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Official FootballSoccerFútbol Thread 2009/2010

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MidnightRider said:
Can't wait to pick apart England on June 12th

It's just funny hearing you say this.

No other team's fans act like this.

There is always a sense of trepidation, or at least some mutual respect.

Portugal fans don't go into a game against England fans stating, "We're going to slaughter you, because we're a much better team".

But hey - what should we all expect from supporters so inexperienced in the complexities of a real competition?
Google said:
It's just funny hearing you say this.

No other team's fans act like this.

There is always a sense of trepidation, or at least some mutual respect.

Portugal fans don't go into a game against England fans stating, "We're going to slaughter you, because we're a much better team".

But hey - what should we all expect from supporters so inexperienced in the complexities of a real competition?

Get classy tonight gentlemen

1)Grab your favorite drink
2)Put this on-- http://www.rainymood.com/
3)Put this on-- http://www.endlessyoutube.com/watch?v=HMnrl0tmd3k
4)Put your feet up, relax

P.S. My post was a joke. England by 3 at least.


MidnightRider said:
P.S. My post was a joke. England by 3 at least.

It's difficult to tell when there are so many people over the past few pages stating the opposite.

Also, I assume Americans are unfamiliar with irony/sarcasm, so...


Google said:
It's just funny hearing you say this.

No other team's fans act like this.

There is always a sense of trepidation, or at least some mutual respect.

Not all US fans act that way. As an American I am a passionate Usmnt supporter but I guess I get more nervous than confident. I am very worried about that game.

(nvm he was being sarcastic)


Ryck said:
Not all US fans act that way. As an American I am a passionate Usmnt supporter but I guess I get more nervous than confident. I am very worried about that gam

I'm worried about the game also, purely because we have such a terrible record in the group stages of world cups.


Google said:
It's difficult to tell when there are so many people over the past few pages stating the opposite.

Also, I assume Americans are unfamiliar with irony/sarcasm, so...
Hm, I'm assuming most are just messing around. But, at the same time, as US fans we can't have a defeatist attitude anymore. It's ok to be confident. No point showing up if we're declaring ourselves the losers if we're going into a game against the world's best.
Google said:
I'm worried about the game also, purely because we have such a terrible record in the group stages of world cups.
Yup, first games are always terrible for us. But, since returning to the World Cup in 1990, our record looks like this:
1990 - bad
1994 - good, lost to eventual champions 1-0
1998 - bad, so bad
2002 - Fuckin' good
2006 - so bad
2010 - let's hope the pattern continues.


NoRéN said:
No point showing up if we're declaring ourselves the losers if we're going into a game against the world's best.

Agreed - I just don't like the perceived notion that the US will kick anyone's ass - let alone England's.


Google said:
Agreed - I just don't like the perceived notion that the US will kick anyone's ass - let alone England's.
Very true. But, that seems to go with being an american sports fan, no? :lol

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Ryck said:
Not all US fans act that way. As an American I am a passionate Usmnt supporter but I guess I get more nervous than confident. I am very worried about that game.

(nvm he was being sarcastic)
Here is the deal, i have no qualms with USA supporters, people who follow football and who are not armchair supporters postulating that they think their team is good, because they have the stones to back it up, you seem like this type of guy. The qualms i have are with armchair worldcup supporters who show up with the USA USA USA USA attitude, which is fine in so far as patriotism and general good humour, but when it goes along with the sense of ownership "we are the US no-one can beat us" it really riles me. Its like in the lost thread, people watching the finale having not watched any of the other episodes and commenting as if their words have any weight, they dont. So whereas im willing to debate as good natured as possible with USA supporters on the pros and cons of each team, the problems we will face playing you (and there will be many) and you us, i refuse to do anything but belittle the "MY COUNTRY WILL WIN BECAUSE IT IS MY COUNTRY" mentality. The problem is this latter mentality of armchair supporter is most prevalent among the US because lets face it, your teams are usually so damned good at everything and you guys are as patriotic as anyone in the world, which means during big showpieces where you are represented large numbers of uninformed come out of the woodworks for two weeks.

