' that the ResetEra crowd labelled him.

A lot of the members take what is said by the "loud majority" as gospel. They do not take the time to do research above cursory glances that serve to promote their already preconceived notions. This is a growing issue with society as a whole, but a major reason why the distaste for this particular community has accumulated over the past half decade. These people are not unable to come to grips with reality, but they instead choose the easy way out and believe whatever it is is said to them. They do not take the time to gather the information, but look at it for its face value - damaging the reputation, livelihoods, and careers for many. I am hoping that more people will come to do the research and see the truth of the matter like this member has, instead of jumping on the "outrage brigade", and contribute towards good discussions.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
We might as well blame twitter for the suicide at this point.
I don't think we should blame any site, but rather start a dialogue (openly) on the mental health system in the US. I come from Europe. Every time i read a story on someone's personal situation and how they have to pull strings together to get even remotely basic help in the US it makes my head dizzy. Especially when it concerns mental health. Sagal might have been very heavy on the hearts of those who cared for her, but her impending death (Which, apparently, she got caught by police as she was swinging with a machete) was a preventable one. Kiwi even has someone who dated Sagal who gave his assessment on it. I dont hear ERA talking about that either.

Atleast i have a terrible non-excuse that because of my geographical location i was less likely to know Sagal. But those ERA goers that hail from the US and even close to home? All those people yapping ''fuck kiwi and fuck alt-right!''? Did they know of her? Did they care about it? Or is it more likely that most of those yapping users didnt know about Sagal's history and are actually using her death not to advocate for better mental health awareness, but rather to provide a framework in which other sites can be called out for.

I don't know what is sadder: That Sagal died on a lack of proper mental health awareness in the states, or these ERA folks on a moral high ground using her passing as a tool to denounce other sites. A lot of moral compasses got lost on that day.

PS: Even GAF itself helped Sagal on her carreer: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/buy-...me-homesick-–-save-an-indie-devs-life.534276/ (Not sure if this is the one surgery she actually used for her gender transistion, but that is not relevant to my point)

Some of them just act so angry all the time, that's why I call them miserable. It's like there is no in between, it's just outrage level turned up to 10. With fuck this and fuck that, you Nazi! No real discussion can ever be had with those types. And then you have mods who are ready to drop the banhammer for their buddies.
Which is why i say that i don't completely believe that this is their actual opinion. They are just repeating what The Names like to hear, which in turn gives the impression of a movement. I mean, for many i reckon it is, but with that strict moderation, there will be a healthy bunch of users feigning allegiance, without a doubt.

That's how bad ERA's supposed transparency truly is. That you are actively, internally censoring yourself before you make a post out of fear your post may demonstrate an opinion that runs contrary to their default narrative. Several posters have stated this in ERA threads that got quickly closed (Because thats what you do as a transparent site, closing up things! Not engaging the discussion, ofcourse..)

In my opinion the absolute worst are The Names's little helpers, those regular users or former staff that actively work along with staff on things. I know a few people who actively do this. Ofcourse, these are also the people who are often the most vocal for their cause, whist simultaneously act very considerate towards people with mental health issues. These are folks who live by and stand by The Names policies.

I feel for Cerium. Because he must be so busy with the site that he probably does not see what is happening right underneath him.

It's a not a place where different points of view is tolerated. It's like the worst parts of old GAF just copy and posted themselves over there, except this time they're on steroids.

The way some of them acted when they left this place was disgusting.

I have wondered do they really act like this in the real world. If they do, I'm wondering how do they function in the real world?

I know there are some good posters there. Maybe eventually they will come join us when they get tired of it.
I have made friends on ERA that i still talk to on Discord. People from DF, people working in the industry (Granted, thats just my tech mind speaking). There are geniunely awesome people there, including Tadal, who announced he had a killer disease under his skin, and ERA as a whole paid for his surgery. Thats the awesome part of the site. There are folks on there who are geniunely great, discuss accordingly, and have great thread ideas. I am certainly not going to say that all of ERA is shit - Because it isnt. It just pains me that all the good aspects get overshadowed by a small club of elite people telling others how they should think, and driving a policy on what they think is great for its users.

I agree on moderation. Moderation should be to get the best people who can be balanced. You don't want authoritarian mods with agendas dropping bans just because you said something the mod personally didn't like, but you didn't actually break any rules. That's what we had old GAF and so many posters were lost.

The mods here now? The new mods here now are fantastic. If you're looking for open discourse, you've come to the right place. I mean it feels like you really have to screw up big time to get banned here now.
Ill just say Evilore is a big meanie and then ill be subject to an aspiring magicians act. ;) Kidding ofcourse.

