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Official FootballSoccerFútbol Thread 2009/2010

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TangMeng said:
Di Maria is a BEAST!
Why, thank you.



Hart is looking comfortably commanding.

I want him as my number 1, purely because he looks great in a goalie shirt with 3/4 sleeves.


Mr Cola said:
Watching England play poorly has become a comforting feeling :lol. Oh to read the back pages tomorrow

They've been playing really quite well for the second half.

Seriously, guys.

We're playing Mexico, not some two bit team who haven't qualified for the World Cup.


Google said:
They've been playing really quite well for the second half.

Seriously, guys.

We're playing Mexico, not some two bit team who haven't qualified for the World Cup.

can't wait till usa pwns england :D


rvy said:
Why, thank you.

Real Madrid player now. Will be great to see him play with CR.

[QUOTE=Feathers]Portugal 0-0 Cape Verde Islands :lol[/QUOTE]
Awesome. :/

really wish we weren't playing this world cup...

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Does the USA crowd really think they are going to beat England? It would be a big ass upset


Back to eating those Tacos Mexico. :D

England seemed too hyper in the first half, better when they took a big gulp of breath and chilled the fuck out.

As Inter showed in the Champs league - it's not the possession that counts, but the goals scored. Look at Brazil 1982 - best team ever to play a game of football, but lost to a load of shitbags.

And Glenn Johnson = the new Pele! :lol

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
MPW said:
usa beat spain, something england failed to do
And that matters because?

Your tournament record is poor, your record against England is poor and your team is full of very average also rans.


Mr Cola said:
And that matters because?

Your tournament record is poor, your record against England is poor and your team is full of very average also rans.

lol i'm not a usa nt fan, as a neutral i think usa can pull it off


Letters said:
Real Madrid player now. Will be great to see him play with CR.
Not until I see a statement from both clubs. I don't doubt he's leaving though, too good for this league.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
-htownplaya- said:
:lol I swear Argentina is only playing against Canada for shits and giggles. Why are they playing a team that didn't even qualify?
I always thought teams did this because they were afraid other teams in the tournament "could" go in hard on their best players, removing a potential favorites chances of getting out of the group.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
MPW said:
lol i'm no a usa nt fan, as a neutral i think usa can pull it off
Id be interested to hear why? Im not trying to come across as a dick here but ive been hearing alot of this "USA is going to roll the group" stuff lately and im wondering where the hell it comes from. The USA could beat England, the Ivory coast could beat Brazil and every world cup throws up shocking results, but that does not change the fact that it would be a big upset, and would be a poor bet to make. The USA team is lacking in any real star talent, its best players play in mid to low tier premiership teams and, though are respected in their individual clubs, are hardly admired in England to any degree. The USA as i have stated have poor tournament form, i.e they dont do well and experience plays a big part in navigating a group and the group itself is no roll over, the USA are not odds on to take second, its pretty much evens at the moment.

This isnt to put England on some pedestal, because England are very hit and miss and again likely we will have a poorish tournament past the group stages, but no sensible commentator would take the USA over England at this point, or any since football began.


MPW said:
lol i'm not a usa nt fan, as a neutral i think usa can pull it off

What makes you think this?

What has shown you in the last 2 years that the USA have a team capable of competing, let alone winning, the World Cup.

You sight beating Spain.


You beat a team, in a friendly competition, that no one has ever given a shit about in the history of the world.
Good game. Great playing by England on the second half. Possession means nothing if you can't reflect that on the scoreboard. As usual, we played around with the ball as much as the rival allowed us to do so, generated a number of scoring chances, ran a lot, but failure in the definition zone (and lack of attention in the defense) means doom against a world-class team.

This only reflects, pretty accurately, the distance between the two national representatives, and will hopefully be a good dose of realism over here where a huge marketing campaign around the national team has a lot of people actually thinking we have any chances of becoming a major player in the WC. This won't happen unless a lot of things change with the way fútbol is handled over here.


SteelAttack said:
Good game. Great playing by England on the second half. Possession means nothing if you can't reflect that on the scoreboard. As usual, we played around with the ball as much as the rival allowed us to do so, generated a number of scoring chances, ran a lot, but failure in the definition zone (and lack of attention in the defense) means doom against a world-class team.

This only reflects, pretty accurately, the distance between the two national representatives, and will hopefully be a good dose of realism over here where a huge marketing campaign around the national team has a lot of people actually thinking we have any chances of becoming a major player in the WC. This won't happen unless a lot of things change with the way fútbol is handled over here.

The biggest issue you had was a lack of any sort of a final/killer ball.

You can play it well enough, but whenever you had a decent opportunity, or got close to a scoring chance, you failed to put it away.

Forcing crosses across the box, against mature defenders will very rarely work.

I believe against a similar flair team, you'll do very well, as you have the individual skill.

