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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'm down..I still have my old mic and I'm going to see if you guys can hear me...I taped the microphone and earpiece with tape and I'm hoping it will hold and my voice comes in.Last time I tried it I could hear people through the headset but they couldnt hear me,that was annoying :( I wont get a new one till this weekend.

I heard fmt and Dm laughing at me cause I didnt have a mic..and then they left...douches :lol

Then I was playing some game against Mr.bob and some other guys I have no idea who they were,but I was on a team with one other guy and he killed me twice on purpose...that was fun.
Fifty said:
I hope Joe and Lemming can play...they're two of the best players I've seen. Remember, Slayer isn't the main mode in clan games....if you're not ready for flags or territories you're going to be in trouble.

I'll try to jump on tonight. Last night I was finishing up campaign and watching the bonus DVD.

Also: Big Team Battle/Major Clan Match have NO slayer games at all. None! It is all Assault, CTF, and Territories. Team Skirmish/Minor Clan Match have 1/8th of their games as Team Slayer. You need to learn how to play the other gametypes well in order to do well in ranked team play, there is no way around it. Which I think rocks by the way.


Good times again last night... I was on the Pink team one round and then switched blue ( sorry pinks) you guys all went "dark pink" eventually anyway, let me know if theres room for me in the clan after you guys drop those invites.....

Tag: Spellboundx

oh and that crazy king of the hill was nuts!!!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Wario64 said:
- If you see yellow or red markers on your HUD, look over and investigate. It means someone on your team is engaging or being attacked by an enemy. LEAVE NO GAFFERS BEHIND

didn't know that, I assumed yellow was just nearby teammates in general. Thanks.


Shotgun CTF. :lol I love that. Just got done playing a few 3v3 clan matches. Pedigree, myself, and shuri were doing pretty well beating down on 11 year old kids calling us penis heads and whatnot. That was fun.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Holy shit the duct tape thing worked sorta...I got my mic to work :lol Still it kept on falling off my ear and I would have to practically hold the mic with my hand and speak into it but Konex and I think DJdemon managed to hear me.....I'm going to buy a new one...should I stick to the official one or is there something more sturdy that wont break so easily?

Konex says the official,but its seems a lot of people break it like me.

Also from playing a lot of you so far..I think officially Konex and I are the worst here...good times...and I'm worse than konex :D


Well.....let's give you a bit more practice before you play ranked clan games if that's the case :lol

Anyway, the Halo 2 mic by (Planatronics?) is much better, but it costs a lot more. My mic broke too, but I fixed it when Halo 2 came out with some serious duct tape and it hangs on fine now. It was the clip that broke.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea I didnt read through your whole post before...Im not ready at all for ranked clan games...I need practice like you said.

Yea my clip and ear piece are holding up sorta,but its the little mic thing you speak into thats a bitch.Yea I saw that 50$ halo mic..I cant afford that right now,so I guess I'll just buy another microsoft one.


Chili Con Carnage!
Sorry i had to quit, lag went crazy, think i need to kick some housemate ass off bittorrent, might get back on later.


Played my first clan matches last night with some you. I think we won all of them except one. Damn that was frickin cool!!! Im stuck at work right now but ill be on in few hours.

Sembe is my tag if anyone wants to hook up later.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I had a quick non ranked before work about 2 hours ago with Mr Lemming, DJ demon and a couple others, was pretty fun, I think ranked we could have taken it to some people, everyone seemed to know what was going on.

Oh and we schooled some dudes in a major clan battle
A winner is GAF

We got owned by these guys, some of the confusion drew from the fact that we didn't realise your flag didn't need to be at home to score :(


Hgplayer1 was the only one that had the lay of the land really figured out in that match, as you can see from his flag steals. Shame he couldn't find the teleport!

The stats are missing some things I think. You can't easily tell who your clan beat and which clan you are playing. I can't find much on overall clan stats either.


