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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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EviLore summarized it flawlessly and I agree to everything he wrote. Furthermore I apologized to I'm new be nice I'm new be nice via PM for my insensitive remark. But hey, the dialogue, when it's on certain level is a great exercise to challenge and broaden our morality. People learn and change their enitre lives.


Sorry for double posting, but can't edit my post. Find sth like this on Reddit, quite accurate predictions from this guy, but he was banned. Why? Someone in the comments on Reddit wrote sth like "and in true NeoGAF fashion, he was banned".



Sorry for double posting, but can't edit my post. Find sth like this on Reddit, quite accurate predictions from this guy, but he was banned. Why? Someone in the comments on Reddit wrote sth like "and in true NeoGAF fashion, he was banned".

I don't know, but I will say I posted in that thread and people attacked that poster for his information and "sources" relentlessly for no reason at all. I thought he did a very good job with his rumors and speculation. I assume he got banned for reacting to the way people were treating him for posting the information.


Let's be honest, the nuking of OT was a blessing in disguise. There was very little in terms of valid discussion on the board at that time, especially from the socio/political viewpoint (though it seems most of the sports threads are chill outside of a few instances). The "mental health" threads were worthy of being in cringe compilations with as much over exaggeration and "victimhood" mindsets and attitudes that it provided and helped foster (this coming from someone who has dealt with suicide attempts and major depressive disorder for the vast majority of their life). So those "thousands" of man hours you stated were pretty much worthless and devoid of actual valued discussion, in my opinion. Though I do understand that it wasn't always like that with there were plenty of great threads and actual advice prior to the take over of the authoritarian left/professional victim mindset from '11/'12 onwards - however 6+ year old threads aren't really necessary for keeping around or bringing back up for discussion.

Also, from a cursory glance, many of those who cried out against the nuking of OT also ended up posting vore, porn, gore, and petty insults in attempts of account suicide - further preventing any new/valued discussions or threads from being seen. This was a highly childish and pathetically sad move, especially when they could have just re-created the threads and moved on, like an adult would do. Except most didn't do that.

Even if OT wasn't destroyed and ResetEra was still around, we would probably have many of the same insulting, arrogant, and ignorant posters like Shower_Alf or Subpar Spatula. They would continue to silence/quiet discussion that they disagreed with and we would not end up with the more open, discussion-focused site that NeoGaf has become.

Pardon for any mistakes/issues in this post. Typing on a tiny iPhone is hard.

Are you referring to the Mental Health community OT or mental health threads in general? Because i sometimes lurked in the community OT and i disagree with you about the bolded. They always tried to help each other and the first advice for anyone seeking help was to search for a profissional. The current Mental Health OT in ERA is the same so while agree that place in general is far from perfect because of all the reasons everyone knows, i dont think this apply to the Mental Health department.

I saw the mental health OT here and the first thing i read were things like "just dont be depressed, duh" or "just be happy and depression goes away" so anyone who actually know a little about this disease from medical research understand that this is one of the worst advice to give for depressed people. So its my opnion that instead of only using this thread to point every single wrong thing there, it should also be used to improve this forum because it is really turning out to be a nice place.

Also i know its kinda off topic, but is a thread specifically for talking about another forum necessary?


Also i know its kinda off topic, but is a thread specifically for talking about another forum necessary?

GAF is currently going through a recovery phase because the old community who gave the site its bad reputation have moved onto a different forum. The members who remained here or have flocked back here after the exodus are simply venting their frustrations with the way the things used to be. Think of it as a form of therapy for them. The main positive of having this thread means discussion about ResetEra can be contained here instead of spilling out into other threads which quickly becomes tedious to read.


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Sorry for double posting, but can't edit my post. Find sth like this on Reddit, quite accurate predictions from this guy, but he was banned. Why? Someone in the comments on Reddit wrote sth like "and in true NeoGAF fashion, he was banned".

That member made a great deal of posts that were stated as known fact. When asked to provide evidence of access to this information, they refused to provide anything and so were banned. We do not allow people to peddle internet gossip as known fact and not back that up, especially when using that information as a way to garner prestige. It doesn't matter how much of what they threw at the wall actually stuck. A great deal of it turned out to be completely false.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
That member made a great deal of posts that were stated as known fact. When asked to provide evidence of access to this information, they refused to provide anything and so were banned. We do not allow people to peddle internet gossip as known fact and not back that up, especially when using that information as a way to garner prestige. It doesn't matter how much of what they threw at the wall actually stuck. A great deal of it turned out to be completely false.

Pardon for bringing this up, but this does lead to an excellent question I was meaning to ask. What is the difference between what they did and what people like Emily Rogers or Pachter? They get as much right and wrong as the banned member. Curious to know the difference between the two. Is it because the latter two are "in the industry"?


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Pardon for bringing this up, but this does lead to an excellent question I was meaning to ask. What is the difference between what they did and what people like Emily Rogers or Pachter? They get as much right and wrong as the banned member. Curious to know the difference between the two. Is it because the latter two are "in the industry"?

I can't speak to Emily Rogers, but there is a huge difference between an unverified person posting things here as guaranteed, and someone like Pachter doing what he does. Pachter works for a very large financial company, leading his own department of research. He (presumably to be in his position) makes vast amounts of money for clients based on his speculation through market experience, not knowledge of fact.

