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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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Fox Mulder

Well they did close a thread asking if other white people were planning to get sterilized, OP didn't get banned either.

It's insane looking at it from the outside now, I'm sad I was ever wrapped up in that shit even here before the split.


Well they did close a thread asking if other white people were planning to get sterilized, OP didn't get banned either.

It's insane looking at it from the outside now, I'm sad I was ever wrapped up in that shit even here before the split.

It's unfortunate how everything went down because someone was drug through the mud over a false accusation, but the exodus of the insane asylum is the greatest thing to ever happen to this board.

Normalcy has returned and people can actually talk to one another, respectfully disagree with one another, etc. It's a beautiful thing to see.

Now we can sit back, laugh at their outrageous nonsense, and watch them eat each other alive on the way to blowing the site up.


Wow didn’t know this thread existed. Sure it will fill up as the site gets closer and closer to imploding on itself.

I thought it might be OK at first, but it’s gotten worse and worse recently. Many of the bans are just ridiculous. It’s back to where oldGAF was now, where the site’s only function is as a news service.


Old Member
This comment seems more like a personal affair than something that is relevant to this topic or the forum in general. Please control this behavior so not to scalate things any further. Serves as well to anyone making forum discussion a personal matter.
And then

I'm going to post something a friend posted on FB here:

This is a 32 year-old person.

Politics these days is literally incapacitating folks, if not killing them outright. It's not "mental illness."

Would you classify destroying a basement in a fit of Tekken-induced rage as "mental illness" or nah?

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member

Has anyone saw the abso-fucking-lately bonkers DHS 1488 thread?


And does anyone have a favorite poster yet? Mine is Red Mercury right now.

Also the AMA with a Ex-White Supremacist thread. Some posters saying redemption is impossible. Made me wanna ask "So we also shouldn't offer redemption to ex-gang members?"
They would lose their shit.
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The 1-2 punch of the 1488 DHS thread and the immediate Trump outrage over the newspaper shooting was just too much for me.

Combine that with the freaking out about SCOTUS the day before.. how can any of those people function on a daily basis? I genuinely worry for them sometimes. It has to be horrible to look at the world that way on a daily basis.


The 1-2 punch of the 1488 DHS thread and the immediate Trump outrage over the newspaper shooting was just too much for me.

Combine that with the freaking out about SCOTUS the day before.. how can any of those people function on a daily basis? I genuinely worry for them sometimes. It has to be horrible to look at the world that way on a daily basis.
The SCOTUS thread was outrageous. So many of them are so seriously unhinged. Those that need help I hope get it. Haven't seen this 1488 DHS thread. I'll probably steer clear.


Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the racist nonsense in the second World Cup OT (I didn't hop into OT1 or OT3 so can't speak to those).

Fans of predominantly white countries were getting shat on relentlessly, and people were rooting for African and Hispanic countries strictly based on race, and were being extremely obnoxious about it.

One mod did attempt to curtail it a bit, but there were no warnings or bans issued.


Darkness no more
Ok this is actually scary as fuck. Talking about rioting with million people prepare democrats to use guns etc. Do they even realize what they are talking about


I don’t get them as usual. Like this post:

If the people want their democracy and their freedom back, they are going to have to get bloody for it. History tells us that. Problem is we the people don't have the stomach for it and powerful moneyed people invest a great deal to keep us divided over dumb wedge issue bullshit.

Where did democracy go? We had an election and all the democrats were voted out by the people. So now they call for bloodshed because things didn’t go their way.

Fox Mulder

I thought they didn't even like guns. Owning guns meant you had children's blood on your hands from all the school shootings or whatever.


Gold Member
Alas, looks like I finally caught a permaban on resetera for saying a MAGA hat is not a racist symbol like a Swastika and a KKK hood. "Downplaying racism". Go figure. *rolls eyes*

  • User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying racism. History of similar behaviour.

i-Lo said:
Yes, because having a moral backbone, a concept that is foreign to many Americans as they keep on peddling "civility" in the face of existing and upcoming discriminatory policies, ought to be shunned because, "work".​
And of course, because MAGA hat is just a republican hat despite what it has come to represent, just like any Neo-Nazi symbol is just a bunch of squiggly lines.​
Fuck off with that BS.​