I agree with everything that you just said.
There are some good people over there and I hope they come back here.
In order for that to happen GAF needs to get more appealing. A lot of folks auto-default to not showing up here because of Evilore. And, ill just be honest, the explanations i have read from him are not mega convincing for me at the moment. Ofcourse, Tyler does not have to prove me anything as i am just a user, but i am interested to see how it all goes. I am sure he is aware of what the same Kiwi and Voat say about him and whilst i don't accept those views, i do look forward to our interactions.

I agree wholeheartedly. There are occasionally some *very* decent/good posts on Kiwi, such as the one you posted. They remind me a lot of the 4Chan-styled posts. They seem to be purposefully over the top and offensive, but usually they are not meant to be as harmful or pushing for suicides/attacks/etc as one would first think. Reminds me a lot when I was in grade school with other grade school boys and we would talk about blood, guts, poop, and other wildly disgusting/hilarious/offensive things.
And that's exactly what i don't like so much about these sites. I am not a big fan of simple, offensive jokes on that note. So that is not an aspect ill allign myself against. *

*At this point though, a lot of ERA member's would have already shut down my opinion because obviously, i just said i agree with some of Kiwi's opinions. Since a lot of ERA folk love to put things on a big heap and disregard such nuances, i'd wager that at this point they would have shut me down on it.

However, the whole situation just comes to show the issues that ResetEra as a whole has to Mental Health and medical/scientific evidence/research. As you state below:
They seem to take offense to anything that may "offend" them, even if it is completely based within scientific and medical research/evidence. You cannot talk about mental health unless it serves to only "bring them up" and support them, instead of talking about the reality of the situation and the dangers that they may face.
It is a strange lot. They geniunely are concerned on mental health issues and will help people out who actively suffer from it, speaking from personal experience (Not that i have any mental issues at the moment!). But some users go very far to bait and shun users for having a opinion that does not run perfectly along their own. And whilst its fine to disagree, what aint fine is calling people out the way they do. Especially when they make a mistake themselves (Like Queen Kong recently) and everything is thrown under the rug not to take a stance and apply the same measurements to themselves as they do to everyone else.

Before my ban, there were many times that the topic of undergoing trans therapy was brought up. A few former members brought up real concerns that either they or their friends/family went through, such as hormonal complications, issues with surgery, and body dismorphia causing increased chances of suicide/depression. They were quickly silenced and banned as being "transphobic", despite these being real concerns that someone who is going to undergo a life altering surgery or long-term therapy would need to know and understand the best ways to deal with it.
Exactly. You now get the rather ironic situation that non-transgender people actually look more carefully into the dangers of and mental stabilities of these minorities than actual transgender people on ERA are. Only to then actually use this against them. ''This is the reason why we lot get more depressed than others'', not an exact quote, but its the kind of ambiance that runs there.

I think that's hypocritical. Shunning people for transphobia wont change the variables that transgender people face. Namely that it is very difficult for them to adjust due to their surroundings and that many people being a transgender suffer from mental issues like depression. Hell, one of the big names on ERA has done multiple suicide attempts and she is now one of the leading folks on mental health due to ERA staff saving me and realizing my potential of some sorts. I still dont believe you can change from all depressed to mental health and trans spokesperson in a matter of months, but what do i know, right?

This is a great point and one that I have seen time and again. Though, I would argue that there are definitely some members, particular certain moderators, who I would classify as rather miserable people - but that is discussion for another time. As for the "group think" and "research" portions of this part of your post, I would like to point to a similar situation that a member of the Easy Allies community had experienced a few months back during the Colin Moriarty/Brandon Jones collaboration last year:

For a very quick summary (copy pasted from the post):

Ayup. That is, in on a large scale, what i had with a single user. People dont want to listen to a user if said user does not tick off all the boxes of being an asshole when faced 1 on 1. Because they cant explain this, and dont want to admit that they are wrong, they just go along with the loud majority and repeat that these folks are scum, nazi, pony lovers, and so on. They hate an impression of a person, rather than the person itself. *

*Though i cant speak for Moriarty ofcourse. If his surname is anything to get by, he might be a villian. ;)

A lot of the members take what is said by the "loud majority" as gospel. They do not take the time to do research above cursory glances that serve to promote their already preconceived notions. This is a growing issue with society as a whole, but a major reason why the distaste for this particular community has accumulated over the past half decade. These people are not unable to come to grips with reality, but they instead choose the easy way out and believe whatever it is is said to them. They do not take the time to gather the information, but look at it for its face value - damaging the reputation, livelihoods, and careers for many. I am hoping that more people will come to do the research and see the truth of the matter like this member has, instead of jumping on the "outrage brigade", and contribute towards good discussions.
I believe that for a lot of ERA, its what you are describing, but taken to the extreme. Wearing thin paper as their armor, anything that makes that paper wet or torn apart deserves scrutiny to an unrealistic agree. At one point they appeal to the humane sides of themselves when there is another trans person killed or a young kid shot down, and, rather erratically, at the other point they forfeit that humane side altogether and wish death and destruction upon those they hate with a passion.