What people often forget is that someone in his position is as likely to say something that people find silly to see how people and companies react, as he is to simply be making a fanciful prediction for fun. He can ask a dumb question publicly, and have companies wondering if it was a dumb question at all. The man is in a position to know more than the average person, certainly. No one would have a need to question his credentials, only the accuracy of his speculation. I doubt that he would ever come to GAF and post a big list of things that are definitely going to happen because secret sources. There is nothing in that for him, frankly.
Speaking of Pachter reminds me of the old days and gives me an excuse to post this from the Star Trek gif thread of 2008.



I just one to give a shout for EviLore EviLore and Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights . Had some questions to them and received a more than friendly response from both of them. Commander in chief doesn't even shy from a pinch of humour in his PM's and, well, even being a douchebag like I sometimes, doesn't get you banned. Great communication, far better from what I encountered on different forums where adims tend to stick their heads up their asses.


That member made a great deal of posts that were stated as known fact. When asked to provide evidence of access to this information, they refused to provide anything and so were banned. We do not allow people to peddle internet gossip as known fact and not back that up, especially when using that information as a way to garner prestige. It doesn't matter how much of what they threw at the wall actually stuck. A great deal of it turned out to be completely false.
Okay. I will bite.

This is balogna!

The person isn't going to out sources to a forum just to prove the shit he said. Almost everything was spot on besides just a couple things. He clearly was tuned in somewhere. And, he didn't do it to "garner prestige". He simply just put what he was hearing. That ban was ridiculous imo. And if he was just throwing darts at a wall to see what stuck then he is almost prophetic.


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Okay. I will bite.

This is balogna!

The person isn't going to out sources to a forum just to prove the shit he said. Almost everything was spot on besides just a couple things. He clearly was tuned in somewhere. And, he didn't do it to "garner prestige". He simply just put what he was hearing. That ban was ridiculous imo. And if he was just throwing darts at a wall to see what stuck then he is almost prophetic.

You are entitled to believe that, but NeoGAF has a long history of vetting industry members and people in a position to provide such evidence have no issue with this process. We are not here to out anybody, source or otherwise, simply to be sure of a persons ability to have access to such information.

I'm not going to comment on this specific ban further, other to say that this individuals motives were not altruistic and that they acknowledged that freely themselves. Your defense of their position is undeserved.


ResetEra used to be the NeoGaf community. Due to the years they controlled this site, it (neogaf) had garnered a rather poor reputation. Things will be slow going to improve it.
From my experience on resetera, it is all of the worst parts of old Gaf. I tried to have rational conversation there multiple times but it is really the worst possible echo chamber.


I think there's a good chance some old friends will be coming back in droves before long. Unless they can bury and hide the abomination that is yesterday's thread started by a mod, highlighting a study showing less than a couple percent of straight people will sleep with a trans person (and claiming those views are "outrageous"), and which promptly resulted in bans if you had the audacity to say you would not have sex with a trans person either. Although this may read like an Onion article, this actually happened.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I think there's a good chance some old friends will be coming back in droves before long. Unless they can bury and hide the abomination that is yesterday's thread started by a mod, highlighting a study showing less than a couple percent of straight people will sleep with a trans person (and claiming those views are "outrageous"), and which promptly resulted in bans if you had the audacity to say you would not have sex with a trans person either. Although this may read like an Onion article, this actually happened.

That was a disgusting move, even for the authoritarian/far-left mindset that runs that place.
I think there's a good chance some old friends will be coming back in droves before long. Unless they can bury and hide the abomination that is yesterday's thread started by a mod, highlighting a study showing less than a couple percent of straight people will sleep with a trans person (and claiming those views are "outrageous"), and which promptly resulted in bans if you had the audacity to say you would not have sex with a trans person either. Although this may read like an Onion article, this actually happened.

Holy cow that thread is hot garbage! It shocks me how many people expect others to just date trans people as if it is normal. Fucking ridiculous. There are people out there attracted to trans folks but apparently that just isn't enough. If I am not willing to pretend that penis is a vagina than I am a bigot.

That thread is a perfect example of why I left that place.

Also, the idea that denying the wants or needs of trans folk is somehow questioning their very existence. As if my questioning of their existence will cause them to just up and *poof* disappear to begin with? Whew!

Reading Resetera is like playing a really good horror game. I can only do it for 10-15 minute chunks before I have to take a break and get back to reality.


ERA has a bigger population but that place is too much political, like taking political correctness to the extreme.
I don't wanna be afraid of giving a different opinion.
Anyway, GAF feels much better now.
A little offtopic but can we still hide avatars and images? Just like before in the old theme.

Fox Mulder

ERA has a bigger population but that place is too much political, like taking political correctness to the extreme.
I don't wanna be afraid of giving a different opinion.
Anyway, GAF feels much better now.
A little offtopic but can we still hide avatars and images? Just like before in the old theme.