I just do not feel that hat is actually a symbol of hate. If it was a swastika or a white hood or so on, absolutely I agree with you. Those are universal symbols of hate.​
I just do not agree that this is a symbol of that. I just feel it is a hat that represents Trump's presidency and his campaign slogan. And, yes, I understand you feel Trump is a racist and a bigot. Also that he is abrasive and thus many dislike him due to his stances towards their countries and so on. I just so not think this is actually a symbol of hate and that it warranted this reponse. Same with the restaurant in Florida where a similar thing happened.​
If the customer was being an asshole, yeah boot him. If he is spreading hate via universally accepted hate symbols or regalia, yeah boot him. This just personally does not pass my personal opinion of a hate symbol.​

Later response.

"You feel Trump is a racist and a bigot"... really? Because somehow all the evidence thus far of his behaviour amounts to a subjective "feel"...​
See, now I can see what belies your well written mild mannered post. This reminds me of the 4chan members who ask their most vitriolic Trump supporters to act with restraint in public spaces and other forums and use amicable language to continue the proliferation and normalization of his and his party's behaviour and message so that the "normies" aren't alerted.​
This is one of the many strategies from the alt-right playbook in the day and age of internet.​


I am very transparent in what I believe. I just gave my opinion on the matter. If you do not agree, that is fine. I would not wish to be likened to conservative extremists, who I agree are very awful people.

However, I can see this going off topic as it already has, so I will just say let's agree to disagree.

I guess let's not agree to disagree because I am somehow downplaying racism by you know... not agreeing a hat that has not been likened to any racist events that I know of is a universal symbol of racism just because the opposing political party says it is.

It would be like me saying if you wear a BLM shirt (which has had someone kill white people in their name (not by BLM will) - The Dallas Shooter) that you are a black supremacist. and should be kicked out of any restaurant you go to.

Just lol.
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Alas, looks like I finally caught a permaban on resetera for saying a MAGA hat is not a racist symbol like a Swastika and a KKK hood. "Downplaying racism". Go figure. *rolls eyes*

Just lol.
Yeah, I saw that thread. They really do believe 62 million Americans are Nazis.
It's like they don't remember all the years when we laughed at the Obama conspiracy theories. Now it's considered fashionable to call everyone you don't like Hitler.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't actually believe it in real life. I saw a Crowder video where he went to a Democratic Convention and after being threatened with bombs, the liberals break out in "Nazis go home". Yikes.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Alas, looks like I finally caught a permaban on resetera for saying a MAGA hat is not a racist symbol like a Swastika and a KKK hood. "Downplaying racism". Go figure. *rolls eyes*


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You guys getting banned over there need to start wearing that shit like a badge of honor. Wear it loud and wear it proud!

That means you're normal :cool:


When that happened there were threads for a week with thousands of replies calling Kanye a white supremist and a Nazi.

Then a month later they all bought his new album.
Yeah, I saw that aswell. It just highlights the insincerity of their so-called outrage. They get thrills out of calling people Nazis for having views that don't fit their progressive leftist vision – there is no room for nuance.
Invoking the word Nazi seems to be increasingly fashionable these days, despite the fact that in most cases it is a ridiculous exaggeration.


Gold Member
Yeah, I saw that aswell. It just highlights the insincerity of their so-called outrage. They get thrills out of calling people Nazis for having views that don't fit their progressive leftist vision – there is no room for nuance.
Invoking the word Nazi seems to be increasingly fashionable these days, despite the fact that in most cases it is a ridiculous exaggeration.
I wish they understood that the exaggeration they use is what drives the moderates away from them and it costs them elections.

Nazis, white supremacists, concentration camps.

Almost everything is labeled with imagery of Nazi Germany, 1800s slavery, or Holocaust. The point is to make it labeled so harshly that it seems morally impeccable to be against it.

When, at the end of the day, you can just view it differently and not have to be a moral saint to view things otherwise. Like, you disagree with the immigration process right now? Awesome. Let's discuss it. Not say... "OMG it is concentration camps. You are a fucking cunt if you didn't vote Hillary and helped Trump put brown children into concentration camps." Yadda yadda.

There is no discussion to be had. It is a bit grating. And it definitely drives people away from their side.

