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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


Man 8vs8 CTF is fuckin intense!!

I <3 this game.

Major clan matches are kinda hard to find right now,Im assuming because I doubt most clans have the amount of people we have on at all times. :p


At around 6 eastern we played a major clan match against some clan called the Unknown Soldiers, I believe....They all had "US" prefixes on their gamertags, and they just killed us. It was territories, and we were just disorganized. I managed to capture two territories, but it was obvious that they had a major leg up on us. Hopefully there is some way we can get a group booked in advance of 8 or so good players to go on at a certain time, although I doubt it. :(


You now belong to FMT.
will you guys be playing tonight... I need you all to teach me the ropes when I get back from the gym... Havent even opened mine yet....


It helps if everyone has a mic too,communication is key in those theme based games.

Oh and I am the GA Sniping King :D


catfish said:
How long you gonna be on for? I'm looking at getting home in about 4 hours from now.

Quite a few hours. I don't work until later in the day tomorrow, so I'm good for quite awhile.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
SpeedRazor said:
Quite a few hours. I don't work until later in the day tomorrow, so I'm good for quite awhile.

ah excellent. wanna go deal out some pain in a few clan ranked matches? I can get chuckwood(burger) to play as well and we have both been doing pretty well so far.

Things I have found that really throw a spanner in the works. Bomb assault. nobody understands this mode, and if the other team does, you better educate everyone quick. If you can't see the bomb icon and your team doesn't have it, its time to run for your base.

3 plots territories, same again, need to get a plan together fast, somebody snipe covering one of the plots at least.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
It helps if everyone has a mic too,communication is key in those theme based games.

Oh and I am the GA Sniping King :D

LOl,I'm not sure if you saw me but a couple of times while we were on the same team I just sat behind you and watched in awe as you sniped biznaths left and right :D

I continue to suck much ass and must practice for a year...I thought I was bad at sports games...yikes.

Welli,HGplayer and I think it was Dksillz,owned my ass a million times.

I need a mic so I can complain about how bad I am :)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
damn, i cant wait till tomorrow afternoon when i get my new xbox to play on live finally. i'll be looking to play with you guys, and i'll accept the clan invite


op_ivy said:
damn, i cant wait till tomorrow afternoon when i get my new xbox to play on live finally. i'll be looking to play with you guys, and i'll accept the clan invite

i was wondering what was up with that. i asked fuji if your box was banned that first night it came out but didnt bother to ask if you were planning on getting another box.
played a little tonigh of all thing I emailed an old firend and he by chance had XBL and halo 2 so I played with him and another firend gladly I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

I just used to CS and being familiar with those weapons and Q2/3 and reling mostly on the LR and Rail


I'm going to try and get a Major Clan match going now.

Doesn't look like anyone is up for it, or I'm just having network connection issues with people joining my game. :(


Sucks, it's time for all CKs to go to sleep. I'll be around tomorrow. I'm finally beginning to find my stroke with this game. Kicking all sorts of ass.

Thank GOD I am well the fuck out of school. My grades would take a massive massive hit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Im trying to polish off the single player before getting into the multiplayer too much, mostly because Im worried about some jackass spoiling the story for me.. but I dont mind playing some with GAF people.. I allready had a couple of good games last night.. but my schedule is hell over the next couple days..


shuri said:
Damn the pinks!

That's right!!!!!!





The last couple of days have been the best fun I've had on xbox live.

Let's keep this shit going GAF clan has some great players.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
hgplayer1 said:
i was wondering what was up with that. i asked fuji if your box was banned that first night it came out but didnt bother to ask if you were planning on getting another box.

i miss you too


I had to buy a new xbox just to get on Live. ><

btw- anyone that cares, there's a new Xbox bundle at Target that comes with 3 games instead of 2.

Gamertag = r0rschach (that's a zero in there :p)


Ah man, we got our asses handed to us on Headlong. We had a big clan match on Assault and 1 flag ctf. I think we played TNL? They are like level 7.

Couple of us had a nice game of CTF on Blood Gulch though.


32 kills, 5 deaths. 25 medals. 12 for running people over. Oh it was beautiful.

We will do better in clan matches when we get all these damn modes down. The matchmaking only thing is pissing me off though. You never know what you are going to play.


SKluck said:
32 kills, 5 deaths. 25 medals. 12 for running people over. Oh it was beautiful.

We will do better in clan matches when we get all these damn modes down. The matchmaking only thing is pissing me off though. You never know what you are going to play.

Yeah, you must of ran over me with a ghost like 7 times. Speaking of figuring out modes, I've got a question regarding CTF. I was playing a few matches earlier and whenever my team's flag was stolen, there was no icon indicator to show where the flag was. Is there anyway to know where the flag is without running all around the map?