But against a tough, defensive team, you'll struggle.
Google said:
The biggest issue you had was a lack of any sort of a final/killer ball.

You can play it well enough, but whenever you had a decent opportunity, or got close to a scoring chance, you failed to put it away.

Forcing crosses across the box, against mature defenders will very rarely work.

I believe against a similar flair team, you'll do very well, as you have the individual skill.

But against a tough, defensive team, you'll struggle.
Definitely agreed. Lack of definition has been an issue, not only recently but historically. I just can't believe the guys were so hellbent in sending crosses when air game isn't one of their strenghts, and never has been.

Regarding the bolded, holy crap Italy is coming. :lol I just hope our forwards don't get crushed against their granitic defense.


SteelAttack said:
Regarding the bolded, holy crap Italy is coming. :lol I just hope our forwards don't get crushed against their granitic defense.

The thing about Italy is that they're slow as fuck at the back. So with some tricky, direct play, you'll have a chance.

But I'll assume that they'll flood the center of the pitch, and just wait for the crosses to come in, and kill them every single time!


Google said:
The thing about Italy is that they're slow as fuck at the back. So with some tricky, direct play, you'll have a chance.

But I'll assume that they'll flood the center of the pitch, and just wait for the crosses to come in, and kill them every single time!

It's hard to believe we'll ever see a more boring team win the world cup then Italy did last time. I'm just hoping Muriniho never becomes Italy manager. He'll probably tape his players to the crossbar.


Raydeen said:
It's hard to believe we'll ever see a more boring team win the world cup then Italy did last time. I'm just hoping Muriniho never becomes Italy manager. He'll probably tape his players to the crossbar.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at?

Why is great defensive play paired with perfect tactics boring?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Dr Zhivago said:
Decent win for England, not sure where all the negativity is coming from.
Not negativity per se, as a fan im guilty of not seeing England play for a while, seeing the quality of the individual England players in the league and thinking "how could this not be epic" and then getting brought down to earth when we actually play. I dont mean that to sound derogatory, at least not as much as it comes across but thats basically it.


Mr Cola said:
Not negativity per se, as a fan im guilty of not seeing England play for a while, seeing the quality of the individual England players in the league and thinking "how could this not be epic" and then getting brought down to earth when we actually play. I dont mean that to sound derogatory, at least not as much as it comes across but thats basically it.

OK - get your expectations in check, son!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Google said:
OK - get your expectations in check, son!
:lol awww half the fun is over inflating our chances :D

As a football fan i get so much more out of the WC than Englands rollercoaster, and for that im grateful, if anything im rather glad that we go out early so i can sit back and just what some epic matchups, hell, the last Euros was a brilliant watch because i didnt have to worry about England at all.


Mr Cola said:
:lol awww half the fun is over inflating our chances :D

As a football fan i get so much more out of the WC than Englands rollercoaster, and for that im grateful, if anything im rather glad that we go out early so i can sit back and just what some epic matchups, hell, the last Euros was a brilliant watch because i didnt have to worry about England at all.

I enjoy having a team to follow, and be passionate about, while enjoying watching the Asian and African teams whip our closest rivals.

Seriously, I love the World Cup, and I love being an England fan.

I'm proud of the team, but my love for the competition goes further than my own team.
Google said:
But I'll assume that they'll flood the center of the pitch, and just wait for the crosses to come in, and kill them every single time!
This is what will actually happen, and I will despair. ;(

GaussTek said:
lol and don't forget the match vs Netherlands on wednesday. Holy damn, that's so close!
I believe the match against Netherlands will be more entertaining if only because it's bound to be more open, with more freedom for the attacking players than against Italy. Italy's defense will take no shit and they're ruthless.

Unless our forwards understand that they need to play short, fast, and close to the ground, their (Italy's) CBs are going to have a field day slaughtering forwards.

However, I'm mighty concerned about Netherland's speed, especially because our defenders aren't exactly impalas. Osorio especially showed some poor form during today's match. A lot slower than I remember.


SteelAttack said:
However, I'm mighty concerned about Netherland's speed, especially because our defenders aren't exactly impalas. Osorio especially showed some poor form during today's match. A lot slower than I remember.

When Lennon took on the whole Mexican back line, you looked awfully vulnerable.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Google said:
I enjoy having a team to follow, and be passionate about, while enjoying watching the Asian and African teams whip our closest rivals.

Seriously, I love the World Cup, and I love being an England fan.

I'm proud of the team, but my love for the competition goes further than my own team.
And how! I cant wait to see some great matches and some shock results, going to attempt to watch every game i can this year like the last one.
Google said:
When Lennon took on the whole Mexican back line, you looked awfully vulnerable.
:lol Fast, explosive players like Lennon are poison for our defenders. I shudder when I think of the things that someone like Robben could do if they're not on their toes at all times.
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