It makes little sense and it feels like a therapy session would be worth saving up your money for instead of oging to Disneyland with the kiddo.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Shit, i should say that the *Only to use then against them* is not a reference to the non-transgender people that do their research better, but that transgender people use this kind of reasoning against these folks.

... I need editing posting rights. :p
Seems like there were a few conversations going on. A lot of the users in that thread appear to be banned (including you!). That thread strikes me as the type of thing that would put a target on your back.

I had a target on my back, but it was from posting in BCT, not there.

I would largely co-sign on what Redneckerz Redneckerz said in regards to ERA. There are a lot of good folks over there. I, for example, can't do the work MoreBadass and Toma do with indie gaming, even though that's a passion of mine.


Gold Member
Read the responses to me in the Sarah Sanders thread. 0.o

I mean, there is nothing I can do. I can't respond or I will be banned. And, anything can be said towards me at will. It is annoying, but whatever.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I had a target on my back, but it was from posting in BCT, not there.

I would largely co-sign on what Redneckerz Redneckerz said in regards to ERA. There are a lot of good folks over there. I, for example, can't do the work MoreBadass and Toma do with indie gaming, even though that's a passion of mine.
Thanks Phoenix. (Just wanted to address this.)

Read the responses to me in the Sarah Sanders thread. 0.o

I mean, there is nothing I can do. I can't respond or I will be banned. And, anything can be said towards me at will. It is annoying, but whatever.
Do you have a link available (And if its allowed)?
Do you have a link available (And if its allowed)?

Please, rather than making vague references to threads that people will have to go and hunt for just include the direct link. This will also cut down on giving sites that we don't like any more clicks than necessary. It sucks trying to hunt down a thread referenced here by skimming through all of the thread titles hoping to find the right one.
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Please, rather than making vague references to threads that people will have to go and hunt for just include the direct link. This will also cut down on giving sites that we don't like any more clicks than necessary. It sucks trying to hunt down a thread referenced here by skimming through all of the thread titles hoping to find the right one.

I'm still waiting on the "If you're not sexually attracted to trans people, you're banned" thread.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Re: the above discussion, yes, linking something like that thread is fine and makes sense to do rather than send people on a vague goose hunt, and folks seeing things for themselves allows them to skip past the intermediary biases involved by the way it's described by a third party etc. Someone may shrug off a second-hand account as salt-laden or exaggerated, but seeing it for themselves makes it much more difficult to rationalize away as a normal day on the interwebs.

Also NeoGAF has always been and still is an LGBT-friendly forum, as well as a reality-based one (barring some problems remaining reality-based on all sorts of various fronts circa 2016-2017, 'course). I usually don't give a shit about what's going on at Reset at any given time, but trying to lie to trans people about realities on the ground under pretense of it being for their sake is abhorrent and careless and selfish behavior that could lead to someone taking their own life after they transition and find their circumstances totally different in truth. Shame on them. Trans people are generally quite brave and do have to confront reality every day. Resetera looks like it's run by delusional incompetent cowards in this case. No offense. "They mean well" doesn't mean a whole lot for something this important to do right. Do better, or better yet leave forum running to the professionals.
Here you go:

New Research Shows a Vast Majority of Cis People Won't Date Trans People

Of course it isn't quite as dramatic as was claimed previously but I didn't read more than the first page. Personally I am shocked that there are people who don't understand how sexual attraction works but its right there in that thread.

Thanks. Read the whole thing from cover to cover.

Baity AF.

They appeared to be very dismissive of the fact that even less straight women would date a trans-man, than straight men would date trans-women. The focused seemed to be on men.

Secondly, when someone finally actually read the study, instead of just vent, they pointed out that 50% of trans people DO NOT want to date someone who is trans, the thread gets closed shortly after. Someone said there is internalized transphobia at play, but no, 50% is way too high to make an "internalized" argument. That's an argument you pull when you find out that ~6% of black men voted for #45, compared to like ~2% of black women.

As Jesus would say, you gotta take care of the plank in your own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else's.

But what do I know? A certain trans admin banned me twice for trying to participate in trans-threads, even though I was posting in good faith. After one such ban, they replied to me in a quote. No. Don't ban me and then try to "reason" with me; it's all performative at that point, because they have already pulled the power lever of the ban to say this is how it's going to be; deal with it. And so I did "deal with it" by not participating in any more threads on the topic. Congrats, an opportunity to win someone over for your cause was squandered because punishment was the first choice rather than education.
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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
I for one find something absolutely odd and scary that once or twice per-month a Reset User will post a thread along the lines of..