Lots of people want that kind of restricted space. I'm very liberal, but recently got another week ban in an OT thread and got sick of it. I just politely emailed them to ban me permanently to be done with that. They can do whatever, the internet is big with plenty of other places I can go.
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This user has been reply banned from the thread. Let's be a bit more respectful.
Why is it so hard for trans sexuals to understand why heterosexual people wouldn't want to sleep with them?

No straight person would want to have sex with someone pre-op, and even post-op requires you to play a hell of a lot of mental gymnastics.

Plus on "there" everyone acts like most trans are beautiful people who 'pass' easily. This is utter bullshit. Most trans women look like a bloke in a dress, and most trans men look like butch lesbians.

Yes on porn sites you see trans who are sexy and like the gender they've swapped to. This is the extreme minority.

If you don't have the money to transition properly, don't do it. If you're a 'woman' with stubble, a strong jaw and a deep voice - don't get upset when people assume you're a man and treat you like one.

Nobody can look at that and think woman.

Mental health issues aside, there's no real issue for me with someone wanting to live as the opposite gender. People do much weirder things, so why would it bother me? The only thing that bothers me is the type of trannies on Reset who create an echo chamber and act like it's a big part of society. It's not. You're a fraction of a percentage of the population.
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I'm not even white, but I find a lot of the responses in the thread titled "Fewer births than deaths among in majority of US states" appalling.

Of course, they would never respond with comments such as "good" and "this race isn't special, so it doesn't matter" if ,for example, Nigerians or Pakistanis were becoming a minority in their respective countries. It's just blatant racism, but it's ok because it's white people.

It's as if these people want whites to die out.

They really believe that some sort of racial utopia will emerge when all the awful white people are gone. It's utter madness.
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I'm not even white, but I find a lot of the responses in the thread titled "Fewer births than deaths among in majority of US states" appalling.

Of course, they would never respond with comments such as "good" and "this race isn't special, so it doesn't matter" if ,for example, Nigerians or Pakistanis were becoming a minority in their respective countries. It's just blatant racism, but it's ok because it's white people.

It's as if these people want whites to die out.

They really believe that some sort of racial utopia will emerge when all the awful white people are gone. It's utter madness.

I stopped going there because I really believe that reading that shit from reset, 4chan and most of reddit actually rots your brain but this post made me go.
That thread is insane

That would require having attractive values like empathy, kindness, being family oriented, not having a criminal record, and possibly a strive to be good looking which is in short supply among white supremacists/neo Nazis/alt right :p

I found really funny because on his twitter(found by voat) he posted he was getting married BUT it's an arranged marriage. I wonder what reset thinks about him being in a forced marriage, i'm sure he will never disclose that there.

Just a continuation of far left virtue signalers being pieces of shit
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I'm not even white, but I find a lot of the responses in the thread titled "Fewer births than deaths among in majority of US states" appalling.

Of course, they would never respond with comments such as "good" and "this race isn't special, so it doesn't matter" if ,for example, Nigerians or Pakistanis were becoming a minority in their respective countries. It's just blatant racism, but it's ok because it's white people.

It's as if these people want whites to die out.

They really believe that some sort of racial utopia will emerge when all the awful white people are gone. It's utter madness.

It's just sad. I have a theory that this thing is fucking addictive, so even those who are only pretending to be crazy for some sort of social highlight position or more commonly because they think it will get them sex eventually go crazy and start either believing this shit or losing touch with reality or both. It's some lovecraftian shit.


There is the same dog piling, hive mind nonsense that used to be so prevalent here is in full swing over there.



I stopped going there because I really believe that reading that shit from reset, 4chan and most of reddit actually rots your brain but this post made me go.
That thread is insane
Yeah, I agree. It's literally the same stuff that used to make this site a miserable experience.

It's just sad. I have a theory that this thing is fucking addictive, so even those who are only pretending to be crazy for some sort of social highlight position or more commonly because they think it will get them sex eventually go crazy and start either believing this shit or losing touch with reality or both. It's some lovecraftian shit.

Yeah, I think it gives them some sort of meaning in their lives. These days, it seems increasingly fashionable to ridicule white people - as if blaming and belittling an entire race for society's problems will make things better. I really think quite a few of them geniunely believe the world would be a better place if white people didn't exist.

There's palable sense of meance lurking beneath the smug comments.
Yeah, I think it gives them some sort of meaning in their lives. These days, it seems increasingly fashionable to ridicule white people - as if blaming and belittling an entire race for society's problems will make things better. I really think quite a few of them geniunely believe the world would be a better place if white people didn't exist.

There's palable sense of meance lurking beneath the smug comments.

Yeah and this phenomenon is crossing over to Facebook and regular Twitter accounts quite frequently. It's one thing to do that behind the relative anonymity of a niche forum where you post as MonsterCock69 with a Game of Thrones avatar, but doing that under your own name is taking that to the next level. There's definitely some tension brewing under sheer intellectual disability, but the one silver lining is that this is also coupled with an expectation of the world being the one to adjust to one's needs. People won't do shit but bitch and moan, this generation is too soft which is why you see "safe spaces" more and more. Call anyone on their bullshit and they won't they you to go fuck yourself, they'll try and get you expelled so they don't have to deal with aggression.

Which is safer but somehow even more annoying.