I re-read my post earlier and im starting to sound a bit douchey and thats not my intention, the USA is a good team, on their day can match anyone AND do have a strong base of players, save a few injuries which could cripple the spine. Im nervous about the game ill admit, i think IF we can get a result we can seal the group quickly.


Mr Cola said:
I re-read my post earlier and im starting to sound a bit douchey and thats not my intention, the USA is a good team, on their day can match anyone AND do have a strong base of players, save a few injuries which could cripple the spine. Im nervous about the game ill admit, i think IF we can get a result we can seal the group quickly.
Good post. But, to be fair, that attitude that you don't like(I don't find too pleasant, either) is not limited to what you referred to as "armchair" supporters. I've met plenty of supporter's group members that are just like this. Doesn't make americans as a whole look any good when the ones traveling to games walk in with that "You suck! We're better than YOU! USA USA!" attitude

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
NoRéN said:
Good post. But, to be fair, that attitude that you don't like(I don't find too pleasant, either) is not limited to what you referred to as "armchair" supporters. I've met plenty of supporter's group members that are just like this. Doesn't make americans as a whole look any good when the ones traveling to games walk in with that "You suck! We're better than YOU! USA USA!" attitude
Well i did generalise, there exists a spectrum of


Informed and rational

Informed and and idiot

The middle part hopefully will prevail in the WC thread, doesnt mean we cant have a good old chide at each other now and then, but making sure we keep it around the middle is integral to a good, well intentioned thread where people can actually discuss shit without all the surrounding paraphernalia.
Mr Cola said:
Here is the deal, i have no qualms with USA supporters, people who follow football and who are not armchair supporters postulating that they think their team is good, because they have the stones to back it up, you seem like this type of guy. The qualms i have are with armchair worldcup supporters who show up with the USA USA USA USA attitude, which is fine in so far as patriotism and general good humour, but when it goes along with the sense of ownership "we are the US no-one can beat us" it really riles me. Its like in the lost thread, people watching the finale having not watched any of the other episodes and commenting as if their words have any weight, they dont. So whereas im willing to debate as good natured as possible with USA supporters on the pros and cons of each team, the problems we will face playing you (and there will be many) and you us, i refuse to do anything but belittle the "MY COUNTRY WILL WIN BECAUSE IT IS MY COUNTRY" mentality. The problem is this latter mentality of armchair supporter is most prevalent among the US because lets face it, your teams are usually so damned good at everything and you guys are as patriotic as anyone in the world, which means during big showpieces where you are represented large numbers of uninformed come out of the woodworks for two weeks.

I re-read my post earlier and im starting to sound a bit douchey and thats not my intention, the USA is a good team, on their day can match anyone AND do have a strong base of players, save a few injuries which could cripple the spine. Im nervous about the game ill admit, i think IF we can get a result we can seal the group quickly.

First off, this post is bookmarked for trash talk purposes.

Secondly, we like to trash talk, its sometimes more fun then the sport itself, especially if you have no shot at the championship. I mean, look at that gif of President Camacho. You're saying that if he was waving St George's Cross instead of the American flag, you wouldn't find any excuse possible to plaster it?

Third, we are confident after the Confederation Cup, and I think the US could have held Brazil if Michael Bradley was on the pitch, but the ref decided that it would be funny to give him a red card in the semis.

I am very realistic. I would bet that we are going to get past the group stage, but I am not supremely confident of it. I really want the US to beat England, but I am not going to be depressed unless the US lose by 3 goals or more. There is no depth on the US team, but the top is filled with class players. I also think the quarterfinals isn't impossible to ask of the team.