"I cant even get out of bed because of Trump"
"Life seems meaningless since Trump was elected"


This is clearly a sign of mental illness or something right?
I for one find something absolutely odd and scary that once or twice per-month a Reset User will post a thread along the lines of..

"I cant even get out of bed because of Trump"
"Life seems meaningless since Trump was elected"


This is clearly a sign of mental illness or something right?

Not sure if serious.
This is the reply that got me banned from there. It was in a thread where they took a quote from Jordan Peterson defending forced monogamy (as in making it socially desirable) and they were misinterpreting it as men buying a wife or something like that. I didn't even get a chance to talk about that, because I was permabanned for "defending mysoginy" for writing this in that thread:

The context of his words is this (this is all from other Peterson videos):
Marriage is not for you, it's for the children.
Children do better on average when raised by both their biological parents compared to being raised by only one of the parents or with one of the parents and a step parent. Actually, a step parent is much more likely (100 times more likely if I'm remembering right) to abuse a child than a biological parent.
He thinks sex is more serious than what people think nowadays. There is nothing casual about sex. Casual sex is not good for people, he says you pay a price for that. It's not good for you psychologically.

Taking out of context something he said and using it to try to discredit him is standard behaviour for his opposers. I don't trust any article that doesn't link the full video or text from where they took his words

If somebody understands how that's defending mysoginy, I would be very thankful because I just don't see it. I am just quoting Peterson himself, I don't even say whether I agree with him or not.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

It pained me to see this stuff on GAF 24/7 post-election. Really. I tried to calm folks down from the constant sensationalism and I was becoming legitimately concerned about everyone's psychological well-being since we had a lot of depressed folks saying stuff like the above, every single day. I'd have to ban a bunch of people any time I said something trying to have a moderating influence, though, since all these self-deputized enforcers had come out of the woodwork demanding that if you weren't as upset as them you were Part of the Problem or Disingenuous and they saw me as having ulterior motives and tried to convince other people too. Bish secretly banned several hundred moderate regulars on GAF post-election for *not being angry enough*, and almost no one came back after I caught him and reversed a large chunk of the bans since the discourse here shifted sharply for the worse and moderate voices were no longer welcome in the community to some degree.

Those people need to get out of the 24/7 misery echo chamber bubble there just like the one we had here. We were actively working against those conditions behind the scenes the whole time (except for a couple people working against us behind the scenes...). That's why that place looks worse. I don't care if it's to come back here or not; in many cases they're not ready for civil participation per the rules here any time soon, but they should disconnect from that place and social media for their own well-being at least if they have those feelings.

Phoenix RISING Phoenix RISING , someone claiming to literally be having a mental breakdown because of Trump, mainly because of the internet social bubble they're in, is self-proclaimed instability and mental illness. It's not in a pejorative sense whatsoever. It's not healthy. They need to get off the internet for a while. In AlimNassor's case, I remember him quite well from GAF and he got banned in September of last year for a long string of low-effort hyperbole posts e.g. a post of "Why do we even allow Republicans on this board?" which is noted in our records, but his posts were not in a state of personal distress like that when a senior admin banned him for low-effort negative contributions. You can check his post history here yourself; it was generally flippant, but not in personal distress.
Saw this thread yesterday where a mod warned a user over a Clickhole article. Was busy so I didn't post it then.

Unfortunately the mod walked backed on the warning, but there was a warning in the OP for this horrible, godless act. Light, video game satire got a warning. The OP stated Clickhole in the title too so it wasnt like a clever bait and switch. There's posts in the thread calling the mod out (thankfully) but I don't know how a site and the people running it could get to such a low standard.. Jokes aren't funny, people no fun around these parts.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
For a website that allows users to call for death threats against Trump with very light disciplinary action , all claims of disparaging go out the window.
We should know. GAF prior to the purge was never kind to center-right viewpoints. We had mods get demoted for refusing to promote violence.

Mod* singular. Honorary mod who had not been active in years. And it wasn't for refusing to promote violence. It was for the specifics of the arguments being used, and that he was using those arguments while associated with the administration, which was undermining things with the community from a PR standpoint since he had came out of lurker/inactive mode straight into participating in a volatile thread with suspect arguments. Mods are supposed to keep things on the same page with me and everyone on the team via our private channel, before doing something like that, but he was not part of that process since as mentioned honorary position for helping build NeoGAF back in the day and because I respect him. However, I had known him for a long time and knew that he had consistent strong feelings about pacifism for like 20 years, and his overall position was consistent with that, so ultimately I felt like shit about it and didn't want things to play out that way. I've been writing an apology letter to him on and off for a few weeks now that explains where I was coming from and why things played out that way. I suppose it's past due for me to send it.


Darkness no more

I think they were still quoting me like 18 pages later from my entire 3 responses on the subject.