I'm not even white, but I find a lot of the responses in the thread titled "Fewer births than deaths among in majority of US states" appalling.

Of course, they would never respond with comments such as "good" and "this race isn't special, so it doesn't matter" if ,for example, Nigerians or Pakistanis were becoming a minority in their respective countries. It's just blatant racism, but it's ok because it's white people.

It's as if these people want whites to die out.

They really believe that some sort of racial utopia will emerge when all the awful white people are gone. It's utter madness.

I've taken flak over the past few days for my views, but I feel completely vindicated knowing deep down I'm right.
I have a real reason to fear whites becoming minorities in their own countries is a powder keg getting ready to explode.
I'm not a racist for politely asking said powder keg not to have its fuse lit, but a las, not only do you get called a nazi, it's openly being celebrated on the other site wishing for the demise of all whites.


Yeah and this phenomenon is crossing over to Facebook and regular Twitter accounts quite frequently. It's one thing to do that behind the relative anonymity of a niche forum where you post as MonsterCock69 with a Game of Thrones avatar, but doing that under your own name is taking that to the next level. There's definitely some tension brewing under sheer intellectual disability, but the one silver lining is that this is also coupled with an expectation of the world being the one to adjust to one's needs. People won't do shit but bitch and moan, this generation is too soft which is why you see "safe spaces" more and more. Call anyone on their bullshit and they won't they you to go fuck yourself, they'll try and get you expelled so they don't have to deal with aggression.

Which is safer but somehow even more annoying.
I've never been active on Twitter or Facebook, but that doesn't surprise me. That's the thing these days, people on the far left can't simply politely disagree with views they don't like – it's not enough; they have to destroy those who have opposing views. Whether that's by shaming them into silence, excluding them or getting them fired, they take great pleasure in attempting to ruin people they find disagreeable.

I've taken flak over the past few days for my views, but I feel completely vindicated knowing deep down I'm right.
I have a real reason to fear whites becoming minorities in their own countries is a powder keg getting ready to explode.
I'm not a racist for politely asking said powder keg not to have its fuse lit, but a las, not only do you get called a nazi, it's openly being celebrated on the other site wishing for the demise of all whites.

Yeah it's just disturbing how they think everything will be better when they are fewer white people. They act as if non-whites are incapable of doing bad things when they get power – that such desires are only exclusive to white people. I live in a diverse area in London (UK), and I'm not someone that hangs around with a lot of white people, but I've never bought into the idea that things will be better when whites become a minority in places where they were a majority.


Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I was banned there a couple days after the site first started up last year due to having an account on and posting on a rather sleazy internet forum (you can PM me if you're curious as to what it was) with which I'd like to cut ties with. The ban reason I was given was "off-site doxxing", although I never actually participated in or did any doxxing (I absolutely do not support that kind of behavior; People have doxxed me in the past and it can be extremely hurtful). At worst I did some gawking at some of the things people posted online that I found silly (which I recognize even that was rude of me). I don't support that kind of behavior and I especially don't support doxxing, although after talking with an acquaintance here via PMs, I realized that by using the sleazy site I was in a way condoning that sort of behavior. Because of this, I had my username changed on that website and stopped going to that site as a means of trying to make up for it. I was dumb and didn't realize how hurtful this sleazy website was.

But the thing is, is that I was permabanned during those first few days on Reset, and I really miss the community. I used to post a lot on SteamGAF here and I'd sometimes follow ToonamiGAF. Since most of the users in those threads moved to Reset, I've sort of lost touch with the community that I loved to interact with. I feel bad about it. I tried emailing the mods of Reset but never received any sort of reply back. Because of this, I'm not really sure what I should do. Its been nearly a year since I was banned and I haven't used that sleazy forum I mentioned in ages (and don't intend to in the future either). I really wanna see if its possible if I can appeal and/or get a second chance, but I'm not really sure how to go about that. Is there any way I could get in touch with and contact the mods there? It just hurts a bit. I don't wanna be seen as an immoral person, and I don't wanna lose touch with the communities that I originally interacted with either. Since I never received a response from them via email, I'm at a loss of what to do. I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.
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Darkness no more
Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I was banned there a couple days after the site first started up last year due to having an account on and posting on a rather sleazy internet forum (you can PM me if you're curious as to what it was) with which I'd like to cut ties with. The ban reason I was given was "off-site doxxing", although I never actually participated in or did any doxxing (I absolutely do not support that kind of behavior; People have doxxed me in the past and it can be extremely hurtful). At worst I did some gawking at some of the things people posted online that I found silly (which I recognize even that was rude of me). I don't support that kind of behavior and I especially don't support doxxing, although after talking with an acquaintance here via PMs, I realized that by using the sleazy site I was in a way condoning that sort of behavior. Because of this, I had my username changed on that website and stopped going to that site as a means of trying to make up for it. I was dumb and didn't realize how hurtful this sleazy website was.