Besides, you still allowed Mexico to score a goal on your home grounds, what's wrong with you people?
The 2009 Gold Cup took place with our B team, our A team just got back from South Africa


Google said:
Agreed - I just don't like the perceived notion that the US will kick anyone's ass - let alone England's.
Who really thinks that the US could do this? What have they shown so far? In the confed cup last year they got in by goal difference, made ONE big victory against spain and hung around with Brazil. You can't go from that to assuming they'll be lights out this summer.


NoRéN said:
Yup, first games are always terrible for us. But, since returning to the World Cup in 1990, our record looks like this:
1990 - bad
1994 - good, lost to eventual champions 1-0
1998 - bad, so bad
2002 - Fuckin' good
2006 - so bad
2010 - let's hope the pattern continues.

Notice where all those "bad" WCs were held? Europe!


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
ConfusingJazz said:
First off, this post is bookmarked for trash talk purposes.

Secondly, we like to trash talk, its sometimes more fun then the sport itself, especially if you have no shot at the championship. I mean, look at that gif of President Camacho. You're saying that if he was waving St George's Cross instead of the American flag, you wouldn't find any excuse possible to plaster it?

Third, we are confident after the Confederation Cup, and I think the US could have held Brazil if Michael Bradley was on the pitch, but the ref decided that it would be funny to give him a red card in the semis.

I am very realistic. I would bet that we are going to get past the group stage, but I am not supremely confident of it. I really want the US to beat England, but I am not going to be depressed unless the US lose by 3 goals or more. There is no depth on the US team, but the top is filled with class players. I also think the quarterfinals isn't impossible to ask of the team.

Besides, you still allowed Mexico to score a goal on your home grounds, what's wrong with you people?
The 2009 Gold Cup took place with our B team, our A team just got back from South Africa

Good natured banter is fine, but there exists a fine line between "oh hes ribbing me and having a laugh" to "well hes just a douche who clearly doesnt know about football" in the comments made. I know generally Americans bring a flavour and brashness that is refreshing, it can also be construed as arrogance and idiocy. The only thing i ask is that the line is respected so that it doesnt revolve into a slinging match.

Also you should be confident, for starters your at the tournament, and as you rightly say theres no point going in expecting a pasting. That being said the USA USA USA attitude is tiresome and never backed up with facts, just mindless chanting and postulating "because were USA we win" which doesnt come across well to a world with a great history of football.


Mr Cola said:
Good natured banter is fine, but there exists a fine line between "oh hes ribbing me and having a laugh" to "well hes just a douche who clearly doesnt know about football" in the comments made. I know generally Americans bring a flavour and brashness that is refreshing, it can also be construed as arrogance and idiocy. The only thing i ask is that the line is respected so that it doesnt revolve into a slinging match.

Also you should be confident, for starters your at the tournament, and as you rightly say theres no point going in expecting a pasting. That being said the USA USA USA attitude is tiresome and never backed up with facts, just mindless chanting and postulating "because were USA we win" which doesnt come across well to a world with a great history of football.
Yeah I get where you are coming from. I am a first generation American I was born in America but my background/heritage is Mexican and Spanish so I know what you mean about the USA USA attitude, most of my family roots for Mexico or Spain so I get to see it from a few different sides.

Some fans are just idiots they need an excuse to be obnoxious and loud and every four years they come out like locusts and act like they know their shit. What's worse is that the team itself is very humble and hard working. I mean look at the Confederations Cup that was all heart.

And everyone slings mud I think an England fan said "back to eating tacos Mexicans" or something to that effect on the last page, I almost quoted and responded but thought better of it. If nothing else the World Cup thread will help us add some depth to our ignore lists eh?
Mr Cola said:
Also you should be confident, for starters your at the tournament, and as you rightly say theres no point going in expecting a pasting. That being said the USA USA USA attitude is tiresome and never backed up with facts, just mindless chanting and postulating "because were USA we win" which doesnt come across well to a world with a great history of football.