I was reading through that the day after you posted and wanted to reply. Then I got to your posts and saw how horribly they treated you and screamed you down. Then I realized I rarely posted there anymore because of that. I’d type something up and delete it most of the time because I didn’t feel like getting 20 alerts insulting me because I don’t feel screaming at people you disagree with politically while they are with their family or kicking them out of restaurants is acceptable behavior.

After reading that thread I messaged Cerium to close out my account. No one wants to discuss things there. They just want every thread to fill with one line “fuck Trump!” low quality posts. Even perfectly normal and calm opinions that are anything different from that are shouted down and the person is called a biggot, Nazi, etc.

What I find most amusing is seeing some of the constantly outraged lunatics saying that ERA is a moderate board.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I'm still waiting on the "If you're not sexually attracted to trans people, you're banned" thread.
I did reference it but yeah, i should have posted about it. Sorry about that!
Here you go:

New Research Shows a Vast Majority of Cis People Won't Date Trans People

Of course it isn't quite as dramatic as was claimed previously but I didn't read more than the first page. Personally I am shocked that there are people who don't understand how sexual attraction works but its right there in that thread.
I am not on the time to get to that exact post (Hooray for the 50 post limit on ERA when you are banned) but in the first 6 pages or so there is a question asked to Brazil that he consistently ignores. Why he focusses on the straight cis men number instead of straight cis women number (Which is even less than the men's number).

''only 1.8% of straight women and 3.3% of straight men chose a trans person of either binary gender. ''

It was asked why Brazil focuses on the 3.3% straight men part and not the 1.8% women part (Which seems, is evidently a worse figure?) But the only user who asked this (KHarvey, i believe?) Brazil just ignores it on a consistent basis, even when this appeal is repeated.

Thus, to me that implies that Brazil is posting in bad faith, especially when he reacts to everything else. And Robin does not seem to do well either. I dont like how some users essentially tell others on what they should like or not like, because else you are a big bad phony! for not giving trans people a chance at love. Which is such a weird weird narrative to make.
Thanks. Read the whole thing from cover to cover.

Baity AF.

They appeared to be very dismissive of the fact that even less straight women would date a trans-man, than straight men would date trans-women. The focused seemed to be on men.
Exactly. And that with it being a incomplete study (As it does not highlight pre-op/post-op trans people). Yet Robin in particular still ran with this study as some kind of leading guide on how to advance further. Like no, its an incomplete study, so its not representative. As you progress in that thread you see that more and more users point this out.

Its ironic because *insert any other topic here* requires flawless evidence for your claims and the studies need to take everything into account. Not so much with that thread.

Secondly, when someone finally actually read the study, instead of just vent, they pointed out that 50% of trans people DO NOT want to date someone who is trans, the thread gets closed shortly after. Someone said there is internalized transphobia at play, but no, 50% is way too high to make an "internalized" argument. That's an argument you pull when you find out that ~6% of black men voted for #45, compared to like ~2% of black women.

As Jesus would say, you gotta take care of the plank in your own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else's.
I like how with such a high number, proponents are arguing that people internalize transphobia before they usher it - There is even less study for that argument than the incomplete study that they are moping the floor with. Same with saying that Kiwi killed Sagal: Prove it. If you are going to use the death of others to take a dump on other sites (As that plays out so well in the collective minds!) than atleast back up that accusation. Else, how are you as a site any better than those that you accuse?

Like, i get that trans acceptance is something unknown to most Americans, but if you want to see acceptance, than just take upon the dialogue. Listen to what people unknown to trans have to say, talk with them in a open manner and dont shun them for not knowing everything instantly. Make transgender people normal and not special as ERA wants them to be. If transgender people are considered normal, then it means they are succesfully integrated in that society. That is what they should be focussing about, but instead, with studies like these they are more busy trying to create a us versus them mentality and to feel exceptional rather than to be treated as anyone else. (Which is what you would strive for, right? To be considered human instead of being an alien from Gendership Transphobia.

I for one find something absolutely odd and scary that once or twice per-month a Reset User will post a thread along the lines of..

"I cant even get out of bed because of Trump"
"Life seems meaningless since Trump was elected"


This is clearly a sign of mental illness or something right?
It does not have to be, because several people do get hurt by the policies, but i wouldnt solely put the blame on Trump. Some policies are from way before him, even before Obama.

It is however, quite melodramatic to word a thread title like that, and that only exists to score sympathy points early.


I think they were still quoting me like 18 pages later from my entire 3 responses on the subject.
I reckon you are Hokahey? Because i dont know who you are, i cant exactly look for your particular posts with that link.


Gold Member
I did reference it but yeah, i should have posted about it. Sorry about that!

I am not on the time to get to that exact post (Hooray for the 50 post limit on ERA when you are banned) but in the first 6 pages or so there is a question asked to Brazil that he consistently ignores. Why he focusses on the straight cis men number instead of straight cis women number (Which is even less than the men's number).