But the thing is, is that I was permabanned during those first few days on Reset, and I really miss the community. I used to post a lot on SteamGAF here and I'd sometimes follow ToonamiGAF. Since most of the users in those threads moved to Reset, I've sort of lost touch with the community that I loved to interact with. I feel bad about it. I tried emailing the mods of Reset but never received any sort of reply back. Because of this, I'm not really sure what I should do. Its been nearly a year since I was banned and I haven't used that sleazy forum I mentioned in ages (and don't intend to in the future either). I really wanna see if its possible if I can appeal and/or get a second chance, but I'm not really sure how to go about that. Is there any way I could get in touch with and contact the mods there? It just hurts a bit. I don't wanna be seen as an immoral person, and I don't wanna lose touch with the communities that I originally interacted with either. Since I never received a response from them via email, I'm at a loss of what to do. I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.

We aren’t really able to help with another site not answering their email. Chances are with the amount of people they ban on a daily basis they just don’t care.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I was banned there a couple days after the site first started up last year due to having an account on and posting on a rather sleazy internet forum (you can PM me if you're curious as to what it was) with which I'd like to cut ties with. The ban reason I was given was "off-site doxxing", although I never actually participated in or did any doxxing (I absolutely do not support that kind of behavior; People have doxxed me in the past and it can be extremely hurtful). At worst I did some gawking at some of the things people posted online that I found silly (which I recognize even that was rude of me). I don't support that kind of behavior and I especially don't support doxxing, although after talking with an acquaintance here via PMs, I realized that by using the sleazy site I was in a way condoning that sort of behavior. Because of this, I had my username changed on that website and stopped going to that site as a means of trying to make up for it. I was dumb and didn't realize how hurtful this sleazy website was.

But the thing is, is that I was permabanned during those first few days on Reset, and I really miss the community. I used to post a lot on SteamGAF here and I'd sometimes follow ToonamiGAF. Since most of the users in those threads moved to Reset, I've sort of lost touch with the community that I loved to interact with. I feel bad about it. I tried emailing the mods of Reset but never received any sort of reply back. Because of this, I'm not really sure what I should do. Its been nearly a year since I was banned and I haven't used that sleazy forum I mentioned in ages (and don't intend to in the future either). I really wanna see if its possible if I can appeal and/or get a second chance, but I'm not really sure how to go about that. Is there any way I could get in touch with and contact the mods there? It just hurts a bit. I don't wanna be seen as an immoral person, and I don't wanna lose touch with the communities that I originally interacted with either. Since I never received a response from them via email, I'm at a loss of what to do. I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.

They do not care about you, about what actually happened, or about improving. You are better off just forgetting about the site or creating a new account under some other paid email address if you really need to get back in. As far as the moderators are concerned, you are just another random person who disagreed with them or their personal world views and therefore deserved a ban. It sucks, but that is what they have done for years.

You could also try to revitalize those communities over here and get more people involved. However, I am not sure how much help that would be.
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Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I was banned there a couple days after the site first started up last year due to having an account on and posting on a rather sleazy internet forum (you can PM me if you're curious as to what it was) with which I'd like to cut ties with. The ban reason I was given was "off-site doxxing", although I never actually participated in or did any doxxing (I absolutely do not support that kind of behavior; People have doxxed me in the past and it can be extremely hurtful). At worst I did some gawking at some of the things people posted online that I found silly (which I recognize even that was rude of me). I don't support that kind of behavior and I especially don't support doxxing, although after talking with an acquaintance here via PMs, I realized that by using the sleazy site I was in a way condoning that sort of behavior. Because of this, I had my username changed on that website and stopped going to that site as a means of trying to make up for it. I was dumb and didn't realize how hurtful this sleazy website was.

But the thing is, is that I was permabanned during those first few days on Reset, and I really miss the community. I used to post a lot on SteamGAF here and I'd sometimes follow ToonamiGAF. Since most of the users in those threads moved to Reset, I've sort of lost touch with the community that I loved to interact with. I feel bad about it. I tried emailing the mods of Reset but never received any sort of reply back. Because of this, I'm not really sure what I should do. Its been nearly a year since I was banned and I haven't used that sleazy forum I mentioned in ages (and don't intend to in the future either). I really wanna see if its possible if I can appeal and/or get a second chance, but I'm not really sure how to go about that. Is there any way I could get in touch with and contact the mods there? It just hurts a bit. I don't wanna be seen as an immoral person, and I don't wanna lose touch with the communities that I originally interacted with either. Since I never received a response from them via email, I'm at a loss of what to do. I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.


And they do answer.

Are you on the PCGaming discord?
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And they do answer.

Are you on the PCGaming discord?
I'm not on the PC Gaming Discord, no.
Also I appreciate your help! Although this is one of the emails I was talking about. I've emailed this email twice in the past about the ban and never received a reply (although its worth noting this was back in October, VERY shortly after the ban). I also tried SweetNicole's Reset email back in December. I guess its nice to know they check it, although that just means they either missed mine, ignored it, or felt it best to not respond. :/

I'll try this email you're giving me one more time though since its been so long. Thank you!

...Out of curiosity, about how long does it usually take for them to get back to people do you know?