We'll consider stop chanting "U-S-A!" once you stop adding a superfluous syllable in the name of your country. Though, "EN-GER-LAND!" is fun to say. I was doing it after the first goal over Mexico. Peter Crouch is a goofy looking guy.

By the by, the consideration will still be rejected.


Ryck said:
Yeah I get where you are coming from. I am a first generation American I was born in America but my background/heritage is Mexican and Spanish so I know what you mean about the USA USA attitude, most of my family roots for Mexico or Spain so I get to see it from a few different sides.

Some fans are just idiots they need an excuse to be obnoxious and loud and every four years they come out like locusts and act like they know their shit. What's worse is that the team itself is very humble and hard working. I mean look at the Confederations Cup that was all heart.

And everyone slings mud I think an England fan said "back to eating tacos Mexicans" or something to that effect on the last page, I almost quoted and responded but thought better of it. If nothing else the World Cup thread will help us add some depth to our ignore lists eh?
Yup, saw that too. But, since you mentioned your mexican background, I am sure you have seen first hand that patriotic, trolling, obnoxious attitude from mexico fans when they play US. It's not limited to them either, most, if not all, central american countries have that attitude when it comes to US. It's like, if they can't watch their team win, then the next best thing is seeing US lose.


Contains Sucralose
NoRéN said:
Yup, saw that too. But, since you mentioned your mexican background, I am sure you have seen first hand that patriotic, trolling, obnoxious attitude from mexico fans when they play US. It's not limited to them either, most, if not all, central american countries have that attitude when it comes to US. It's like, if they can't watch their team win, then the next best thing is seeing US lose.
I agree. If Mexico won some one would have made a "banger" joke.


NoRéN said:
Yup, saw that too. But, since you mentioned your mexican background, I am sure you have seen first hand that patriotic, trolling, obnoxious attitude from mexico fans when they play US. It's not limited to them either, most, if not all, central american countries have that attitude when it comes to US. It's like, if they can't watch their team win, then the next best thing is seeing US lose.
Yeah it makes me sick... also when they throw shit on the field during corner kicks, its a fucking disgrace. [/Drogba]


I remember this.



Ryck said:
Yeah it makes me sick... also when they throw shit on the field during corner kicks, its a fucking disgrace. [/Drogba]
The one thing I have always gotten shit about, having grown up in a hispanic area, was the whole "you're racist" BS. I've never understood that. Yes, i was not born in this country but this is the country that has fed me, provided the roof over my head and the clothes on my back. it has given me so much opportunity. So, do i support US? FUCK YEAH i do! But, I am humble and always respect. So, how does supporting USA make someone a racist? If anything, it's the behavior that one is greeted with when traveling to Azteca, heck, even here, that borders on racism. I have had a number of things thrown at me, been spit on, and have been on the receiving end of numerous insults. Did it make a difference that I hav\d my 8 year old sister with me? Nope. Even at qualifiers where it's custom to have 2 group games for the price of one, it's normal for the fans of the other teams playing to stay in order to boo the US team.


Yup that is the ugly side of football. In the end it's just misplaced passion. It can be both amazing and utterly disgusting.

NoRéN said:
The one thing I have always gotten shit about, having grown up in a hispanic area, was the whole "you're racist" BS. I've never understood that. Yes, i was not born in this country but this is the country that has fed me, provided the roof over my head and the clothes on my back. it has given me so much opportunity. So, do i support US? FUCK YEAH i do! But, I am humble and always respect. So, how does supporting USA make someone a racist? If anything, it's the behavior that one is greeted with when traveling to Azteca, heck, even here, that borders on racism. I have had a number of things thrown at me, been spit on, and have been on the receiving end of numerous insults. Did it make a difference that I hav\d my 8 year old sister with me? Nope. Even at qualifiers where it's custom to have 2 group games for the price of one, it's normal for the fans of the other teams playing to stay in order to boo the US team.
Damn that's messed up. I have been to games to support both Mexico and the Us ( separate games obviously) and no matter how annoying the USA chants can get it really does pale in comparison to the things the Mexican fans do sometimes. Most American countries just straight up hate the Us and I get it to a degree but yeah most of that is crossing the line.