Also: I may be a monster, but I just honestly don't give a fuck what color your skin is. I judge you based on you and can care less if your skin is whatever color. You don't get bonus points for being a minority, and you definitely don't get better treated for being the same race as me. I could give a shit less what race you are as far as how I view you.

I feel many on that website are always looking for bonus points to prop up minorities. I find that weird.
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I wish they understood that the exaggeration they use is what drives the moderates away from them and it costs them elections.

Nazis, white supremacists, concentration camps.

Almost everything is labeled with imagery of Nazi Germany, 1800s slavery, or Holocaust. The point is to make it labeled so harshly that it seems morally impeccable to be against it.

When, at the end of the day, you can just view it differently and not have to be a moral saint to view things otherwise. Like, you disagree with the immigration process right now? Awesome. Let's discuss it. Not say... "OMG it is concentration camps. You are a fucking cunt if you didn't vote Hillary and helped Trump put brown children into concentration camps." Yadda yadda.

There is no discussion to be had. It is a bit grating. And it definitely drives people away from their side.

Also: I may be a monster, but I just honestly don't give a fuck what color your skin is. I judge you based on you and can care less if your skin is whatever color. You don't get bonus points for being a minority, and you definitely don't get better treated for being the same race as me. I could give a shit less what race you are as far as how I view you.

I feel many on that website are always looking for bonus points to prop up minorities. I find that weird.
These days I question whether it really is a lack of self-awareness. I'm starting to think that they knowingly drive normal people to the right because doing so helps to fuel their outrage.
I agree with you – they deliberately invoke comparisons to the worst incidents in human history precisely because of the imagery it conjures up. It's absurd, and more than anything, I think it is an insult to those who actually survived through Nazi Germany, the Holocaust etc.

It's impossible to have a discussion without feeling as if you are walking on land mines. They simply can't accept you have a different view or are concerned about things that they think you shouldn't be concerned about. You have to either kowtow and adopt their vision (even if that vision contradicts reality) or be shamed into silence.

I think that's why an increasing number of normal people are moving to the right – the left simply will not listen to them or accept that they have different views.

Everything is viewed through the lens of race over there. They are obsessed with stoking up resentment by fuelling the "People of Colour" versus "White oppressors" narrative. It is in their interest to keep that particular false dichotomy alive because it provides an endless source of outrage.
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It's Jeff

I wish they understood that the exaggeration they use is what drives the moderates away from them and it costs them elections.

Nazis, white supremacists, concentration camps.

Almost everything is labeled with imagery of Nazi Germany, 1800s slavery, or Holocaust. The point is to make it labeled so harshly that it seems morally impeccable to be against it.

When, at the end of the day, you can just view it differently and not have to be a moral saint to view things otherwise. Like, you disagree with the immigration process right now? Awesome. Let's discuss it. Not say... "OMG it is concentration camps. You are a fucking cunt if you didn't vote Hillary and helped Trump put brown children into concentration camps." Yadda yadda.

There is no discussion to be had. It is a bit grating. And it definitely drives people away from their side.

Also: I may be a monster, but I just honestly don't give a fuck what color your skin is. I judge you based on you and can care less if your skin is whatever color. You don't get bonus points for being a minority, and you definitely don't get better treated for being the same race as me. I could give a shit less what race you are as far as how I view you.

I feel many on that website are always looking for bonus points to prop up minorities. I find that weird.

I'll tell you the part that really stuck in my craw along these lines. In the states, we're unfortunately stuck with two parties. Just the two. When push comes to shove, you've little choice but to pick one of them. There is no possible way that either of these two final candidates will ever match what you believe - so logically, the smart thing to do would be to ignore the party they represent and vote for the person that that coincides what you believe most closely.

Not the case. As Trump is racist, a vote for Trump made the voter a racist. Much like ethics in games journalism became a joke phrase for misogyny, economic anxiety became code for racism.

Mods never checked that behavior, and it turned to open, blatant stereotyping. Walk next door into the purple place and and you won't hear boo, hiss, or shit if somebody says that every Republican is a racist. Well if they're all racists, then they're all Nazis. If they're Nazis, they're subhumans. You can't negotiate with subhumans. You punch them in the face. You don't have to look hard, you'll see this in every thread even tangentially political and 50% of threads that aren't. Duncan Hines is making a banana pudding cake! Republicans are all nazis.

