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Official FootballSoccerFútbol Thread 2009/2010

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Wes said:
WC thread update:

It's going up tomorrow. Need to do some final formatting to it. Sorry for the whold up but it's significantly epic and I've put a lot of time into it!

Take your time son. There's a lot riding on this thread. GAF football threads are historically the stuff of legends...

No pressure.
confuziz said:
Can i laugh at the US now? 2-4 against czech republic? :lol

Yea you're gonna win that cup alright

Yes judge the USMNT by a friendly that consisted of B team, injured players, and 6 subs. It wasn't a game to determine the final 23 man squad or anything..
confuziz said:
Can i laugh at the US now? 2-4 against czech republic? :lol

Yea you're gonna win that cup alright


Its was B team players......

And Guzan in goal..... Howard would have stopped 2 of the shit goals that made it through. Not to mention How Guzman froze up when the Guy that scored the 4th made it through.... he should have been charging him and not standing dead still


confuziz said:
Can i laugh at the US now? 2-4 against czech republic? :lol

Yea you're gonna win that cup alright

Well, considering that pretty much all of our starters were enjoying the game from a box...
confuziz said:
Can i laugh at the US now? 2-4 against czech republic? :lol

Yea you're gonna win that cup alright
"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."


come on people, the czech republic??

since Nedved and Koller left , and without Rosicky (injury i think?), the team is just pure shit. Even with a B-team you should have atleast tied, especially at home...

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
confuziz said:
come on people, the czech republic??

since Nedved and Koller left , and without Rosicky (injury i think?), the team is just pure shit. Even with a B-team you should have atleast tied, especially at home...
But this means the czechs are better than Spain right? Because thats how it works :D. I should stop im being bitchy now. So long as that stuff is kept in the US thread no harm done, if its in the WC thread though D:.

Also i should state id love to have normal, sensible conversations with US gaf footy posters where we both talk about how badly our respective clubs will do should we get out of the group :lol


Mr Cola said:
But this means the czechs are better than Spain right? Because thats how it works :D. I should stop im being bitchy now. So long as that stuff is kept in the US thread no harm done, if its in the WC thread though D:.

Also i should state id love to have normal, sensible conversations with US gaf footy posters where we both talk about how badly our respective clubs will do should we get out of the group :lol

Yea.. keep dreaming :D


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Pre said:
Well, considering that pretty much all of our starters were enjoying the game from a box...

well 7 starters I think. Donovan, Dempsey, Jozy, Tim, Felhaber, Spector, and Bradley.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Its all going to bite me in the ass when England get schooled 3-0 by the USA and fail to qualify

I think i have cursed us all :lol
Verano said:
well 7 starters I think. Donovan, Dempsey, Jozy, Tim, Felhaber, Spector, and Bradley.

IIRC Bornstein was up there as well, stuffing his face with chicken wings and a cheeseburger. I lol'd when they cut to him scarfing it down while Bob was away. :lol
sw33tclyde said:
IIRC Bornstein was up there as well, stuffing his face with chicken wings and a cheeseburger. I lol'd when they cut to him scarfing it down while Bob was away. :lol
That was Bocanegra but still lulz away. :lol


Mr Cola said:
But this means the czechs are better than Spain right? Because thats how it works :D. I should stop im being bitchy now. So long as that stuff is kept in the US thread no harm done, if its in the WC thread though D:.

Also i should state id love to have normal, sensible conversations with US gaf footy posters where we both talk about how badly our respective clubs will do should we get out of the group :lol

In the event that we manage to make it out behind England I can only hope that we'll make it to the quarters to get assfucked by Messi.


chico said:
northkorea and usa... the most shitty teams at the world cup. my prediction: 0 points, 0 goals...bye bye

Say what you want about our squad, but we're not one of the two worst teams at the cup.


Pre said:
Say what you want about our squad, but we're not one of the two worst teams at the cup.

you are right... i forgot greece. :D
its like watching the opposite of good football...