Sorry man...


Ryck said:
Yup that is the ugly side of football. In the end it's just misplaced passion. It can be both amazing and utterly disgusting.

Damn that's messed up. I have been to games to support both Mexico and the Us ( separate games obviously) and no matter how annoying the USA chants can get it really does pale in comparison to the things the Mexican fans do sometimes. Most American countries just straight up hate the Us and I get it to a degree but yeah most of that is crossing the line.

Sorry man...
Some bad times, but it provides for stories to tell. That and it helps to remind me of the type of fan I will never allow myself to become. Every once in a while, I am lucky enough to meet a fan here and there who I can actually sit and discuss with. Some beer and a good discussion is always a good time.

ConfusingJazz said:
No shit, huh! :lol
faridmon said:
Norway will beat USA out of the WC.
lets see what the people who say ''USA USA USA USA USA'' do.

Dude, you doubt my drunken prowess to chant "U-S-A."

Ryck said:
Awesome :lol I love when commentators lose it. Reminds me of WC98 Argentina v Holland.

Its why Gus Johnson has become one of the more popular play by play men in the US. In fact, in all close games, I think he should take over the commentating, like a closer in baseball.


ConfusingJazz said:
Its why Gus Johnson has become one of the more popular play by play men in the US. In fact, in all close games, I think he should take over the commentating, like a closer in baseball.
:lol Yeah, loved his call on the Stokely TD in week 1.. his MMA stuff not so much lol.

Here is the WC98 one I was referring to earlier. I love how at some point in the video you can actually hear him lose his mind ( 17 seconds).


Some bad times, but it provides for stories to tell. That and it helps to remind me of the type of fan I will never allow myself to become. Every once in a while, I am lucky enough to meet a fan here and there who I can actually sit and discuss with. Some beer and a good discussion is always a good time.
I agree, the bad makes the good stand out all that much more. The WC thread is gonna be a riot I really can't wait.
Thanks to a horribly misguided and myopic media campaign, fueled by journalists, both in press and TV, who should know better, the majority of people here in Mexico automatically equates the national futbol team with the whole country, and believe that any match involving the national representation is a matter of national pride, honor, and hopelessly misguided pseudo-patriotism that quickly devolves into aggressive behavior towards foreign players or fans.

Truth is, it's only a futbol match. National honor is not at stake, we won't be better or worse citizens because of winning or losing, and the outcome won't affect in any shape or form the major issues that ail our country.

I have seen people in my country behave horribly towards foreign players and fans, and the contrast is even more painful and starking when I see matches taking place in the US, where mexican fans are respected and left alone by the very same american people that have to endure all kinds of insults over here because of supporting their team.

We can't ask for respect and tolerance when we aren't able to show it towards other people. And that doesn't apply to sports matches alone.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Vox-Pop said:
Mexico :lol :lol :lol

Go go US!!

huh!? the fuck you laughin? Mexico dominated most of the game but failed to capitalize. Mexico went out with full attack however that's not what nads do at all other than bunker and counter and that's it. I fully expect England to beat USA 5-1 on their group opener cuz even without their starters, england gave a hard time for mexico with their experimental IX.


Ryck said:
I agree, the bad makes the good stand out all that much more. The WC thread is gonna be a riot I really can't wait.
Hell yeah! it looks like this Wes fellow has really put alot of effort into it. Don't know the poster but if other GAFers are willing to come out guns-a-blazin' when someone else mentions making the thread, then I can only expect pure class, pure thread-making class. :D


SteelAttack said:
Thanks to a horribly misguided and myopic media campaign, fueled by journalists, both in press and TV, who should know better, the majority of people here in Mexico automatically equates the national futbol team with the whole country, and believe that any match involving the national representation is a matter of national pride, honor, and hopelessly misguided pseudo-patriotism that quickly devolves into aggressive behavior towards foreign players or fans.