EDIT: Nevermind! I actually received a response this time! Although its looking like my timing for this was really bad. Basically I've been told that my issue isn't something that they can revisit presently. Which I guess this gives me a little closure. Its been nearly a year. I guess waiting longer wouldn't be too bad.
You could also try to revitalize those communities over here and get more people involved. However, I am not sure how much help that would be.
Trust me, I've tried. There's just not enough activity here to revitalize them. The forum is certainly healthier than it was back when people first took leave, but it's still not quite as active as it once was to the point where there just aren't enough people interested in such threads unfortunately.
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So, what's the latest outrage on reset these days? I know they've got to be fuming about something since it's in their dna. I haven't really read anything over there in a while. How many of y'all still have accounts that haven't been banned yet? :p
I've never been active on Twitter or Facebook, but that doesn't surprise me. That's the thing these days, people on the far left can't simply politely disagree with views they don't like – it's not enough; they have to destroy those who have opposing views. Whether that's by shaming them into silence, excluding them or getting them fired, they take great pleasure in attempting to ruin people they find disagreeable.

Agreed and that's even more dangerous because we now live in an era where everyone and their dog can make up some tales out of their ass and post it online and it's automatically true. While I'm not active on Twitter, I often visit this account just to check the sheer absurdity of shit people put up and here's the scary: you absolutely cannot be even just a little bit skeptic about anything, questioning if something is actually real means you're questioning it conceptually, which means instant validation on most social circles on literally anything you come up with that makes some semblance of fictional logic. If it could happen, then it happened. Combine that with people living characters on their daily routine and yeah you got a very schizophrenic generation.

Seriously, consider the following: This shit I just talked about clearly isn't healthy and on most spaces you can't even perhaps suggest that because it would get you labeled as a Trumper. This is the danger zone.


I've never been active on Twitter or Facebook, but that doesn't surprise me. That's the thing these days, people on the far left can't simply politely disagree with views they don't like – it's not enough; they have to destroy those who have opposing views. Whether that's by shaming them into silence, excluding them or getting them fired, they take great pleasure in attempting to ruin people they find disagreeable.

People often come out of school with 6 figure debt, and job prospects that barely pay for their student loan payments. They dont expect this, because while they see mean and/or average salary figures for graduates, no one bothers to tell them that the results are based on people who respond to surveys, and that taxes and student loan payments take huge bites from good paying jobs. And before they graduate they are indoctrinated to believe their pending financial issues are the fault of the right instead of the greed of their left wing educators. That way when they find it hard to make ends meet after accumulating all that debt, they are already inclined to hate someone other than the person who caused it. And of course, after graduation they find little value in themselves. In many cases they are back to living at home. In the olden days they would have worked multiple jobs and started a family in a small place. But providing for your family is barely recognized as a virtue anymore, and kids are coddled for so long that they think working two jobs is beneath them even though they've barely worked in their whole life. And thanks to reality TV and social media, they think anything other than massive success is failure anyway.

So now they are struggling after expecting nice cushy luxurious lives. And then their anger grows and grows and grows. And then they see how much pain they can cause others from a keyboard. And it makes them feel like they matter again, and important for once. And with nothing better to do in their lives, they begin taking pride in this crap. And they are cheered for it. Both directly and indirectly via the MSM, who is still trying to overturn the great injustice of not being listed to in 2016 (and who cannot grasp that they caused the 2016 election somehow). And then we get to 2018, and this is what we have.
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Basically I've been told that my issue isn't something that they can revisit presently. Which I guess this gives me a little closure. Its been nearly a year. I guess waiting longer wouldn't be too bad.

Yeah they've been giving that to everyone sadly. I'd love to get unbanned from there but well that's probably not gonna ever happen.

Realistically I shouldn't have been banned but like that's really not gonna changed they blamed me for something I never did.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I think there's a good chance some old friends will be coming back in droves before long. Unless they can bury and hide the abomination that is yesterday's thread started by a mod, highlighting a study showing less than a couple percent of straight people will sleep with a trans person (and claiming those views are "outrageous"), and which promptly resulted in bans if you had the audacity to say you would not have sex with a trans person either. Although this may read like an Onion article, this actually happened.
That thread was interesting for a number of ways:
  • Brazil ignoring the bigger number of straight women not wanting to deal with transgender people in a relationship. Exactly one user tried to address this, but he consistently refused that. To me, that right off the bad is an example of bad faith posting because one only focusses on cis white men.
  • Robin making that thread, but containing a study that clearly makes no distinction between pre-op or post-op trans people, and also features multiple things you could vote for. There is a 12% number mentioned and they are surprised it is so little. What can you expect when you have more than 3 options to vote for?
All in all that singular study is definitely not a fact, but rather incomplete. In any other case you would not have used that as a definitive marker to establish discussion, but asked for additional evidence. None of those things are happening there. The biggest numbers get ignored, a few agree that the study isnt exactly deep but most just run with the conclusions. Some go even further and state that you are a bigot if you decline to date transgender people (Again not stating whether one is pre-op or post-op). This is the kind of passive-aggressiveness ive come to expect from that movement, which includes a few staffers. I call these lot The Names, because this small circle of people ruin it for all the other staff members that work there. You can't force people with different sexual interest to date you, nor do people like being told who or what they should date. The fact that some users in that thread actually expect this or see this is a goal is very, very strange. Again, its aggressive shit like that that won't advance trans acceptance around the states. All it does is that the majority, already unknown to this 0.1% minority, are even less interested in this movement. And i think that is terrible because i dont think everyone of that minority is that extreme, at all.

