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Official FootballSoccerFútbol Thread 2009/2010

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Ryck said:
They are so negative and down on their team, they sit there watching, waiting for them to fuck up it's so funny.

This is why I find the whole "AMERCIA'S GONNA WIN, FUCK YEAH" attitude so difficult to stomach.

Because those fans with a team actually capable of winning, never actually think they're going to win...

So when a team that has an extreme outside chance of doing anything, start proclaiming they've a massive chance, then it's extremely annoying!
Google said:
This is why I find the whole "AMERCIA'S GONNA WIN, FUCK YEAH" attitude so difficult to stomach.

Because those fans with a team actually capable of winning, never actually think they're going to win...

So when a team that has an extreme outside chance of doing anything, start proclaiming they've a massive chance, then it's extremely annoying!

Our glasses are just half full sir!

..of hard liquor
Google said:
This is why I find the whole "AMERCIA'S GONNA WIN, FUCK YEAH" attitude so difficult to stomach.

Because those fans with a team actually capable of winning, never actually think they're going to win...

So when a team that has an extreme outside chance of doing anything, start proclaiming they've a massive chance, then it's extremely annoying!

Wow....... just fucking wow.

Charlie Davies not playing for us = we don't stand a chance.

Dempsey and Donovan can't do it all alone.



methodman said:
Can't wait till tonight, then Saturday, then the fucking World Cup. and Sweet fucking painting.
Shit thanks for the reminder I got set my DVR I won't be getting in till about an hour into the game.

Google said:
This is why I find the whole "AMERCIA'S GONNA WIN, FUCK YEAH" attitude so difficult to stomach.

Because those fans with a team actually capable of winning, never actually think they're going to win...

So when a team that has an extreme outside chance of doing anything, start proclaiming they've a massive chance, then it's extremely annoying!
To be fair I think part of it is just straight up overcompensating. It isn't exactly easy to be a Footy fan in the ol Us of A, so I think a lot of the Us fans feel like they have to put a little more sauce on their steaks you know? It kinda reminds me of Apple fans before the company released the iPod and starting becoming mainstream. It's the few the proud and it feels somewhat special to be a part of that. I think to a certain degree the team needs fans to have that kind of hope. Theres always another day/game and all that...


venison crêpe
WC thread update:

It's going up tomorrow. Need to do some final formatting to it. Sorry for the whold up but it's significantly epic and I've put a lot of time into it!


Ryck said:
Shit thanks for the reminder I got set my DVR I won't be getting in till about an hour into the game.
yeah, luckily i finish with finals today.

ps. midnight - using this as an avatar now, thanks man :)
Wes said:
WC thread update:

It's going up tomorrow. Need to do some final formatting to it. Sorry for the whold up but it's significantly epic and I've put a lot of time into it!

YAY. I posted a fantasy league in the Online part of the forums....

maybe you can give a shout out to that in the OP ? or did you already have a league planned?

EDIT** Here is the link.


methodman said:
yeah, luckily i finish with finals today.

ps. midnight - using this as an avatar now, thanks man :)
No problem bud. I was hoping someone would use it. It's full of win.:D


Felium Defensor
Wes said:
WC thread update:

It's going up tomorrow. Need to do some final formatting to it. Sorry for the whold up but it's significantly epic and I've put a lot of time into it!
Cannot freaking wait. :D


Google said:
This is why I find the whole "AMERCIA'S GONNA WIN, FUCK YEAH" attitude so difficult to stomach.

Because those fans with a team actually capable of winning, never actually think they're going to win...

So when a team that has an extreme outside chance of doing anything, start proclaiming they've a massive chance, then it's extremely annoying!
Czech Republic Sucks! USA USA!!! We are gonna win 5-0. You'll see! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
...I'm kidding, Google. :D
Here's to a good game and everyone stepping it up to earn that ticket to South Africa.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
People who go round chanting ENGLAND, ENGLAND in town centers are called racists here :lol

Oh my backwards country :(
Clydefrog said:
Who is #12? That doesn't say Bornstein, does it??

Yeah.... Looks like it does say Bornstein on his back.

Wes said:
I was hoping someone else would start one so absolutely I'll add it to the op MidnightRider.

I named it "Thompson's Premier" due to I had number of friends and what not that wanted to play and then figured I might as well get GAF in on it.

I hope people don't care..... it's just a name anyway..... :D
Yeah it's kinda hard to generalize Mexico, a lot of the states whit high number of native tribes are pretty indifferent to sports in general, like Oaxaca. Baseball is pretty popular in the north, but football is still the most viewed and talked sport. In Baja most of the people that like baseball come from Sonora and Sinaloa, or their fathers come from there.

And tomorrow my team is going to get destroyed by Netherlands, unless Aguirre fixes the slow defense.


Reneledarker said:
And tomorrow my team is going to get destroyed by Netherlands, unless Aguirre fixes the slow defense.

Aguirre's not a moron.

He'll defend deep, perhaps even double up against the wingers, and stop them getting around the back.

Holland will be a much easier task for Mexico than England, because their strength is in dominating midfield play, and getting the ball out wide.


Clydefrog said:
I guess it's fitting then that his back is facing us. Bornstein better not be a WC starter :|
There are so many selections Bradley made for the 30 man squad that just piss me off. And yet, he couldn't call up Davies.


venison crêpe
MidnightRider said:
Yeah.... Looks like it does say Bornstein on his back.

I named it "Thompson's Premier" due to I had number of friends and what not that wanted to play and then figured I might as well get GAF in on it.

I hope people don't care..... it's just a name anyway..... :D

Hmmm I don't forsee it being a problem despite the name. I'll check before I post the OP.


Clydefrog said:
Most definitely. I'd go batshit insane if that was our starting 11 for the actual tournament :lol
Fuck that! i'd go batshit insane if Bradley fielded our starting 11. Can't afford to risk injuries only weeks away.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Reneledarker said:
And tomorrow my team is going to get destroyed by Netherlands, unless Aguirre fixes the slow defense.

We need to replace osorio with Moreno. Also add Castro in the midfield along with Guardado, Gio and Torrado plus chicharito as a starter.


Unconfirmed Member
Wes said:
WC thread update:

It's going up tomorrow. Need to do some final formatting to it. Sorry for the whold up but it's significantly epic and I've put a lot of time into it!

'bout time :D

I need to update my avatar for the world cup
We need to replace osorio with Moreno. Also add Castro in the midfield along with Guardado, Gio and Torrado plus chicharito as a starter.

Yeah, I really want to see Gio, Guardado and Chicharito together, specially since Chicharito needs all the time he can get, to get used to European defenders.


venison crêpe
D4Danger said:
'bout time :D

I need to update my avatar for the world cup

It's coming don't worry.

I'll have to ask you all to refrain from posting in it immediately as my OP is more than one post and I really don't want it broken up by a random poster. Consider this the first of numerous warnings! :D


Wes said:
It's coming don't worry.

I'll have to ask you all to refrain from posting in it immediately as my OP is more than one post and I really don't want it broken up by a random poster. Consider this the first of numerous warnings! :D
dude, i'm sure there are people outside of this thread who will join the thread. Any way the mod you are working with to lock thread and only open it for you to post, and finally open it once it's all beautifully done?


Contains Sucralose
Wes said:
It's coming don't worry.

I'll have to ask you all to refrain from posting in it immediately as my OP is more than one post and I really don't want it broken up by a random poster. Consider this the first of numerous warnings! :D
hope you add tv channel schedules.
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