Truth is, it's only a futbol match. National honor is not at stake, we won't be better or worse citizens because of winning or losing, and the outcome won't affect in any shape or form the major issues that ail our country.

I have seen people in my country behave horribly towards foreign players and fans, and the contrast is even more painful and starking when I see matches taking place in the US, where mexican fans are respected and left alone by the very same american people that have to endure all kinds of insults over here because of supporting their team.

We can't ask for respect and tolerance when we aren't able to show it towards other people. And that doesn't apply to sports matches alone.
This right here. i mean, they go as far as to come up with clever names to mobilize the masses. Come on, La Guerra Fria back in '01-'02. :lol
And, any time I get a Mexico fan hurling insults and accusing me of being a typical racist US fan, I have to point out that I am sure we have never gone as far as calling someone of a certain central american country a word that means shit. [c****e]


Contains Sucralose
Verano said:
huh!? the fuck you laughin? Mexico dominated most of the game but failed to capitalize. Mexico went out with full attack however that's not what nads do at all other than bunker and counter and that's it. I fully expect England to beat USA 5-1 on their group opener cuz even without their starters, england gave a hard time for mexico with their experimental IX.
But they lost.

It dashed a lot of expectations (3-1), since they were being over-glorified by some people as "having a chance" to go to the WC. Probably be a better team for it. Who knows.

I'm sure the US will lose too. A South American team will surely win. The cycle goes on.

MEX: Soccer isn't even a popular sport nation-wide. In many states baseball is the main and most liked sport. Most of the teams in Mexico are centered in the capital, like everything else in MXC.
As someone that lives on Tijuana I can say that football is more popular than baseball, the only places where baseball is more popular is Sinaloa and Sonora.


Contains Sucralose
Reneledarker said:
As someone that lives on Tijuana I can say that football is more popular than baseball, the only places where baseball is more popular is Sinaloa and Sonora.
OK, that makes perfect sense since those are the only two places I've been to in Mexico. :lol :lol It's not popular in Mexicali or Baja proper either, if I recall, that was years ago though.

EDIT: Is soccer popular in the south as well? Mex' is so big it is unfair to generalize. I usually view it as Baja, North, VC/MXC/WCC, south (with some exceptions). Sorry to get off-topic.


Reneledarker said:
As someone that lives on Tijuana I can say that football is more popular than baseball, the only places where baseball is more popular is Sinaloa and Sonora.
What part of Tijuas are you in?

Also I feel obligated to mention that watching my fathers side of the family root for the Spanish National Team is pure comedy. They are so negative and down on their team, they sit there watching, waiting for them to fuck up it's so funny. If you've ever seen Fever Pitch my uncle ( During the Euro's) was like Colin Firth's character standing by the door acting like he's not gonna watch. The Penalty shoot out was like a slow death until they finally won.


Ryck said:
Also I feel obligated to mention that watching my fathers side of the family root for the Spanish National Team is pure comedy. They are so negative and down on their team, they sit there watching, waiting for them to fuck up it's so funny. If you've ever seen Fever Pitch my uncle ( During the Euro's) was like Colin Firth's character standing by the door acting like he's not gonna watch. The Penalty shoot out was like a slow death until they finally won.
Having recently watched Fever Pitch, I can picture it all. Was there someone threatening to leave but really just standing by the door?


NoRéN said:
Having recently watched Fever Pitch, I can picture it all. Was there someone threatening to leave but really just standing by the door?
Yeah my uncle during the Penalty shoot out... he saying he would never watch football again, done with it etc etc he didn't even see the last shot he literally sat on the floor by the door covering his eyes. Of course during the celebrations he was a different person. :D
Wes. When can we expect the World Cup thread to be up.

P.S. Is anyone already running a Fantasy league for this? If not I already have one set up w/ 7 teams on it already. Anyone want in?
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