''only 1.8% of straight women and 3.3% of straight men chose a trans person of either binary gender. ''

It was asked why Brazil focuses on the 3.3% straight men part and not the 1.8% women part (Which seems, is evidently a worse figure?) But the only user who asked this (KHarvey, i believe?) Brazil just ignores it on a consistent basis, even when this appeal is repeated.

Thus, to me that implies that Brazil is posting in bad faith, especially when he reacts to everything else. And Robin does not seem to do well either. I dont like how some users essentially tell others on what they should like or not like, because else you are a big bad phony! for not giving trans people a chance at love. Which is such a weird weird narrative to make.

Exactly. And that with it being a incomplete study (As it does not highlight pre-op/post-op trans people). Yet Robin in particular still ran with this study as some kind of leading guide on how to advance further. Like no, its an incomplete study, so its not representative. As you progress in that thread you see that more and more users point this out.

Its ironic because *insert any other topic here* requires flawless evidence for your claims and the studies need to take everything into account. Not so much with that thread.

I like how with such a high number, proponents are arguing that people internalize transphobia before they usher it - There is even less study for that argument than the incomplete study that they are moping the floor with. Same with saying that Kiwi killed Sagal: Prove it. If you are going to use the death of others to take a dump on other sites (As that plays out so well in the collective minds!) than atleast back up that accusation. Else, how are you as a site any better than those that you accuse?

Like, i get that trans acceptance is something unknown to most Americans, but if you want to see acceptance, than just take upon the dialogue. Listen to what people unknown to trans have to say, talk with them in a open manner and dont shun them for not knowing everything instantly. Make transgender people normal and not special as ERA wants them to be. If transgender people are considered normal, then it means they are succesfully integrated in that society. That is what they should be focussing about, but instead, with studies like these they are more busy trying to create a us versus them mentality and to feel exceptional rather than to be treated as anyone else. (Which is what you would strive for, right? To be considered human instead of being an alien from Gendership Transphobia.

It does not have to be, because several people do get hurt by the policies, but i wouldnt solely put the blame on Trump. Some policies are from way before him, even before Obama.

It is however, quite melodramatic to word a thread title like that, and that only exists to score sympathy points early.

I reckon you are Hokahey? Because i dont know who you are, i cant exactly look for your particular posts with that link.
I am... corrik?


That said, as the user above said. There is an extreme abundance of posts which basically just say. "Fuck off". "Fuck yourself". "Fuck Trump" or "Fuck the Cops". I do not know why posts of that type are acceptable for a forum. And, it seems people fall over themselves to give the "fuck so and so" hot takes.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I am... corrik?


That said, as the user above said. There is an extreme abundance of posts which basically just say. "Fuck off". "Fuck yourself". "Fuck Trump" or "Fuck the Cops". I do not know why posts of that type are acceptable for a forum. And, it seems people fall over themselves to give the "fuck so and so" hot takes.
I ask this because the page you linked does not give me your username for that particular page. Are you running 100 posts per page? Because that will result in linked pages not linking correctly as banned people only can see 50 posts per page.

And yeah, they only say that because its what The Names want to see. As soon as you drop in talks that are opposing arguments, you get axed.


I ask this because the page you linked does not give me your username for that particular page. Are you running 100 posts per page? Because that will result in linked pages not linking correctly as banned people only can see 50 posts per page.

And yeah, they only say that because its what The Names want to see. As soon as you drop in talks that are opposing arguments, you get axed.

Here is Corrik's post.



Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Muchos gracias. Lets see some of those replies.

Corrik Corrik : Ill be glancing over some of these folks that replied to your post.

User 1:
No they don't. Don't be an inhumane sack of shit or defend those who are and you won't have any issues.
This user is often very vocal on these kinds of issues. I dont know who this Sarah person is, but to flatout deny a person because of her policies? Hmm. I am not going to read the entire thread but is it ''You work for Trump so i wont serve you''? Is that what this is in a nutshell?

What i do find problematic is how Starrk essentially calls you an inhumane sack of shit. That is already a warnable offense. Than he makes an assumption on you by stating that you must be defending Sarah when you made that post. Both things are primarily a negative and aggressive commentary. As soon as you say something that isnt flatout shitting on Trump, but rather a more middle ground kind of comment, you get posts like this one.

Then again, the same user also says ''I cannot fucking believe we have people in here defending her bullshit and pretending she deserves to be served just like any person. She is the mouthpiece for an administration that has a policy of open racism and child abuse. Fuck her.''

I mean come on, why is this kind of stuff okay? Its exactly this autodefaulting outrage that is problematic. Just because she is a public figure does not mean she should be spat at for being a spokesperson to Trump. It would be similar to if this user is denied serving at a restaurant because he has a rainbow avatar on the Interweb with terrible negative opinions and works a regular Joe Shmoe office job. Oh, but that is nonsensical? Why? These are the exact kind of terms you push for Sarah aswell.. and only because she is a public figure.