Truth is that I don't know what any one voter was thinking when he or she made the choice. None of us do. The agencies that took the time to ask them said they voted for these reasons... but Resetera knows the truth. Fucking racism. Racism and misogyny.


Gold Member
I can't understand the blatant calls of racism being for why white Donald Trump beat white Hillary Clinton when not white Obama just landslided two white republican candidates.

I mean, if racism was the driving factor then Obama would have lost easily and not when a white republican candidate was facing a white democratic candidate.


I can't understand the blatant calls of racism being for why white Donald Trump beat white Hillary Clinton when not white Obama just landslided two white republican candidates.

I mean, if racism was the driving factor then Obama would have lost easily and not when a white republican candidate was facing a white democratic candidate.
Don't worry, just chalk that one up to misogyny.


Well if they're all racists, then they're all Nazis. If they're Nazis, they're subhumans. You can't negotiate with subhumans. You punch them in the face. You don't have to look hard, you'll see this in every thread even tangentially political and 50% of threads that aren't.

This is on point and is exactly the reason why that forum is heading to such a dark place. Recently you can actually see literal calls for bloodshed go practically unmoderated with just a simple warning while stupid shit like posting a booty shot taken from a new trailer gets a swift ban. It's not going to end well and it's a damn shame because they've got some absolutely fantastic posters on gaming side who are just going to get swallowed up in all the bullshit.

It's Jeff

This is on point and is exactly the reason why that forum is heading to such a dark place. Recently you can actually see literal calls for bloodshed go practically unmoderated with just a simple warning while stupid shit like posting a booty shot taken from a new trailer gets a swift ban. It's not going to end well and it's a damn shame because they've got some absolutely fantastic posters on gaming side who are just going to get swallowed up in all the bullshit.

You're absolutely right. It's fun and easy to dehumanize people that you disagree with. The point is to stop doing it because we're beyond that as a species, not contort our morality around until we find a socially acceptable target.

I'm not fat. I'm not Republican. I'm not Christian. I don't smoke cigarettes... any more. But man, these groups are openly degraded with impunity on a daily basis and it's high fives all around. It sucks that great posters get lost in that. It sucked when it happened here. I sure like the new NeoGAF though.


Alas, looks like I finally caught a permaban on resetera for saying a MAGA hat is not a racist symbol like a Swastika and a KKK hood. "Downplaying racism". Go figure. *rolls eyes*

This is insane. It's just a hat related to the Trump's campaign.


Gold Member
Don't worry, just chalk that one up to misogyny.
I actually would not disagree on that. I am sure some sexism did keep voters from Hillary. I just do not get why people are blaming racism specifically. It literally does not make sense from a common sense aspect.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Didn't think you would stoop this low to ponder to your base.

Welcome back to Neogaf!

Curious, how is poking fun at the far-left and its demonization of a hat "stooping low"? Would love to understand your mindset on this topic.


Alas, looks like I finally caught a permaban on resetera for saying a MAGA hat is not a racist symbol like a Swastika and a KKK hood. "Downplaying racism". Go figure. *rolls eyes*

  • User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying racism. History of similar behaviour.

i-Lo said:
Yes, because having a moral backbone, a concept that is foreign to many Americans as they keep on peddling "civility" in the face of existing and upcoming discriminatory policies, ought to be shunned because, "work".​
And of course, because MAGA hat is just a republican hat despite what it has come to represent, just like any Neo-Nazi symbol is just a bunch of squiggly lines.​
Fuck off with that BS.​

I just do not feel that hat is actually a symbol of hate. If it was a swastika or a white hood or so on, absolutely I agree with you. Those are universal symbols of hate.​
I just do not agree that this is a symbol of that. I just feel it is a hat that represents Trump's presidency and his campaign slogan. And, yes, I understand you feel Trump is a racist and a bigot. Also that he is abrasive and thus many dislike him due to his stances towards their countries and so on. I just so not think this is actually a symbol of hate and that it warranted this reponse. Same with the restaurant in Florida where a similar thing happened.​
If the customer was being an asshole, yeah boot him. If he is spreading hate via universally accepted hate symbols or regalia, yeah boot him. This just personally does not pass my personal opinion of a hate symbol.​

Later response.