Gribbix said:
Yeah, you must of ran over me with a ghost like 7 times. Speaking of figuring out modes, I've got a question regarding CTF. I was playing a few matches earlier and whenever my team's flag was stolen, there was no icon indicator to show where the flag was. Is there anyway to know where the flag is without running all around the map?

That depends on the wya the game is set up. Sometimes an indicator will show who has the flag and what direction they are in. Other times the indicator is turned off and when the other team has the flag you will have no idea where they are.


OK, I have a new Live account, please send an invite to Espio1 in a few hours. Also, Buddy C update your friends list.


SKluck said:
We will do better in clan matches when we get all these damn modes down. The matchmaking only thing is pissing me off though. You never know what you are going to play.

We'll do better when our awesome players can play. ;)


Now that the review is out of the way, I'll have a bit more time to play, at least, in theory. I'll definately be on this afternoon, though I really need to catch up on some sleep beforehand.

Really tempted to grab that Plantronics Halo 2 headset...


Am I too late to join in with some GAF games? Just got the Japanese version and I seem to get ok ping with US players.

gamertag - bebpoJP


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Are clan invites still being sent or is it full or what? I haven't received any kind of notification...

By the way, my forum name is "Minotauro"; my gamertag is "Minotoro"...not a huge deal but could cause confusion.
Interesting I played a bunch last night got called gay by some wet back and a bunch of 4 year olds you later argueed who won the game for them. Ahh How I miss the days of FPS with no voice communication.

How in the hell do I knock someone off a mount?


Clan is full right now, but there's a bunch of invitations that haven't been accepted yet.

I'm all for communication here, but it's pretty useless when you've got one guy screaming "WAIT FOR VEHICLES TO RESPAWN SO WE CAN STORM THEM" when the other team keeps scoring with our flag. Man, that was a rough match. No teamwork whatsoever, it was ridiculous, especially compared to the wonderfully organized blue team.


If some ga clan members are wondering who the heck is the guy with the fucked up english, thats me, Sentin3l. Dont hate me becaauuuse i'm french canadian


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
BuddyChrist83 said:
Clan is full right now, but there's a bunch of invitations that haven't been accepted yet.

Hm, how does this work? If they aren't accepted within a certain time period, do the requests expire?

If not, is anyone going to start a GAF clan part 2 or something?
BuddyChrist83 said:
Clan is full right now, but there's a bunch of invitations that haven't been accepted yet.

I'm all for communication here, but it's pretty useless when you've got one guy screaming "WAIT FOR VEHICLES TO RESPAWN SO WE CAN STORM THEM" when the other team keeps scoring with our flag. Man, that was a rough match. No teamwork whatsoever, it was ridiculous, especially compared to the wonderfully organized blue team.

yea who was that NFBros guy? man i switched to the blue team just so I didnt have yo hear his voice and obey his nonsense orders.

No Offense NFBros guy.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Hey guys, this is Davestator from TNL, we had a good time playing against you last night (the two matches on Headlong ), it seemed a little laggy, but it was all good. Good games, guys
For all intents and purposes the clan IS full. Which is why I'm still maintaining a list of people here so people can find parties to join.


I am going to cancel all the clan invites that aren't accepted by monday. So there should be some room freed up. I will start inviting names going down the list from where the last member is. Just so people who are farther up who think they got a clan invite already don't start freaking out, I will resend them this weekend. Before then, make sure you look in the clan tab of the friends list for the clan invite, it does not show up on your friends list. You must hit left or right (don't remember which) to get to the clan list when you are at the friends list.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Any scheduled clan matches going on tonight? Haven't been able to partcipate in one yet. I have 100% wins in all my optimatch games so far though, although I've only played like 4-5 games

We gotta get some sort of strategies put together on some of the maps if we want to dominate. Here some tips that I use whenever I play online:

- In CTF, if someone has the flag, they ALWAYS have first priority in getting in the passenger warthog seat. If you're in one, get the hell out and let the flag carrier in

- If you see yellow or red markers on your HUD, look over and investigate. It means someone on your team is engaging or being attacked by an enemy. LEAVE NO GAFFERS BEHIND

- Communication is key, say whenever the enemy is attacking and where. Most games I've played online have been pretty silent

The strategy guide is pretty good too, covers all multiplayer modes and tells you where everything is. I'm glad I got it for free at Target


I'm down. I can play any time past 5 PM eastern. We need to get a good team set up :D I noticed that the best clans have few people on their "roster" while I really like all the people in our clan, if we just have random stuff going on we'll never do that good.
I hope Joe and Lemming can play...they're two of the best players I've seen. Remember, Slayer isn't the main mode in clan games....if you're not ready for flags or territories you're going to be in trouble.

Not sure when you can play....but if we're both going to do it, that's two, I can update a post in this thread if we want to set it up in advance. Last night I wanted to play some clan games, but people on my friends list (or someone else's) joined the game so fast that it because moot quickly.

1. Fifty (Can play from 5 EST onward)
2. Wario
3. Ramirez
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