Yeah I'm not sure if you can teleport with the flag, as I tried to do that and I think it didn't work for me, or maybe I just wasn't sitting right on the teleporter. Anybody know about this?


dave is ok said:
Better hope you guys dont stumble across Team TNL :D

we were second overall yesterday for clans, now we've slipped to 6th.
They did, and we won :D

But now we're like 24th =(

I'm guessing those other clans don't have full time jobs.


yeah you can teleport with the flag. I did it once i realized where the teleport was. the thing is you might have been trying to go IN the EXIT teleport? make sense? they look almost identical. that one map that I kept capturing the flag on was pretty simple on the one side I kept going to. now that I think about it all you had to really do was go to the top of our base, teleport to like the middle of the map on the right side then pick up the rocket launcher then head straight to the base. I think we could have won that game easily if i could have got a ride outta their base once or twice.

oh and just a note to anyone starting a party for a clan match. if you see me online, no matter what game Im in or what Im doing send me an invite.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
got my first games in today on live...

good stuff overall. the room was near packed the whole time, and there was hardly any lag. the voices broke up a bit though.

some of you guys fucking suck though, lol. not sure who did it, but i got betrayed a few times, and i even watched a guy on my team in single flag ctf on zanzibar rush open at the start of the match to open the gate so he could get the ghost... wtf? :lol

lots of fun. cant wait to get a bit more organized trying to organize everyone into distinct teams was surprising hard. do some of you guys ride the short bus?


Tag of Excellence
Internet has been down since Monday, I finally got my new cable modem and I'm up and about on Live. How do I join the clan?
TekunoRobby said:
Internet has been down since Monday, I finally got my new cable modem and I'm up and about on Live. How do I join the clan?

Go to your friends list, hit either right or left until you get to the clan tab, there should be an invite waiting there.

Edit: In the game that is.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
is there apage for the ga clan? i accepted the invite, but cant find any page with stats...

edit: duh, first post :D


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
well, I checked and I still have Live

Lonestar 1979 is me tag, if there's any room left.

Anyone else have really long waits on optimatch and quickmatch? I still can't get it to load in a "team" search.
My XBL GamerTag is RyoGCH, in case you see me around...Or in case you wanna put me on your Friends List, or invite me to a party, or whatever. See you online!


Ill be available for Clan/Any matches tonight..

Had a good run last night.


Edit:: And Ghost yes its down for me too.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
iD0pRimE said:
Ill be available for Clan/Any matches tonight..

Had a good run last night.


Edit:: And Ghost yes its down for me too.

ahhh, so your nutterbutter :)


Yeah, the online stats are down. I had some great (clan) games with Ramirez and DM. For now I like minor clan matches, because you know that your team is aware of the situations 100%
My Gamertag: Tad Chocolate

I just played some really good games with buddyc, pedigree chum, cubsfan23 and mike works. I like our clan system, it makes playing with good people much much easier.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
holy shit, that was the greatest bloody gultch match of histoory. 3 hours I think, and I lead with 63 medals...GEEZ!
Litigation Manuel said:
My Gamertag: Tad Chocolate

I just played some really good games with buddyc, pedigree chum, cubsfan23 and mike works. I like our clan system, it makes playing with good people much much easier.

So that was YOU? *shakes fist*

Dude you're a good challenge, I love battling you 1 on 1.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Pedigree Chum said:
So that was YOU? *shakes fist*

Dude you're a good challenge, I love battling you 1 on 1.

if i would have stayed another 10 minutes, you would have seen how many kills i had. And I swear I had at least 150.

I was a monster.

That was crazy. Seemed like we never had any vehicles.
Best part of that CTF match:

I borded the passenger side of the rival hog. Hilarity ensues: them: "Hey, you're not on our team!", me: "FUCK YOU! :D", them: "Lets take him back to our base and rape him", me: :O...and then I jumped the fuck out.

Classic :lol


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
which is crazy, cause by my medals, I had 8 boarded vehicles.

Dopey, to me it looks like your stats didn't get in. All you have are 0's

hehe, I boarded an enemy warthog with 2 passengers, and I became the driver. I then took them into the cave, flipping at the same time, and I think I took out one of them before I died. :D
DopeyFish said:
if i would have stayed another 10 minutes, you would have seen how many kills i had. And I swear I had at least 150.

I was a monster.

Hehe, I came in late too (played in the match for like and hour and a half). We kept killing each other like crazy...
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