"You feel Trump is a racist and a bigot"... really? Because somehow all the evidence thus far of his behaviour amounts to a subjective "feel"...​
See, now I can see what belies your well written mild mannered post. This reminds me of the 4chan members who ask their most vitriolic Trump supporters to act with restraint in public spaces and other forums and use amicable language to continue the proliferation and normalization of his and his party's behaviour and message so that the "normies" aren't alerted.​
This is one of the many strategies from the alt-right playbook in the day and age of internet.​


I am very transparent in what I believe. I just gave my opinion on the matter. If you do not agree, that is fine. I would not wish to be likened to conservative extremists, who I agree are very awful people.

However, I can see this going off topic as it already has, so I will just say let's agree to disagree.

I guess let's not agree to disagree because I am somehow downplaying racism by you know... not agreeing a hat that has not been likened to any racist events that I know of is a universal symbol of racism just because the opposing political party says it is.

It would be like me saying if you wear a BLM shirt (which has had someone kill white people in their name (not by BLM will) - The Dallas Shooter) that you are a black supremacist. and should be kicked out of any restaurant you go to.

Just lol.

Sorry bud but I beat you to it lol


Got a 2 week ban for saying America has done things that make trump look like an ant in History, as critical of trump as I am .. I'm not an idiot.

Fox Mulder

I actually would not disagree on that. I am sure some sexism did keep voters from Hillary. I just do not get why people are blaming racism specifically. It literally does not make sense from a common sense aspect.

well some people also think there's 60+ million nazis in America.


I wish they understood that the exaggeration they use is what drives the moderates away from them and it costs them elections.

Nazis, white supremacists, concentration camps.

Almost everything is labeled with imagery of Nazi Germany, 1800s slavery, or Holocaust. The point is to make it labeled so harshly that it seems morally impeccable to be against it.

When, at the end of the day, you can just view it differently and not have to be a moral saint to view things otherwise. Like, you disagree with the immigration process right now? Awesome. Let's discuss it. Not say... "OMG it is concentration camps. You are a fucking cunt if you didn't vote Hillary and helped Trump put brown children into concentration camps." Yadda yadda.

There is no discussion to be had. It is a bit grating. And it definitely drives people away from their side.

Also: I may be a monster, but I just honestly don't give a fuck what color your skin is. I judge you based on you and can care less if your skin is whatever color. You don't get bonus points for being a minority, and you definitely don't get better treated for being the same race as me. I could give a shit less what race you are as far as how I view you.

I feel many on that website are always looking for bonus points to prop up minorities. I find that weird.

Based on this thread it seems they are not interested in moderates anyway.

If you're still a Moderate/Centrist at the moment, you're either:
A Republican who wants to hide from social stigma
You want to voice your opinion on shit but not be involved in process.
Dems, these people don't matter. Leave them in the middle. Move further left. These people thrive under the guise "morality" and indecisiveness. Move further left Dems!

Thank you.
Moderates are the enemy of good. They suck oxygen out of the room to fill their own bloated sense of self-worth and superiority. We see it on this very forum all the time. They suck, plain and simple.

I mean some in there try to say that this is not a winning strategy at least.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Didn't think you would stoop this low to ponder to your base.
It is called making mild satire. I know, this is a troubling thing to process for some of the staff members and users over at ERA.

Welcome back Robert!


His strategy makes perfect sense if all his socializing takes place on ERA and he does not talk with people in the real world.
If the Democrats did what that TC wants at a national level, good luck trying to win PA, MI, WI, OH, FL, IA, and so on, hell, even NC, NV, maybe others. Good luck winning a national election without any of those states.



He posted this gem on the 2nd page too:

No one is forcing people to be Republican.
If someone is willingly still a member of a party that is literally copying the Third Reich, then they're a monster. It's rather simple.

It's like a in real life South Park episode being played out over there :ROFLMAO:

Family members are being disowned, Nazis are everywhere, etc.
I don't think every Democrat voter is ANTIFA. I think some ANTIFA are Democrats, but most are so out there who even cares.

Why is the reverse not true?

It's comically common for people to say all Republicans are Nazis over there.


Gold Member


Hi guys, just got banned from Era for posting this:

"Oh it's serious [the rise of the far right], I don't deny that, every bit as serious as the rise of the far left is."

And the reason for the ban is...

"Inflammatory false equivalences."

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