This user is forgetting that her being a public figure does not mean she is in that role permanently (Its amazing that i have to explain this). Outside her role as spokesperson, obviously she does things like these. But somehow, that should be shunned upon?

The double standard of advocating for peace and in the next thread essentially telling a spokesperson to fuck off is rather bizarre. And i have no opinion on Sarah for what she does or has done, this is just a human observation.

User 2:
Nope. You're not born a bigot.
Again, her political views are irrelevant to the situation Sarah is in - A dinner at a restaurant. She is not in her political role as Trump spokesperson, she is just a woman wanting to have a dinner. Why these folks can make that seperation internally is baffling.

User 3:
What the fuck would this even do? How would this help anyone?
Does shooting a Trump spokesperson down for wanting to have dinner be more helpful? Again, you let her political stance, her job, cloud your judgement, when the role she is going to have in that restaurant is neither political or her job.

User 4:
You know Nazis would totally be fine to walk and hang around any restaurant you go to right?
Le sigh.. Yes, making a Godwin, that sure makes people look smart. As someone having a life long interest in the Second World War 2, seeing that term thrown around with so little value is quite disappointing. This is a typical bait post to try to ruse people. Stuff like that, equating a Spokesperson for Trump to an member of the Nazi party is a shitty comparison to make, and one that is warnable. Because if you equate militant trans folk or vegans to nazi's, you get a warning and a ban (and rightly so). So why not here? Because it somehow is okay to make the comparison when you disagree with Sarah's job?

People have difficulty seperating the person from the role they have in work it seems.

User 5:
Of course the ones going "Let's take the high road!" aren't responding anymore .Either they're naive and dense as hell or they're not arguing in good faith.
Just like how certain ERA staff dont address themselves when they are caught being quick judges themselves like some mods (Names obmitted) were? Or when any attempt to have a proper discourse on the site gets shut down by the staff? Or whenever a random member makes an obvious baiting post and then forfeits to address this, because the negativity that arises from that bait post is enough (Thus qualifies as a troll)?

Oh right, i forgot. Asking these questions are considered arguing in bad faith over there. But sure enough, when you say what this user says here in a Trump thread, its all good, because everyone is ought to hate on Trump, regardless of criticial commentary.

I don't like Trump myself. But i am not going to join in a flock of birds squeaking the same hollow message every damn day of every damn action by Trump because frankly, the world's arguments aren't (or aren't supposed to) to be based on hollow messages. They should be based on fact-finding, evidence, and above all, a reasonable engaging of discourses instead of the squeaking that is such a popular empty tool these days.

And ofcourse a Little Helper has an opinion on this - She is pushing 20k posts at this point, in 8 months of ERA activity. You aint telling me that is not dedication. Too bad she aint using that obvious time sink to actually advance trans and mental health causes, rather contributing to a movement of anger and rage, without the movement even properly knowing what they are so upset over.

EDIT: July 16th, 2018: Thanks due to this post, ive removed the personal names. All references to names are replaced by user. Thumbs up to Shiki_ Shiki_ for the report.)
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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
I dont understand the appeal of a message board consisting of a political or social topic being posted then hundreds of like minded people saying the same thing, be it in long winded post or short hot take redundant post (i.e. Fuck Trump)
From time to time an opposing view will pop into a thread, and be banned.
So, you get a post with 400 replies all circle jerking each others like minded view.
9 ou
They continuously thin the herd of any opposing views leaving just a rapid core 5-10 reaching upwards of 20k post each and followers.

While I do know some of them are 'stable' (work, love life etc..) it seems tho if you watch a particular poster who you would think "Wow, this guy/girl is CRAZY.." you will find that eventually you will see deeper into them having 'other issues'
For instance, just today, a VERY vocal, very HOSTILE poster...One who's post count is highly powered by "Fuck Trump", is quick to call you/others a Nazi, one who is so righteous and above opposing views...basically posted on how much of a mess his life is.

I feel as if I dont need political direction from some one who isnt employed, doesnt pay a mortgage, taxes, live with there parents at 30 etc..
I feel as if an opinion or lecture about women/sex etc.. doesnt count if you havent been sexually involved with anyone is years..

I just cant...I cant value your opinion unabashedly if your life experience hasn't evolved past your childhood bedroom, minimum wage, a healthy history with the opposite sex, etc..