(yeah im still mad we lost against greece in the euro final!!!!)

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
confuziz said:
Why is that a bad thing?
Maybe we can have two WC threads, one for football fans and one for...."other"
sw33tclyde said:
IIRC Bornstein was up there as well, stuffing his face with chicken wings and a cheeseburger. I lol'd when they cut to him scarfing it down while Bob was away. :lol

Bornstein was on the pitch for the first half of the game........ :D

Why can no one recognize Carlos....

hell a buddy sitting next to me thought that was fucking Juan Pablo. :lol


striKeVillain! said:
That was Bocanegra but still lulz away. :lol

That was funny when Donovan was pointing at Bocanegra's food like "really man? a cheeseburger?"

I imagined Bocanegra said something back like "it's a turkey burger and a wheat bun, so shut the fuck up"



GaussTek said:
So, half-time and Netherlands 2 - Mexico 0

Damn! They are really kicking our ass :lol

our defense isn't strong, but yours is .... well terrible really :p (is that your 1st choice goalkeeper?)

glad to see vPersie hitting the net though :D , he hasn't played in the position of central forward that often and the other guy, Huntelaar, hasn't had a lot of success at Milan this season... Afellay is doing great as well after a weak season =] not sure about Schaars and Boula yet though :/

and we still have Sneijder, Robben & van Bommel :D


Neo Member
Plasma said:
I wonder if they'll give Mourinho more than a year at Madrid if he doesn't win anything in the first season.
Well with Madrid nothing is sure, but i think with Mourinho things will be different. I mean the man is one of the best in his job, if he fails in his first year then any other coach will probably fail also. Also I think Mourinho will be granted more power within the club and this is one of his requirements to coach Real so I see it very unlikely that he will be sacked next year. Then again this is Real so anything can happen :p
My team got destroyed on the first half, glad to see Chicharito scoring, good thing our group is weak, Argentina is going to destroy us on 1/8.


n0n44m said:
our defense isn't strong, but yours is .... well terrible really :p (is that your 1st choice goalkeeper?)

glad to see vPersie hitting the net though :D , he hasn't played in the position of central forward that often and the other guy, Huntelaar, hasn't had a lot of success at Milan this season... Afellay is doing great as well after a weak season =] not sure about Schaars and Boula yet though :/

and we still have Sneijder, Robben & van Bommel :D

I fear Denmark will burn and crash in their first WC game..
Wes you better have some awesome emoticons.



Reneledarker said:
My team got destroyed on the first half, glad to see Chicharito scoring, good thing our group is weak, Argentina is going to destroy us on 1/8.
Where the main 11 playing?


2nd half was way better from Mexico, not surprising with guys like Vela & Dos Santos ...

main problem for Holland was that the 2nd/3rd choice guys were trying to keep up with Mexico's high pace, instead of just maintaining control for a while ... not that impressed by some of them, and that goal could easily have been avoided if Engelaar had looked behind him for a moment (he's like a meter taller ffs :lol )

all in all a good practice match that showed what is working and what isn't =]

( I do feel that Mexico should be careful with their physical style of playing as WorldCup refs are going to be a lot stricter than the ref tonight was... that kick at Engelaar after he fouled the Mexican would be an immediate red card + 3 match ban)

edit: to the guy above; Marquez is good, but Rodriguez hasn't impressed me at all this season at PSV ... then again neither have any of the Dutch defense so lets hope for the best :lol
Good game, with a much better second half from my team than the abhorrent first one. Van Persie showed some serious skill with both his goals.

I know Aguirre is still trying out stuff now that he has a chance, but it feels so weird to not have a defined starting 11 yet, or so it seems, with the first WC match taking place in two weeks. He [Aguirre] probably knows already what his starting squad will be, but some of the choices he keeps playing with, especially on defense, are puzzling.

At any rate, the team showed some good stuff on the second half, even though some of them were fighting for balls with way more intensity than a training match (2 weeks before WC and with rainy weather) should warrant. Thankfully nobody got hurt.
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