Its the same with the Chloe Sagal suicide. Pages upon pages saying fuck you Kiwifarms when in reality, Kiwi's thread on her was 6 months inactive before the suicide occurred, and multiple staff has expressed how terrible this situation is. Nobody on ERA mentions this, because, it apparently is already decided that Kiwi is the scapegoat. And because stating otherwise will inevitably lead to a ban, you get page upon page of people just saying fuck you alt-right, fuck you kiwi, fuck you this, fuck you that. That isn't a healthy basis for critical thinking.

I considered starting that thread here. I saw it before they did.

Would make a good tie-in to my thread about suicide.
Glad to see you here Phoenix.

I got permed myself but thats for another day.

Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.
It is definitely unusual that they have yet to reply to you. I know some staffers email, but i dont think linking it is allwoed.

I'm not on the PC Gaming Discord, no.
Also I appreciate your help! Although this is one of the emails I was talking about. I've emailed this email twice in the past about the ban and never received a reply (although its worth noting this was back in October, VERY shortly after the ban). I also tried SweetNicole's Reset email back in December. I guess its nice to know they check it, although that just means they either missed mine, ignored it, or felt it best to not respond. :/
I don't know what's worse. Not getting any reply or getting a response that is essentially a boilerplate comment that does not address your points.
It should be said though that clearly The Names are understaffed. There are a lot of staff members, but not everyone is part of that group. I say that group because whose names pop up most of the times on other places? Its always the same 4-5 people. It might very well be that they just forgot about it.

EDIT: Nevermind! I actually received a response this time! Although its looking like my timing for this was really bad. Basically I've been told that my issue isn't something that they can revisit presently. Which I guess this gives me a little closure. Its been nearly a year. I guess waiting longer wouldn't be too bad.
Trust me, I've tried. There's just not enough activity here to revitalize them. The forum is certainly healthier than it was back when people first took leave, but it's still not quite as active as it once was to the point where there just aren't enough people interested in such threads unfortunately.
They said similar to my permban. And well, that i had prior infractions. Yet i still dont know to this very day why i got my very first ban, no postings were hostile, the ban was not even for a post but for general behavior. Out of nowhere. To this day i dont get what it was that made me get that ban, and lengthy PM replies didnt help either.

Yeah they've been giving that to everyone sadly. I'd love to get unbanned from there but well that's probably not gonna ever happen.

Realistically I shouldn't have been banned but like that's really not gonna changed they blamed me for something I never did.
You would be surprised how long that goes on. I even got banned from 2 discords referring to these bans, but they were made by regular members. How would they know of it, unless they are friends with The Names? It is incredibly annoying to see already questionable bans getting used as some kind of evidence to justify a ban from Discord. Especially when you get called a nazi and you have been nothing but civil in that discourse.

I wish they listened and gave actual reasons that people can learn from. Not these cheap copy-pasta reasons like history of similar behavior. The fact that one gets used so much, should be asked to the staff: If it happens so often, perhaps that implies not a problem with the user, but with the staff member in question?

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit

Well, welcome to NeoGaf!

I am not a fan of KiwiFarms, but the sheer amount of ignorance that they have shown in regards to the Chloe and Lolcow situation surrounding her was baffling. There was just so much *wrong* with what they claimed that could easily be remedied by a 15 second google search, but that doesn't help promote their outrage narrative that they have crafted.

As for their overuse of "history of similar behavior", that has been less of a show of actual long-term issues within the community and more of a "catch-all" for anything that you said countering the personal beliefs or views of the moderators/friends that run the site. Yet, defenders of the site will hold fast to the idea that the mods are correct and that the "history of similar behavior" immediately shows that you are a vile, evil person who was given so many chances and squandered them.

For the final point, they would have to actually care about what they are doing before they could listen and provide proper reasons for improved behavior, except they do not. The only thing they care for is promoting their very narrow world view and developing a large echo chamber to promote those views.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
If you look..

A large majority of Anti-White and some other odds and ends news posted on ResetEra is cross posted on The Coli.

Basically this (as we all know) a large majority (and some of their mods) are users/contributors to a site that post VERY anti-white comments/post as well as VERY homophobic post.

They bring over anti-white/anti-gay rhetoric from the Coli to ResetEra.
This should be a clear sign of the agenda of ResetEra.

I can honestly say any white/gay member of ResetEra is, imo, a cuck of the lowest caliber.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know any method by which I could talk to moderators of Reset and/or attempt to ban appeal? I was banned there a couple days after the site first started up last year due to having an account on and posting on a rather sleazy internet forum (you can PM me if you're curious as to what it was) with which I'd like to cut ties with. The ban reason I was given was "off-site doxxing", although I never actually participated in or did any doxxing (I absolutely do not support that kind of behavior; People have doxxed me in the past and it can be extremely hurtful). At worst I did some gawking at some of the things people posted online that I found silly (which I recognize even that was rude of me). I don't support that kind of behavior and I especially don't support doxxing, although after talking with an acquaintance here via PMs, I realized that by using the sleazy site I was in a way condoning that sort of behavior. Because of this, I had my username changed on that website and stopped going to that site as a means of trying to make up for it. I was dumb and didn't realize how hurtful this sleazy website was.