Example: Theirs a MASSIVE male feminist over there...who just happened to score himself an arranged marriage... Let that sink in.
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And then
It pained me to see this stuff on GAF 24/7 post-election. Really. I tried to calm folks down from the constant sensationalism and I was becoming legitimately concerned about everyone's psychological well-being since we had a lot of depressed folks saying stuff like the above, every single day. I'd have to ban a bunch of people any time I said something trying to have a moderating influence, though, since all these self-deputized enforcers had come out of the woodwork demanding that if you weren't as upset as them you were Part of the Problem or Disingenuous and they saw me as having ulterior motives and tried to convince other people too. Bish secretly banned several hundred moderate regulars on GAF post-election for *not being angry enough*, and almost no one came back after I caught him and reversed a large chunk of the bans since the discourse here shifted sharply for the worse and moderate voices were no longer welcome in the community to some degree.

Those people need to get out of the 24/7 misery echo chamber bubble there just like the one we had here. We were actively working against those conditions behind the scenes the whole time (except for a couple people working against us behind the scenes...). That's why that place looks worse. I don't care if it's to come back here or not; in many cases they're not ready for civil participation per the rules here any time soon, but they should disconnect from that place and social media for their own well-being at least if they have those feelings.

Phoenix RISING Phoenix RISING , someone claiming to literally be having a mental breakdown because of Trump, mainly because of the internet social bubble they're in, is self-proclaimed instability and mental illness. It's not in a pejorative sense whatsoever. It's not healthy. They need to get off the internet for a while. In AlimNassor's case, I remember him quite well from GAF and he got banned in September of last year for a long string of low-effort hyperbole posts e.g. a post of "Why do we even allow Republicans on this board?" which is noted in our records, but his posts were not in a state of personal distress like that when a senior admin banned him for low-effort negative contributions. You can check his post history here yourself; it was generally flippant, but not in personal distress.

I'm going to post something a friend posted on FB here:

I preface this by saying: I'm okay, and I'm home now. But while I was at work today, I started to develop the symptoms of a stroke. When they progressed, my doctor wrote me a literal prescription for the emergency room, and the ER staff quickly wheeled me into one of their trauma rooms and surrounded me with more than half a dozen people.

I'm very grateful that it was not a stroke. While I have follow-ups with a neurologist to be certain, apparently it was a migraine, possibly a hemiplegic migraine.

One of my main migraine triggers is stress, and one of my major stressors right now is the news. I was already hiding from most news sources, but now it looks like I need to hide from all of them until I get these stroke-mimicking migraines under control. That means my hiatus is now indefinite and possibly--though hopefully not--permanent.

If you want to reach out, my gmail is [redacted]. This delicate flower would be happy to keep in touch. Either way, take care of yourself.

This is a 32 year-old person.

Politics these days is literally incapacitating folks, if not killing them outright. It's not "mental illness."
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Politics these days is literally incapacitating folks, if not killing them outright. It's not "mental illness."

You're describing mental illness. Mental illness is not something that only magically happens on its own. It can happen to totally healthy people based entirely on environmental factors. We're on the same page here. :goog_smile:

Fox Mulder

The standard impotent rage statement from the left. The right goes out and votes.

Legal immigration to their dream destinations is hard and those nations aren't seen as evil nazis for enforcing their laws or preferring immigrants that add value.
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Heck, Canada was releasing warning messages a few weeks ago that any illegals crossing over their border will be apprehended and deported, lol.
Heck, Canada was releasing warning messages a few weeks ago that any illegals crossing over their border will be apprehended and deported, lol.

Isn't it somewhat difficult to immigrate to Canada regardless? I kind of recall the last time this happened that it had been mentioned that to immigrate to Canada the person(s) in question had to not only pass a certain number of tests but had to meet certain requirements (for work/jobs) in order to obtain a visa/citizenship. Or was this incorrect?
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Isn't it somewhat difficult to immigrate to Canada regardless? I kind of recall the last time this happened that it had been mentioned that to immigrate to Canada the person(s) in question had to not only pass a certain number of tests but had to meet certain requirements (for work/jobs) in order to obtain a visa/citizenship. Or was this incorrect?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that is correct. I think it is a merit (Nazi :D) based type system.

JordanN JordanN is this correct or nah? I remember reading in another thread you are Canadian.


On a sidenote, I reported one post which was like fuck you. I'll say it. You are a racist.

And I think a moderator just edited the message to "womp womp" instead of taking any action on it.

I am not 100% sure on this but a message I thought went overboard was changed and it has no edit marking on it.

That sounds like some classic ERA moderation, they need to protect their own and silence anyone who disagrees with them.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
35 bans/warnings today and the day is only half way over.

A lot of the reasoning is entertaining to read...
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Downplaying the consequences of colonialism

And this is a one day ban:
Reason: User Banned (1 Day): advocating murder

I frequent both sites but finally got perma-banned yesterday at the other site. All stupid reasons and they don't like any comments or arguments if it's not their alt-left views. Really was frustrating and very confusing. I felt like I was on crazy pills as it was all really bizarre.
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