But the thing is, is that I was permabanned during those first few days on Reset, and I really miss the community. I used to post a lot on SteamGAF here and I'd sometimes follow ToonamiGAF. Since most of the users in those threads moved to Reset, I've sort of lost touch with the community that I loved to interact with. I feel bad about it. I tried emailing the mods of Reset but never received any sort of reply back. Because of this, I'm not really sure what I should do. Its been nearly a year since I was banned and I haven't used that sleazy forum I mentioned in ages (and don't intend to in the future either). I really wanna see if its possible if I can appeal and/or get a second chance, but I'm not really sure how to go about that. Is there any way I could get in touch with and contact the mods there? It just hurts a bit. I don't wanna be seen as an immoral person, and I don't wanna lose touch with the communities that I originally interacted with either. Since I never received a response from them via email, I'm at a loss of what to do. I miss these old Neogaf communities that moved to Reset.
This is a sad ass post man. Stop using the same username everywhere have you learned nothing?
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This is a sad ass post man. Stop using the same username everywhere have you learned nothing?
I just feel really bad about the whole affair. Some people thought I actually doxxed people, and some of the people I cared about and thought of as acquaintances wound up thinking of me as a horrible person. It hurts, and I wanna try and correct that and fix my mistakes.
And yeah...I'm far too attached to my name. I wanna make sure friends and such recognize me since a lot of likeminded people go to the same sites.
I DID get my name changed on that one forum though, so there's that. Too late now of course but at least I'm not directly associated with the site anymore. If I could, there's at least one other site I wanna change my name on, but the site in question doesn't have such a feature in any capacity. Its not a bad site, just that the way it functions it doesn't benefit me any to have the same name there.
They said similar to my permban. And well, that i had prior infractions. Yet i still dont know to this very day why i got my very first ban, no postings were hostile, the ban was not even for a post but for general behavior. Out of nowhere. To this day i dont get what it was that made me get that ban, and lengthy PM replies didnt help either.
Yeah they've been giving that to everyone sadly. I'd love to get unbanned from there but well that's probably not gonna ever happen.

Realistically I shouldn't have been banned but like that's really not gonna changed they blamed me for something I never did.
That's unfortunate. I wish they'd be more helpful in their moderation. I'm sorry you guys had such trouble. Though, do you guys not think that the word "presently" is important here? In my case, it really was horrible timing because the site in question is in especially hot water right now. It'd probably be a bad look to unban someone who was banned for posting on such a site right now.
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Darkness no more
I've noticed most political threads there now usually have a few people posting to complain that no Republicans are posting in threads to argue stuff. I guess they have run out of people to yell "nazi!" at, dogpile and try to bait into a ban.
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I've noticed most political threads there now usually have a few people posting to complain that no Republicans are posting in threads to argue stuff. I guess they have run out of people to yell "nazi!" at, dogpile and try to bait into a ban.
If it is anything like Gaf was, people just stick to gaming. Took years for Gaf to accomplish that tho. Not a good thing imo.


I've noticed most political threads there now usually have a few people posting to complain that no Republicans are posting in threads to argue stuff. I guess they have run out of people to yell "nazi!" at, dogpile and try to bait into a ban.

Haha, are you serious? I don't think it's possible to have a real discussion with them without them tossing around at least one of these words: Nazi, alt-right, racist, bigot, sometypeofphobe.

I don't think there's any doubt that some of the most miserable human beings on the internet inhabit that place. They are going to eventually blow that place up with all their outrage and I'll be watching it with my popcorn in hand with a smirk on my face :)


Darkness no more
Haha, are you serious? I don't think it's possible to have a real discussion with them without them tossing around at least one of these words: Nazi, alt-right, racist, bigot, sometypeofphobe.

I don't think there's any doubt that some of the most miserable human beings on the internet inhabit that place. They are going to eventually blow that place up with all their outrage and I'll be watching it with my popcorn in hand with a smirk on my face :)

They don't want to have a discussion. They just want to yell. That's why all the people who may have a slightly different viewpoint left or started avoiding those threads (or got banned).

I asked them to close my account out the other day. The lunatics always calling for violence against Republicans were getting to be out of control, even for that place.
I've noticed most political threads there now usually have a few people posting to complain that no Republicans are posting in threads to argue stuff. I guess they have run out of people to yell "nazi!" at, dogpile and try to bait into a ban.

There was a conservative Era community thread, but the people who posted there were lacking intellectual savvy, and it died in short order. People simply stopped posting, not because of moderation, but because nobody could manage to post anything that wasn't explicitly disparaging.

Edit: It is a graveyard.
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There was a conservative Era community thread, but the people who posted there were lacking intellectual savvy, and it died in short order. People simply stopped posting, not because of moderation, but because nobody could manage to post anything that wasn't explicitly disparaging.

Edit: It is a graveyard.
Phoenix come on. Anyone with two points in the IQ scale would quickly realize that posting in the conservative thread puts you on a watch list if not outright banned. I really appreciate your different views on some things compared to my own, but to suggest lack of intellectual savvy creates the vacuum of conservative thought is a little much.
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